Saturday, October 2, 2021

Podcast: Asa Winstanley on the Purging of Socialists from the UK Labour Party" by Mnar Adley

Elizabeth Hayes here. Go to the source to hear the podcast.


 Podcast: Asa Winstanley on the Purging of Socialists from the U.K. Labour Party

Aside from Corbyn, among those purged have been filmmaker Ken Loach and activist Jackie Walker, in what appears to be an attempt to eradicate all traces of socialism and anti-imperialism from Labour. 


Defying the critics, Corbyn held on and took Labour to arguably its greatest-ever electoral success in 2017. However, his poor handling of Brexit and an unprecedented phoney anti-Semitism smear campaign sank his chances of becoming prime minister of the United Kingdom.

Our guest today on Mintcast saw the entire situation unfold from up close. Asa Winstanley is a London-based investigative journalist at The Electronic Intifada. A former member of the Labour Party, like Corbyn, he was suspended from the party, in his case after he called the Jewish Labour Movement an “Israel embassy proxy.”

Corbyn — a veteran anti-imperialist who opposed nuclear weapons, proposed the United Kingdom leave NATO and supported a targeted boycott of Israel over their annexation of much of Palestine — was immediately attacked by sources of entrenched power. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo even stated that his government was “doing its best” to prevent Corbyn from being elected.

Despite a near-hysterical campaign against him, Corbyn’s popularity grew and grew. His 2017 manifesto — which included making college free for all and proposed a huge expansion of social housing, an end to government austerity measures, nationalizing key industries like railways, and providing everyone in the country with free high-speed internet access — was immensely popular.

However, by the 2019 general election, years of attacks from the media, the military and even most of the elected officials within his own party had taken their toll, and Labour lost the contest to Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party. In the three months prior to the vote, there were 1,450 articles in national British newspapers linking Corbyn to anti-Semitism.

Corbyn took no action against those rebelling against him, even those Labour politicians who were openly campaigning for the Conservatives to win. But when he stood down, revenge was swift, as the Labour establishment under Sir Keir Starmer began purging socialists from the Labour Party en masse, under the guise of a cooked-up controversy over anti-Semitism — a storm wherein the new leadership equated any vocal opposition to Israeli foreign policy with anti-Jewish racism.

On Israel and most other issues, Sir Keir Starmer is the polar opposite of Corbyn. As Winstanley himself has noted, Starmer is funded by the Israel lobby and says he supports Zionism “without qualification.” He has also handed over increasing and unprecedented powers to the Israel lobby, allowing the group to draw up hit lists of individuals to be thrown out of the party. Earlier this year, Labour also hired a former Israeli spy from the infamous Unit 8200 to manage its communications.

Aside from Corbyn, among those purged have been filmmaker Ken Loach and activist Jackie Walker, in what appears to be an attempt to eradicate all traces of socialism and anti-imperialism from Labour.

Asa Winstanley joined Mintcast host Mnar Adley today to discuss his work covering this case, and also talks about the wider implications of the affair. Originally from South Wales, Winstanley focuses his work primarily on the Middle East and British politics. Apart from being an associate editor at The Electronic Intifada, he also writes at Substack and The Middle East Monitor.

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Mnar Adley is founder, CEO and editor in chief of MintPress News, and is also a regular speaker on responsible journalism, sexism and neoconservativism within the media and journalism start-ups.

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"How big corporations and Bill Gates took over the UN food Summit" by Nils McCune and Camila Escalante


How big corporations and Bill Gates took over the UN food Summit

Large corporations and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation took over the United Nations Food Systems Summit, abandoning small farmers on behalf of Big Ag companies, endangering food sovereignty.

Video by La Vía Campesina North America, Nils McCune, and Camila Escalante

This September 23, the United Nations holds its Food Systems Summit in New York.

Under the guise of the UN system, and despite sleight-of-hand language about “equal opportunities,” this summit represents a hostile takeover of world governance by corporate forces and the billionaire elite.

Today, social movements are standing up for democracy and against big capital’s devastation of their lands, farms, and communities.

The United Nations is based on the idea of multilateralism, where states seek peaceful solutions on the basis of equality and respect, replacing the colonialist institutions that preceded it.

That’s why for decades, the United States government has instead pushed for things like G-7, NATO, and other forms of control over geopolitics.

As far-right governments have pulled back from multilateral institutions like the UN and the WHO, corporate actors have been moving in.

The World Economic Forum and its president Klaus Schwab have silently pushed forward the “Davos Agenda”, now re-packaged as the “Great Reset”, a vast proposal replacing traditional multilateral institutions with secretive, unaccountable bodies run by corporations and the wealthy elite.

Their “multi-stakeholder capitalism” model is based on the idea that public institutions are, by nature, inefficient.

During the neoliberal shock therapy of the 1990s, the World Economic Forum pushed the idea that corporations are more than just profit-seeking vehicles, that they could be socially responsible.

Now Davos would argue that transnational corporations are social actors, which need to be included to make decision-making truly democratic.

In doing so, Davos hijacked the gains of decades of work by popular movements to open up world governance to the demands of civil society – and did so using corporate doublespeak to further entrench elite power.

Gunboat philanthropy

La Vía Campesina is possibly the world’s largest social movement. Made up of 200 million small farmers, peasants, farm workers, and indigenous peoples, it has popularized the idea of food sovereignty as the right of peoples to control and defend their own food systems using healthy, agro-ecological methods.

After years battling against free-trade agreements and the World Bank in the streets of Seattle, Cancun, and Seoul, La Via Campesina made an incursion into institutional politics, helping to draft and carry the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants through 18 years of negotiations, until it was passed by the UN General Assembly in December 2018.

This declaration protects the right of rural people to access land, water, seeds, and other resources in order to produce their own food and that of their society.

Worldwide, 70% of food is produced by small farmers, who use only one-quarter of total farmland.

Meanwhile, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation created the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, or AGRA, in 2006.

AGRA promised to double yields and incomes for 30 million families while cutting food insecurity by half in 13 African countries by 2020.

