Saturday, December 11, 2021

WATCH: D4CE Symposium II: “Sounding the Call”


WATCH: D4CE Symposium II: “Sounding the Call”

Watch video at source: 

Doctors for Covid Ethics, in association with UK Column, present their second symposium, “Sounding the Call”. Expert talks and panel discussions on the current medical and legal landscape of the Covid narrative.

Topics covered include the increasing evidence that the covid “vaccines” can cause heart inflammation (as well as other side effects), and the legality and enforceability of any potential vaccine mandates, as well as the status of legal challenges and court cases.

Featured speakers include Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, Catherine Austin Fitts, Dr Michael Yeadon and many, many more.

They do not repeat previously covered topics, so if you want to be up to date we recommend watching their first symposium, which took place over the summer.

We posted sessions 1, 2 3 & 4, and they are also available on UK Column’s Rumble page.

We also suggest you follow D4CE on Twitter to stay up to date on any more presentations or events in the future.

"MUST READ: Many Have Died from Being Hoodwinked by Media Orchestration of a Deadly Covid Pandemic" by Paul Craig Roberts


MUST READ: Many Have Died from Being Hoodwinked by Media Orchestration of a Deadly Covid Pandemic

Paul Craig Roberts

Virologist Marc G. Wathelet provides 13 reasons that the Covid virus is not, and has not been, sufficiently dangerous to require extraordinary measures such as lockdowns, masks, and vaccination with an unsafe experimental “vaccine.”

Dr. Wathelet points out that Covid’s lethality is on a par with the seasonal flue. He notes that according to the CDC, 99% of all Covid deaths had at least one comorbidity and 95% had multiple comorbidities. It is also a fact that most of those who did die did so because treatment with effective and safe cures, such as HCQ and Ivermectin, was withheld.

Dr. Wathelet notes that the evidence is conclusive that the limited and short-term protection from the vaccine is offset by the vaccine’s “shedding,” that is, the vaccine promotes rather than limits contamination. Moreover, as scientists independent of Big Pharma and NIH have established, the “vaccine” damages the innate immune system and leaves the vaccinated more vulnerable than the unvaccinated to Covid, other viruses and diseases such as cancer. See, for example:

The ineffectiveness of the “vaccine” makes achievement of herd immunity impossible. Moreover, the “vaccine” promotes the generation of new variants that spread the virus.

Taking into account the known understatement of the adverse vaccine reactions in the official database, it is likely that the vaccine has killed and injured more people than the Covid virus. The official VAERS database indicates that the Covid vaccines have injured 30 times more people than all other vaccines combined, and killed 60 times more people than all other vaccines combined.

Coerced vaccination is a violation of the Nuremberg Laws and carries a death penalty. The commitment by governments of such a serious crime in the name of “public health” is nonsensical. Moreover, as Dr. Wathelet notes, the orchestrated “pandemic” is being used to force political changes in liberal democracies and to replace Western governments with totalitarian regimes in which civil liberty is destroyed in the name of “public health.” Australia now has citizens in concentration camps, and Austria and Germany and EU officials are threatening to imprison unvaccinated citizens.

My conclusion from the data presented by Dr. Wathelet is that the unvaccinated are much safer to themselves and to others than are the vaccinated and that the covid measures are the handmaidens of totalitarianism.

Thirteen Reasons Covid Vaccination Is Counterproductive

By Marc. G. Wathelet

1) The lethality of COVID19 is on par with that of other common respiratory viruses:
Data from Pr. John Ioannidis, Stanford University

IFR = infection fatality ratio (IFR) is the percentage of deaths resulting from infection. For example, in the table below, 99.9973% of children and teenagers aged 0-19 years infected with COVID19 survived with an IFR of only 0.0027% (1 death in 37037 infections!)

These data are without early treatments, which would reduce even further the lethality and prevent the development of long COVID.
Therefore, no exceptional measures should be required.

2) 99% of COVID deaths have at least one comorbidity, 95% have multiple comorbidity, according to CDC data:


(click to enlarge)

Therefore, people without comorbidities are not at risk, or at extremely low risk, of dying from this disease.

3) The COVID-19 vaccine’s effects on contamination wane rapidly, are minor at best and even promote contamination early after the jab.
Therefore the C19 vaccines are useless if not counterproductive for controlling contaminations by this virus.

4) The viral load is indistinguishable between vaccinated and non-vaccinated during the first 5 days, the period of time during which most of the transmission takes place. Vaccinated individuals are less respectful of behavior recommendations to limit spread of the virus, falsely believing they cannot carry the virus and cannot contaminate other people.
Therefore the C19 vaccines are not only useless but counterproductive for controlling transmission of this virus.

5) Herd immunity has not been achieved even in the countries with extremely high vaccination rates and is simply impossible with the leaky vaccines used. In addition, natural infections of SARS-CoV-2 have been reported in pet dogs and cats among others, indicating that the COVID19 virus can survive in pet animals in addition to humans.
Therefore, increasing vaccination coverage will not allow us to control the spread of this virus.

6) New data show that vaccination promotes the generation of new variants, as evolutionary theory had predicted.
Therefore, vaccinating during a pandemic will be counterproductive and only lead to the emergence of new variants resistant to the vaccination.

7) All pharmacovigilance data indicate a much higher rate of severe adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines compared to all other vaccines (e.g. ~30X in the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Resporting System)) and of death (e.g., ~60X in VAERS). Established in 1990, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. VAERS is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Audit of VAERS data indicate that the vaccine can be excluded as the cause of death for only 14% of deaths consecutive to COVID-19 vaccination. Pharmacovigilance is passive and only captures a small fraction of adverse reactions, resulting in underreporting of adverse effects typically ranging from 90 to 99% in several independent studies.
Therefore C19 vaccination presents a serious risk to one’s health, including invalidity and death.

8) A very large Israeli study compared the outcomes of COVID19 infection between non-vaccinated Israelis with natural immunity from previous infection with Israelis who had been vaccinated twice The researchers found for the vaccinated group a 13-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant, a 7-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease and a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those that were previously infected, but unvaccinated.
Therefore, the Israeli researchers concluded that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, against symptomatic disease and against hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.

9) From a bioethics standpoint, the risk of invalidity and death to a healthy recipient of a vaccine requires that he/she must have the choice to accept or reject the vaccine.
Therefore, without free will no valid consent exists and enforced inoculations amount to battery or assault in law.

10) From a medical deontology standpoint, all medical treatments require informed consent and therefore vaccination should never be mandatory, especially for vaccines that are still experimental and for which we don’t know their middle and long term consequences on health.
Therefore, coercing medical treatment against a patient’s will destroys professional trust and the doctor-patient relationship.

11) From a moral standpoint, the Nuremberg code was devised precisely to prohibit any kind of medical experimentation without the consent of the subject.
Therefore, enforced medical interventions against an individual’s free will has been judged criminal since the Nuremberg trials in Germany after the end of World War 2.

12) From a legal standpoint, as demonstrated by Alessandro Negroni, professor of philosophy of law at the University of Genoa. “In light of European and international law, genetic anti-covid vaccines constitute a medical experiment on human beings. From an ethical as well as a legal point of view, no one can be obliged to submit to a form of medical experimentation in the absence of free and informed consent.”

