Bury My Heart at Bended Knee (An Experimental Epitaph for Canada)
“I shall not be there. I shall rise and pass. Bury my heart at Wounded Knee” By Steven Vincent Benet
by Marcel Woland for the Saker Blog
Trudeau takes yet another knee, outdoors, socially distanced, but still masked, in the Ottawa ‘Bubble’.
I had not set out to find any revelations while trying to make sense of my predicament and that of the scores of people that I personally
know who have already, or are seeking to escape what Canada has become.
However, I may have caught glimpses of one or two in the course of
writing this essay, which is meant to be simply citizen journalism. What
has revealed itself gradually is an unflattering picture of a
Canada lost in delusion, medical charlatanism, division, defeatism and a
total breach of the Social Contract between the state and the people.
At the beating heart of it, is a casual, yet racing hypocrisy common to
both the former and the latter.
It was as if a person with very low IQ, complicated by Traumatic
Brain Injury, happened across the film versions of some major dystopian
novels and watched them in no particular order, having first ‘got
stoned’: Lord of the Flies, Brave New World, Nineteen Eighty Four, The Handmaid’s Tale and
something with Steve Martin in it. That person went to sleep off and on
during his ordeal and when he woke up exclaimed: “Yes! That’s the world
for me!” and found he had become a Prime Minister.
The other half of this parable/paradigm is that, while the future PM
watched, mesmerized, his toxic cocktail of movies, ‘we the people’ went
to sleep too, as a nation of free Canadians of all kinds, and woke up as
‘Indians’. Not the free and proud, varied tribes of pre-contact
America, but the ones who were being driven to near-extinction at
Wounded Knee and on the reservations which the elites of the day had
decided were all these people needed, as they were going to steal the
rest. The Indians were assured by their tormentors that “they would own
nothing, and be happy.”
I am now self-exiled from my native country by the various
machinations of the permanent ‘Uniparty’ of Canada. This is a poorly
bolted-together, rusted and outdated five-piece contraption consisting
of a Neo-Liberal, (formerly) ‘Conservative’ Party of Canada; a ceremonially armed, mainly Sikh-controlled, New Democratic Party; the francophone, single-issue (separation) Bloc Quebecois
with its unabashedly honest mantra “Fu*k Canada!” (an opinion gaining
some traction across Canada today); and the stillborn, currently
self-destructing Green Party. Last but certainly not least, is the Paleo-Liberal Party of Canada (in the US it would be called Neo-Con).
I recently plugged my nose from abroad and watched the political ritual
called ‘The Debates’ which followed the cynical, reigning party’s
announcement of a forced ‘snap-election’. Trudeau had, a few months
earlier, coerced an all-party agreement that: “this was not the time for
an election …because Covid,” but as we shall see below, rules for these rulers, are made to be broken.
The scant five weeks allotted to the most crucial act in a democracy,
an election, had not left sufficient time for both reflection,
participation and the mechanics of getting a mail-in-ballot from Canada
and back again. I could thus be a more objective observer of the
exercise than I might otherwise have been.
In this frame of mind, I watched the highly-controlled, scripted and consequently vacuous Leaders’ [sic] Debates of
which there were two in French. There was only one English debate in
which most of the Q and A period was in French, in spite of 80% of
Canadians being English speakers.
In brief, Canada today has only left, lefter and leftest
parties left, at least as represented by the closed, boys club of the
debates. It has come to be known as the Uniparty, a term borrowed from
the US political vocabulary. [The uniparty is a
permanent Mandarin class made up of bureaucrats/deep staters with
republican and democrat politicians jockeying for position within the uniparty. -Vox Popoli].
The Uniparty’s policies are practically indistinguishable and all are
‘culturally Marxist.’ Strikingly, the only party to have clearly gained
from the debates, by being excluded from the taint of them, increasing
their support to double digits, is the libertarian/conservative People’s Party of Canada,
of Maxime Bernier. The PPC had been excluded from the debates by the
Liberal-run Leaders’ Debates Commission, a cabal of hack journalists,
bureaucrats and retreads of the Liberal-bought state and corporate
media. Understandably they have been excluded, as Bernier and his party
are a real threat to them, offering what is now the only ‘conservative’
option available to a starved-of-choice electorate.