Over the ensuing decade, AGRA collected nearly $1 billion in donations, and spent $524 million on programs promoting the use of genetically modified and hybrid seeds, commercial fossil fuel-based fertilizers, and chemical pesticides.

As a formidable corporate lobby, AGRA pushed governments in Africa into contributing another billion dollars annually to subsidize agrichemicals and imported seeds sourced from US and European agribusiness corporations, as well as policies to privatize communal lands and reduce taxes on corporations.

After 14 years of mega-philanthropy’s knee on the neck of Africa, a 2020 Tufts University study showed that, in AGRA’s 13 focus countries, hunger had jumped 30%, as farmers were pushed to abandon nutritious, traditional polycultures to focus on monoculture fields of imported corn seed.

Opposition to AGRA’s corporate takeover of the African countryside is part of what drove La Via Campesina and farmers across the continent to demand a place at the table in UN debates about food.

After the world food crisis of 2008, the UN Committee on World Food Security was reorganized to allow social actors such as La Via Campesina to participate as non-voting delegates in debates about food policy.

Three consecutive UN Special Rapporteurs on the Right to Food have largely endorsed La Vía Campesina’s proposals: redistributive land reform and agroecological farming can end hunger while dramatically reducing agriculture’s contribution to problems like greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere, pollinator population decline, and freshwater scarcity.

The new UN: a public-private partnership

In June 2019, the office of UN General Secretary António Guterres, without previous discussion in the General Assembly or any other intergovernmental process, signed a strategic partnership with the World Economic Forum.

The secretary-general is supposed to be the world’s leading advocate for multilateralism, the idea at the core of the UN. Instead, he has effectively endorsed multi-stakeholderism, the core idea of the Great Reset.

The 2021 UN Food Systems Summit was initiated through a partnership with the World Economic Forum, with limited participation of other UN bodies, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization or the Committee on World Food Security, which traditionally handle food policies.

In contrast to previous food summits, there was no intergovernmental body that convened the summit.

The current president of AGRA, Agnes Kalibata, was named as special envoy to the summit, a clear sign of the hand of the Gates Foundation.

The lack of transparency and corporate agenda of the summit were denounced in an open letter signed by more than 500 civil society organizations in March 2020.

The summit seeks to erase the last 15 years of progress in recognizing human rights in food systems, and instead promotes false solutions like “zero-net emissions”, “soil carbon pricing”, and “a new deal for nature”, that in practice put more control over land, biodiversity, and water in the hands of elite and secretive bodies run by corporations.



Nils McCune is a researcher, academic, and small farmer based in Nicaragua. He is regional communicator for La Vía Campesina North America.

Camila Escalante is an independent journalist based in Latin America. She works with Kawsachun News.

  Source: The Grayzone

Friday, October 1, 2021

"You're Scared: A Million Americans Could Be Dead by Christmas." by Michael Moore and "Michael Moore Is a War Criminal" by Mark Crispin Miller


You’re scared. A million Americans could be dead by Christmas. You might be one of them. One of them might be your child. Your mother believed you when you said the vaccine was dangerous. It turned out you were the dangerous one because now she’s dead. Your grief made you dig in deeper. You still swore you’d not get vaccinated. It is humiliating to be wrong, even harder to admit it. You’ve lived your life as a good son, a great dad, a decent soul. You meant no harm — and yet, in your wake, there is a path of such misery, sickness, loss.

I love you. I won’t give up on you. I believe you meant well. But now you have to stop, surrender to the good that is still inside you. It’s not too late. Let me help. I have heard you. I have listened to your arguments. I ask now that you listen to my answers. Listen! You know me — I never do what I’m told. I know how much those in power lie to us. And I’ve lived my life rebelling against those lies.

My friends, I beseech you — let me answer your legitimate concerns about this vicious virus, this plague which has descended upon us, and these vaccines which have saved millions. I hear you. Hear me. Hear the truth. These 7 things I hear all the time:

1. “I don’t trust this vaccine. Its development was rushed and it didn’t go through the proper trials and testing. I’m not against medicine. I trust aspirin because it’s been around for over a hundred years. This vaccine hasn’t even existed for a year.”

THE TRUTH: Work on this vaccine began back in 2003 during the SARS virus outbreak. Scientists knew even before, in the 1980s, that coronaviruses were going to happen more often. So they got to work on inventing what would become a vaccine known as mRNA. This vaccine has been in development for at least 18 years! THIS IS NOT A NEW THING. When Covid-19 appeared in December of 2019, the scientists were ready and standing by with the vaccine elements. They knew something like this was coming. All they needed was the genetic structure of this particular virus. A brave Chinese doctor constructed its sequencing in his lab and, without the permission of his government, he then shared it with the world. It was all our coronavirus scientists needed to begin the trials of the vaccine they’d been working on for EIGHTEEN YEARS. Those trials began immediately and ran for nearly all of 2020. Because of the ways modern medicine and science have improved in this new century (did you know in the Covid vaccine you’re getting, there is NO speck of the Covid virus in it!) we were already equipped to bring Covid-19 to a halt. Except for one thing science couldn’t predict…

2. “I, and millions like me, do NOT trust the government.”

THE TRUTH: Ugh. On this one, you are right. You should NEVER trust this government, that government, any government. One of my favorite quotes from the legendary investigative reporter I. F. Stone is, “All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.” If you are Native American, you don’t need me or anyone else to tell you that. If you are African American — my God, again, the list of lies and deception and cruelty is endless. White people need to be taught in school about the Tuskegee experiments, about James Sims, the lauded “father of modern gynecology,” who performed brutal experimental surgeries without anesthesia on enslaved African women in the 1800s.

And on and on. White people, do not think less of any Black person (or any person of color) who is skeptical of this vaccine. They have a 400-year history of knowing that the last person they should automatically trust is Whitey. Dr. Whitey. Scientist Whitey. Whitey in a Lab Coat. Officer Whitey. CEO Whitey. Nightly News Anchor Whitey. President Whitey. In his Whitey House.