13) From a political/historical standpoint, it is obvious to many observers that the “Covid crisis” is used to force political changes to liberal democracies against the will of the people towards a totalitarian regime that tramples on human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law. Christine Anderson, member of the European parliament, said “I’m a German, and we once asked our grandparents how they could have just stood by in silence, allowing a horrific totalitarian regime to come about.”

For more references see


Source: Paul Craig Roberts

"Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request to Extradite Him for Trial" by Glenn Greenwald

Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request to Extradite Him for Trial

Press freedom groups have warned Assange's prosecution is a grave threat. The Biden DOJ ignored them, and today won a major victory toward permanently silencing the pioneering transparency activist.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaks to the media outside the High Court in London on December 5, 2011 where he attended a ruling in his long-running fight against extradition to Sweden (Photo by GEOFF CADDICK/AFP via Getty Images)

In a London courtroom on Friday morning, Julian Assange suffered a devastating blow to his quest for freedom. A two-judge appellate panel of the United Kingdom's High Court ruled that the U.S.'s request to extradite Assange to the U.S. to stand trial on espionage charges is legally valid.

As a result, that extradition request will now be sent to British Home Secretary Prita Patel, who technically must approve all extradition requests but, given the U.K. Government's long-time subservience to the U.S. security state, is all but certain to rubber-stamp it. Assange's representatives, including his fiancee Stella Morris, have vowed to appeal the ruling, but today's victory for the U.S. means that Assange's freedom, if it ever comes, is further away than ever: not months but years even under the best of circumstances.

In endorsing the U.S. extradition request, the High Court overturned a lower court's ruling from January which had concluded that the conditions of U.S. prison — particularly for those accused of national security crimes — are so harsh and oppressive that there is a high likelihood that Assange would commit suicide. In January's ruling, Judge Vanessa Baraitser rejected all of Assange's arguments that the U.S. was seeking to punish him not for crimes but for political offenses. But in rejecting the extradition request, she cited the numerous attestations from Assange's doctors that his physical and mental health had deteriorated greatly after seven years of confinement in the small Ecuadorian Embassy where he had obtained asylum, followed by his indefinite incarceration in the U.K.

In response to that January victory for Assange, the Biden DOJ appealed the ruling and convinced Judge Baraitser to deny Assange bail and ordered him imprisoned pending appeal. The U.S. then offered multiple assurances that Assange would be treated "humanely" in U.S. prison once he was extradited and convicted. They guaranteed that he would not be held in the most repressive "supermax” prison in Florence, Colorado — whose conditions are so repressive that it has been condemned and declared illegal by numerous human rights groups around the world — nor, vowed U.S. prosecutors, would he be subjected to the most extreme regimen of restrictions and isolation called Special Administrative Measures ("SAMs”) unless subsequent behavior by Assange justified it. American prosecutors also agreed that they would consent to any request from Assange that, once convicted, he could serve his prison term in his home country of Australia rather than the U.S. Those guarantees, ruled the High Court this morning, rendered the U.S. extradition request legal under British law.

What makes the High Court's faith in these guarantees from the U.S. Government particularly striking is that it comes less than two months after Yahoo News reported that the CIA and other U.S. security state agencies hate Assange so much that they plotted to kidnap or even assassinate him during the time he had asylum protection from Ecuador. Despite all that, Lord Justice Timothy Holroyde announced today that “the court is satisfied that these assurances” will serve to protect Assange's physical and mental health.

The effective detention by the U.S. and British governments of Assange is just months shy of a full decade. Ecuador granted Assange asylum in August 2012 on the ground that his human rights were imperiled by U.S. attempts to imprison him for his journalism. For the next seven years, Assange remained in that embassy — which is really a tiny apartment in central London — with no outdoor space other than a tiny balcony, which he typically feared using due to the possibility of assassination. Ecuador withdrew its asylum in 2019 after its sovereignty-protective president Rafael Correa was succeeded in office by the meek and submissive Lenin Moreno. Trump officials led by then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ambassador Richard Grenell persuaded and coerced the new Ecuadorian president to withdraw Assange's asylum protection, clearing the way for London police to enter the building and arrest him on April 11, 2019. Ever since, Assange has been imprisoned in the high-security Belmarsh prison, described in the BBC in 2004 as “Britain's Guantanamo Bay.” He has thus spent close to seven years inside the embassy and two years and eight months inside Belmarsh: just five months shy of a decade with no freedom.

The British government justified Assange's 2019 arrest by pointing to pending charges of “bail-jumping": meaning that he sought and obtained legal asylum from Ecuador in 2012 rather than attend a scheduled hearing in a British court over whether he should be extradited to Sweden to be questioned about claims of sexual assault made by two Swedish women. Swedish prosecutors closed that investigation in 2017, citing the time that had elapsed. But once he was arrested, Assange was sentenced by a British judge on the bail-jumping charges to 50 weeks in prison, close to the maximum punishment allowed by law (one year). With the Swedish case closed, Assange was set to finally be free after he served that 50-week jail term.

Knowing Assange's release was finally imminent, the U.S. Government quickly acted to ensure he remained in prison indefinitely. In May 2019, it unveiled an 18-count felony indictment against him for espionage charges, based on the role he played in WikiLeaks’ 2010 publication of the Iraq and Afghanistan War Logs and diplomatic cables, which revealed multiple war crimes by the U.S. and U.K. as well as rampant corruption by numerous U.S. allies throughout the world. Even though major newspapers around the world published the same documents in partnership with WikiLeaks — including The New York Times, The Guardian, El Pais and others — the DOJ claimed that Assange went further than those newspapers by encouraging WikiLeaks’ source, Chelsea Manning, to obtain more documents and by trying to help her evade detection: something all journalists have not only the right but the duty to their sources to do.

Because the acts of Assange that serve as the basis of the U.S. indictment are acts in which investigative journalists routinely engage with their sources, press freedom and civil liberties groups throughout the West vehemently condemned the Assange indictment as one of the gravest threats to press freedoms in years. In February, following Assange's victory in court, “a coalition of civil liberties and human rights groups urged the Biden administration to drop efforts to extradite” Assange, as The New York Times put it.

That coalition — which includes the ACLU, Amnesty International, the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and the Committee to Protect Journalists — warned that the Biden DOJ's ongoing attempt to extradite and prosecute Assange is “a grave threat to press freedom,” adding that “much of the conduct described in the indictment is conduct that journalists engage in routinely — and that they must engage in in order to do the work the public needs them to do.” Kenneth Roth, Director of Human Rights Watch, told The New York Times that “most of the charges against Assange concern activities that are no different from those used by investigative journalists around the world every day.” Shortly after the indictment was issued, I explained in a Washington Post op-ed why the theory on which the indictment was based “would make journalism a felony” (and indeed, just eight months after I wrote that op-ed warning of the dangers to all journalists, the Brazilian government copied the U.S. indictment of Assange and the theories it embraced in its unsuccessful effort to prosecute me for the reporting I did that exposed corruption by senior Brazilian security officials and prosecutors). “Brazil’s Attack on Greenwald Mirrors the US case against Assange,” was the headline used by the Columbia Journalism Review to condemn the charges against me as a blatant retaliatory act against my reporting.