Here are the Uniparty leaders, in full complement, within hours of
the English language debate, trying to ‘jolly’ Canadians into what they
had, moments ago, completely avoided debating, the imposition of an
experimental MRNA gene therapy, which they all insist on misrepresenting
as a “vaccine,” by means of coercion and even bribery. The scene is
reminiscent of some of the sinister Covid ‘hospital videos’ in which
masked and hazmat-suited, allegedly ‘medical’ staff performed their
grotesque dances in ugly, fluorescent green ‘gowns’ and lighting. One
wondered what all the dying patients, that had allegedly swamped the ICU
wards, were doing to survive, as their care-givers rehearsed and filmed
videos. Given a choice between their macabre convulsions and death,
many may have chosen death. But we are unlikely to ever find out how
many, since, as is the case with New York “Care Homes,” Freedom of
Information Applications (FOIA) are being ignored and the diabolically
named “Care Homes,” not hospitals, is where the vast majority of Covid
deaths occurred throughout the Western world. https://twitter.com/i/status/1436346846662770691
The participants in the election and the video above are from Left to
Right: Justin Trudeau the multi-millionaire playboy and disgraced drama
teacher; Erin O’Toole, the retired, mid-ranking officer from the
sex-scandalized and otherwise troubled Canadian military; Yves-Francois
Blanchet from the “Phuque Canada!” Quebecois-centric party; Jagmeet
Singh, the political activist and lawyer (a Canadian Obama) and finally
the only woman on the ‘team’, whose name almost no Canadian knows, but
is Annamie Paul, leader of a Green Party in free-fall. Invisible once
more is the only party which was not able to participate in the debates
and which has an opposing platform, the People’s Party of Canada, that
has doubled its support in the opinion polls since being excluded from
the debates and this video.
There is a white-hot rage, by Canadian standards, against Trudeau,
not limited by age or social class. His chief and crucial support is in
Toronto and Montreal, the two largest cities and most unlike the rest of
Canada, marked by what the Uniparty calls ‘diversity’ (much-touted by
Trudeau especially), but which looks more like the very old Imperial and
crooked policy of Divide et Impera – Divide and Rule. As in
the USA and now in the EU, large cities in Canada have been historically
settled with new immigrants, nowadays often un-vetted, who come into
what appears to them to be a no-strings-attached, perpetual welfare
state. They will eventually, after three years, probably vote Liberal,
not understanding, even if they wanted to, the poorly-run and
disingenuous debates and perhaps not even knowing, or caring, who is
standing at the podiums, but seeing the Liberal Party as the sole,
reliable distributor of largess.
On-stage, there was no shortage of nepotism, organic back-scratching
and make-believe of various kinds. Trudeau has replaced a favorite
verbal tick of his first years of misrule: “From coatht, to coatht to
coatht” [sic] [he has developed a lisp, MW] with “We have your back” or
its variant “We have each others backs,” while in reality, many
Canadians feel they would never turn their back on Trudeau lest they
find a dagger in it.
Trudeau may be a terrible person, a liar, a poseur and a
sociopath, if not worse, but he has a strong survival instinct and knows
how to strike a pose. His one professional expertise, drama, (lying and
pretense) has carried him through two elections and may, given the low
information capacity of the average voter, carry him to a third
minority. But a minority, after what he has done, would be seen as a
colossal failure and signal his demise. At least sixty percent of the
population would rejoice at such an outcome.
Anti-Trudeau crowds gather spontaneously at his carefully
stage-managed, fifteen-minute-long campaign stops to yell at him,
practice vulgar semiotic hand-signals, and chant slogans, often simply
the wisdom of the people: “Fu*k you Trudeau!” or variations on the
theme. These crowds are larger than the ones ‘supporting’ Trudeau at his
‘quickie’ rallies, where the few dozen people who show up, like at
Biden ‘rallies’, seem to be on payroll. Trending on Twitter are several,
humorous collections of ‘clips’ of Trudeau ‘running for the bus’, not
so much to get somewhere as to escape the outpouring of emotion against
him. Indeed in spite of his Dorian Gray Dorian Gray | Penny Dreadful Wiki | Fandom act of ‘perpetual’ youth, in many ways, Justin seems almost as old as Biden. Trudeau silent for 21 seconds after question about Trump's response to protesters – YouTube
Two unforced errors by Trudeau and his Leaders’ Debates Commission enlivened the debates which were otherwise a blancmange
of double-speak, right-think, and botched interpreting. The first
unforced error was a sleazy attempt to exclude all remaining independent
media from participation in the debates. The rest have been bribed by
the Liberal Party’s slush fund for ‘Worthy Journalism’.
If figures disgorged from the government with the aid of the Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) are correct, the Liberal Party has doled out
661 million dollars to “worthy media” (600 million during the last
election and 61 million since July/August 2021), without proper
On September 14th, 2021 Rebel News published a list, obtained under FOIA, which names most of those who have received the emolument
just prior to the announcement of the current election. As of today,
the mainstream media, most of which appears on the list (though
individual names are still being protected), has ignored the story. Only
one small paper, Canadaland, published an article about it on September 10th, 2021: Which Media Benefitted From The Trudeau Government's Covid-19 Funds? True North published the list on the 11th of September and Rebel News followed three days later: Every news media who secretly took Trudeau's $61M pre-election pay-off – Rebel News
In the recent past, such clearly unethical misappropriations of
taxpayer funds would have resulted in the resignation of the Finance
Minister or even the Prime Minister, and perhaps even the fall of a
government. No longer. It appears that in Trudeau’s WEF – ‘imagined’ Great Reset
Canada, bribes are alright, as long as you call them something else.