It is painful now to see how our racist legacy has manifested itself during this pandemic: Covid-19 has killed 102,000 Black Americans — 20% more than the rate at which white people die. The white supremacists must be loving this. I join with my fellow citizens who are Black in fighting this virus that seeks to kill them first.

3. “I don’t trust the pharmaceutical companies nor do I trust the entire for-profit health care industry. I’m not taking something they tell me to take.”

THE TRUTH: I trust them less than you do. I made a film about these bastards (“Sicko”). Greed runs in their veins. Because our political and corporate leaders have constructed a society that has enabled two-thirds of us to live an unhealthy life, their brethren, the devils in the health care industry, have made trillions from our illness, our disabilities, our infirmities. They need us sick so that we spend money on ways to stay alive. They DON’T want us cured because where’s the profit in that?

Yet in the case of Covid, they really don’t want so, so many of us so dead. Dead men and women don’t need a plethora of costly prescriptions. Dead men and women don’t shop at Walmart and they don’t order from Amazon. Other than the overpriced casket, there is not much profit that comes from death. In the case of the pandemic, they need the citizenry alive to do the backbreaking work for slave wages — and then spend every dime of those wages so all that loot makes it back into the pockets of the one-percent. There are now nearly 700,000 dead Americans who aren’t spending anything! Corporate America needs this disease to go away. Yes, the stock market has set records, and yes, the real estate market is bananas. But the rich have learned this is only good in the short term. They need Covid to stop killing us so they can be the ones to get back to killing us — but killing us their way — slowly — very, very, very slowly. Like 70 years slowly. Squeeze every last bit of work out of us before the arthritis sets in and our only contribution to making them wealthier is our weekly purchases of adult diapers and canned pineapple.

The way to beat the rich and stop their scam is not for us to refuse the shot and die before our time. We need to live long enough so that we can imagine their proverbial heads on the spikes that line the wall at the city’s limits. Take the shot. Both of them. Live to see the day.

4. “Trump’s inaction caused the spread of this disease — and then he tried to rush these vaccines through in order to help himself win the election. This is the ‘Trump Vaccine’ — I don’t want it in MY body!”

THE TRUTH: The top ten states with the highest rates of Covid death are all the ultra-red Trump states. That’s not how you win elections — by killing off your own voters. But he did it. Actually, the number of votes he barely lost Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin by - together, 44,000 - he helped kill more than that in those three states combined (52,000 deaths). No, the “Trump Vaccine“ was never his. Just like he didn’t “own the tallest building in NYC after 9/11,” nor was he ever “a billionaire.“ Get this vaccine, invented in part by a brilliant, persistent woman, Katalin Kariko, a scientist who was ignored for 20 years — she created this for us. Not Trump.

5. “So many people have died from the vaccine!”

TRUTH: No, they haven’t. To spread this lie is to be an accessory to murder. That’s not you. Right?

6. “My religion won’t let me take the vaccine.”

THE TRUTH: Yes it will. God — all gods — not only approve of the Covid vaccine, He is the one who made it! Remember your lessons: GOD CREATED EVERYTHING! That’s why it says “Creator” on his CV. Take God’s gift into your upper arm and praise Jesus. Because, if you walk around unvaccinated, you will kill people. And that carries with it an eternal sentence of hellfire and damnation. C’mon! Stop hiding behind “religion.” NOT A SINGLE RELIGION, NOT A SINGLE DENOMINATION IN THE WORLD SAYS THIS VACCINE IS A SIN! Get your shots so we can party in heaven on earth!

7. “I have a medical/health condition that my doctor says I shouldn’t get the vaccine.”

THE TRUTH: No, you don’t. We now know there is no medical condition that prevents you from getting the vaccine. Stop with the “I’ve got a note from my doctor” bullshit. Get the damn vaccine — or you risk the chance of REALLY needing a doctor. Calm down. Relax. We love you. I’ll take you to Walgreens myself and hold your hand for those three seconds. Let’s live. Let’s not kill. Let’s be part of a world we are now going to fix and save.


If everyone is vaccinated, this virus is toast. If we don’t get everyone vaccinated, this much I’ve learned:

We are only one or two variants away from the monster Covid variant. What is the “monster variant?” It’s the one that will have gotten so strong because the early variants were not stopped from everyone being vaccinated. Soon it will grow resistant to all vaccines until it is so strong it will simply exist everywhere, completely airborne, leaping from one human to the next unchecked, tens of millions of humans wiped off the face of the Earth. All because just enough of us, the righteous few, believed in their own anger and despair and were too afraid to protect themselves and each other. 


Source: Michael Moore's Facebook Page



Michael Moore is a war criminal

That's "the awful truth" about him now—and not just him, but all too many others on "the left"

Can he really be as uninformed as this new piece (below) suggests? Does he actually believe that all those numbers of post-"vaccination" deaths, officially (albeit quietly) reported in the US and Europe, are a Big Lie? Does he actually believe that those "vaccines" have been carefully developed over years, and that they've all been adequately safety-tested? Does he actually believe that medical exemptions are all "bullshit"?  And does he actually believe that God made those "vaccines"? (If so, then God also made mustard gas, land mines, barbed wire, Zyklon-B, and the bombs dropped on Japan in 1945.)

Whether or not Moore actually believes such claims, this shocking piece makes him a war criminal, for his shameless propaganda service to the Enemy now waging World War III against the rest of us.

(I saw this just before I saw Moore's piece:

Nor is it only Michael Moore (a former friend), since many other "leftist" stars—like Amy Goodman and Noam Chomsky (also former friends)—are just as culpable.

So if they represent what's now "the left," the left must now be held accountable.


Source: NFU by Mark Crispin Miller


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

"The Collision of Two Opposing Green Destinies: COP26 and East Anglia’s Fraud" by Matthew Ehret


The Collision of Two Opposing Green Destinies: COP26 and East Anglia’s Fraud

With the world gearing up for Mark Carney’s upcoming COP26 Climate Summit in the UK this October 31- September 12, 2021, it is worth asking: Will China and India collaborate with other nations of the multipolar alliance once more to save the world from a supranational world government?

