Saturday, December 18, 2021

"SAGE Modeller Says They Don’t Model Good Outcomes Because 'It Doesn’t Add Any Further Information'” by Will Jones


SAGE Modeller Says They Don’t Model Good Outcomes Because “It Doesn’t Add Any Further Information”

As SAGE minutes released with the Government’s approval make the case for new restrictions and even the cancellation of Christmas, Spectator Editor Fraser Nelson probed SAGE modeller Graham Medley on Twitter on why SAGE’s models were so often pessimistic and wrong.

The exchange, reproduced in full below, is illuminating because Graham says they do not include more benign scenarios because “it doesn’t add any further information” and “decision-makers are generally on [sic] only interested in situations where decisions have to be made”.

“Decision-makers don’t have to decide if nothing happens,” he argues. This is wrong, of course: not imposing restrictions because the threat doesn’t warrant it is itself a decision, a very important one.

Fraser asks: “So you exclusively model bad outcomes that require restrictions and omit just-as-likely outcomes that would not require restrictions?”

Graham replies that “we generally model what we are asked to model”.

Fraser asks: “Okay, so you were asked to model bad Omicron outcomes and make no comment as to the probability?”

Answer came there none.

Ladies and gentleman: The Science.






Source: The Daily Sceptic

The Jimmy Dore Show: "MSNBC's Non-Stop Lying About Julian Assange"

Thanks to CoCoLuv9491 for contributing this video.



"A Path Will Rise to Meet Us" by Charles Eisenstein


A Path Will Rise to Meet Us

The first principle of non-violent action is that of non-cooperation with everything humiliating.
– Mohandas K. Gandhi

I once read an account of bullying in rural America in the early 20th century. The narrator said, “If a victim did not stand up to them, there was no limit to how far the bullies would go.” He described them tying another child to the train tracks as a train approached (on the parallel track). There was no appeasing the bullies. Each capitulation only whetted their appetite for new and crueler humiliations.

The psychology of bullies is well understood: compensation for a loss of power, reenactment of trauma with roles reversed, and so forth. Beyond all that, though, the Bully archetype draws from another source. On some unconscious level, what the bully wants is for the victim to cease being a victim and to stand up to him. That is why submission does not appease a bully, but only invites further torment.

There is an initiatory possibility in the abuser-victim relationship. In that relationship and perhaps beyond it, the victim seeks to control the world through submissiveness. If I am submissive enough, pitiable enough, the abuser may finally relent. Other people might step in (the Rescuer archetype). There is nothing intrinsically wrong with submission or what improvisational theater pioneer Keith Johnstone called a low-status play. There are indeed some situations when doing that is necessary to survive. However, when the submissive posture becomes a habit and the victim loses touch with her capability and strength, the initiatory potential of the situation emerges. The bully or abuser intensifies the abuse until the victim reaches a point where the situation is so intolerable that she throws habit and caution to the wind. She discovers a capacity within her that she did not know she had. She becomes someone new and greater than she had been. That is a pretty good definition of an initiation.

When that happens, when the victim stands his ground and fights back, quite often the bully leaves him alone. On the soul level, his work is done. The initiation is complete. Of course, one might also say that the bully is a coward who wants only submissive victims. Or one might say that resistance spoils the sought-after psychodrama of dominance and submission. There is no guarantee that the resistance will be successful, but even if it is not, the dynamics of the relationship change when the victim decides she is through being a victim. She may discover that a lot of the power the bully had was in her fear and not in his actual physical control.

Until that shift happens, even if a rescuer intervenes, the situation is unlikely to change. Either the intervention will fail, or the rescuer will become a new abuser. The world will ask again and again whether the victim is ready to take a stand.

Please do not interpret this as a cavalier suggestion to someone in an abusive relationship to simply “take a stand.” That is easier said than done, and especially easy to say in ignorance of just what sort of courage would be required. In some situations, especially when children are involved, there is no way to resist without horrible risk to oneself or innocent others. Yet even in the most hopeless situations, the victim often learns a certain strength that she didn’t know she had. Because submission often leads to further, intensifying violation, eventually she will reach her breaking point where courage is born. In that moment, freedom from the abuser is more important than life itself.


The relationship between our governing authorities and the public today bears many similarities to the abuser-victim dynamic. Facing a bully, it is futile to hope that the bully will relent if you don’t resist. Acquiescence invites further humiliation. Similarly, it is wishful thinking to hope that the authorities will simply hand back the powers they have seized over the course of the pandemic. Indeed, if our rights and freedoms exist only by the whim of those authorities, conditional on their decision to grant them, then they are not rights and freedoms at all, but only privileges. By its nature, freedom is not something one can beg for; the posture of begging already grants the power relations of subjugation. The victim can beg the bully to relent, and maybe he will—temporarily—satisfied that the relation of dominance has been affirmed. The victim is still not free of the bully.

That is why I feel impatient when someone speaks of “When the pandemic is over” or “When we are able to travel again” or “When we are able to have festivals again.” None of these things will happen by themselves. Compared to past pandemics, Covid is more a social-political phenomenon than it is an actual deadly disease. Yes, people are dying, but even assuming that everyone in the official numbers died “of” and not “with” Covid, casualties number one-third to one-ninth those of the 1918 flu; per-capita it is one-twelfth to one-thirty-sixth.1 As a sociopolitical phenomenon, there is no guaranteed end to it. Nature will not end it, at any rate; it will end only through the agreement of human beings that it has ended.2 This has become abundantly clear with the Omicron Variant. Political leaders, public health officials, and the media are whipping up fear and reinstituting policies that would have been unthinkable a few years ago for a disease that, at the present writing, has killed one person globally. So, we cannot speak of the pandemic ever being over unless we the people declare it to be over.

Of course, I could be wrong here. Perhaps Omicron is, as World Medical Association chairman Frank Ulrich Montgomery has warned, as dangerous as Ebola. Regardless, the question remains: will we allow ourselves to be held forever hostage to the possibility of an epidemic disease? That possibility will never disappear.

Another thing I’ve been hearing a lot of recently is that “Covid tyranny is bound to end soon, because people just aren’t going to stand for it much longer.” It would be more accurate to say, “Covid tyranny will continue until people no longer stand for it.” That brings up the question, “Am I standing for it?” Or am I waiting for other people to end it for me, so that I don’t have to? In other words, am I waiting for the rescuer, so that I needn’t take the risk of standing up to the bully?

If you do put up with it, waiting for others to resist instead, then you affirm a general principle of “waiting for others to do it.” Having affirmed that principle, the forlorn hope that others will resist rings hollow. Why should I believe others will do what I’m unwilling to do? That is why pronouncements about the inevitability of a return to normalcy, though they seem hopeful, carry an aura of delusion and despair.

In fact, there is no obvious limit to what people will put up with, just as there is no limit to what an abusive power will do to them.

If the end of Covid bullying is not an inevitability, then what is it? It is a choice. It is precisely the initiatory moment in which the victim—that is, the public—discovers its power. At the very beginning of the pandemic I called it a coronation: an initiation into sovereignty. Covid has shown us a future toward which we have long been hurtling, a future of technologically mediated relationships, ubiquitous surveillance, big tech information control, obsession with safety, shrinking civil liberties, widening wealth inequality, and the medicalization of life. All these trends predate Covid. Now we see in sharp relief where we have been headed. Is this what we want? An automatic inertial trend has become conscious, available for choice. But to choose something else, we must wrest control away from the institutions administering the current system. That requires a restoration of real democracy; i.e., popular sovereignty, in which we no longer passively accept as inevitable the agendas of established authority, and in which we no longer beg for privileges disguised as freedoms.

Despite appearances, Covid has not been the end of democracy. It has merely revealed that we were already not in a democracy. It showed where the power really is and how easily the facade of freedom could be stripped from us. It showed that we were “free” only at the pleasure of elite institutions. By our ready acquiescence, it showed us something about ourselves.

We were already unfree. We were already conditioned to submission.