But the Biden administration — led by officials who, during the Trump years, flamboyantly trumpeted the vital importance of press freedoms — ignored those pleas from this coalition of groups and instead aggressively pressed ahead with the prosecution of Assange. The Obama DOJ had spent years trying to concoct charges against Assange using a Grand Jury investigation, but ultimately concluded back in 2013 that prosecuting him would pose too great a threat to press freedom. But the Biden administration appears to have no such qualms, and The New York Times made clear exactly why they are so eager to see Assange in prison:

Democrats like the new Biden team are no fan of Mr. Assange, whose publication in 2016 of Democratic emails stolen by Russia aided Donald J. Trump’s narrow victory over Hillary Clinton.

In other words, the Biden administration is eager to see Assange punished and silenced for life not out of any national security concerns but instead due to a thirst for vengeance over the role he played in publishing documents during the 2016 election that reflected poorly on Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee. Those documents published by WikiLeaks revealed widespread corruption at the DNC, specifically revealing how they cheated in order to help Clinton stave off a surprisingly robust primary challenge from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). WikiLeaks’ reporting led to the resignation of the top five DNC officials, including its then-Chair, Rep. Debbie Wassserman Schultz (D-FL). Democratic luminaries such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Al Gore's 2000 campaign chair Donna Brazile both said, in the wake of WikiLeak's reporting, that the DNC cheated to help Clinton.

Press freedom groups expressed indignation this morning over the U.K.'s ruling approving Assange's extradition. Rebecca Vincent, Director of International Campaigns and UK Bureau Director for the international press freedom group Reporters Without Borders, said: “This is an utterly shameful development that has alarming implications not only for Assange’s mental health, but also for journalism and press freedom around the world.” The organizational statement issued this morning from Reporters Without Borders went further:

We condemn today’s decision, which will prove historic for all the wrong reasons. We fully believe that Julian Assange has been targeted for his contributions to journalism, and we defend this case because of its dangerous implications for the future of journalism and press freedom around the world. It is time to put a stop to this more than decade-long persecution once and for all. It is time to free Assange.

The Freedom of the Press Foundation (on whose Board I sit) issued a statement this morning which described the ruling as “an alarming setback for press freedom in the United States and around the world.” The group's Executive Director, Trevor Timm, said that “these proceedings, and today's ruling, are a black mark on the history of press freedom,” adding: "That United States prosecutors continued to push for this outcome is a betrayal of the journalistic principles the Biden administration has taken credit for celebrating.”

It is difficult at this point to avoid the conclusion that Julian Assange is not only imprisoned for the crime of journalism which exposed serious crimes and lies by the west's most powerful security state agencies, but he is also a classic political prisoner. When the Obama DOJ was first pursuing the possibility of prosecution, media outlets and liberal advocacy groups were vocal in their opposition. One thing and only one thing has changed since then: in the interim, Assange published documents that were incriminating of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, and Democrats, as part of their long list of villains who they blamed for Clinton's defeat (essentially everyone in the world except Clinton and the Democratic Party itself), viewed WikiLeaks' reporting as a major factor in Trump's victory.

That is why they and their liberal allies in corporate media harbor so much bloodlust to see Assange imprisoned. Julian Assange is a pioneer of modern journalism, a visionary who was the first to see that a major vulnerability of corrupt power centers in the digital age was mass data leaks that could expose their misconduct. Based on that prescient recognition, he created a technological and journalistic system to enable noble sources to safely blow the whistle on corrupt institutions by protecting their anonymity: a system now copied and implemented by major news organizations around the world.

Assange, over the last fifteen years, has broken more major stories and done more consequential journalism than all the corporate journalists who hate him combined. He is not being imprisoned despite his pioneering journalism and dissent from the hegemony of the U.S. security state. He is imprisoned precisely because of that. The accumulated hostility toward Assange from employees of media corporations who hate him due to professional jealousy and the belief that he undermined the Democratic Party, and from the U.S. security state apparatus which hates him for exposing its crimes and refusing to bow to its dictates, has created a climate where the Biden administration and their British servants feel perfectly comfortable imprisoning arguably the most consequential journalist of his generation even as they continue to lecture the rest of the world about the importance of press freedoms and democratic values.

No matter the outcome of further proceedings in this case, today's ruling means that the U.S. has succeeded in ensuring that Assange remains imprisoned, hidden and silenced into the foreseeable future. If they have not yet permanently broken him, they are undoubtedly close to doing so. His own physicians and family members have warned of this repeatedly. Citizens of the U.S. and subjects of the British Crown are inculcated from birth to believe that we are blessed to live under a benevolent and freedom-protecting government, and that tyranny only resides in enemy states. Today's judicial approval by the U.K. High Court of the U.S.'s attack on core press freedom demonstrates yet again the fundamental lie at the heart of this mythology.

Correction, Dec. 10, 8:52 a.m. ET: This article was edited to reflect that Assange's sentence for bail-jumping was fifty weeks in prison, not fifty months as originally indicated.

Source: Glenn Greenwald





Friday, December 10, 2021

US Wins Appeal Over Extradition Of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange


US Wins Appeal Over Extradition Of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange

USaccuses Julian Assange of 18 counts relating to Wikileaks' release of vast troves of confidential military records and diplomatic cables. 

 US Wins Appeal Over Extradition Of Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange The ruling brings Julian Assange one step closer to being extradited but further hurdles remain.


The United States won an appeal in London's High Court to have Wikileaks founder Julian Assange extradited to face criminal charges, including breaking a spying law and conspiring to hack government computers.

"The court allows the appeal," Judge Timothy Holroyde said.

The judge said he was satisfied with a package of assurances given by the United States about the conditions of Assange's detention including a pledge not to hold him in a so-called "ADX" maximum security prison in Colorado and that he would be transferred to Australia to serve his sentence if convicted.

The ruling brings Assange one step closer to being extradited but further hurdles remain.

Judge Holroyde said the case must now be remitted to Westminster Magistrates' Court with the direction judges send it to the British government to decide whether or not Assange should be extradited to the United States.

US authorities accuse Australian-born Assange, 50, of 18 counts relating to Wikileaks' release of vast troves of confidential U.S. military records and diplomatic cables which they said had put lives in danger.

The United States was appealing against a Jan. 4 ruling by a London District Judge that Assange should not be extradited because he would likely commit suicide in a U.S. prison.

WikiLeaks came to prominence when it published a U.S. military video in 2010 showing a 2007 attack by Apache helicopters in Baghdad that killed a dozen people, including two Reuters news staff. It then released thousands of secret classified files and diplomatic cables.

U.S. prosecutors and Western security officials regard Assange as a reckless and dangerous enemy of the state whose actions imperilled the lives of agents named in the leaked material.

 But supporters cast Assange as an anti-establishment hero who has been victimised by the United States for exposing U.S. wrongdoing in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Source: NDTV

"Operation Extermination--the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen" by Mike Whitney


Operation Extermination--the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen

• December 8, 2021 • 2,900 Words


“If someone wished to kill a significant portion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now would enable it.” Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President

“And this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard is coming; and now is already in the world.”  1 John 4:2–3

Question– Does the Covid-19 vaccine damage the immune system?

Answer– It does. It impairs the body’s ability to fight infection, viruses and disease.

Question– If that’s true, then why haven’t more people died after getting vaccinated?