You may be asking what I mean by “once more”?

The fact is that today’s efforts by an international financial elite to lock nation states into binding carbon reduction treaties is nothing new and was first attempted in December 2009. This was a period of profound instability as the world economy was trembling on a near meltdown of a $700 billion speculative bubble. We were also told that a new black plague was emerging with a novel influenza virus called H1N1. Back then, the Belt and Road Initiative was still four years from coming online, and Presidents Qaddafi, Assad, Mubarak and Bashir still could not guess what horrors they would yet face under the new regime change operation then still in its planning phase.

But just like today, the goals behind COP14 were clear: Create new supranational mechanisms capable of penalizing nations from breaking CO2 reduction targets between 2009 and 2050. This new order of governance would of course only function through the creation of 1) a new system of global technocratic controls to help nations adapt to the new era of scarcity and de-growth, and 2) a new post-nation state system enforcing a rules-based order which could trump the wishes of selfish sovereign nation states who might otherwise make decisions in defense of their people instead of “wise” computer models.

The 2009 summit was marketed as “historic”. World leaders walked into the event treating it like a gala of stars where Obama, Hollande, Brown, Merkel, Rudd and other trans Atlantic leaders hoped they would return to their home nations as heroic eco-warriors having saved the world.

But in the weeks before the summit signs of its inevitable failure were already visible. The name for this failure was “Climate-gate”.

Climate-Gate Derails a Dream

On November 17, 2009, a major scandal erupted when 61 MB of data comprising thousands of emails internally circulated among the directors and researchers at East Anglia University’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) were made public. To this day, it has not been verified if the scandal occurred via an internal leak or a hack, but what was verified throughout the hundreds of emails between director Phil Jones and the teams of climatologists staffing the CRU was that vast scales of fraud were committed. Jones himself was caught red handed demanding that data sets be ignored and massaged in order to justify the climate models (such as Michael Mann’s fraudulent “hockey stick” made famous by Al Gore) which had all been used to sell the idea that CO2 was the greatest threat to humanity.

Within the leaked emails, scientists were told to fudge data and cover up such problematic things as the medieval warming period which saw average temperatures far warmer than those seen in the 20th century, yet with far lower rates of human-made CO2.

East Anglia’s CRU is the world’s foremost center of data set centralization and climate model generation which feeds directly into the UN’s Independent Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and which in turn feeds into every major NGO, school, corporation and government. The other central control point of data selection and model generation (for both climate change and covid-19 data sets) is an Oxford-based operation called “Our World In Data”, funded in large measure by the UK government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The results of Climate Gate sent shockwaves through the scientific community as even leading climate scientist and pro-COP14 supporter George Monbiot proclaimed:

“It’s no use pretending that this isn’t a major blow. The emails extracted by a hacker from the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia could scarcely be more damaging. I am now convinced that they are genuine, and I’m dismayed and deeply shaken by them.

Yes, the messages were obtained illegally. Yes, all of us say things in emails that would be excruciating if made public. Yes, some of the comments have been taken out of context. But there are some messages that require no spin to make them look bad. There appears to be evidence here of attempts to prevent scientific data from being released, and even to destroy material that was subject to a freedom of information request.

Worse still, some of the emails suggest efforts to prevent the publication of work by climate sceptics, or to keep it out of a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I believe that the head of the unit, Phil Jones, should now resign.”

The terrible publicity of Climate Gate essentially caused COP-14 to become a big goose egg, as Chinese and Indian delegates refused to play along, and ensured that all teeth were removed from any binding carbon caps.

China and India Break the Rules of the Game

London Guardian climate journalist Mark Lynas reported in horror:

“Copenhagen was a disaster. That much is agreed… China wrecked the talks, intentionally humiliated Barack Obama, and insisted on an awful “deal” so western leaders would walk away carrying the blame. How do I know this? Because I was in the room and saw it happen. China’s strategy was simple: block the open negotiations for two weeks, and then ensure that the closed-door deal made it look as if the west had failed the world’s poor once again.”

In case anyone was still uncertain about China’s role in derailing this event, Lynas wrote:

“To those who would blame Obama and rich countries in general, know this: it was China’s representative who insisted that industrialised country targets, previously agreed as an 80% cut by 2050, be taken out of the deal. “Why can’t we even mention our own targets?” demanded a furious Angela Merkel. Australia’s prime minister, Kevin Rudd, was annoyed enough to bang his microphone. Brazil’s representative too pointed out the illogicality of China’s position. Why should rich countries not announce even this unilateral cut? The Chinese delegate said no, and I watched, aghast, as Merkel threw up her hands in despair and conceded the point… China, backed at times by India, then proceeded to take out all the numbers that mattered. A 2020 peaking year in global emissions, essential to restrain temperatures to 2C°, was removed and replaced by woolly language suggesting that emissions should peak “as soon as possible”.

Not only did Chinese and Indian delegates lock themselves in a room alongside other nations of the global south (notably including Sudan), refusing entry of Hillary Clinton and other western puppets attempting to “help” reach a consensus, but the leaders of both nations blocked all binding agreements from being set in stone.

In December 2009, a former chief economic advisor to Putin stated that Russia had sent data to East Anglia’s CRU from 476 meteorological stations covering over 20% of the globe’s surface hosting a wide range of data from as far back as 1865 to 2005. Dr. Illarionov explained that he was dismayed to see that Phil Jones and the CRU entirely ignored the data from all but 121 stations. From those stations they did use, Jones and his team artificially cherry-picked data that gave off the false result that temperatures between 1860-1965 were 0.67 degrees colder than they truly were while temperatures from 1965-2005 were made artificially high. (1)

After being suspended for a few months, a UK review panel absolved Jones from his transgressions and re-installed him into his old position of carbon data gatekeeper at the CRU.

Twelve Years Later

Today, 12 years of propaganda have attempted to wipe Climate Gate from the internet and our collective memory as the same fallacious models and data sets have continued to be used to justify the sort of panicky fear-driven decisions to radically alter civilization forever.

