Thursday, November 3, 2022

"Working Theory Great Reset Key Premises" by Sage Hana

 Thanks to manfred127 for contributing this article.


Working Theory Great Reset Key Premises

Correct me on the broad points, and the finer points. Correct me on overstatement. Help me see where I'm going off track, or being reactionary. I'm not going to "fight" today. I'm open that I'm wrong!

The world is owned by a very few people. All large industries are horizontally integrated via corporate conglomerate ownership and funneled into a very few hedge funds with interlocking boards.

The governance of every country, and every media provider is influenced by this ownership class. The UN. Is owned. The WHO, a UN cutout. Is owned. The media is owned. Big Tech is owned.

The relationship between the Owners and the US Security State and Military Industrial Complex is closely intertwined. This creates unaccountable and unchecked power, with our "elected" leaders now working for and reporting to oligarchs and spooks…not you, the citizen.

The Big Tech monopolies either were created, or have been coopted and usurped, by the Security State as outsourced "privatized" outgrowths of DARPA planned and engineered surveillance and propaganda tools.

The people that own the world would very much like to use a global biomedical security model as a smokescreen to implement a digital ID and surveillance system with accompanying social credit score.

Wrongthink will be punished by freezing your new digital currency and making you incapable of functioning within the parameters of the globally interconnected totalitarian world.

Your cell phone and your digital ID is your minder.

Fascism. Authoritarianism. Technocracy.

The “Vaccine Passport” or “Movement Pass” is and was designed to use your health status as a tracking and punishment minder, a workaround to get you in the system. This infrastructure all still exists, even as the initial mandate phase has temporarily waned.

Not taking the latest Globo Cap Medicine du jour for the Globo Cap Pandemic du jour will be an example of a form of wrong think, i.e. Vaccine Mandates.

You will need to be either eliminated or made a slave as the global economy based on fiat money is running on fumes. In order to do this without openly admitting that they have plundered the world, the Owners need manufactured biomedical emergencies to suspend and ultimately eliminate freedoms and liberties.

Thus they create with their own funding and research the bioweapons needed to effect these manufactured biomedical emergencies.

These bioweapons may have already been released, or will be released as needed to push citizens into compliance.

Thus, they have also created and will release or have already released…self spreading “vaccines”. These will function as bioweapons themselves, or cudgels to force mandated compliance.

The US dollar is the world's default currency based primarily on the *US Military.

The US is beyond bankrupt. The only thing that it can do to keep the shell game going is to keep printing more money, which kicks the now insurmountable debts and obligations down the road and spirals inflation.

Whether they can implement the Smokescreen controls before the Ponzi scheme collapses remains to be seen.

*Addendum: A few are bringing up in the comments that the US dollar is the world’s default currency due to oil, or more specifically, the petrodollar arrangement that was forged with Saudi Arabia in the 1970’s.

My understanding is that the petrodollar arrangement (which is in grave danger right now as the US is overextended and weakened) was forged and has endured due to the military prowess of the US, and their willingness to enforce punitive measures on those who tried to rebel against the petrodollar framework.

I did jump past the petrodollar (and Bretton Woods) to bottom line what I consider the real roots of the dollar’s world dominance.

Adding The Watchman’s comment here:

24 min agoLiked by Sage Hana

Sage, I would say that you pretty much have a good grasp of the overall situation. I would say that the dollar, for the moment, is temporarily the default currency only because it is linked to oil ( the petro-dollar ) and not because of the military. However, most military operations, i.e. wars, regime change, false flags and etc. are done by the military in order to enforce the dollar's standing. That is changing!

Nixon moved us from the gold standard and linked the dollar to oil which started the hole petrodollar scam. Every since, anyone who has wanted to link their country's currency to gold such as Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were conveniently gotten rid of by the "Banksters" under false pretenses and by using the military as the tool to do so. Remember the idiot Hillary's comment on Gaddafi: "We came, we saw, he died." China and Russia both know this, hence they are enemies 1 and 2!!!! Will be linking your article tomorrow @

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