Answer– I’m not sure what you mean? The vaccine has killed more people than any vaccine in history. “So far, in the United States, the death toll is three times higher than the total of all vaccines in the last 35 years.” That’s simply astonishing. We’ve also seen a steady rise in all-cause mortality and excess deaths in the countries that launched mass vaccination campaigns earlier in the year. Sometimes the increase is as much as 20 percent over the five-year average. That is a massive spike in fatalities, and it’s largely attributable to the vaccine. So, what do you mean when you say, “Why haven’t more people died”? Did you expect to see people clutching their hearts and dropping dead after getting jabbed? That’s a very naive understanding of how the injection works. (See: “COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination Programs”, You Tube; 2 minutes)

Question– All I’m saying is that the percentage of people that have died is quite small compared to the tens of millions that have been vaccinated.

Answer– And all I’m saying is that if the vaccine is lab-generated pathogen– and I think it is– then it certainly was not designed to kill people on the spot. It was engineered to produce a delayed reaction that gradually but relentlessly erodes the health of the vaccinee. In other words, the full impact of the blood clots, bleeding, autoimmune issues and other vaccine-generated injuries will only be fully felt at a later date via increasing incidents of heart attacks, strokes, vascular illness and even cancer. (Check out the “latest trend of cardiac attendances by Scottish Ambulance Service – this is *excess* above the 2018/19 norm. Huge spike in summer, 500 ambulance calls per week above normal, mainly age 15-64. Was settling, then spike up again since late October.” Scottish Unity – Edinburgh Group)

Answer– The chart above shows why cardiac issues have garnered alot of attention lately, but the damage to the immune system is even more concerning.

Question– Can you explain what you mean without getting too technical?

Answer– I can do better than that. I can give you a short clip from an article that covers the latest research. Check it out:

“A Swedish lab study (titled “SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro“, NIH) released in mid-October found that the spike protein… enters the nucleus of cells and significantly interferes with DNA damage-repair functions compromising a person’s adaptive immunity and perhaps encouraging the formation of cancer cells….

“Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair,” they wrote. “Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.” (“Spike protein in COVID virus and shots weakens immune system, may be linked with cancer: Swedish study“, Lifesite News)

What the researchers found is that the spike protein blocks production of the enzymes that are needed to repair broken DNA which, in turn, prevents the “proliferation” of B and T cells that are needed to fight infection.

Question– Can you explain that in plain English?

Answer– Sure. It means the vaccine short-circuits your immune system which clears the way for infection, disease and an early death. Maybe, you think you can have a long and happy life with a dysfunctional immune system, but I think you’re wrong. The immune system is the shield that protects you from all-manner of potentially-lethal viruses, bacteria and infections. It is not just the first-line of defense, it’s the only line of defense. Absent the full protection of B and T cells to fight-off foreign intruders, the prospects for survival are miniscule at best.

In order to underscore that point, check out this video of British Funeral Director, John O’ Looney, who has provided regular updates on what he is seeing on the ground 10 months following the vaccination rollout. It’s a disturbing account of the catastrophe that is now unfolding before our eyes:

(30 second mark) “So what we’re seeing is an unnaturally large number of deaths due to heart attack, stroke, aneurism; and these are all the result of thrombosis … Embolisms in the lungs the legs, various places that are causing these deaths that are well documented by the local coroners and well-documented across the country. And no one seems to be concerned about the alarming rise of (blood clots) I’ve seen more in this year than in the last 14 years….

That’s one kind of death we’re seeing, the other kind is the people that are getting sick now as their immune systems finally give up. So, they’ve had the jabs maybe 6 or 8 months ago, and it’s been eating away at their immune system, and now they’re struggling to fight off things like the common cold. So, we’re in winter and there are colds and flus around and these people can’t fight them off. The government are very quick to label it “Omicron”…but they are sick with the common cold. Their immune systems are decimated. It’s much like a cancer patient, who goes through chemotherapy and it decimates their immune system. And they have to be very careful because the common cold or flu can kill them. And this is what we’re seeing now…

We’re nearly 12 months since the first jabs began, so their immune systems are falling apart; that is the reality and that’s what I’m seeing... and they can’t cope with a cold anymore. … When I went to the meeting in Westminster in September, the scientist predicted that this is what would happen and, lo-and-behold, that’s what happening. The people are getting sick and dying….. It’s frightening.” (“Omicron is ‘vaccine injury’; it’s nothing more than that.” John Looney, Rumble)

Is he right? Is the uptick in fatalities NOT another wave of Covid but the knock-on effects of a cytotoxic injection that targets the immune system leaving millions of people defenseless against routine infections and disease?

It sounds feasible and it certainly fits with the depopulation agenda which requires a hybrid biologic that doesn’t kill its target outright but basically dismantles the critical defense systems that make human survival possible. By disguising a “killer protein”
as a harmless antigen, our pandemic managers have been able to access the bloodstreams of millions of people allowing them to insert a ticking time-bomb that ravages crucial T and B-cell populations leaving victims vulnerable to whatever bug happens to be circulating in the population. As Looney notes, scientists warned of this very outcome when mass vaccination was first proposed. Naturally, opposing views were ignored and censored. Here’s more from a pre-print research paper on the medRxiv server. It helps to explain the vaccine’s impact on the immune system:

“Researchers in The Netherlands and Germany have warned that Pfizer-BioNTech’s … (COVID-19) vaccine induces complex reprogramming of innate immune responses that should be considered in the development and use of mRNA-based vaccines…. Following vaccination, innate immune cells had a reduced response to toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), TLR7 and TLR8 – all ligands that play an important role in the immune response to viral infection….

“Multiple studies have shown that long-term innate immune responses can be either increased (trained immunity) or down-regulated (innate immune tolerance) after certain vaccines or infections.”…

These results collectively demonstrate that the effects of the BNT162b2 vaccine go beyond the adaptive immune system.. The BNT162b2 vaccine induces reprogramming of innate immune responses as well, and this needs to be taken into account.”…(“Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses”, New-Medical net)

How many people would have gotten vaccinated if they’d known it would reprogram their immune system?

Probably, no one, which is why our public health officials never broach the topic. Anything that veers even slightly from the “vaccines are good for you” narrative is omitted from mainstream coverage and erased on social media. But aren’t people entitled to know what’s going on, what is being injected into their bodies, and what impact it will have on their lives and health? Isn’t that what is meant by “informed consent” or is that another casualty of the rush to inoculate all 7 people on planet earth? Here’s a clip from a short interview with pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole:

“When we give these shots, we can see the types of white blood cells in the body… and you have a broad array of immune cells that work together to fight off viruses and keep cancers in check. We’re already seeing the signals in the laboratory of decreases in critically important T-cells you need… in your innate immune system. These are the Marines in your body; fighting off viruses fighting cancer…. But what we’re seeing in the laboratory after people get these shots, we’re seeing a very concerning locked-in, low profile of these important killer T-cells that you want in your body. (CD8 cells) And what they do, is keep all other viruses in check.

What am I seeing in the laboratory? I’m seeing an uptick of Herpes family viruses, I’m seeing Shingles, I’m seeing Mono, I’m seeing a huge uptick in human papilloma virus… We are literally weakening the immune systems of these individuals.

Most concerning of all, is there’s a pattern of these types of immune cells in the body that keep cancer in check. Since, January 1, (in the laboratory) I’ve seen a 20X increase of endometrial cancer over what I see on an annual basis.” (“Pathologist Ryan N Cole of the Mayo Clinic on What We Are Seeing In Lab Results”, Rumble; 2 minutes)

“Herpes, Shingles, Mono, and even cancer!” What the heck is going on? This can’t be true, can it?