Mark Carney has risen to great heights since his 2009 role steering Canada’s Central Bank through the storm of 2009 to become the head of the Bank of England (2013-2019), trustee of the World Economic Forum, co-founder of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures alongside Michael Bloomberg and leading technocratic manager of the Great Reset program for global governance. His role as a high priest of green finance has been documented elsewhere, but the thing to keep in mind is that the Carney/WEF version of a green world differs drastically from the approach taken by China, India, Russia and the growing array of nations among the Multipolar alliance.

Two Opposing Paths to a Green Future

How do these approaches to green, sustainable policymaking differ?

Where one defines “sustainable development” as a euphemism for de-growth (and de-population) under a unipolar rules-based international order, the other looks towards “sustained development” as a driving force for long term growth, multipolarism and even population increases premised on large scale capital-intensive infrastructure building.

Where one system increases deserts by spreading solar panels across the face of the earth (and in turn increasing surface temperatures drastically), the other actually greens deserts by careful reclamation, desalination and water diversion programs such as China’s Move South Water North.

Yes, China and India are building a lot of green energy programs and they intend to lower their rates of CO2 output by 2060. However, unlike the post-modern basket cases in the west who are clamoring for a Fourth Industrial Revolution, Eurasian nations are not resting their entire development strategies on windmills and solar panels. Instead what we find are competent programs for hydropower, oil, coal, natural gas, hydrogen power and importantly next generation nuclear power (with pioneering work on Molten Salt thorium as well as fusion power in the works.

Looking to NASA’s recent surprise discovery that the world’s biomass has increased by over 5% due in large measure to India and China’s economic activity, the fact is slowly emerging into the zeitgeist that the apparent conflict between humanity’s aspirations to grow vs the health of ecosystems is a chimera. The obvious fact that carbon dioxide also happens to be considered by all chlorophyl-based life to be a delicious food should also not be lost in the rush to demonize CO2.

If we can simply break ourselves free from the imperial operating system attempting to herd the world into a slaughterhouse of a new technocratic feudalism and instead embrace our destiny as a species of creative reason capable of boundless self-perfectibility both on the earth and beyond into the cosmos, then not only could a war be averted in the short term, but a new multipolar cultural renaissance might even emerge.


(1) The doctor’s later moral failures aside, this observation of the CRU fraudulent management of climate data should still horrify anyone concerned about truth.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation 


Source: Matt Ehret's Insights

Convicted Killer Sentenced to Life in Australia


Convicted Killer Sentenced To Life In Australia

NEW YORK, NY—After being found guilty of a series of grisly murders in the upstate New York area, convicted killer Simon Davis, a.k.a. "Stabbin' Simon", has been sentenced to life in Australia without the possibility of parole. 

Davis collapsed in the courtroom as the sentence was passed down. "NOOOOOOOO! Anything but that, please! Send me to Sing Sing! Alcatraz! Azkaban! Anywhere! But PLEASE! Not Australia!" 

Formerly a prosperous Western nation and beautiful vacation destination, Australia has more recently been transformed into a massive prison colony reserved for the worst of the worst, such as rapists, murderers, and people who go outside for some fresh air without permission.

"In this case, the punishment certainly fits the crime," said Judge Stephanie Anders, who passed the sentence. "In Austalia, Davis will be forced to reflect on his horrific crime as he wanders through the bush, avoiding spiders, snakes, and coppers who want to bash his skull in for not wearing his mask over his nose." 

The ACLU has filed suit, saying exile to Australia is unconstitutional as it is cruel and unusual punishment. 


Source: The Babylon Bee

"Coronavirus Fact-check #12: Ivermectin" by Kit Knightly


Coronavirus Fact-check #12: Ivermectin  

The anti-parasitic medication has been a bone of contention in the Covid debate for months. What is the argument about? And who is right?

Kit Knightly

Since quite early on in the pandemic narrative the discussion of non-vaccine treatment or prophylaxis has been surprisingly fraught.

The first and most widely known medication to get caught in this tug-of-war was hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria medication used all over the world for decades.

More recently, the treatment for “Covid19” being most hotly debated is ivermectin, even resulting in a legal proceeding brought against the WHO by the Indian bar association.

The mainstream position is that anyone supporting ivermectin as a treatment/prevention for “Covid19” is “spreading misinformation”, but the drug’s champions say there is hard science behind their position.

Some readers have even been critical of our “Covid Crib-Sheet” not mentioning the drug.

But what actually is ivermectin? Can it “cure covid”? And is the controversy entirely organic or in some way conbtrived?

What is Ivermectin?

Ivermectin (a member of the avermectin family of medications) is a chemical anti-parasitic agent first discovered in 1975.

It is on the World Health Organization’s list of “Essential Medicines” – treatments the WHO considers should be widely available in all countries – and is used to treat a wide variety of parasites in humans and animals.

In 2015, the team that discovered ivermectin was jointly awarded the Nobel prize for medicine.

None of this was in any way controversial prior to 2020.

The mainstream disinformation

Following early reports that ivermectin could be used to lessen Covid symptoms, the mainstream media turned their collective fire on it (just as they did with HCQ last year). Any doctor suggesting the treatment was said to be a quack, and celebrities (such as Joe Rogan) who claimed they had been cured by it were said to be “spreading dangerous misinformation”.

The suggestion spread across the media that ivermectin was used only on animals, and “anti-vaxxers” were openly mocked for “drinking horse de-wormer”.

The most blatant example of this disinformation campaign was a story in Rolling Stone magazine, which claimed that ER departments in Oklahoma were so over-run with ivermectin poisoning that they were turning gunshot patients away at the door.

This story was shared far and wide….until Rolling Stone was forced to retract it, when a letter from one of the hospitals concerned was published, saying that, not only were they not “overrun” with ivermectin overdoses, they had never seen a single one.

So clearly, whatever the reality, there is a lot of anti-ivermectin propaganda out there.

OK, but does Ivermectin cure Covid?

Well, that’s a complicated question. There are one or two studies that claim it does. A study from June 2020 claimed ivermectin “inhibited viral relication in vitro”, and this meta-analysis from August this year, found:

Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease.”