Unsurprisingly, the recipients of the largess are unlikely going to call
for their own heads.
The second unforced error offered the only real frisson of
excitement. It took the form of the emergency court case brought by a
highly visible, mainly crowd-funded citizen journalist news agency
called Rebel News. They were asking for an injunction against a
Debates Commission decision designed to keep out ‘outsiders’ by giving
the Commission the power to decide who was and who was not a journalist. To add to the drama, the court case was being heard on an emergency
basis mere hours before the debates in question. Federal Judge
Elizabeth Heneghan delivered a stunning, last-minute vindication of Rebel News,
accepting their argument that, what the Liberal Party had attempted,
through its corrupt Debates Commission, was ‘attainment’, devising a law
or a rule solely to achieve an illegal end against a targeted person or
group – in this case, the exclusion of Rebel News and its journalists. Bill of attainder – Wikipedia.
Such things are usually only done in dictatorships before they fully
blossom and no longer pretend to be subject to Rule of Law.
The most oft-repeated words of the inept and corrupt Trudeau regime
for five years had been ‘Diversity is our Strength’ among other such
vapid and unexamined, but highly emotive nonsense. Now they had been
caught by the Court, wet-handed, trying to drown ‘diversity’ in the
bath-tub and then lying about it. For those who had been following the
court case, a pall now hung over the debates. Then Trudeau and the
Debates Commission, with their accomplices, made things even worse by
overtly fiddling with the phone-lines, on air, during the questions
period when, “because Covid,” the majority of Rebel journalists had been
forced to phone in and wait their turn in a phone queue. Someone’s
great wheeze was making believe that the Rebel News journalists were not there. They were there, in substantial numbers and in real time. (Watch 3:30 –7:49) Rebel News LIVE! English Language Federal Leaders' Debate
Infantile, ham-handed and slapstick though this was, (much like
Trudeau’s three black-face romps and his interminable 11:10 AM Covid
scoldings of the Canadian people), this time it was happening against
the background of a court injunction with clear instructions from a
Federal Judge to stop these shenanigans. Trudeau’s vandals are incapable
of even that and what a sad lesson in tyrannical pettiness they
provided to anyone watching. All five of the Uniparties have read from the same script in shutting out Rebel News, with the clearly scripted, yet shamelessly repeated mantra: “Sorry! [optional – MW] I do not answer questions from Rebel News.”
Sadly, the qualifications in Canada for provincial and federal
politics are: owning a suit and a good set of teeth, and creeping up the
greasy pole from School Board Trustee, eventually into Provincial and
Federal politics, or, being the putative offspring of a Prime
Ministerial Oligarchic Dynasty. In other words, the qualifications are
somewhat less than zero. As collateral damage of the Canadian method of
accession to ‘high’ political office, ‘serving’ as School Board Trustee
for years, Canadian schools too are broken. As will be illustrated below
in a fresh Liberal scandal.
Trudeau,(circa 2001) possibly with ‘his’ high-school students
at West Point Grey Academy, the private school where he taught.
He has not seen fit to explain any of his three known ‘grease-paint’ episodes.
Trudeau’s and the other Uniparty leaders’ defiance of court
injunctions issued only hours earlier, amounted to contempt of court.
Trudeau’s Liberal party had been giving reign to such behavior in
parliament and elsewhere for years. No Prime Minister before him, in the
entire history of British Parliamentary Democracy, had been found
guilty of three ethics violations. Such low characters and
behavior had never before entered into the Holy of Holies, the debates,
which were ostensibly deciding the fate of the country, as Trudeau had
promised, “for decades to come,” with the goal being The Great Reset of
Rebel News had won its court case handily, although it could
only afford to hire one crowd-funded lawyer from the prairies, who was
pitted against seven of Trudeau’s lawyers, whose strategy was to silence
him on spurious and quickly rejected grounds and huge volumes of
paperwork, which had clearly angered the judge. The Debates Commission
was served with the court injunction forcing them to accredit Rebel journalists and physically allow them in, as well as allow questions to be asked by Rebel News and its eleven journalists. Rebel News
had actually fielded more journalists than the moribund, Soviet-style,
state broadcaster, the CBC, sometimes referred to as the Covid
Broadcasting Corporation. Only AP, I believe, had fielded more.
Rebel, along with True North, and several others,
is now among the few nation-wide news networks which actually visits the
streets and squares across Canada on a regular basis, while the
doughnut-sated, sexist (there are almost no males in sight)
state/corporate media, with multi-billion dollar funding (on top of the
‘pay-offs’), mainly stays in downtown high-rises or expensive condos (if
working from home because …Covid) and recycles AP and Reuters fables
about what is going on.