Yes, it is true; immuno-suppression leads to all kinds of terrible health outcomes. Some readers might recall how Canadian vaccinologist Dr Byram Bridle made similar claims in an interview just a few weeks ago. Here’s what he said:

“What I’ve seen way too much of is people who had cancers that were in remission, or that were being well controlled; their cancers have gone completely out of control after getting this vaccine. And we know the vaccine causes a drop in T-cell numbers, and those T-cells are part of our immune system and they are part of the critical weapons our immune system has to fight off cancer cells; so there’s a potential mechanism there. All I can say, is I’ve had way too many people contact me with these reports for me to feel comfortable. I would say that is my newest major safety concern, and it’s also the one that’s going to be the most under-reported in the adverse data base, because if someone has had cancer before the vaccine, there’s no way public health officials will ever link it to the vaccine.” (“Dr Byram Bridle speaks”, Bitchute, :55 second-mark)

Once again, how many people would have decided to get vaccinated if they knew that it could trigger a flare-up of dormant viruses or cancers in remission? Who would take that risk?

But they don’t know they’re taking a risk, do they, because they haven’t been told the truth. And the reason they haven’t been told the truth is because they are a target in a war of extermination that is being waged on them. Sometimes it’s very hard for people to admit to what they know to be the truth, but the truth is plain to see. Our pandemic managers and their foot-soldiers in the media, public health and government want to do us harm, want to inject us with a mysterious substance that will wreak havoc on our immune systems and shorten our lives. This isn’t just a struggle for personal freedom or bodily autonomy, it’s a battle for survival. We are defending our right to live. Here’s more from Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose:

“There are studies coming out now, and there are ample signs in the adverse events data, that these products (Covid vaccines) are not only immuno-modulating the immune system and causing hyper inflammation; there are signs now that they are very negatively effecting CD8 T-cell populations. For those who don’t know, this is extremely bad news. It’s only on a few people so far, but the data does not look good so far. These T-cells are the so-called “killer cells”. Their job…is to kill virally infected cells that are showing foreign markers on their surface. So, if these populations are depleted, then that is very bad news, because we don’t have a population of cells in the acquired immune system to remove virally-infected cells.

There are clear signs that are starting to emerge, that there is an “immunity deficiency syndrome” coming about as a result of these products (vaccines) As a result of hyper-stimulation…T-cells being (diminished), and the ever-presence of repeated injections of a cytotoxic protein… I would never, ever recommend that someone who is immuno-compromised to ever go near these things, because I can almost guarantee you, that your condition is going to get worse. Another thing we’re seeing in VAERS is cancers coming out of remission and alot of doctors are reporting this on the ground. And–by the way– this has never happened before, not on this scale; not even close… So, there’s something going on here that warrants further investigation, and it doesn’t look good.” (“Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose explains the concerning information emerging about the compromised immunity of the vaccinated“, Odysee)

Can you see the pattern yet? Can you see how they’re all saying the same thing? Why is that, do you think?

It’s because it’s the truth, the pure, unvarnished truth.

The point we’re trying to make cannot be overstated: The vaccine is a man-made, lab-generated bioweapon that disables the body’s critical defense system which increases one’s susceptibility to disease by many orders of magnitude. With each additional injection, one is less capable of mounting a sufficient response to routine infections, flus or viruses. That’s going to lead to a tsunami of sickness that will likely overwhelm our public health system and plunge the country deeper into crisis. Is that the plan? Is that what our globalist overlords have in store for us?

We’ll see. Now check out this last clip from video by vaccinologist, Geert Vanden Bossche:

“The first thing I would like to highlight is that Covid-19 is not a disease of healthy people. People who are in good health have a healthy innate immune system that can deal with a number of respiratory viruses without any problem. These people are not only protected against the disease but can even–in many cases– prevent infection. These are people who can contribute to sterilizing immunity and to herd immunity which is very, very important. So, listen: Never, ever allow anyone or anything to interfere or suppress your innate immune system. You can do a bad job yourself by leading an unhealthy life, that is going to suppress your innate immunity, but even worse, is vaccine-induced antibodies that do suppress your innate immunity. And these vaccinal antibodies cannot substitute for it because they lose their efficacy against the virus, and become less and less effective. In contrast to the innate antibodies, they cannot prevent infection, they cannot sterilize the virus. Therefore, they do contribute to herd immunity….

If we suppress these innate antibodies in children, it could lead to autoimmune diseases. This is an absolute “No go” We cannot vaccinate our children with these vaccines. The suppression of innate immunity is already a problem among vaccinees, and they are, indeed, going to have a difficult time controlling a number of diseases, not just Covid-19, but other diseases too …and it will require a very dramatic change in the strategies to help the vaccinees–and my heart goes out to them–because they will need extensive treatment in many cases...

… Boosting them–which means giving them a third dose– is absolutely insane, because what it will do, is increase the immune pressure of the vaccinal antibodies, on their innate immunity. So boosting is absolute nonsense; it is dangerous and should not be done….

So, what does the science tell us? It tells us that it’s innate immunity that will protect us, not the vaccine.” (“Geert Vanden Bossche on Vaccines and the suppression of innate immunity”, Rumble)

So, we now know that– along with the blood clots, the bleeding, the heart attacks, the strokes, the vascular and neurological diseases– the vaccine is also designed to eviscerate the system that protects us from illness and death, the immune system. How steeped in denial one must be not to see the evil that is now among us.

Also see: Dr. Nathan Thompson– The Covid Vaccine induces Autoimmunity, Odysee’s-Immune-System-After-the-2nd-Jab:d

And this: Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): ‘We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely'” Americas Frontline Doctors


Source: The Unz Review



"Jussie Smollett and the coveting of victimhood" by Brendan O'Neill


Jussie Smollett and the coveting of victimhood

Everyone wants to be oppressed these days.

Jussie Smollett and the coveting of victimhood

At first glance, the Jussie Smollett trial looks like one of the maddest things taking place in the Western world right now. Here we have an actor accused of giving wads of money to two Nigerian brothers in 2019 in return for them beating him up and racially insulting him. Apparently it was all part of a dastardly plot by Smollett to secure the sympathies of the celebrity set and possibly become more famous to boot. He allegedly encouraged the burly bros to shout ‘MAGA’ slogans at him and to hang a noose around his neck. Make it look as racist as possible, this black actor allegedly advised the black brothers. Oh, and he had previously masturbated with one of the brothers, in a bathhouse, and on another occasion they also did some drugs. Allegedly.

And yet, take a closer look at this simultaneously hilarious and deranged affair and you might see that, in this era of wokeness, it kind of makes sense. It kind of makes sense that someone would allegedly go to such extraordinary lengths to depict himself as a victim, as a bruised, bleeding recipient of racial hatred, as yet another target of the white supremacy that had apparently been turbo-charged in the Trump years. After all, ours is a time in which a great many people covet victimhood. In which it’s the in thing to suffer. In which nothing guarantees you speedier access into the hallowed pages of the liberal media and the bleeding hearts of the new clerisy than claiming you are a casualty of hatred, an oppressed being at risk of moral-majority spite, violence or, best of all, ‘erasure’. When victimhood is the dominant currency among the cultural elites, would it really be shocking if even a well-known, well-paid actor had spun a tale of violent victimisation?