But there are two problems with this.

Firstly, there is (so far at least) no physical explanation as to why this should be the case. Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic. It functions as an invertebrate neurotoxin, weakening the cell membranes of parasitic neurons, causing paralysis and eventually death. Viruses do not have cell membranes, let alone neurons, so there’s no known physical reason ivermectin should have any impact on any kind of virus, and it’s never been used to treat viral infections before.

Now, it’s never really been the subject of prolonged studies as an antiviral agent either, so there’s no real data either way.

Secondly, and more importantly, any study done on “Covid19 patients” encounters the same roadblock: the PCR tests.

They are the only tool available for “diagnosing” someone as infected with the sars-cov-2 virus, and they are not fit for purpose. It’s impossible to tell someone with a “symptomatic Covid infection” from someone with the flu and a false positive test.

That being the case, any study being done on “covid patients” is by definition unreliable. It’s possible the people in the study just had a cold, or some other virus. Since over 99% of “covid patients” survive, it’s perfectly possible everyone who took ivermectin would have survived anyway, and we can’t know that the drug had any impact at all.

Since it’s almost impossible to establish who has “covid” who does not, no study done on “covid19 patients” can ever really be scientifically sound.

So, Should we endorse the ivermectin treatment?

Well, first of all, OffGuardian is not here to recommend any medical treatment. We are not in the business of giving out medical advice, that is not the purpose of the site. We simply report facts that get neglected by the mainstream.

It’s certainly true that ivermectin has been around for a long time, and has always been considered safe and effective for a wide variety of conditions and is approved for off-label use (the anti-ivermectin fear-porn in the media is misleading in that regard). Therefore doctors should be free to prescribe the treatment if they see fit, and patients should be free to take it.

However, there is a distinct danger in spreading the “ivermectin cures covid” story, because it concedes ground to the official narrative that we shouldn’t be conceding. Just as with the “vaccines make variants more dangerous” story, the “ivermectin treats covid” angle reinforces the idea that there is a scary new virus out there that requires some kind of special treatment.

If you take that position, you put yourself in a situation where all the mainstream has to do is proclaim the existence of a new “ivermectin resistant variant”, and suddenly you have been swallowed up completely by the official story. Or maybe Pfizer et al. will release a new “refined ivermectin for treating Covid”, get it added to the vaccine passport card, and make using it a requirement to take part in society.

Either way, you’ll end up back where you started, giving money to Big Pharma and endorsing the fake reality they created.

It could even be argued that the hysterical and provably false denouncement of ivermectin in the press was done to stir up outrage, cause a distraction, and attempt to divert the covid sceptic conversation down a potentially blind alley.

There is no distinctly dangerous virus. We are not facing any kind of new threat. We don’t need to take anything or prevent anything or fight anything.

This position can be supported by solid facts and rational arguments, so we should stick to it until some other real solid facts can force us to move.

So no, ivermectin isn’t some super-toxic horse de-wormer, that should never be used on humans and is killing off deluded “anti-vaxxers” left and right. But there’s not much evidence it’s a magic “Covid cure” either.

Which is fine, because we don’t really need one.


Source: OffGuardian

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

"2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece, Part 3": Interview with Mark Crispin Miller

A Conversation with Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies at New York University

June 10th, 2021 - Brooklyn, New York—Updated through September 24, 2021

Interviewed by John Kirby

Research and editing by Evan Dominguez

In Episode 23, the third and final part of "2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece", Professor Mark Crispin Miller of New York University illustrates how the sudden overthrow of political freedom and bodily sovereignty, nominally triggered of necessity by the emergence of a deadly novel pathogen, has in truth been heading straight for us since November 22, 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. From the revolutionary resistance of the sixties to the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" of 2021; from a little-known elite movement of the early 20th century that was committed to ridding the world of the "feeble-minded", to the monolithic policy of mass injection embraced by governments the world over today..:as the 21st century reaches adulthood, Mark Crispin Miller presents the hidden history you ignore at your peril.


Go to the source to watch the video and, for the first two installments of this series along with 20 other videos on the Covid situation, go to Perspectives on the Pandemic.

Video and article by Kieran Morrissey on "A Possible Marburg-Rivax Final Solution"

Checking out sabateur's comments this morning, I saw she'd posted this video by Kieran Morrissey. Thanks for the catch, sabateur.

 Below is Morrissey's article on the subject.


 Source: LewRockwell

A Possible Marburg-RiVax Final Solution

While it would now appear from Mainstream Media’s propaganda and the relaxation of some of the draconian restrictions on freedom, that the war on the COVID pandemic war is being won, however I believe that this is a ruse, reinforcement part of a larger PSYCOPS to complete an ongoing Eugenics agenda. Features of the COVID-19 pandemic are very worrying as follows: –

  • COVID-19 disease has now been overwhelmingly proven to be just another treatable cold / Influenza which was medically mis-managed by denying early treatment which caused premature deaths in very elderly and people with underlying health conditions, this gave the misconception that there were excess deaths occurring and created mass hysteria.
  • Mainstream Media coverage of a possible Wuhan Lab virus leak heightened the fear that a perceived sudden increase in deaths could have been the result of a deadly bioweapon escape and caused further panic to develop a vaccine to stop the spread of COVID, it was stated that this would take at least 10 years further raising public fears.
  • The use of the now debunked real-time PCR test to diagnose COVID produced large numbers of positive results, dubbed “cases” without any symptoms, i.e. asymptomatic infections which is known not to exist, and this further terrorised the population. We now know that at least 97% of those positive results were false due the excessive cycle thresholds used in testing labs. Real-time PCR was developed as a research tool and is considered not suitable for diagnostic purposes.
  • New COVID mRNA and Viral Vector gene therapy technology “vaccine” injections were hastily developed, These injections were administered in a frenzy, in a mass global unlicenced experiment, without informed consent, causing many adverse reactions including symptoms similar to haemorrhagic fever i.e. bleeding and clots, The clots and bleeding have been found to be caused by the spike proteins generated by the body in response to the injections, and this is compounded by an undisclosed ingredient, Graphene Oxide, in the injections which is also known to cause clots and bleeding.
  • The first and second doses of the COVID injections have now weakened the overall health of the population as can be seen by the current situation in hospitals which are well above capacity during the summer months with patients suffering adverse reactions from the injections, many patients have symptoms similar to haemorrhagic fever.
  • The planned COVID booster injections claimed to be necessary due to waning immunity of the initial vaccinations, plus proposed injection of children, will undoubtably cause more severe haemorrhagic fever like symptoms and also be more widespread.