In Orwell’s 1984, Winston’s interrogator O’Brien states: “The more the Party is powerful, the less it will be tolerant: the weaker the opposition, the tighter the despotism.” The Covid era has seen endless indignities, humiliations, and abuse heaped upon the public, each more outrageous than the last. It is as if someone is performing a psychological experiment to see how much people are willing to take. Let’s tell them that masks don’t work, and then reverse it and require them to mask up. Let’s tell them they can’t shake hands. Let’s tell them they can’t go near each other. Let’s shut down their churches, choirs, businesses, and festivals. Let’s stop them from gathering for the holidays. Let’s make them inject poison into their bodies. Let’s make them do it again. Let’s make them do it to their children. Let’s censor their first-hand stories as “false information.” Let’s feed them obvious absurdities to see what they’ll swallow. Let’s make promises and break them. Let’s make the same promises again and break them again. Let’s require authorization for their every movement. Wow, they’re still going along with it? Let’s see how much more they will take.

I have written the above as if the bullying powers were a bunch of cackling sadists delighting in the humiliation of their victims. That is not accurate. Most people staffing our governing institution are normal, decent human beings. While it is also true that these institutions are hospitable environments for martinets, control freaks, and sadists, more often they turn people into martinets, control freaks, and sadists. These individuals are more symptom than cause of the generalized abuse of the public today. They are functionaries, playing the roles that a systemically abusive drama requires. Causing suffering is not their root motivation, it is to establish control. The quest for power doubtless finds justification in the idea that it is all for the greater good. Yes, they think, it would be bad if evil people were in charge of the surveillance, censorship, and coercive apparatus, but fortunately it is we, the rational, intelligent, far-seeing, science-based good guys who are at the helm.

Through the absolute conviction by those who hold power that they are the good guys, power transforms from a means to an end. As maybe it was to begin with—Orwell dispels the false justifications of power when he has O’Brien say:

The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?'

The theme resumes on the next page:

He paused, and for a moment assumed again his air of a schoolmaster questioning a promising pupil: 'How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?'

Winston thought. 'By making him suffer,' he said.

'Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating?

Thus it is that the privation, humiliation, and suffering of those they dominate is pleasing to the controllers. It isn’t suffering per se that pleases them. They may even consider it a regrettable necessity. It pleases them as a hallmark of submission.

Covid-era policies cannot be understood merely through the lens of public health. In an earlier series of essays I explored them from the perspective of sacrificial violence, mob morality, dehumanization, and the exploitation of these by fascistic forces. Equally important is the perspective of power. Seeing Covid through the lens of rational public health, of course we should expect the “end of the pandemic” quite soon. Seeing through the lens of power, we cannot be so sanguine, any more than the bullied child can hope the bully will stop because, after all, I’ve done everything he told me to.

The bully doesn’t want the victim to do X, Y, and Z for their own sake. He wants to establish the principle that the victim will do X, Y, Z, or A, B, or C, on demand. That’s why arbitrary, unreasonable, ever-shifting demands are characteristic of an abusive relationship. The more irrational the demand, the better. The controllers find it satisfying to see everyone dutifully wearing their masks. As with O’Brien, it is power, not actual public safety, that inspires them. That is why they roundly ignore science casting doubt on masks, lockdowns, and social distancing. Effectiveness was never the root motivation for those policies to begin with.

I learned about this too in school. In the senseless, degrading busy work and the arbitrary rules, I detected a hidden curriculum: a curriculum of submission.3 The principal issued a series of trivial rules under the pretext of “maintaining a positive learning environment.” Neither the students nor the administration actually believed that wearing hats or chewing gum impeded learning, but that didn’t matter. Punishments were not actually for the infraction itself; the real infraction was disobedience. That is the chief crime in a dominance/submission relationship. Thus, when German police patrol the square with meter sticks to enforce social distancing, no one need believe that the enforcement will actually stop anyone from getting sick. The offense they are patrolling against is disobedience. Disobedience is indeed offensive to the abusive party, and to anyone who fully accepts a submissive role in relation to it. When “Karens” report on their neighbors for having more than the permitted number of guests, is it a civic-minded desire to slow the spread that motivates them? Or are they offended that someone is breaking the rules?

It is uncomfortable for those who have knuckled under to a bully to see someone else stand up to him. It disrupts the idea of powerlessness and the role, which may have become perversely comfortable, of the victim. It invokes the initiatory moment by making an unconscious choice conscious: “I could do that too.” To resist the abuser asks others if they will resist too. It is far from inevitable that they will accept the invitation, yet the example of courage is more powerful than any exhortation.

Today a wave of resistance to Covid policies is surging across the globe. You’ll see little mention of it in mainstream media, but thousands and tens of thousands are protesting all across Europe, Thailand, Japan, Australia, North America… pretty much anywhere that lockdowns and vaccine mandates have been applied. People are risking arrest to defy lockdowns and curfews. They are walking out of jobs, losing licenses, enduring forced closures of their businesses, sometimes even losing custody of their children because they refuse to comply with vaccine mandates. They are getting kicked off social media for speaking out. They are sacrificing concerts, sports, skiing, travel, college, careers, and livelihoods. Under compulsory vaccination laws In Austria, they will soon risk prison.

Some people have much more to lose than others by speaking out, refusing vaccination, or engaging in civil disobedience. As someone who has relatively little to lose, it is not my job to demand other people be brave. It isn’t anyone’s job. We can, though, describe the reality of the situation. That fosters bravery, because it isn’t only external fear, force, and threat that breeds submission. In an abusive relationship the victim often adopts some of the abuser’s narrative: I am weak. I am contemptible. I am powerless. You are right. I am wrong. I need you. I deserve this. I am crazy. This is normal. This is OK.

When the victim internalizes the abuser, I say that the bandits have breached the castle walls. I know well what it is like to be a fugitive in my own castle, dodging the patrolling invaders to protect my secret sanity.

My understanding of the bullying victim comes from direct experience. I was among the youngest in my grade and reached puberty quite late. At age 12 I was a scrawny 4’10”, 90-pound weakling among the hulking adolescents of my former friend group. Their cruel jokes and torments were mostly not intended to cause physical pain, but rather to assert dominance and humiliate. Fighting back was not much of an option—the ringleader was literally twice my weight. When I tried to fight back, the gang looked at each other with amusement. “Uh oh,” they said, “Chucky’s getting mad! Did your daddy tell you to stand up to us, Chucky?” The next thing I knew, I was on the floor in a submission hold, surrounded by a chorus of mocking laughter. That was what happened when I resisted. Yet submission didn’t work either; it appeased them for a day or perhaps a few minutes or not at all. It was an invitation to further violence. In this difficult situation, I internalized the abusers by taking on their opinion of myself as pathetic and contemptible.4

In this case, literally fighting back was futile. My initiatory journey took the form of stepping into the unknown of finding new friends—a frightening prospect in the cacophony and chaos of the junior high cafeteria. Exiting the role of victim doesn’t usually mean physical combat or legal combat, though it might. Invariably, it means refusing to comply with violation or humiliation. In real life it could be blocking a caller, getting a restraining order, or simply running away. It cannot be a mere gesture. It must be determined and sustained until the old role no longer beckons.

It is worth noting that none of my abusers were particularly bad people. Nor were those who joined in the laughter, nor those who stood by in disapproving silence. They went on to become solid contributing members of society, good fathers and husbands. There was something in the confluence of our biographies that called them to the role of abuser, enabler, or bystander at that moment. The abuser-victim drama issues a powerful casting call. An abusive spouse may no longer occupy that role in a subsequent marriage. The roles allow each actor to discover—and possibly integrate and transcend—something in themselves. So it is society-wide as well. What will the functionaries of our abusive, degrading, oppressive system become when the drama ends? Already a lot of them are getting sick of their roles. The victim does the abuser no favor by prolonging the drama.

Earlier I wrote that often, the point of courage comes when the pain of submission grows intolerable. The erstwhile victim reaches a breaking point and throws caution to the wind. The abuser may still wield the outward apparatus of power, but no longer does that power have an ally within the victim, who becomes ungovernable. A lot of people are reaching that breaking point now. Powering the aforementioned wave of resistance is a hurricane of fury brewing just offshore of official reality. If you want to get a sense of it, subscribe to the Telegram channel “They Say Its Rare.” It displays without comment Tweets from vaccine-harmed individuals and their friends and families. Thousands upon thousands of Tweets, raw, outraged, and indignant. Most of these people will never comply with vaccination again no matter what the pressure, nor will many of their friends. Perhaps this partly explains low public uptake of boosters. (That and the fact that the first two shots did not deliver the promised rewards of immunity or freedom.)