First, the mad part. The Smollett trial really is one of those events that makes even an unapologetic fan of the United States like me wonder if America might indeed be quite mental. It started back in January 2019, in Chicago, when Smollett went to a Subway to get a sandwich at 2am on a freezing cold night. As you do. He says he was set upon by two big blokes in ski masks. They punched him, kicked him and bit him, he says. They also bombarded him with racial and homophobic slurs (Smollett is gay). One of his assailants reportedly cried, ‘MAGA country!’, which was confirmation in the eyes of Smollett and his sympathisers that this was a Trump-fuelled act of hate. Thanks a lot, Donald. The best detail is the noose. Smollett still had it on him when the police arrived at his home to take his statement. It would take a heart of stone not to at least smile at the cops’ bodycam footage showing Smollett wearing a fetching cardigan in his fancy apartment as his ‘creative director’ points out the loosely tied noose to the officers.

Before long, holes seemed to appear in Smollett’s story. When it emerged that Smollett’s ‘white supremacist’ assailants were actually two black men he had previous associations with, a mass stroking of chins took place across the United States. Mysteriously, Smollett had even given one of the brothers a rather large sum of money – $3,500 to be precise. Smollett said the payment was for the brothers to assist him in the gym so that he could get in tip-top shape for a music video. Don’t you hate it when your personal trainer jumps you in the middle of the night and screams Trumpish slogans in your face? In February 2019, Smollett was charged with filing a false police report. He made the whole thing up, the cops said, possibly in order to boost his reputation and maybe even his pay on Empire, the Fox series about a hip-hop dynasty he was starring in at the time. The charges against Smollett were eventually dropped after he agreed to perform 16 hours of community service.

Here’s the disturbing thing: if Smollett arranged a hate crime against himself, he won’t have been the first person to do it. Hate-crime hoaxes are an actual thing these days, as spiked’s Wilfred Reilly has extensively documented. There was the State University of New York bus-attack hoax of 2016, when two black and one Latino female students claimed that around 10 white men and women racially insulted and violently attacked them on a bus. Hillary Clinton tweeted her concern about this horrible attack. Only it didn’t happen. They made it up. The students were found guilty of false reporting and ordered to do community service and pay a fine.

In 2018, a black student at Smith College claimed she had been harassed by a janitor while she was eating her lunch. An investigation found she had fabricated details of the encounter. In 2019, a black school student in Virginia said three white boys pinned her to the ground and cut off ‘chunks’ of her dreadlocks. It never happened. She cut the dreadlocks off herself. Also in 2019, a student at the University of La Verne in California reported receiving a racist message on Instagram, being assaulted by a masked man, and finding her car on fire. She really went to town on her hate-crime story. She has since been charged with fabricating her reports. Albion College in Michigan made headlines across the US earlier this year when anti-black and anti-Semitic grafitti was found daubed on campus walls. The graffiti was pro-KKK, it contained the N-word. White supremacy running rampant? Nope, the culprit turned out to be a black male student.

But the whole unhinged saga came back again after a special prosecutor completed an investigation in 2020 which suggested the attack on Smollett was about as believable as one of Empire’s melodramatic storylines. Smollett now faces six counts of filing false police reports. The case is ongoing. It is, of course, entirely down to the jury to decide whether he is guilty. But the rest of us can, for now, muse on the social dynamics of this most curious of cases, this affair that even Smollett admits sounds like ‘something out of Looney Tunes adventures’ (sic). If Smollett did indeed orchestrate the attack on himself – let’s see what his peers decide – then that raises questions about the culture we all live in, and in particular about the social, moral and even economic prestige accorded to victimhood in the 21st century. Is it possible that we now have a situation where people will essentially punch themselves in the face in order to be part of today’s privileged caste of sufferers?

On it goes. Race hoax after race hoax. In all of these instances, a similar process unfolds. Claims of racial victimisation are made, the media splashes them on the front pages, headlines bemoan the scourge of white supremacy and other vile phobias, politicians tut-tut over this latest dreadful crime of identity, and everyone agrees Something Must Be Done. Then, when each case turns out to be nonsense on stilts, the feverish inventions of millennials who presumably crave the glamour of oppression, nothing much is said. The Hillaries of the world look the other way. Oh, that thing I was angry about didn’t really happen? Never mind.

The speed with which claims of racial victimisation are transformed into stop-the-press news about America and the West more broadly being shitty racist hellholes helps to explain why these hoaxes keep happening. There is a symbiotic relationship between the woke elites’ insatiable yearning for proof of America’s rottenness and the fact that some people falsely claim to have been victimised and attacked. The credulous, breathless reporting of every allegation of hate crime as irrefutable evidence that white supremacy is still rampant acts as an invitation to the hate-crime hoaxers, to the identitarian chancers. The knowledge that they will be instantly believed, instantly accorded the pity of the clerisy, instantly inaugurated into that holy sect that has directly experienced the violence of supremacist ideologies, of the lingering colonialist brutalism of Western society, is unquestionably an enticement to fabrication. It is contemporary society’s sanctification of victimhood, especially the victimhood of racial suffering, that tempts some to forge horrors and hardships.

And it goes beyond hoaxes. Completely inventing stories of oppression is merely the most extreme expression of a broader cultural dynamic. Others covet victimhood in more ‘acceptable’ ways. So community groups, for example, don’t outright invent tales of racist victimisation in order to win society’s resources and sympathy, but they do very often embellish the numbers. The ever-expanding definition of ‘hate crime’ – here in the UK it is essentially any crime that any person believes was motivated by hatred against a protected minority group – means the figures can be constantly fluffed, giving the impression of a widespread criminal loathing of minorities that simply does not exist. Not hoaxing, as such, but definitely inflation. The driver to this more ‘respectable’ form of victimhood cultivation is not that dissimilar to the thing that motors the hoaxers – the knowledge that your shot at securing sympathy from the woke media, and economic resources from the state, will be vastly improved if you can locate yourself and your identity group high up the scale of suffering.

And then there’s the individuals, the influencers, who simply play the victim card. The modern media are full of them. Woke campuses throng with well-off youths insisting they are victims of structural oppression. I’ve lost count of the number of Home Counties young women, sounding not unlike Princess Margaret, who have cornered me during a university talk to insist that they really are oppressed. Students at Oxford are so privileged and cosseted that they had to pretend that they felt oppressed by a statue – the statue of colonialist Cecil Rhodes, which they claimed was an environmental microaggression, persecuting them every time they passed by. It’s a hard life being a rich kid at one of the highest seats of learning on Earth.

In all of these cases, from the entirely invented stories to community groups’ exaggeration of levels of hatred, from the plummy trans activists who insist that the expression of biological facts will ‘erase’ them to the rage against statues by weeping, wounded students, what we are witnessing is a new cult of self-oppression. In the past, genuinely oppressed peoples sought to overcome their oppression. They demanded an end to their subjugation and equal access to the workforce and society. Now we have non-oppressed people lying and spinning and posturing in order to convince us, and themselves, that they are oppressed. They seek the status of oppression as determinedly as earlier generations of the actually downtrodden sought to escape it. This isn’t only highly morally questionable, where people with economic, educational and very often class privilege play at being the heirs to yesteryear’s victims of colonialism, Empire and slavery. It also reveals how distorted society itself has become under the strain of wokeness, under the boot of identity politics. The more woke society rewards claims of suffering, the more that it invites and celebrates confessions of victimisation, the more people will feel encouraged to negate their own autonomy and instead depict themselves as the wretched collateral damage of an uncaring society.