All four of the five leaders during the debates: Justin Trudeau,
Jagmeet Singh, Erin O’Toole, as well as Yves-Francois Blanchet of the
Bloc Quebecois, rudely refused to answer questions from what Trudeau
referred to as “your… [long pause]… group.” After which, in an act of
shameful hubris and unmitigated arrogance he snarled: “I won’t call it a
“media organization.” Trudeau went on to use the podium and the one Rebel question to which he partially responded, to attack and incite hatred against Rebel News,
blaming them for… well… everything. He also targeted his favorite
bogey-man, the“unvaxed,” threatening them with growing and total
societal exclusion, stopping just short of accusing them of premeditated
murder. He did all this just days after launching an RCMP
investigation, not into his own many grievous improprieties, but into
who, allegedly, threw a bit of gravel at him while he was, yet again,
running to escape angry Canadians into the multi-layered, security
cordon of his big, red, campaign bus. Here is the clip of Trudeau
practicing contempt of court and of the independent, unbribed media,
while at the same time avoiding hard questions: Trudeau slams Rebel News: “I won’t call it a media organization”. Thus, Trudeau turned an unforced error into an own-goal.
Though the overt contempt of court and Judge Elizabeth Heneghan’s
injunction is upsetting and a sign of things to come if Trudeau is not
removed, what is even worse is to watch this clearly, mentally unstable poseur and
grifter work himself into a sanctimonious white rage over what would
once have been simply a difference in opinion and, dare I say it, “a
matter for debate.”
Such options and niceties no longer exist in Canada. Trudeau goes on
in the video clip to violate more Canadian laws, some of his own making,
such as ‘fomenting hatred against identifiable groups’ known as “hate
speech” specifically against Rebel News, its journalists and
those who choose not to be lab-rats in a Globalist Corporate Pharma MRNA
experiment. Alas for him, too many rumors and allegations swirl to the
effect that the entire Trudeau cabal of unqualified and incompetent, but
for now loyal grifters, have undeclared, financial interests in all
aspects of The Great Reset and The Nuremberg Code-violating ‘jab,’ a
coerced medical injection. This includes the almost completed reset
of Canada’s prized Universal Health Care system into a ‘Telehealth’,
digitized system as is occurring throughout The Five Eyes + Israel and
beyond. The number of medical deaths due to untreated disease is already
in the many tens of thousands and the number of postponed medical
procedures and missed diagnoses, and the resultant years-long backlog,
will likely cause many more deaths than Covid, or even the ‘jab’ has.
It has not helped Canadians and their democracy that parliament has been both prorogued (suspended
by ruling party decree) and then placed on ‘Zoom’ for the last two
years, clearly to avoid the many ongoing investigations into Trudeau’s
ethics violations. Answers to questions about the state of the economy
and about the ethical and systemic deterioration of Canada’s government
are not forthcoming.
Members of Provincial parliaments and parliament in Ottawa are being
summarily ejected from their parties, even from key positions in cabinet
and as Speaker of the House, if they dare question the medical tyranny
In ‘position papers’ from the World Economic Forum, and Event 201
(the 2019 Corporate/State/Pharma rehearsal of the, at the time,
about-to-be-unleashed series of Pandemics), the term used for the many
person-to-person services we have been lulled into thinking are secure,
is Legacy Medicine, or Legacy Education, Legacy Banking etc. Those things may still be on the table, but the table, and the decision, no longer belongs to us.
No persecuted, de-platformed, de-monetized, canceled and otherwise
establishment-threatened citizen journalism is perfect, nor do I always
agree with it, but it has become connected to, and elevated by the Assange Paradigm
– in which the full might of the state comes down hard on anyone who
threatens its very costly, in terms of bribes and emoluments to the
Fourth Estate and Mass Media, yet strangely frail, tissue of
manufactured reality.
Make-believe has enveloped Canada like perpetual snow: a
make-believe free press; a make-believe democracy; a make-believe,
self-avowed feminist Prime Minster, Trudeau, who has used his position
to grope and abuse women who do not ‘give in’ to him, whether
politically or ‘otherwise’, not just female journalists, but his female,
Native American Minister of Justice and many others from his inner
cabinet. Thus, a make-believe ceremonial, ‘turban ‘n’ dagger’ style of diversity, with make-believe party differences when there are none, may have led to a national mental health crisis of schizophrenia, which remains untreated… “because Covid.” Schizophrenia – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic
The resulting confusion and chaos has been taken advantage of by the Uniparty to unleash a ‘quickie’ coup d’etat
under cover of a fake pandemic and state-backed and forced,
experimental gene therapy to bring in Digital Passports and a linked
Digital Currency, essential to The Great Reset. Whichever party you vote
for, (other than the PPC which stands little chance of forming a
government), the goals are more or less the same. Meanwhile, the steady
flow of ‘adverse events’ of the Experimental Gene Therapy will continue
to work to reduce and disorient the population, while Stockholm Syndrome,
by which the hostage-taken population of the West has been gripped for
two years now, will continue to undermine cohesion and resistance.