The drama continues. The bully does not relent at the first sign of resistance. On the soul level, the bully serves his purpose only when he provokes real, sustained courage. As resistance grows, so grows the coercion. We are very nearly at a tipping point. The scale is evenly balanced—so finely, perhaps, that the weight of one person may tip it. Could that person be you? Whatever reasons you have to comply, to stay silent, to keep your head down—and they may be very good reasons indeed—please do not accept the insidious false hope that someone else will take the risk if you do not.

What can one person do? Will it matter if I resist, if too many others do not? Five percent of the population can be locked up, locked in, or locked out of society. Forty percent cannot. Will you resist and risk being one of the five percent? Safer to wait and see, isn’t it. Safer to wait until after critical mass has been reached, and join the winning side.

Of all the lies of a controlling power, the key lie is the powerlessness of its victim. That lie is a form of sorcery, coming true to the extent it is believed. All modern people live within a pervasive metaphysical version of that lie. In a Newtonian universe of deterministic forces, indeed it matters little what one person does. It is wholly irrational for the discrete and separate self to be brave, to defy the mob, or to stand up to power. Sure, if lots of people do it, things will change, but you aren’t lots of people, you are just one person. So why not let other people do it? Your choice won’t much affect theirs.

To refute that logic with logic would require a metaphysical treatise that reclaims self and causality from their Cartesian prison. So I won’t use logic. Instead I’ll appeal to Logos—the fiery logic of the heart. Something in you knows that your private struggles and the choices of just-one-person are significant. Furthermore, something in you knows when the time has come to make the choice, to be brave. You can feel the approach of the breaking point. It may feel like, “I’ve had enough. Enough!” It may be a calm clarity. It may be a leap in the dark. Probably you recognize the moment I’m describing; most of us have gone through some life initiation of this kind, bursting out of a cocoon of fear. In that moment you know something significant has happened. The world looks different. That is because it is different.

An abuser, whether a person or a system, offers an opportunity to graduate to a new degree of sovereignty. We claim by example what a human being is. When made at risk, such a claim issues forth as a prayer. An intelligence beyond rational understanding responds to that prayer, and reorganizes the world around it. We may experience this as synchronicity, which seems to happen with uncanny frequency just at those moments where one takes a leap in the dark. She leaves the abusive spouse in the dead of night with nowhere to go. Yet she is not reckless, because she knows It is time. She steps out into nothingness and Lo! Something meets her foot. A path invisible from the starting point opens with each step along it.

So it shall be. The world will rearrange itself around the brave choices millions of people are making as they trust the knowledge, It is time. If you join us, you will be witness to a most marvelous paradox. The transition to a more beautiful world is a mass awakening into sovereignty, far beyond the doing of any hero, any leader, any individual. Yet you will know that it was you—your choice!—that was the fulcrum of the turning of the age.

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Estimates of Spanish flu deaths range from 17 million to 50 million. The global population was somewhat under 2 billion. In terms of life-years lost the contrast is even more stark. In the US in 1918-1919, 99% of casualties were among people under 65 years of age, and half were in people age 20-40. The median age of death with Covid is around 80.


Many experts now agree that Covid will never be eradicated, but will remain endemic for the foreseeable future.


The resemblance of school to lockdown society is uncanny. In school, one’s movements are subject at all times to authorization. A hall pass is given for essential functions. And the top authority, superseding even the principal, is the doctor’s note.


Some readers may suspect that I am my defiance of Covid orthodoxy comes from unprocessed trauma from my youth. Maybe I’ve been playing out my own psychodrama on the projection screen of current affairs, projecting abuse onto a benign public health system and its dedicated doctors and scientists. If you are tempted to discount my analysis on these grounds, please consider that I am not unaware of this possibility.


Source: Charles Eisenstein

"COVID and the Law of Karma" by Guy Crittenden

Thanks to sabelmouse for contributing this article.


COVID and the Law of Karma 

It’s a spiritual battle. Most spiritual leaders have failed us.

Guy Crittenden

Let’s face it: many spiritual practitioners don’t have much of a ground game, at least when it comes to fighting totalitarian takeovers.

I’ve seen this writ small and large since the COVID operation started in early 2020. Many spiritual friends have been missing in action, unable to handle “the energy” of protest rallies. I appreciate that raising their frequency in private could shift things, but a lot of people (including children) may perish before the good vibes make a difference.

On the writ large level, I won’t soon forget seeing photos of Sadhguru hanging out with World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab.

The situation wasn’t innocent before.

The human family was not in right relationship with nature, God, source, our higher selves — whatever you want to call it. A karmic debt built up over decades of US imperialism (and other insults to human decency), which sprouted dreadful vines from the bloody soil of centuries of unimaginable exploitation and genocide.

We lazily pretend the colonial era somehow ended with the British Empire.

The central-bank-perpetual-war-story arc (that Catherine Austin Fitts talks about) connects the founding of the British and Dutch East India companies four centuries ago with the moment the first crisis actor keeled over for the cameras in Wuhan, China.

In the 20th century we endured the dual scourges of communism and fascism, and Apartheid regimes in South Africa and Palestine, over 70 CIA coup d’états, and sickening unfairness and injustice everywhere. Almost every armed conflict has been a bankers’ war based on a false flag attack, and most civil wars have been stoked by foreign mercenaries.

Case in point: Libya. Or Syria.

I wonder if the Rwanda conflict wasn’t a test for some Voice of God technology (that we know exists) in preparation for the worldwide zombie apocalypse that the CDC pretends to make light of.

If we peek behind the curtain of peoples declared religious affiliations, we’re likely to find their true allegiance is to the cult of scientism for which the true cathedral is the corporate head office. People might pray, but the shopping mall receives their most convincing genuflections, whether we’re in Dallas, Rome or Dubai.

And now the vast karmic debt must be paid. And it is being paid, quite literally, with our coagulated blood and, most recently, the blood of our children. Lord Baphomet must be pleased by the installation of defibrillators in elementary schools and the release of new blood thinners for children.

Many will soon learn the full meaning of the Indian term “Kali Yuga” and Goddess Kali’s necklace of skulls, her goblet of blood, and her shimmering sword.

Make no mistake: the New World Order (NWO) is being imposed in about 200 countries right now by a corporate oligarchy whose accomplishments include that they convinced most people the NWO was only a conspiracy theory. (Like anti-vaxxer, these are spell words.)

“Two weeks to flatten the curve” has yielded to a full press assault on the laws and constitutions of every country, and especially the Commonwealth nations whose property rights and common law traditions are intolerable to both the communitarian values and the eugenicist (transhuman) goals of the predator class.

Commentators have (correctly) described what’s happening as a contest between good and evil, and even as the Apocalypse. Adherents of the Abrahamic religions see this as a fight between God (or Christ) and Satan and they’re finding evidence in the many satanic symbols (such as 666) in the logos and publications of various globalist institutions, from Google to CERN to Microsoft’s patent to mine crypto from human energy.

Satanic symbolism was all over the human sacrifice event otherwise known as Travis Scott’s Astroworld concert, just as it was present at the creepy London Olympics opening ceremony, and that ribbon-cutting ceremony for a European tunnel.

The Pope himself convened a conference of transhumanists at the Vatican. (He promotes the injections despite their containing aborted fetus cells.) The leaders of most Western faiths have kissed the ring of globalist institutions, ergo we see uninjected parishioners excluded from attending service.

There are exceptions, of course, which in my experience was marching through the streets of Toronto with Bible Christians (like Mennonites) with whom I felt sudden affinity.

Shifting east, karma is a big topic.

Its lean Zen Buddhist conception will serve us here, as opposed to the complicated ideas of, say, Tibetan Buddhism, which focuses on cycles of death and rebirth, and incorporates deities from earlier shamanic practices.

For Zen practitioners, karma is a forthright law that corresponds with the notion in physics that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Even if I escape punishment in human institutions for some misdeed, any harm I do to another being puts me out of harmony with the way of things; I disrupt a cosmic homeostasis.