During my research into the false claims of excess deaths caused by COVID-19 and the pseudo-sciences which supports it, I have stumbled over some very worrying developments which I will summarise due to the urgency I feel to highlight them to the public as follows: –

  • Bill Gates GAVI published an article on 22-Apr-2021 titled “The next pandemic: Marburg?”. There have been numerous Mainstream Media articles highlighting an upcoming threat Marburg and referencing the WHO in recent months.
  • Marburg Virus is a relatively rare haemorrhagic fever which was first described in 1967, there have only been a total of 376 related deaths, and only 16 deaths since 2005.
  • Primerdesign developed a one-step Real-Time PCR test genesig® in 2018 for Marburg haemorrhagic fever. Why would they develop a test in 2018 for an illness which has not had a major outbreak since 2005?
  • Soligenix, are currently rushing to trial a ricin-rich vaccine RiVax® for Marburg haemorrhagic fever. RiVax has Fast Track designation for the prevention of ricin intoxication by the US FDA. Approval of ricin toxin vaccine will utilize the FDA Animal Rule to eliminate the phase 1, 2 & 3 trials. Why such a rush now, to trial a vaccine for which there has only been a total of 376 deaths since 1967 and only 16 deaths since 2005? The main component of the Rivax vaccine is Ricin is a lectin and a highly potent toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant.
  • Soligenix shareholders include BlacRrock Fund Advisors, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, etc.
  • Ricin is a lectin and a highly potent toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant. Ricin is very toxic if inhaled, injected, or ingested. It acts as a toxin by inhibiting protein synthesis. It prevents cells from assembling various amino acids into proteins according to the messages it receives from messenger RNA in a process conducted by the cell’s ribosome (the protein-making machinery) – that is, the most basic level of cell metabolism, essential to all living cells and thus to life itself.
  • A paper tilled Asymptomatic Infection of Marburg Virus was published by the NIH in January 2021.

The fabrication of the COVID-19 pandemic and its apparent failure leads me to believe that there is a second phase or final solution at hand to catch the public while they are off-guard. Haemorrhagic fever symptoms can be easily increased and made more visible by forcing COVID booster injections on vulnerable, COVID injection injured patients, who are now prisoners in hospitals and nursing homes, plus injecting children. The haemorrhagic fever symptoms would appear as a huge Marburg pandemic and could be confirmed by the new Marburg PCR test causing mass hysteria like the world has never seen. RiVax could be quickly deployed using the existing COVID injection infrastructure and the public would be easily convinced to take it using PSYCOPS on Mainstream Media. The toxic ricin in the RiVax would kill billions of people very quickly and effectively before they realised what was happening as the deaths would be attributed to Marburg haemorrhagic fever based on the symptoms. People who refused the RiVax could be labelled as asymptomatic spreaders and placed in camps like they are doing in Australia claimed to be a COVID protection measure.

If you read my previous two COVID articles you will have seen that I began this journey in early 2020 as a vaccine hesitant person. As a result of my recent study of Virology and Immunology in an attempt to understand the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus, my previously held beliefs in the theories being peddled by official science and medicine has been completely upended.

I now understand that Louis Pasture fabricated his Germ Theory of Disease in the 1850’s stating that invisible microorganisms known as pathogens or “germs” lead to disease. Pastures ideas on Viruses were concocted upon similar theories going back to Ancient Greece and Rome, more like a developing religion or cult rather than real scientific discovery.

I now believe that the theory developed by Antoine Bechamp (Pasteur bitter rival) Terrain Theory which states that microorganisms (germs) feed upon the poisonous material which they find in the sick organism and prepare it for excretion, much more similar to the natural immune response which we know to be true. However, Terrain Theory has been actively blocked due to a bias for the Germ Theory by Big Pharma due to its immense profitability.

The practice of Variolation dated back to the 16th century in China and is the precursor of the first Vaccine invented for smallpox in 1796 by English physician Edward Jenner. I have discovered that the widespread use of vaccines has killed far more people than they have saved.

A bookkeeper, John D. Rockefeller who made his fortune in the oil business was the first philanthropist and his foundations pioneered developments in medical research. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research founded in 1901, was in the forefront of research in virology and principal investigator Louis O. Kunkel had researched the biology and pathology of the mosaic virus diseases. Beginning in 1930, the Rockefeller Foundation provided financial support to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, which later inspired and conducted eugenics experiments in the Third Reich. The Rockefeller empire in tandem with Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase), owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States today. No alternative approach to the Germ Theory in virology, immunology or medicine including the increasing use of vaccines, has been possible due to the indoctrination of the sciences by the most powerful and wealthy industry in the world. Banking and Big Pharma who now control Mainstream Media and all medical and scientific institutions.

Please do your own research, quickly, use your critical thinking and let us unite to stop this madness. I believe the Marburg-RiVax final solution could be deployed suddenly while we are relaxing after the worst of COVID and distracted by the now daily revelations on Mainstream Media regarding the Government fraud and public health mismanagement which created the COVID emergency.

Not only could haemorrhagic fever symptoms be caused by the currently deployed COVID gene therapy injections but health departments are frantically pushing the HPV vaccine for girls and boys, this vaccine and even the MMR vaccine could be deliberately contaminated with nanoparticles of Graphene Oxide or other adjuncts which cause clots and bleeds, the haemorrhagic fever symptoms of Marburg.

We must stop all vaccinations immediately and destroy all stockpiles of vaccines and the pharmaceutical manufacturing plants which make the.