The alleged Pandemic, and the lockdown-induced psychosis which it engenders, leads to social anomie, growing
isolation and multi-generational, arrested development, for which world
populations will be personally absorbing and paying the Medical
Industrial Complex, for decades, if not centuries to come. “We will not
own anything” as the WEF and all the elites of the Five Eyes + Israel
proclaim, because they will own everything. We will have
perpetual bills for the ‘jabs’ (we can see now that they go on forever
through ‘boosters’) and for the side-effects of the ‘jab’.
What Is The Cost Of A Vaccination Part 1 – Catherine Austin Fitts & Dolores Cahill
The Leaders’ Debates were a mock-defibrillation of a Uniparty having a
near-death experience, run by the schoolmarmish, mostly female
journalists of the mainstream media. The intellectually bankrupt
Cultural Marxists of the Canadian intelligentsia, whom the
Corporations are cynically backing, for now, cannot be shown onstage
without dire consequences. I am thinking here of grand guignol
monstrosities like Guilbault, Tam, Soros, Freeland and others. Trudeau’s
ethics violations almost always involve corporations (WE and SNC
Lavalin). Those who are profiting from the ethics violations
[the Ottawa euphemism for embezzlement, theft and misappropriation of
funds – MW] of the Trudeau Regime, are legion. Starting with the 1500
News Organizations released under FOIA and ending with the Prime
Minister himself, and his family.
As in the USA, there have been regular ‘bended knee’ virtue-signaling
events by Trudeau and other Uniparty members, before BLM and Native
Activists and very likely before Antifa mercenaries as well. They all
seem more like ‘smoke and mirrors’ than genuine contrition, however,
Trudeau, who is really nothing but photogenic, needed more – a George Floyd Moment – and he was going to get one, with its own Canadian flavor – maple syrup comes to mind.
Perhaps the most disturbing event in the lead-up to this
snap-election is the highly-suspect ‘discovery’ by notoriously
unreliable ‘ground radar’ of alleged ‘unmarked’ graves at a former
Residential School for Native American children. In her reporting of
this event, Drea Humphrey of Rebel News excelled and provided
the context, analysis and face-to-face interviews now deemed quite
unnecessary by mainstream media. Within the context of Trudeau’s and the
Debate Commission’s slanderous accusations and the antidote to them –
simply good, old-fashioned journalism – this link is worth opening. Here
is Rebel News pouring water on that story, the only news
organization which did not simply take dictation from AP/Reuters and the
Prime Minister’s office, but actually went to the site to learn what,
if anything, had happened. (5) Questions remain after discovery of remains of 215 children at Kamloops residential school – YouTube
The timely, for Trudeau, narrative of the unmarked graves was about
to be undermined by the exposed fraudulence of Trudeau’s avowed
‘progressive’ attitude towards women, diversity and blacks. He is not
sure how many times he wore black-face, but the last time he did it he
was 29 years old and casually, it appears, groping a student as well.
His supra-racist attitude to Native Americans has been exposed many
times. He can ‘take a knee’ one day, posing tearfully on their
children’s graves, and sadistically abuse peaceful protesters in cold
blood the next. Yet the cover run for him by most of the press makes him
seem Teflon-coated. It takes upstart young journalists on social media
or seasoned journalists at the end of their careers and financially
secure, to lay out the truth: (5) Christie Blatchford: Trudeau will get away with blackface because he's a Liberal – YouTube
Media culpability in the creation of the cult of Trudeau’s
personality began early, when Trudeau’s insulting, “Daddy’s home”
harangues at 11:10 AM daily were handed down to Canadians from his
Rideau ‘cottage’ steps. The “we are all in this together” part of his
inappropriate, daily scolding of the Canadian people was a total lie, in
which the press was wholly complicit. When Trudeau’s ‘place of
quarantine’ is mentioned, it is never shown but for one, fixed shot.
What is seldom added is that at the time of the harangues, he was
estranged from his wife and children, that his high-school friend and
disgraced adviser, Jerry Butts, was probably cozily isolated with
Trudeau and that the humble ‘cottage’ had 26 rooms and 17,000 square
feet of living space situated in a 27 acre groomed, private park on the
Ottawa River. Had Trudeau’s ‘loyal’ press moved their fixed-for-months
camera position three feet or used their gift of speech, all of this
would have become self-evident.