If, for instance, I steal without getting caught, I’m punished nonetheless living in a world where stealing happens — a world in which “I have stolen.” And this is more corrosive than judicial punishments, from a spiritual perspective.

With sufficient conscious evolution, we humans wouldn’t need laws to govern behaviour, much less police to enforce them. (This is what serious anarchists think.) Instead, our spiritual poverty, our conscious stuntedness, has led to a Pied Piper hell realm where kids contract myocarditis and Australia’s First People are trucked to internal displacement camps.

Unless people rise up (and soon!), we will all live in an AI-controlled dystopia, surveilled by millions of facial recognition cameras networked with satellites and social credit score algorithms. To date our concerns have fallen on the dead ears of human leaders; there will be no appealing to the better nature of robot dogs or swarms of flying drones.

Let’s be clear: There will be no human beings in the ultimate New World Order. We’re slated for elimination either from the jabs, starvation, or radical augmentation.

I was reminded recently of the “weighing of the heart” scene in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The king cannot access the celestial realms unless his heart is lighter than a feather. The past 20 months have revealed much about the “heart weight” of many spiritual teachers. Most have been revealed as frauds, as quick to engage in bypassing as any proponent of mRNA technology.

This first came to my attention when I stumbled upon social media posts from a yoga teacher with whom I’d taken a workshop, who exposed himself as a mask-wearing Karen of the highest order, and an ersatz American liberal to boot, trapped in the dead-end false dichotomy of left versus right politics. (A Biden fan, unsurprisingly.) He excommunicated me on Facebook after I disavowed the orthodoxy.

My greatest disappointment has been with a Sanskrit scholar who has translated some important sutras and published what I consider the definitive book on Tantra traditions. This author is an accomplished practitioner as well as a translator, and his teaching included interesting mudras.

I still haven’t finished his landmark Tantra book, since every time I read a few pages I spend the next day contemplating their profound implications, which align squarely with insights gleaned from my own journey in Zen Buddhism and other modalities, and especially with my work with shamanic visionary plants, about which I wrote a book that won an award in 2018.

This serious scholar-practitioner has heavily promoted the official COVID and “vaccination” narrative on social media, and has encouraged his students to get the jab. He even recorded a video to warn people away from dangerous anti-vaxx conspiracy theories, in which he extolled his followers to trust The Science.

Witnessing this was simply unbearable for me. How, I wondered, could someone who so clearly “gets it” in regard to the nondual perspective of eastern mysticism fall so hard for a cliché of scientism that is harming and killing millions, while a digital prison is erected around the human family?

To my mind, the universe is nudging us to turn away from shallow teachers, false gurus and plastic shamans, and to turn instead inward for guidance. When we “build back better” let’s not construct the metaverse or anti-health paradigm promoted by deep state apparatchiks like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. It’s time also to break with spiritual bypassers who can recite the Diamond Sutra while ignoring the jewel inside their own heart.

Let’s build something new and different, based on the principle of compassion and mutual assistance. Perhaps it’s nothing new, but instead deeply ancient. Terence McKenna called it the Archaic Revival and I consider this an intriguing latter-day prophecy.

A radical shift in this direction could interrupt the globalist plan and reduce our karmic burden such that we could assuage our shortcomings by, perhaps. lighting some incense, and not (for example) tossing our children on a pyre.

Love and truth will win in the end. Our willingness to rise in defense of what is right and true will determine the length of our journey, which could end tomorrow if enough of us stopped complying.

Namaste, everybody. And In La’kesh!


Source: OffGuardian

"A Culture War in Four Acts: Loudoun County, Virginia. Part Two: 'The Incident.'” by Matt Taibbi

A Culture War in Four Acts: Loudoun County, Virginia. Part Two: “The Incident.”

An Underground Railroad simulation at an elementary school brings a long-simmering political dispute out into the open, triggering a bizarre series of unfortunate events

“The Underground Railroad,” by Charles T. Webber

February 5th, 2019. An educational consultant named Dr. Linda Deans walked to the lectern at a meeting of the Loudoun County School Board. Addressing issues like black student underrepresentation in the gifted programs and overrepresentation in disciplinary cases, she asked the board to remedy matters through more funding of diversity and inclusion positions. Loudoun had a diversity officer, but Deans stumped for a department.

“To be real about equity and inclusion, contracting out the work might be a good idea because insiders may be — hmm — influenced by politics,” she said, pausing to apply a dollop of contemptuous stank on the hmm. She went on: “I highly recommend that LCPS offer this serious work to a reputable organization, such as the Loudoun Freedom Center.”

The Center, where Deans worked, is a nonprofit founded by charismatic local pastor and new NAACP chapter president Michelle Thomas. The meaning was clear: Loudoun had race problems, and if the board wanted to be credited with taking those seriously, it had to make a financial commitment, and to the right destination.

Deans was followed by the Education Chair for the local NAACP chapter, Robin Burke. Burke and husband Steven had recently met with Loudoun’s Director of Teaching and Learning, and weren’t happy.

“On Wednesday, January 16th, 2019,” she says, “my husband and I attended a meeting facilitated by Mr. James Dallas to discuss our concerns regarding our son… being denied admission to the Academies of Loudoun.” She paused. “We are convinced that the admission process is disjointed, unfair and represents a clear example of historical institutional racism. Therefore, we expect now more than ever that our straight A-student [son] be unconditionally admitted to the Academies of Loudoun.”

The Board was silent for a moment, some members confused. They only set policy and had no power to intervene in an individual gifted admissions question. Also, the admissions process was blind: reviewers had no access to names or racial identities, seeing only test scores, grades, courses taken, etc. To some members, this was an obvious reply to any charge of “historical institutional racism.” To Burke, the blind nature of the testing was the racism.

The fact that Loudoun had race-neutral admissions was “true, therefore problematic,” she told me by email. “By removing personal identifiable information,” she added, “it is impossible to assess an applicant’s unique experiences alongside traditional measures of academic achievement such as grades and test scores.”

Burke had reached out to several officials about her son. After correspondence didn’t result in changes, she went public with complaints. Asked about this, she replied, “As the Chair of Education for the NAACP, I represent all students of color,” adding that, “These claims were brought to the attention of the School Board and the Superintendent,” whose “inaction led to the NAACP contacting the AGs office.”

Loudoun has a gruesome history on race and schools. In 1956, the county infamously voted to defund schools rather than follow the Supreme Court’s historic Brown v. Board of Education desegregation order. Not until 1962 did the first black student attend a “white” school. Segregation was essentially pried from the cold dead fingers of this county’s grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and suspicions in the black community naturally linger. However, the current controversies aren’t a clear continuation of civil rights-era battles. Some aspects may be similar, but the legal context at least is reversed: in place of a decades-long effort on the part of groups like the NAACP to expunge racial considerations from the law, the new thinking is that progress is impossible without them. Whether or not that’s a warranted belief is a separate issue, but it’s how the new debate is framed.

Heading into the winter of 2018-2019, a dispute between county officials and the NAACP had been escalating. This disagreement would eventually be memorialized in the aforementioned formal complaint to the Virginia Attorney General’s Office, called NAACP Loudoun Branch vs. Loudoun County Public Schools.

Loudoun’s NAACP leadership increasingly felt statistical inequities in areas like gifted admissions or discipline were explained by racism, and policy proposals often mere cover for perpetuation of an inherently discriminatory system. For a long time, they clashed in this with an old guard of county officials trying to cling to do-gooder liberalism’s once-standard position that a variety of addressable factors, including racism but also economics and other issues, were the cause of discrepancies.

The latter group’s idea for addressing gifted admissions once involved things like Loudoun’s adoption of EDGE (“Experiences Designed for Growth and Excellence”). The plan was to provide “intensive, engaging support” early in elementary school to talented-but-disadvantaged students to help them compete in the difficult admissions processes ahead. The school system had long been pushing back against more drastic action, like eliminating standardized testing, that might heighten complaints about a lack of rigor in Loudoun’s once-celebrated school system. The county had already eliminated final and midterm requirements in 2015, leading some parents to complain of their kids being left unprepared for college.