This is how the culture of victimhood harms society, and the future itself. In seeding new generations who prefer the warm glow of elite pity over the old muscular determination to make one’s way in an often unforgiving world, the cult of the victim diminishes citizens’ sense of themselves and denudes society of precisely the vigour and daring it requires to develop and progress. In an irony that is almost too much to take, we now live under a regime of privileged oppression, where those who are the best at enfeebling themselves, at making themselves pathetic, are accorded the greatest social value. That is bad for them and for society. We don’t yet know for sure if the Smollett case was an expression of all of this – let’s let the jury decide on that – but we do know that in a world in which victimisation is considered a virtue, frailty will become fashionable and deception will abound.

Brendan O’Neill is spiked’s chief political writer and host of the spiked podcast, The Brendan O’Neill Show. Subscribe to the podcast here. And find Brendan on Instagram: @burntoakboy


Source: spiked


Thursday, December 9, 2021

"Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.’s Heroic Resistance to the CIA’s Continuing Covid Coup D’état" by Edward Curtin



Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.’s Heroic Resistance to the CIA’s Continuing Covid Coup D’état

A Meditation

With his extraordinary new book, The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, RFK, Jr. has made it very clear that he will not allow Orwell’s 1984 totalitarian boot to stamp on his face.  His is a very rare moral courage, and he is asking us to join him, before it is too late and we enter into a new dark age, in recognizing and resisting the evil forces intent on stamping out democracy around the world.  He is not pulling his punches with language as he accuses the political-intelligence-media-money-medical-corporate-pharmaceutical conspirators of executing “the controlled demolition of American constitutional democracy.”  For a brilliant and highly accomplished lawyer and excellent writer and speaker, the choice of those words “controlled demolition” is clearly intentional.

For anyone who doubts that the Covid-19 crisis is an intelligence-run operation controlled by spooks working with medical technocrats like Anthony Fauci, billionaires such as Bill Gates, the military, media, Big Pharma, the World Economic Forum, etc., a close reading of this book – with its 2,194 references – will disabuse one of that illusion.

The CIA has long been deeply involved with vaccines, viruses, drugs, weaponizing cancer, biological weapons, and of course massive mind-control operations – deadly propaganda in plain English – for use in controlling U.S. Americans and foreigners alike.  As Kennedy writes in an ironically understated way, “The pervasive CIA involvement in the global vaccine putsch should give us pause.”  Yes, a long pause.  He continues:

There is nothing in the CIA’s history, in its charter, in its composition, or in its institutional culture that betrays an interest in promoting either public health or democracy. The CIA’s historical preoccupations have been power and control. The CIA has been involved in at least seventy-two attempted and successful coup d’état between 1947 and 1989, involving about a third of the world’s governments. Many of these were functioningd democracies. The CIA does not do public health. It does not do democracy. The CIA does coups d’état. [my emphasis]

Just as it does Kennedy assassinations.

Character assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is what the CIA and its media mouthpieces have been doing for years. This has become more and more necessary as they have realized the great growing danger he poses to their agenda. Calling him an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, and names far worse, is part of a concerted smear campaign to turn the public away from his message, which is multi-faceted and supported by deep research and impeccable logic. Like his father and uncle, he has become an irrepressibly eloquent opponent of the demonic forces intent on destroying the democratic dream.

With The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, he has pinned his indictment of those forces to the world’s wall for all to read.

Just as this new book will not be reviewed by the corporate mainstream media, not even negatively for fear of promoting it by doing so, so too the last book he wrote, American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, was completely ignored by such media.

As I wrote three years ago in the only review of that book:

When a book as fascinating, truthful, beautifully written, and politically significant as American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, written by a very well-known author by the name of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and published by a prominent publisher (HarperCollins), is boycotted by mainstream book reviewers, you know it is an important book and has touched a nerve that the corporate mainstream media wish to anesthetize by eschewal.

American Values is part memoir, part family history, part astute political analysis, and part-confessional, and is in turns delightful, sad, funny, fierce, and frightening in its implications.

What implications?   It is the heart of that book that had the obedient reviewers avoiding it like the plague, a plague introduced by a little mockingbird, as in Operation Mockingbird.  No member of the Kennedy family since JFK or RFK had dared to say what RFK, Jr. did in that book. He indicted the CIA in a carefully crafted and fully factual way for a vast array of crimes.  He spelled out the long war between the Kennedys and the CIA that resulted in the deaths of his father, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and his uncle President John Kennedy.  He threw a gauntlet down in the midst of telling an entertaining and touching family saga, which included a critique of his own youthful transgressions.

But the nation’s spooks smelled danger in the tale and they are now more acutely aware that they must censor him because his message is finding an expanding audience of people sick of government lies  and very hungry for the truth.  More and more people are willing to follow this brave man into the darkness of our history and the ongoing coups d’état underway at home and abroad.  They smell a demonic author behind the Covid-19 propaganda.

While Dr. Anthony Fauci understandably stands at the center of this new book, and deservedly so for his evil machinations over so many decades, it is important to recognize that he is an obedient, albeit very powerful, underling in a systemic structure of evil, who has greatly materially profited from the sale of his soul.  Yet while this is true, to read Kennedy’s chapters on Fauci’s commanding role in the HIV/Aids fraud, the AZT shakedown, illegal experiments on children that killed at least 85, etc., is enough to make your blood boil and to realize that such actions must spring from a source far deeper than the thirst for lucre.  Something fiendish and sinister is at work with all this with the suffering and death it has caused, and in the ways it has foreshadowed the COVID-19 propaganda and the complicity of the mass media in fronting for Fauci and his allies, then and now.

Kennedy exhaustively details Fauci’s work as a drug dealer for Big Pharma, even while his job at NIAID is to protect and improve the people’s health, which has deteriorated dramatically over his tenure.  (It is important to mention parenthetically but not at all incidentally that the CIA “manages” the so-called war on drugs in a similar manner.)  Thus we have a war of drugs and a “war on drugs” working in tandem in a perfect scheme to drug as many people as possible.  Here are a few details:

  • Fauci has an annual $6 billion budget, most of which goes toward the research and development of new drugs.
  • He is the highest paid federal employee, more than the President, with an annual salary of $417, 608.
  • He controls 57 percent of global biomedical medical funding directly and indirectly via the NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust, and therefore controls the scientists looking for research money.
  • He has for decades overseen the regulatory capture of government health agencies by Big Pharma.
  • The CDC, a paramilitary organization, spends $4.9 billion of its $12 billion budget buying and distributing vaccines, the vaccines that Fauci has been pushing. It also owns 57 vaccine patents.
  • Fauci and other officials receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help to develop and push through the approval process.
  • He has for many years promoted false pandemics to promote novel vaccines, drugs, and pharmaceutical company profits.
  • Forty-five percent of the FDA’s budget comes from the pharmaceutical industry through what are euphemistically called “user fees.”
  • Fauci has a “strange fascination with,” and has invested in “gain of function” experiments to engineer superbugs, which is part of a long CIA history of weaponizing viruses, etc.