Contrary to a prepared and misleading chart, ostentatiously flashed
at us during the debates, the number of ‘boil-water’ and ‘mercury’
advisories [warnings really] on the reservations has remained constant
throughout the five years of Trudeau misrule. His attitude towards
Native Americans is revealed in several exchanges in which he thought he
could abuse natives without his press reporting it. He was
largely right, but a leaked video shows his almost sexual sadism toward
several Native Americans who, for their limited budget, having paid a
huge fee to enter a closed, fund-raiser dinner with Trudeau, unfurled a
banner and asked when they could have drinkable water. (5) Indigenous protester interrupts Trudeau event – YouTube As is the case with psychopaths, Trudeau has to be a master, not of emotion, but of the simulation of emotion to control and manipulate others, as needed.
The quality and intensity of scorn and insult meted out by this
dynastic, oligarch ‘son’ of an earlier Prime Minister to Native peoples
is no different than that inflicted by earlier governing elites in
Canada. Here is a dialogue from the parliamentary record in 1878 of an
allegedly ‘humorous’ exchange between two major figures in Canadian
history, Sir John A. McDonald, the first Prime Minister of Canada and
William Lyon McKenzie, a parliamentarian and progressive newspaper
publisher of the day. To contextualize it properly, the “Sitting Bull”
being mocked and made the butt of these Victorian gentlemen’s jibes was
trying to find safe haven for his once huge and important tribe, the
Sioux. He had asked for permission to stay in Canada under protection of
the Queen. That permission was about to be denied, forcing Sitting Bull
and his people into the US prepared massacre at Wounded Knee.
Sir John: “I do not see how a Sitting Bull can cross the border.”
Mr McKenzie: “Not unless he rises.”
Sir John: “Then he is not a sitting Bull.” – Session 1878 pp. 353-354
Almost all the male ‘leaders’, in defiance of the spirit of the court
injunction, refused to answer questions to journalists of the Rebel News team, almost all of whom on that particular night were women and one of whom is female, black and Native American. What was the real
reason for this? The questions were clear, concise, important and
highly discomforting, exactly the questions Canadians have been
discussing among themselves. All of Rebel News journalists' questions from the English-language debate
And here is special mention for Jagmeet Singh of the NDP branch of the
Uniparty. He adds a touch of ‘diversity’ and exotic charm to the same
anti-democratic, ultimately testosterone-charged boys club led by
Trudeau: NDP leader Jagmeet Singh refuses to answer questions from any of Rebel’s female journalists
About two months ago, just as Trudeau was thinking of his
‘snap-election’, someone decided to run some ‘ground radar’ over a
cemetery at a Residential School. This resulted in the ‘alleged’
discovery (“ground radar” is notoriously imprecise) of “unmarked graves”
which speedily evolved in the press into ”mass graves,” which then grew
from, allegedly, a few score to many thousands, and still counting.
Here was another useful George Floyd moment for Justin Trudeau. Trudeau
used it, as is the custom, to demand more apologies from the Pope,
promise even more outlandish amounts of money to tribal councils “for
healing” and more “ground radar,” for opening old wounds I guess.
Trudeau and his ‘team’ and the Uniparty took the knee everywhere they
went, frequently with iconic teddy bears. As well, Trudeau canceled the
celebration of Canada’s Birthday lowering the flag to half-mast, which
continues to this day. But when we are told, understandable arson of
churches began, Trudeau did not rush to condemn it, but let it go on
without condemnation, much to the distress of Christians whose churches
had earlier been forcibly shut down and many of their pastors heavily
fined or arrested by SWAT teams in front of congregants and/or families
and children, and once even, on a busy highway. As of last month 60
churches had been burnt, most of them in poor native communities. Most
native communities are highly impoverished, scores have ‘boil water’
orders, though Trudeau has been promising to fix that for five years
with little to no progress. To add insult to injury, something Trudeau
has a special talent for, the churches are used by native people, not
only for worship, but for food and clothing distribution and as a
gathering place for communal events and recreation, and I imagine, as
psychiatric hospitals and women’s, men’s and children’s shelters as
well, when they have nowhere else to go to escape the centuries-old
systemic abuse on the isolated reservations.
While Trudeau’s verbal assaults on people who do not wish to be
lab-rats in his pet MRNA experiment and on anyone who disagrees with him
on any topic are instant and unequivocal, he claims, after a pause, to
“understand” the impulse to burn down churches and topple statues.
Christian churches in Canada have been vandalized, burned down or
desecrated since the announcement last month of the apparent discovery
of graves found near a residential school in Kamloops, BC.
In mid September, another shocking story emerged, but this time
clearly unscripted and unplanned by the Trudeau regime. Books were being
burned by at least one Ontario School Board. The flames of that fire
were to grow hotter and hotter. By the time a week went by it turned out
that the self-identifying, allegedly Native American, ‘adviser’ to the
board on matters ‘native’ had lied about her origins in order to secure
her job. Her real ancestry lay, not in Ojibway/Innu territory, but
somewhere between Luxembourg and France. I will name her here since
‘saying her name’ is all the ‘woke’ fashion – Suzy Kies:
“While Kies’ father was born in Luxembourg, her mother is of French racial [sic] origin, according to civil status registers.