NAACP officials were more and more uninterested in those concerns, demanding direct intervention to square ugly numbers. In 2017, after data was released showing 88% of Loudoun teachers were white compared with only 48% of students, then-NAACP chapter head Philip Thompson threatened to file a federal civil rights complaint. “We believe we will only see an increase in the number of minority teachers when LCPS puts requirements on the people hiring the teachers,” Thompson said.

Rhetorically, this was walking a fine line, since Supreme Court cases like the 1977 Regents of the University of California v. Bakke had deemed explicit racial quotas in public education illegal. According to the Loudoun Times-Mirror, Thompson hastened to add he wasn’t “suggesting the school division adopt racial hiring quotas,” merely applying pressure to meet “targets.” However, putting “requirements on the people hiring” seemed to have a clear meaning.

By 2019, the NAACP seemed out of patience, moving toward the Ibram Kendi conception of equity, which holds that “there is no such thing as a nonracist or race-neutral policy.” As Kendi puts it, “racial discrimination is not inherently racist. The defining question is whether the discrimination is creating equity or inequity.” Loudoun in this view fell under the latter category, even if the admissions inequity, for instance, overwhelmingly redounded to the county’s Asian minority. (Ironically, Asians were also massively underrepresented in school hiring in 2017, making up 3% of teachers despite being 20% of the student body, though this fact didn’t make it into the NAACP complaint).

When asked about the legality of quotas, which she would later publicly support, Burke’s response was that the legal system itself was part of the problem and therefore not relevant. “As you are aware, the legal system has protected and in some cases perpetuated systemic racism. It was LEGAL to own people,” she said. She added:

“LCPS needs to make of amends for the wrong they have done, by helping those who have been wronged, African American students and families. Reperations [sic].”

Late in the fall of 2018, a group of fourth-grade teachers at Madison’s Trust elementary school in Brambleton, Virginia got together to plan the curriculum for Black History Month in February 2019. At the time, principal David Stewart was following in the footsteps of Superintendent Eric Williams, described on school websites as a devotee of an educational theorist named Philip Schlechty, by pushing a program called Project-Based Learning. Schlechty scoffed at the idea that a teacher was a mere “facilitator” of “personal development,” seeing the educator as a more muscular figure who helped ensure the “functioning of a democratic society” by “transmitting the collective wisdom of the group” through “authentically engaging activities.”

Loudoun’s schools touted “Project Based Learning” as such an “engaging” approach that fused the “3 Rs” (a Relevant, Rigorous, and Responsive curriculum) and the “4 Cs” (utilizing Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity). What did those seven letters mean, at a school like Madison’s Trust? In practice, that classroom instruction might be bolstered by cross-pollinating lessons with a gym class.

The 4th grade team that fall was working on a “PBL” on “Notable African Americans.” One of the school’s three PE teachers volunteered that he’d been to a conference years before, where he’d heard about a plan that sounded to him like a potential complement to any lesson about Harriet Tubman.

Ian Prior of the Loudoun parent group Fight for Schools later brought details forward in a story for The Federalist, and noted in a longer private report that this teacher had attended the 2011 meeting of the Virginia Association For Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (VAPHERD) at the Hyatt Regency in Reston. There, a program was presented called “Underground Railroad”:

In “Underground Railroad,” kids in a PE class are led through an obstacle course simulating the path of slaves to safety along Tubman’s famous road to freedom. Along the way, they stop at various stations, where they might be introduced to a “drinking gourd” to learn that slaves used the Big Dipper constellation to help find the north star, or help each other move through hula hoops, or watch a video about Tubman, etc.

Such simulations have been going on for at least thirty years, if not longer. One educator I spoke with who’d used a version of the program, Geoffrey Bishop of “Nature’s Classroom” in Mukwonago, Wisconsin, said he thought he first came across the idea at a conference in New Hampshire 35 years ago.

The most famous “UGRR” simulation is the Kambui Education Initiative, a re-enactment founded by Kamau Kambui, a former devotee to a Malcolm X-inspired secessionist group called the Republic of New Afrika. The Initiative takes place in a thousand-acre slice of Minnesota’s Wilder Forest, dates back to the late eighties at least, and is part living museum, part outdoors adventure. Anthony Galloway, a pastor and equity coach who does use the term “critical race theory” in describing what his “Dare 2 Be Real” program teaches, cites experience with the Kambau Initiative as part of his credentials. However, both he and the current head of the Initiative, Chris Crutchfield, vehemently deny that he or Galloway had anything to do with any public school programs. “It’s abhorrent to me that people might think that,” Crutchfield says. “If it’s not done in the right way, it can be problematic.”

In the end, the origin story doesn’t really matter. As the New Yorker wrote last year, “UGRR” simulations became a craze beginning in the nineties, long ago reaching into public school classes from coast to coast. Writer Julian Lucas described it as part of a movement to replace the old Schoolhouse Rock heroes with progressive updates:

The runaway has emerged as the emblematic figure of a renovated national mythology, hero of a land that increasingly sees its Founding Fathers as settler-colonist génocidaires. In their stead rises a patriotism centered on slavery and abolition, and a campaign to set the country’s age-old freedom cult on a newly progressive footing.

No matter who came up with the Madison’s Trust lesson plan, the idea clearly grew out of this same nest of ideas, with the aim of valorizing Harriet Tubman, Henry “Box” Brown, and other Railroad figures. Until there were complaints, there were plenty of progressive educators in Virginia who seemed to think these simulations were a good idea. A story in the Virginia Pilot from 2006 showed teachers boasting of how lifelike they’d made theirs.

In that case, a pair of PE teachers in Chesapeake “transformed their gym into an eerie obstacle course” and “allowed the school’s 800 students to experience a little of what the slaves encountered during their nighttime runs.” Parents volunteered to play roles as slave-catchers and “patrolled the gym to the recorded sounds of barking dogs and galloping horses,” and teachers added heavy doses of verisimilitude:

Students who made unnecessary noise or skipped obstacles found themselves caught and wearing gray construction paper manacles. There were no second chances. The slaves never got any, the teachers explained.

“Some first- and second-graders cried,” the Pilot noted, in a deeply buried lede.

A version of this was even officially approved for use in Loudoun County at one point, only to be discontinued years before the 2019 incident. Though the Loudoun County Schools declined to speak on the record for this story, it’s safe to say there’s disagreement about who signed off on what at Madison’s Trust, whose much watered-down version incidentally didn’t involve dogs or manacles. The Physical Education teachers are adamant that principal Stewart, as well as the Dean, Robert Rauch, visited the simulation in its first days — all of this took place between a Monday and a Wednesday on February 4th, 5th, and 6th, of 2019 — and gave it a thumbs-up. Other teachers and even Stewart tweeted about it in approval, claiming the students were “100% engaged.” Those messages have since been deleted.

An amazing part of this story is how close it came to never happening. “We would have been fine not going cross-curricular,” one of the three Physical Education teachers told me. “We’d have been just fine doing our normal stuff.”

Much later, what happened in the district would be portrayed as a white backlash against teaching the “truth” about America’s past. Buzzfeed for instance would eventually describe the Loudoun controversy as an effort by “right-wing activists” to “ban lessons and conversations around race, racism, and slavery.” A Washington Post article described local citizens as being against “efforts to promote racial justice,” and blamed Donald Trump and his followers for seeing “hateful lies” in “teaching about slavery and racism.”

Yet the triggering incident in Loudoun clearly involved an overenthusiastic attempt to teach students about the Underground Railroad. Any progressive’s knee-jerk response to this story would involve aching to go back in time, Terminator-style, to quash thoughts of sticking “conversations about slavery” in a period normally reserved for volleyball and sack races. The issue wasn’t teachers trying to sabotage an antiracist lesson plan, but rather trying too hard to teach one. Even if you saw it as problematic, it was surely the opposite of not wanting to “teach about slavery and racism.”

What happened next followed the pattern after simulations in Carrolton, Ohio, in 1997 (“Living-History Lessons Resurrect Old Wounds”), or Atlanta in 2013 (“Parent Says Slavery Experiment at Camp Went Too Far”) or Chicago in 2018 (“Illinois School Made Black Students Pretend to Be Slaves”) or countless other places: things went wrong. The typical complaint involved a black student coming home with a tale about having been asked to role-play a slave in school, followed by said child’s parent going somewhat understandably ballistic (“That’s when the blood vessel kind of broke,” is how one Atlanta parent described hearing his daughter’s story).