RFK, Jr.’s detailed exposure of Fauci’s role reminds me of reading Moby Dick and meditating on Melville’s description of Ahab – one has to enter a different mental space to begin to comprehend such evil, and even then one is struck dumb by its extent and the media’s complicity in covering it up for so long.

When I use the word evil, I am not using that word loosely, but very precisely, for the actions of Fauci and his ilk are evil, although the human being Anthony Fauci is still capable of contrition and redemption.  Anything is possible if not probable, but I am not holding my breath. Just as the actual people who shot JFK, RFK, MLK,Jr., et al. were obedient servants of the system that produced them – listen to Bob Dylan’s Only A Pawn in Their Game – Fauci is a product of a structural system of evil.  This is not to excuse him but to place his actions in an historical and structural context.

Obviously he is not a poor southern unschooled white man used by the KKK as in Dylan’s song, but a sophisticated and Jesuit-educated New Yorker brought to political consciousness within a system that amply rewards obedience to the authorities.  He is a graduate of the same Jesuit high school I attended, the elite Regis High School in NYC (and then the Jesuit College of the Holy Cross), and is considered by many of my classmates to be a national hero bordering on a saint.  Such schooling made me well aware of how the system gobbles up its youth with promises of wealth and prestige if they yoke their intellectual acumen to allegiance to the rules of the game and become what Hannah Arendt termed “schreibtischtäter” – desk killers, or what the great American poet Kenneth Rexroth called hyenas with polished faces in the offices of billion dollar corporations devoted to “service.”

That such socialization is presented as being “a man for others” within the Jesuit tradition of mind-control, doubles its effectiveness as a confidence game.  That is why so many decent young people succumb to this siren call.  It then, however, demands the quelling of an uneasy conscience.

Jean Paul Sartre called this bad faith (mauvaise foi), a form of mental trickery in which one tries to “lie” to oneself – an impossibility since the liar and the one lied to are the same person – which means the deceiver must really know the truth that he is trying to conceal from the deceived.  This form of split consciousness allows those who serve a rapacious system to attempt to deceive themselves and others that they are serving a just cause.  Such attempts demand an actor’s skill and the quelling of one’s inner voice.  But there are very many actors among us, as Nietzsche said, not genuine ones, but bad actors.  Fauci, Gates, et al. are bad actors in a propaganda film, at least for those who know how propaganda is produced and bad acting exposed.  Robert Kennedy is such an astute critic.

My purpose here is not to go into detail about Fauci and Gates’s connections to the U.S. intelligence and defense industries, for this is a meditation, not a review.  But those connections are massive.  Read the concluding chapter 12 in The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.  Check his sources, 298 for this chapter alone.  This is not speculation or theory, but fact.  Do your homework.  Study.  Kennedy says:

After twenty years [since the insider anthrax attacks following September 11, 2001: see Graeme MacQueen’s, The 2001 Anthrax Deception (] of modeling exercises, the CIA – working with medical technologists like Anthony Fauci and billionaire internet tycoons – had pulled off the ultimate coup d’état: some 250 years after America’s historic revolt against entrenched oligarchy and authoritarians rule, the American experiment with self-government was over. The oligarchy was restored, and these gentlemen and their spymasters had equipped the rising technocracy with new tools of control unimaginable to King George or any other tyrant.

Yet the fight is far from over, and those with the tools and the mechanistic, material mindsets must contend with a rising tide of opposition to their plans for a “Great Reset” and a transhuman world.  We may be in the final battle of this war, but the human spirit is stronger than those who wish to stamp out human freedom.  Robert Kennedy, Jr. is leading the fight for the soul of the world, and it is both a political and spiritual one.

It does not take great intelligence to realize that when countries throughout the world act in a synchronized way in locking down their populations and repeat the same message on cue that such events are centrally coordinated.  The entire COVID-19 propaganda campaign, culminating with its push to enforce multiple vaccines that are not vaccines and are based on fraudulent PCR tests, has been long in preparation and the intelligence agencies’ fingerprints are all over its planning.  War game scenarios, weaponized vaccines, the CIA, the NIH, Gates, Fauci, the NIAID, DARPA, Wired magazine, the financial elites and their power centers such as the World Economic Forum, etc. – they are all involved in a conspiracy to impose a rigid global tyranny over regular people for the benefit of the world’s super-rich.  Since Fauci’s coordinated lockdowns early in 2020, there has been a 3.8 trillion dollar shift in wealth upwards to the super-rich, creating 500 new billionaires, while pulverizing the middle class, destroying small businesses, enriching Fauci and his Pharmaceutical and robber baron corporate partners, and causing vast suffering and death all around the world.  None of this is accidental. Kennedy documents it all.  He writes:

Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, and Global Mercury were only three of over a dozen Germ Games staged by military, medical, and intelligence planners leading up to COVID-19. Each of these Kafkaesque exercises became uncanny predictors of a dystopian age that pandemic planners dubbed the “New Normal.” The consistent feature is an affinity among their simulator designers for militarizing medicine and introducing centralized autocratic governance.

Each rehearsal ends with the same grim punchline: the global pandemic is an excuse to justify the imposition of tyranny and coerced vaccination. The repetition of these exercises suggests that they serve as a kind of rehearsal or training drill for an underlying agenda to coordinate the global dismantlement of democratic governance….Virtually all of the scenario planning for pandemics employ technical assumptions and strategies familiar to anyone who has read the CIA’s notorious psychological warfare manuals for shattering indigenous societies, obliterating traditional economics and social bonds, for using imposed isolation and the demolition of traditional economies to crush resistance, to foster chaos, demoralization, dependence and fear, and for imposing centralized and autocratic governance.

U.S. and foreign intelligence agencies have dominated the COVID-19 military project from the start.  The CIA and Fauci are central to the official “conspiracy theory” – accurately called fact – including “Operation Warp Speed” under Trump.  Trump simply carried on the work of his predecessors, including Obama, but acted as if he was opposed to it.  It has always been a bi-partisan program because the CIA runs both parties.

When he was in prison in Germany after returning in 1939 from Union Theological Seminary in NYC to oppose Hitler, the German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote the following from his prison cell before he was executed:

Against stupidity we have no defense. Neither protests nor force can touch it. Reasoning is of no use. Facts that contradict personal prejudices can simply be disbelieved — indeed, the fool can counter by criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be pushed aside as trivial exceptions. So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely self-satisfied. In fact, they can easily become dangerous, as it does not take much to make them aggressive. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.

By stupid he did not mean that such people lacked intellectual ability, for they were often very smart, but that they had fallen under the spell of public power and lost all independence of mind.  Thus he adds, “He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil.”

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. is still trying to reach these people.  His is an heroic task.  No wonder Kennedy is named for St. Francis to whom he is devoted; St. Francis taught him and us that courage and sacrifice are what God asks of us all.

One of his father’s favorite quotes defines the son as well; it is from Edith Hamilton, the author of The Greek Way, who wrote:

Men are not made for safe havens. The fullness of life is in the hazards of life…. To the heroic, desperate odds fling a challenge.

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. has stepped up to the challenge.  He is brave and brilliant.  We are blessed to have his witness.


Source: Behind the Curtain




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