After the interview, Radio-Canada conducted an internal
investigation surrounding Kies’ ancestry. In Radio-Canada’s reporting,
they found civil status records on Kies and the Abenaki Council of
Odanak, who did not find Kies on any of the band lists.
“She has no indigenous ancestors for at least seven generations,”
says Dominique Ritchot, coordinator of the Société Généalogique
Canadienne-Française, which has collaborated with Radio-Canada as an
independent researcher. “ – Newsweek.
It cannot be over-stated that this happened in Trudeau’s new,
inter-sectional, culturally Marxist Canada which Trudeau plans to
complete at ‘warp speed’ if re-elected, in order to attain his only
stated goal, ‘The Great Reset’ scheduled to be completed by 2030, in
line with the dictates of Klaus Schwab of the WEF, along with his
oligarch allies. Lying to get ahead in Trudeau’s Canada is not an act to
be punished, but admired for its ambition. Burning books as a form of
redressing past injustices is no longer “what Nazis did” but a good
thing “in the name of healing.” Suzy Kies may be a fraud, a grifter and a
liar, but she is those things in a ‘good and noble cause’. WARMINGTON: School board says it got burned in Indigenous book burning | Toronto Sun
Kies also held cultural posts in the Liberal Party of Canada. She was,
in effect, not just some newbie school board crazy, but in charge of no
less than Trudeau’s remake of a Truth and Reconciliation process, based
on the one in South Africa.
Kies has made no apology about what she did; on the contrary, in a statement to CBC’s Radio-Canada, she said: “I
refuse to have my story used to harm Justin Trudeau and our party” and
“this is the reason why I am resigning from my position as co-chair of
the Indigenous peoples’ commission.” I wonder if Kies was simply
more adoring than the other women who did not walk away so nicely and
politely. Her own chosen Facebook selfie with Trudeau suggests either an
arch manipulator and sociopath or a pathetic liar with a post
menopausal crush on the Boy King of Canada.
Contrast this case of institutionalized and systemic fraud,
sanctioned and condoned by Trudeau and by extension, the Uniparty, to
the publication, just-in-time-for-the election, of a new book by Jody
Wilson Raybould, the former Minster of Justice and Attorney General
mentioned earlier: ‘Indian in the Cabinet’, one chapter of which was published on September 11, 2021. Unlike Suzy Kies, she is a genuine
Native American, and a tribal Chief who stood her ground against
Trudeau when he wanted to, illegally, help out his corrupt corporate
associates (possibly masters) at one of Canada’s largest corporations, SNC Lavalin.
In her now much more fulsome account of the pressure and intimidation
brought to bear on her, not only by the Prime Minister’s henchmen and
women, but by the Prime Minister himself, the picture of Trudeau, not as
some harmless, infantilised clown in black-face, but as a serial abuser
of women and ruthless, power-hungry oligarch thug, comes into focus. Opinion:
‘In that moment, I knew he wanted me to lie.’ Jody Wilson-Raybould
recalls a tension-filled meeting with Justin Trudeau – The Globe and
Trudeau had shut down the parliamentary committee investigating the
SNC Lavalin case and soon afterwards shut down Parliament itself to
avoid the inquiry from completing its work, which was not boding well
for Trudeau. The Attorney General was removed by Trudeau under false
pretenses and demoted from her key position in Cabinet (again the sadism
here is inescapable), to Minister of Indian Affairs – a portfolio seen
in Canada as an inferior one.
But not for long; she very soon resigned from that position, at which
point several other women were forced to fall on their swords, to allow
Trudeau to maintain tyrannical order in his cabinet, as well as his
own, clearly, very fragile, psychological equilibrium. In some
situations, the more bodies that litter the stage, the better. So much
for the feminist Prime Minister in shining armor.
Here is an excerpt from Jody Wilson-Raybould’s book. A link to the entire chapter appears below:
“He asked if I trusted him. He also asked if I trusted his
judgment to build a team. Ugh. Such questions. “I want to believe in you
and trust in you,” I replied. “But it is hard to separate the two
questions. I do not trust the people around you any longer.”
I could see the agitation visibly building in the Prime Minister.
His mood was shifting. I remember seeing it. I remember feeling it. I
had seen and felt this before on a few occasions, when he would get
frustrated and angry. But this was different. He became strident and
disputed everything I had said. He made it clear that everyone in his
office was telling the truth and that I, and by extension Jessica
Prince, my chief of staff, and others, were not. He told me I had not
experienced what I said I did. He used the line that would later become
public, that I had “experienced things differently.”