The parents of one black child complained about the Brambleton simulation, and what followed was a perfect metaphor for so much of what’s wrong with modern American politics.

Taking the dimmest possible view of the Madison’s Trust simulation, it was a misguided attempt by white teachers to get in the spirit of both Black History month and the Schlechty-ian concept of “authentically engaging activities.” One can imagine a rational response involving an air-clearing conversation between offended parents and school officials, followed by an apology, a possible re-think of certain academic fads, and maybe, depending on how conversations went, something like a course of sensitivity training for everyone involved, senior officials included.

It almost happened that way. The parents reportedly did have a meeting with Madison’s Trust officials, and there was an effort at an apology and an explanation. However, a national crisis ensued instead. Pastor Thomas went to multiple local media outlets in early February 2019 to decry the “sickening and racist” use of a “runaway slave game” that, she said, highlighted the need to commit to investments in race and bias training. “The incident” now became fodder for advancing the Attorney General complaint.

“Literally the top of the iceberg,” she said. “We have a longstanding list of incidents of racial discrimination.”

If there is a tide in the affairs of men, a flood now carried the NAACP forward. On February 6, 2019, when both the Madison’s Trust incident and Robin Burke’s speech to the Board were taking place, news came out that the state’s Attorney General, Democrat Mark Herring, had as a 19-year-old college undergrad done himself up in blackface. In the kind of perfectly preposterous detail that would mark many later events in this story, college-Herring was trying to look like the rapper Kurtis Blow of Basketball and If I Ruled The World fame.

“Shocking,” said Blow, when apprised of the news. “Totally offensive and disrespectful, degrading. It’s ugly. You know, I’m praying for my man Mr. Herring right now.”

Given that Herring’s boss, Governor Ralph Northam, had already been nabbed in his own blackface controversy, this was a Krakatoa-sized PR disaster for a high-ranking Democratic Party pol who reportedly still hoped to squeak through with his career intact, and run for re-election in 2021. Worse, Herring graduated from Loudoun schools, a fact Thomas seized upon.

“[Herring] graduated from Loudoun Valley, so of course he wouldn’t know what he was doing, going up, dressing as blackface, because blackface is never discussed in the curriculum,” she thundered. “The insensitivity is astronomical. We are in a racism crisis in Virginia.” Herring issued a statement apologizing for the “pain” he’d caused, underlining his commitment to “work affirmatively to address the racial inequities… that we know exist.”

By May 22nd, 2019, Thomas and the NAACP would file a formal complaint against Loudoun County with Herring’s office, eventually listing “Terms of Conciliation.” They demanded the elimination of standardized testing for advanced programs like the Academies of Loudoun in favor of a new, “holistic” process featuring minimum criteria like “final grade of C or above,” and appended as evidence the report of the outside consultants about to be invited in to give the schools a racial colonoscopy in the wake of the “runaway slave” incident. Herring would go on to adopt the consultants’ recommendations, and within a year, he would announce he was running for re-election, buoyed by the endorsement of — you guessed it — Loudoun NAACP chief Michelle Thomas.

All that still was to come, however. On February 26, 2019, before another gathering of the School Board, Thomas was still trying to pressure local officials into allowing the outside inspection. She called for the resignation of Superintendent Williams, among other things, and addressed the Board in fiery language.

“‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere.’ Dr. Martin Luther King,” she began, gravely. “Since day one of the integration of Loudoun County public schools some sixty years ago, African-Americans have been under constant and utter threat. And 2019 is not so different from 1960, in that African Americans still have challenges with curriculum content — racist curriculum content. That is how we get to play a runaway slave game.”

Apparently in agreement that the Underground Railroad simulation showed thingsin 2021 America were not so different from 1960, one speaker after another, many of them white, got up to blast the racism of the Madison’s Trust PE teachers. The latter incidentally were placed on leave, while school leadership went unscathed (Stewart lost a shot at Principal of the Year, a fact that didn’t impress the teachers). All this happened just as a soon-to-be-white-hot controversy about a measure to expand protections for LGBTQ students was coming before the Board.

The Madison’s Trust incident would be rolled into that issue as well, brought up by speakers as part of a broad argument that Loudoun’s school system was inherently bigoted and in need of a house-cleaning. As the press presence became more conspicuous, speakers at public meetings increasingly wore their affiliations in a literal sense. Christian parents donned prominently displayed cross necklaces, while progressives wore rainbow badges and Black Lives Matter pins. After progressives spoke, audience members silently waved rainbow flags in a Town Hall version of the “jazz hands” phenomenon that, with minor alterations, would have perfectly fit the hand-raising portion of any Pentecostal ceremony.

“I’m here today to express my strong support for the formation of an ad-hoc committee on equity,” said Natalia Beardslee, an elementary school teacher in the district. “This committee is needed because students are being asked to play underground railroad games.”

“A true equitable culture will address the slave game,” said Zerell Welch.

“Get with it and end your Dixie Mentality!” said Pamela Lewis.

Burke also spoke. “We are requesting that Loudoun County admit 20% of African American applicants to the Academies of Learning for the 2019-2020 academic school year,” she said. “We are requesting that you appoint an independent team of outside professionals.”

The school administration would soon do just that. It’s hard to look at the document record and conclude anything but that under a blizzard of negative headlines, with leaders like Thomas calling for the heads of people like Superintendent Williams, the school system buckled, tossed a few gym teachers under the bus, and green-lit a full-tilt outside diversity audit as a way to ease political pressures. Some local political figures who initially welcomed what they thought would be a healthy course of “unconscious bias training” to address issues like hiring inequity soon found themselves in shock. Within a few months, the Loudoun schools were transformed into a Boschian hellscape of penthouse-priced equity consultants, who “saw race everywhere” to degrees so far beyond even the most demented Fox News fantasies that the corpse of Roger Ailes almost sat up in surprise.

A teacher I spoke with for this story, not based in Virginia, put it like this:

“Education is dominated by consultants,” she said. “They were former teachers, but they decide they actually want to make money, so they leave and then they start these companies.”

Just like soldiers-turned-defense contractors, or SEC investigators turned corporate defense lawyers, education consultants often end up selling their services at high-dollar rates to the same types of public entities where they once toiled, thanklessly and in the public interest, for small change. Enter the Equity Collaborative, headed by a lingo-spinning Stanford-trained ex-teacher called Jamie Almanzan, who by the summer of 2019 would become one of the most controversial names in northern Virginia.

Although the county insists the Collaborative’s “Equity Assessment” was in the works before the Madison’s Trust incident, and the firm did submit a small invoice for $6000 from August 2018 pointing to a pre-existing relationship, documents we obtained via a Freedom of Information request indicate that the first major scope-of-work agreement — which ultimately paid Almanzan’s firm roughly $500,000 for the assessment and other work at a rate of $5000 per person, per day — was not struck until April 4, 2019. Moreover, the expenditures were not approved by the School Board, which usually had a say in much smaller budget matters. (See the separate file containing the documents, with the curious chronology).

Almanzan and his company preach a diversity training gospel that’s increasingly popular with organizations ranging from Amazon to Goldman, Sachs to the Pentagon. They describe a pervasive, psychologized conception of racism that is so deeply entrenched at both an individual and a societal level that it can never be eradicated, only treated — constantly and by credentialed experts, of course. Firms like the Equity Collaborative are professional sin-hunters and good at what they do, smart enough to make sure clients don’t stray from the point by focusing on fixable problems. “Economic diversity across the county/division complicates the discussions about race, leading many people to steer the conversation away from race to focus on poverty,” would be among their main initial observations about Loudoun.

For most of the first year after their arrival, few people outside school officials, a handful of local politicians, and a smattering of activists knew much about the work the Equity Collaborative was doing in Loudoun. By the fall of 2020, some conservative activists like Prior were beginning to raise alarms in publications like the Washington Free Beacon that had used FOIA requests to get hold of the Collaborative’s reports. These news stories contained excerpts that made the Collaborative’s “Assessment” sound like the lost papers of the Heaven’s Gate cultists, but not everyone was convinced they could really be that bad. People like Emily Curtis, a former Clinton Administration official who had never voted for a Republican, were skeptical. “I hadn’t fully lost my trust in mainstream media yet,” Curtis recalls. “So I said, ‘Point me at all this stuff.’”