  1. GAVI
  2. Marburg Virus
  3. genesig®
  4. RiVax® Animal Rule
  5. shareholders
  6. Asymptomatic Infection of Marburg Virus
  7. Germ Theory of Disease
  8. Antoine Bechamp
  9. Terrain Theory
  10. Vaccine
  11. John D. Rockefeller
  12. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research The Rockefeller empire

Biden gets Covid-19 booster live on air, says US will have a ‘problem’ until 98% of Americans are vaccinated


Biden gets Covid-19 booster live on air, says US will have a ‘problem’ until 98% of Americans are vaccinated

Biden gets Covid-19 booster live on air, says US will have a ‘problem’ until 98% of Americans are vaccinated
US President Joe Biden had his third dose of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine administered live before the White House press corps, insisting the ‘unvaccinated’ were a problem for America and urging everyone to get their shots.

Biden was injected on Monday at a televised event inside the Eisenhower Executive Office building, telling the reporters he was doing so because the regulators had declared the Pfizer-made boosters “safe and effective.”

A CNN reporter pointed out that Monday’s booster event was historic – the first time a sitting president was getting the coronavirus vaccine on camera. While Biden took both of his original doses on camera, that was before he was sworn in. His predecessor Donald Trump, who recovered from Covid-19 in October 2020, was reportedly vaccinated before he left the White House, but not publicly.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended the boosters last week, but rejected the White House’s call to apply them to the general adult population. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) went a step further, expanding the booster advisory to “those in high risk occupational and institutional settings” on Thursday.

Biden doubled down on calling the current situation with the coronavirus in the US “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” and repeated a joke he made on Friday about being over 65 and therefore needing a booster shot.

Also on CDC panel recommends allowing third Covid-19 vaccine shots for seniors, vulnerable adults, setting stage for US boosters to begin

“Please, please do the right thing. Please get the shot,” he said at the event. “It can save your life. It can save the lives of those around you. And it's easy, accessible, and it's free.”

Asked how many Americans needed to be vaccinated, he said maybe 98%. “But I'm not the scientist. I think one thing is for certain. A quarter of the country can't go unvaccinated and us not continue to have a problem,” he added.

“About 23% haven't gotten any shots, and that distinct minority is causing an awful lot of damage for the rest of the country,” he said.

While some praised Biden for answering questions “all the way through” and not flinching at the needle, others pointed out that he refused to answer questions about the border crisis.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, around 12,000 migrants from Haiti who had come across the US-Mexico border illegally have been released inside the country, though their makeshift camp under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas has been dismantled.

Biden took office vowing to “shut down the virus” and pushing for mask mandates and vaccinations. Earlier this month, he announced a rule that would impose a de facto vaccine mandate for all US companies with 100 or more employees, declaring that “our patience is wearing thin” and the “unvaccinated” were endangering the rest of America. The rule has yet to go into effect, however.

More than 688,000 deaths in the US have been attributed to the virus since the first case was detected in January 2020. Of those, 288,000 have been during Biden’s term in office.

Source: RT

"Taking a Look Around in The Home of the Brave™" by Mickey Z


Taking a Look Around in The Home of the Brave™

These days, things appear to be happening at an accelerated pace. It can be challenging to keep up as a writer. Meanwhile, some events are interesting but may not warrant a full article of their own. Therefore, I will occasionally compile a few stories into one piece… starting with these three right here:

If you’ve watched any television or YouTube videos over the past decade or so, you’ve likely seen ads for Chantix featuring Ray Liotta. Chantix is a Food & Drug Administration (FDA)-approved prescription pill designed to help users quit smoking — but not without a shit load of side effects. Well, last week, the FDA announced a “Nationwide Recall to include All Lots of CHANTIX® (Varenicline) Tablets Due to N-Nitroso Varenicline Content.” N-nitroso-varenicline, it turns out, is a suspected carcinogen.

Chantix was created and sold by a company called Pfizer which apparently has a long, sordid history of violations. Pfizer also had to pay the largest criminal fine in history ($1.3 billion) in 2009. Call me crazy, but this Pfizer group doesn’t exactly sound like it has our best interests at heart. Pfizer? That name sounds awfully familiar, though… like, maybe I’ve heard it in the news for something else recently.

By now, you’ve all surely seen the notorious “Tax the Rich” dress worn by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) at the Met Gala. The rapid-fire takes have been diverse and endless but I still wanna add my untaxed two cents. By almost any metric, the Uber-rich (and especially corporations) in this country pay a disproportionately low share of taxes (if at all). But, here’s my question: Exactly what good would it do to reflexively tax the rich?

It’s not as if it will bring about the classic redistribution of wealth. Under the current system, taxing the rich would simply result in a massive increase in subsidies to massive corporations, an even more massive and bloated military budget, and more of the same medical-science-industrial complex massive bullshit that has turned the appearance of a novel coronavirus into a nightmare scenario for anyone except those in the Met Gala stratosphere.

I’ll close with something to be filed under “We’re all in this together.” Check out this WaPo headline: “The days of full Covid coverage are over. Insurers are restoring deductibles and co-pays, leaving patients with big bills.” 

We’re being told every day that Covid numbers are rising. The pandemic is far from over and things may get much worse, they breathlessly warn. This begs the question: If this pandemic were a quarter as bad as the powers-that-be claim it is, why are insurers no longer covering the treatment costs? Why were unemployment benefits and eviction moratoriums (in most states) cut off? If this pandemic were a quarter as bad as the powers-that-be claim it is, how are hospitals able to fire unvaccinated nurses? Come to think of it, if this pandemic were a quarter as bad as the powers-that-be claim it is, why are rich people gallivanting without masks at the Met Gala and why is everyone trusting a criminal company like Pfizer to save the day? Hmm… maybe, just maybe, we’re not being told the truth. 

Until the laws are changed or the power runs out, Mickey Z. can be found here. He is also the founder of Helping Homeless Women - NYC, offering direct relief to women on New York City streets. And please spread the word! Read other articles by Mickey.

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