I knew what he was really asking. What he was saying. In that
moment, I knew he wanted me to lie – to attest that what had occurred
had not occurred. For me, this was just more evidence that he did not
know me, did not know who I was or where I was from. Me – lie to protect
a Crown government acting badly; a political party; a leader who was
not taking responsibility. He must be delusional.
As he went on, I stared out the window over to the North Shore. I
did not say anything for a while; I was struck with an overwhelming
feeling of sadness and loss, and of deep disappointment. I knew then
that the path that had led me to being the “Indian” in the Cabinet had
veered in a different direction. The work was not over, certainly, but
this man was not the leader I had thought him to be. It was clear. Now,
it was clear.
I eventually told the Prime Minister that I was feeling
uncomfortable and that I wanted to go. I told him the only option he had
left me with was to consider whether I could stay in my position or
whether I needed to resign, but that I needed to think more.
Before I could leave, he started to talk in his aggressive and
condescending way about how much work we had done and still had to do. I
cut him off and countered, “Don’t blame me for this. This is not my
fault.” I was laser angry in that moment. I felt him turning on me even
more – I could see it in his face, his eyes, and in his mannerisms –
because he wasn’t getting his way.
I told him I had serious concerns and that my belief in him was
very shaken. At some point, he asked me what he should say to the media.
He had a media availability ostensibly on housing later that morning.
He mentioned a line they were thinking of using: “Her presence in
Cabinet speaks for itself …” Can you believe it? I told him I was not
going to give him communications advice. How ridiculous. In my opinion,
there is no spin on dishonesty.
I got up and left. I had to think.”
Excerpt from ‘Indian’ in the Cabinet by
Jody Wilson-Raybould. Published in the English language in Canada by
HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. Copyright © 2021 by Jody Wilson-Raybould.
All rights reserved.
‘In that moment, I knew he wanted me to lie.’ Jody Wilson-Raybould
recalls a tension-filled meeting with Justin Trudeau – The Globe and
I will not judge Jody Wilson-Raybould harshly, had the combination of
vanity and desire to do good in me been leveraged to get me to sign on
to the Trudeau Regime and their superficial and fantastic schemes to
remake the world and redress all wrongs, I may have been tempted.
Re-reading lines like these from our great and heroic Native fore-bearers, who barely survived an earlier “Great Reset”, will help keep Canadians focused on what may be coming:
“They made so many promises,
more than I can remember,
but they never kept but one:
they promised to take our land, and they took it.” – Red Cloud, Oglala Lakota Tribe.
Sitting Bull, Chief of the Sioux Tribe who was killed at Wounded Knee.
And that is Canada today, on the eve of possibly the last election it
will ever see prior to devolving into a permanent medical tyranny,
whether Trudeau gets a majority and perhaps even if he does not. The
Trudeau regime has decreed that all Medical Industrial Complex
Covid-related decisions will be made by the Chief Medical Officers of
Health (CMOH) without ‘interference’ from Parliament; a deft avoidance
of democratic debate and criminal responsibility at the same time. All
the CMOH are more or less compromised, the best examples being Teresa
Tam, Canada’s Federal CMOH, who for years has served full-time on the
permanent board of directors of the WHO, a primarily Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation and, therefore, ‘Big Pharma’ funded NGO. Although,
yesterday a photo surfaced which seems to show Tam with Bell’s Palsy,
and the headline “Tam says vaccine passports won’t work.” Consistency
has not been a strong point in the fluctuating and unscientific
pronouncements of the CMOH’s. So we shall see. But will many be sorry to
see Tam ‘go,’ in any sense of the word, as she has dictatorially
tormenting the population with scientifically and medically unfounded
nonsense for almost two years.
And in case anyone thought Trudeau could not be so reckless and would
wait at least for the results of the platformless, ‘mock referendum’
“election,” sixteen billion dollars have already been doled out to the
provinces and some are rolling out the vaccine passports in the days
both before and after the election on September 20th.
If Trudeau is reelected with a majority, and even if he is not, more ‘warp speed‘
junk from perpetual ‘booster jabs’ to vaccine passports and graphene
nano-chipping, which no one asked for, will likely come into our lives
to bedevil us and divide us further, because someone is making a lot of
profit from these things and does not care how many of us they cull.
Psychopaths are like that and they seem to have gotten together
Nothing prevented those trillion dollar programs in the US, like Star
Wars, SSDI and VietNam/Afghanistan from emptying the public treasury
and eviscerating civil society, just as has happened in this sequel, the
Covid Pandemic, dreamed up by the WEF, the WHO, George Soros and the Bill and Mengele[sic] Gates Foundation; aided
and abetted by the charismatic for some, but despicably corrupt for
most, unthinking fools like Trudeau and all his accomplices and
Maybe we have to do a lot more than just vote.
Source: The Saker Blog