Curtis read the raw documents. A lot of the ideas struck first-time readers like her as beyond bizarre, from “affinity groups” that regularly segregated kids according to race through an “Equity Ambassador” program that, as originally conceived, would have recruited a secret network of “Student Leaders of Color” to inform to school leaders. The Collaborative suggested these “ambassadors” collect “anonymous student stories/experiences regarding issues of racism, injustice and inequity” using an electronic form “to ascertain whether or not the student would like… the issue investigated.”* The Stasi, but for kids — awesome! Curtis, especially troubled by the affinity groups, tells a story of approaching various local Democratic officials with warnings like, “These issues you’re dismissing are going to hurt you in the next election.”

One prominent local Democrat scoffed in reply, to the effect that complaints were coming from Fox-watching racists only. When she approached another currently serving official to express concerns about the affinity groups, the official replied, “Have you read White Fragility? You need to do the work.” Curtis was aghast.

“I’m from the South. I felt like I’d walked into an old-fashioned tent revival,” she says. “This wasn’t politics. They were trying to save souls.”

The religious fervor was only just getting started. It would soon extend to national reporters, national politicians, and other click-hungry holy rollers, who were about to descend upon the county in droves. The Great Loudoun Equity Crusade was on. 


Source: TK News by Matt Taibbi

Friday, December 17, 2021

"'The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses' It's all in the title" by Jessica Rose

 Thanks to Maxwell for contributing this article.



'The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses'

It's all in the title...

Figure 1: Hey people telling me what to do! Superhero this.

A brand new medRxiv pre-print study entitled: “The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses” has graced our world. This paper is so important and it provides evidence to support what many prominent immunologists and vaccinologists have been saying for a long time, including myself. These COVID-19 mRNA injectable products are causing, yes, causing, immune system dysregulation - and not just in the context of the adaptive system, but in the context of the innate system. Not only that, but these findings provide very good reasons as to why we are seeing resurgences of latent viral infections and other adverse events reported in VAERS (and other adverse event reporting systems) and perhaps more importantly, why we should under no circumstances inject this crap into our children. Children are fine in the context of COVID-19 (for the 80 millionth time - this well documented) and this is due to their extraordinary innate immune response systems.

Let’s rip into some background in immunology, shall we?

Figure 2 shows many of the different cell types involved in the adaptive and the innate immune system branches. Most of you probably know about T cells and B cells. I would bet that many more of you have not heard of my personal favorite killer, the Natural Killer (NK) cell. They kill infected cells and are of utmost importance to a healthy and functioning immune system. The cell types involved in the innate immune response system emit special molecules in response to invaders. These special molecules primarily comprise defensins, collectins, c-reactive proteins, lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) binding proteins and complement factors. These responses are non-specific and target invading pathogens and even cancer cells.
Figure 2: The big picture of adaptive versus innate immune cells.

In a nutshell, in this article, what they found was that the BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech) injectable products are modulating the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells upon stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific (viral, fungal and bacterial) stimuli whereby the response of innate immune cells to TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands was weaker after BNT162b2 injection, while fungi-induced cytokine responses were stronger.

In conclusion, the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses, which should be considered in the development and use of this new class of vaccines.

Yes. It should be. And it should have been.

So what is inside the nutshell? Let’s back it up a bit, shall we? What are acquired/adaptive immune responses and more importantly, what are innate immune responses? I did say we were going to rip into immunology. Our immune system’s first line of defense is called the innate immune system. It comprises the skin (chock full of epidermal dendritic cells or Langerhans cells), mucous and mucosal epithelium, immune cells such as natural killer cells, basophils, dendritic cells, mast cells and macrophages and many molecular mediators such as cytokines, interleukins, c-reactive proteins and complement factors. The complement system (Figure 2) is an immutable system vital to proper functioning of antibodies and phagocytic cells (cells that eat stuff), clearance of invaders and damaged cells, inflammatory response promotion and membrane attack complex (MAC) formation (Figure 2). Membrane attack complex. Cool name for a band.

Figure 2: The complement cascade

The mucus layer covering the mucosal epithelium acts as a first physical and biochemical barrier. An additional layer of physical protection against microorganisms is provided by a tightly interlaced cell-to-cell network of epithelial cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes. Various antimicrobial peptides produced by the epithelium and secreted into the mucosal lumen can directly kill the invading pathogenic bacteria.1

Every single ‘invader’ such as bacteria or viruses have molecules on their surfaces known as Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs) that are detectable by cognate molecules on immune cell surfaces call Pattern Recognition Receptors (PPRs). One type of PRR are Toll-like Receptors (TLRs). These TLRs come in many types and bind to specific types of molecules. TLR-7, for example, binds single-stranded RNA (ssRNA). Hmm. Where have I seen that before? Oh right! SARS-nCoV-2 is an ssRNA virus. Interesting. There are also cell receptors called RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) that sense viral RNA.2

If a PAMP is detected by a PRR, an intracellular signalling cascade commences which results in the production of such inflammatory mediators as Nitric Oxide, histamine, TNF-alpha, IL-1 (protoypic inflammatory cytokine) and others as part of a pro-inflammatory reaction to quell invaders. Perhaps of primary note is that via TLR signalling - a prolific PRR type - Nuclear Factor kappa B (NF-kB) activation ensues. What is NF-kB?

NF-kB3 plays a key role in regulating the immune response to infection. Incorrect regulation of NF-kB has been linked to cancer, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, septic shock, viral infection, and improper immune development.

In the presence of danger, the immune system responds via these fantastic on/off switches and mechanisms, to eliminate said dangers. This is the natural way of things and it is a constant ebb and flow of immune system regulatory magic.

Let’s assume the role of the coronavirus and see what our life would be like in the case of say, a child. You should know, once again, that children have very strong innate immune systems. The links attached refer to excellent works by Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Francis Christian on this subject. So I’m a coronavirus and some arshole just sneezed me all over the face of a child standing next to me. The person who sneezed is one of those people who wears a mask incessantly on their chin and then sneezes all over everyone whilst symptomatic. So the child has me (Dr. Coronavirus or Dr. CV, for short) all over it’s face. And just so you know, there are many of me. So I find my way in a misty droplet into the sweet nasal cavity of this child where I encounter lots of mucousy membranes and sheets of epithelial cells. Lots of mucous. Mucosaliscious. I imagine it would be like running through a tunnel full of spider webs like Frodo Baggins did when he was trying to escape ‘she who needs to feed’ in order to get to the Mordor volcano to destroy the ring of power. So it’s kind of hard to get through. The nose. Sort of.

Ok, so most of me gets stuck in the booger path in the child’s nose. But nasal epithelial cells are chock full of ACE-2 receptors. I can bind them and thus can easily get inside the nice and warm cozy cells. There are also CD147 receptors here! So, a few of me manage to get ‘past’ this mucousy hurdle and bind to yummy epithelial cells via ACE-2 and CD147 receptors, which to me, are like red and yellow-colored lollipops of delight leading me into the place where I can call home and settle down and reproduce. But wait, before we get into that, since I am lurking around looking for receptors to bind, I am also encountering a lot of cells. These cells start telling me that they need to see my green pass if I want to keep lurking. No wait, no not my green pass, my PAMPs, so that they can find out how dangerous I am. I am new to this neck of the woods so they’re more than a little curious about my lurking. So they probe me with their PRR/TLR tools. Oh man! This is not pleasant at all! Being frisked by dendritic cells is like being manhandled by an octopus on a mission. So even though I have no idea, the by-product of their frisk is the inevitable launch of an army of things hell-bent on removing me from this kid. All of a sudden I’m surrounded by tenticular cells and they’re throwing TNF-alpha and IL-1 molotov cocktails at me! And it’s starting to get really hot in here and I’m like, man, this is not a hospitable environment. What did I do to deserve this? I’m just an innocent virus ultimately looking for a place to… breed.

Luckily, I have made a home in some cells. I am bound to others about to gain entry. But, the immune defenses don’t stop on the outside of cells; they continue on the inside. I thought I had found a nice warm and cuddly cell to settle down in and reproduce in. I have to think again! All of a sudden the PH is like, way too high! This feels awful! They’re trying to kill me, man! And eventually, they destroy me before I can get out. One of them sicked this crazy MAC on me and it poked holes in my home cell that I had managed to get into. They also used all sorts of internal and external armaments to make sure they cleared me out. And they did!

How do I know that? Because I am speaking from virus heaven.

So that’s the imaginary journey of the SARS-nCoV-2 virus and the potent response of a child’s innate immune system to my presence. Not enough cells get infected fast enough for an infection to ensue. The kid never gets to disease state and in most cases, symptoms are excessively mild or non-existent.

Alas, not enough of me were able to ‘infect’ enough cells to result in enough of me being produced to result in a ‘symptomatic infection’ party party. Innate immune system: 1. Coronavirus me: 0.

But what if I am reincarnated as mRNAs’ssss. And let’s go really sci-fi and imagine I am reincarnated as mRNAssss’s wrapped in a Lipid Nano Particle (LNP) bubble. And what if, I happened to be injected into someone’s arm muscle. What lives I am having! So what would be my fate? Well, surely, since I am injected intramuscularly with a pretty heavy guage needle (22–25-gauge 5/8 inch (16 mm)), I get inserted pretty deep and in copious amounts into muscle tissue. I witnessed many a muscle cell screaming in pain! I can’t really see anything yet because of this fat bubble I am in. But all of a sudden I feel us moving! So fast! The injector didn’t aspirate to check if I was being injected into the muscle as planned! It’s like riding the rapids of the cardiovascular system! Or something. Then suddenly we stop. There’s some kind of blurry kidney-shaped thing outside. It seems like the LNP has slimed its way into a cell. And I think we were just dumped out of the LNP into this cell. Well, ok. This is great news! Since we have been reincarnated into mRNAs, we can simply find ribosomes and start translating ourselves into the butterfly proteins we’ve always wanted to be! And there will be so much of us! Butterlies a swarmin’ in the body of a person! We have to act fast though, lest we be… degraded, however. I guess this is why we were wrapped in a LNP.

Later on that day…

So we are a spike proteins now! Hallelujah. We can do so many things! But we have to be careful: there are cells everywhere looking to eat us and turn us into alphabet soup. These so-called antigen-presenting cells just love to gobble up foreign proteins like us and regurgitate our entrails and mount them on Major Histocompatability Complex (MHC) I and II molecules. If they do that, then those T cells and B cells can detect our ground up guts mounted on these complexes and then build an army of cells that can recognize us and kill us! We do not want that. We want to exist. We seem to be doing alright in that desire. We also have to make sure that we don’t end up killing this person we got injected into! That wouldn’t help anyone, now would it. We can embed ourselves into monocytes4 and other cells like epithelial cells5 due to their proclivity to express ACE-26. But there’s a problem here. Through no fault of our own, we are causing some serious micro-clotting issues all over this person’s body by binding all these ACE-2 and CD147 receptors. The inflammatory mediators produced in response to our presence are in overdrive and the entire system is on fire! Hyperinflammation abound! The normal systems that regulate the anti-inflammatory response seem to be on vacation and it just won’t seem to stop. And it’s all because of little old me! Since I was designed to be pretty durable with my extra prolines and my pseudouridines, I am not easily get-riddable. [Word on the street says that my prolines aren’t preventing me from binding ACE-2 at all.] That would explain why so many of me are stuck in monocytes. Teehee. By the way, I forgot to mention, while I was inside the cell as mRNA, there were these TLR-7 molecules that seemed to find me very attractive. They detected some of me and in some cells, caused a chain reaction that obliterated us and the cell.7 TLR-7 is actually really important in the context of COVID-19 clearance.8

Perhaps the most successful part of our journeys, however, has been the avoidance of those pesky innate immune mediators in that kid’s nose. Phew, what a bullet we dodged there, right? So we got catapulted all over the body, triggered the T and B cells to respond accordingly with their specificness all along the way, but we avoided all of that other stuff. That’s some weird under-the-radar stuff right there.

Until this body flushes me out (which could take 15 months (see reference #4) unless they inject me again!) I am probably going to cause some systemic problems while I am here. Of these problems includes the dysregulation of the innate immune system, the (subsequent) induction of a hyper-inflamed environment and so many thrombotic events.

I think we can get into the paper now. This article was meant to be about the paper, not an immunology lesson. But it seems these things are simply not mutually exclusive.

So dysregulated inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis and severity of COVID-19.9 There are studies that show that long-term innate immune responses can be either increased (trained immunity) or down-regulated (innate immune tolerance) after certain vaccines (such as Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines) or infections, so this is not a new thing.10 The way that the authors determined that the innate responses were being modulated in the context of the COVID-19 (the BNT162b2 one) injectables, was by checking out if the levels of certain measurable immune mediators produced in response to TLR stimulation using other virus, bacteria and fungi antigens, were ‘off’. Trained immunity (the one with decreases) is often measured by looking at the rustled-elevated-inflammatory cytokine (like monocyte-derived cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and IL-1Ra) leaves. When the TLR-3 and TLR-7 receptors were tickled, the amount of TNF-alpha production was way lower (significantly so for TLR-7) following dose 2 of the Pfizer stuff.

TNF-alpha production following stimulation with the TLR7/8 agonist R848 of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from volunteers was significantly decreased after the second [injection].

They also tickled the system with yeast (fungus) and found that the responses (specifically for IL-1beta - a fever-inducing interleukin) were higher following dose 1. The production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-1Ralpha11 (the yin to the IL-1 yang) was reduced in response to a bacterial antigen (lipopolysaccharide (LPS)) and to yeast after the second injection - more evidence that there’s a shift to a stronger inflammatory response to fungal stimuli after injection. They also found that Interleukin-6 (IL-6) responses were similarly decreased, which is interesting, because IL-6 induces the liver to produce c-reactive protein which activates the complement system which helps antibodies out and promotes inflammation which means that doesn’t this mean that we should see less inflammation? So many questions. So very few answers.

Dysregulated continual synthesis of IL-6 plays a pathological effect on chronic inflammation and autoimmunity.12

You don’t say.

So that’s what they found in the paper, in a very small nutshell. Figure 3 shows the design and some of the results of their assays. It basically shows fold-changes in Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) (these guys activate macrophages and induce MHC-II molecule expression) and TNF-alpha in response to stimulation of blood cells from injected people using TLR stimulation with various pathogens.

Figure 3: Figure 1. TNF-α and IFN-α production in response to heterologous stimuli in PBMCs isolated from vaccinated subjects. (A) Description of the study: vaccination and blood collection days. (B-G)

The bottom line here is this. We know that innate responses are vital to a healthy and optimally-functioning immune system. They are vitally integrated with and into the adaptive responses as these two branches work in impeccable, complex harmony. We also know that there are cases where vaccines have caused dysregulation of innate responses in humans. We also know that something is very, very wrong with these COVID-19 injectable products with regards to persistent hyperinflammation and a plethora of systemic and physiologically-comprehensive adverse events including death from micro-emboli formation and clotting. We also know that these authors have now provided evidence to support that these COVID-19 injectable products are modulating innate responses and that this isn’t limited to problems with COVID-19. Problems with fungi, other viruses and bacteria can be anticipated. VAERS has hundreds of thousands of reports of adverse events related to fungal infections, plagues of herpes zoster occurrences (shingles) indicating weakened immunity, cancers coming out of remission, and the list goes on. And most of these reports are made for adults.

Here’s the thing…

Since children have extraordinary capabilities with regards to dealing with COVID-19 via their innate immune system responses, what will happen to them if these are not only by-passed by these injections, but knocked down by them?

Figure 4: The kids are alright. Leave them alone.

Please listen to mighty baby. The kids are alright. Leave them alone. You might not get how this circles back the kids, but it does. Thanks for reading this to the end. And don’t inject kids with this stuff. You might mess them up and they don’t need it.


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Source: The unforgivable sins of 2021

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