Saturday, August 21, 2021

"Gaslighting the Coronavirus" – written by Dimitry Orlov on 1 May 2020 and reposted by Vanessa Beeley on May 2, 2020

Sources: The Wall Will Fall and Dmitry Orlov

Mensch59 here. This article by Dmitry Orlov -- a Russian-American engineer and writer on subjects related to "potential economic, ecological and political decline and collapse in the United States", something he has called "permanent crisis" -- is what opened my eyes initially to what has turned out to be the most important political-economic development of my lifetime. This development is the domination of the political economy by BigPharma, with BigPharma being dominated by technocrats, and the domination of the technocrats by the rentier classes. This is exactly what totalitarianism looks like, that is the "inverted totalitarianism" described by Sheldon Wolin transforming into biosecurity State totalitarianism. 

This isn't the capitalism of past generations. This is a revolutionary development, as this article -- "Farewell To Bourgeois Kings" -- recommended to me by Saint Jimmy (Russian American) -- states about this revolution:

“Intelligence and rationalism are not in themselves revolutionary. But technical thinking is foreign to all social traditions: the machine has no tradition. One of Karl Marx’s seminal sociological discoveries is that technology is the true revolutionary principle, beside which all revolutions based on natural law are antiquated forms of recreation. A society built exclusively on progressive technology would thus be nothing but revolutionary; but it would soon destroy itself and its technology.”

– Carl Schmitt, "The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy"

I was getting sucked into the official narrative until reading this entitled article by Dmitry Orlov back in May of 2020. It was re-posted on The Digger and I thought that it might be worth another look.

Happy reading and happy discussing. And don't mind the braindead trolls who are clueless about the domination of the political economy by BigPharma, clueless about technocrats, clueless about totalitarianism, clueless about how the rentier classes are not strictly capitalists as understood by 

The original meaning of a free market as discussed by classical political economists was a market free from all forms of rent. The gist of classical political economy was to distinguish earned and unearned income (also known as rent or free lunch).

PS -- this looks like an excellent book coming out in a couple of months, available 9 November 2021.

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

When the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since November 1984 and the leading architect of “agency capture”—the corporate seizure of America’s public health agencies by the pharmaceutical industry—happen to be the same man, conflicts of interest arise. Wearing both hats, Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, tasked with managing the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, peddled and back-pedaled his prescriptions as Pharma profits and bureaucratic powers grew and public health waned. 
Working in tandem with his long-term partner, billionaire Bill Gates, to corral Americans toward a single vaccine solution to COVID, Dr. Fauci committed zero dollars to studying or promoting early treatment with various drug combinations that could dramatically reduce deaths and hospitalizations. Meanwhile, in an assault on our First Amendment guarantee of free speech, Dr. Fauci’s Silicon Valley and media allies dutifully censored criticism of his policies on mainstream social media and collaborated to muzzle any medical information about therapies and treatments that might end the pandemic and compete with vaccines. 
After effectively abolishing the First Amendment right to free speech, Dr. Fauci subverted our Seventh Amendment rights to jury trials by arranging to shield reckless and negligent pharmaceutical corporations from liability for injuries from any COVID countermeasures, including vaccines. His lockdowns targeted First Amendment religious freedom by closing churches—while keeping liquor stores open as “essential businesses”—and abolishing century-old religious exemptions to vaccination. Dr. Fauci’s enforced quarantine trampled the Constitutional rights of assembly, of association, and to petition the government, and our Fifth Amendment protection against uncompensated taking of private property. His arbitrary mask and lockdown diktats, without public hearings or rulemaking, strangled our Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment due process guarantees. His tracking and tracing initiatives bulldozed Constitutional rights to privacy and travel, and our Fourth Amendment protections against warrantless searches and seizures.
Finally, readers will see how Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, asserting biosecurity rationales, worked together to finance and promote the very gain-of-function experiments in Wuhan that may have released the COVID-19 pathogen.


Gaslighting the Coronavirus – Dimitry Orlov

Written by Dimitry Orlov

For the past few days I have been holding back on commenting on current events, all of which revolve around the new coronavirus panic, and doing as much research as I could because the substance of what’s happening has been unclear to me.

• Why shut down the global economy because of a virus that isn’t particularly dangerous and has only been responsible for just over 1% of the deaths so far this year and has only affected 0.04% of the population and has killed off a mere 0.0028% of it?

• Why quarantine healthy people instead of just the old and the sick? (In Sweden, to take a typical example, 90% of the fatal cases were among those older than 70.)

• Why shut down schools and confine children indoors if they don’t even get sick from this virus?

• Why tell people to remain indoors when lack of sunlight, exercise and exposure to a wide variety of antigens leads to weakened immune systems and higher rates of infection?

• Why struggle to create a vaccine and vaccinate everyone when this virus happens to be a safe, effective and freely available inoculant against itself for the vast majority of healthy people?

• Why emphasize artificial lung ventilation when (in New York, for example) 80% of the patients who are hooked up to ALV machines die?

• Why tell everyone to wear face masks when they only stop 95% of virus particles (at best) and so delay the amount of time it takes to get infected from 10 seconds to as much as three minutes?  

After some research and some thought I have been able to arrive at a single answer to all of these questions. But first, let’s examine some of them.

First, let’s handle the question of vaccination. There is a measles vaccine, yet it kills 140,000 a year. There is a pneumococcus vaccine, yet it kills between 2 and 2.5 million a year. There is a hepatitis B vaccine, yet it kills 140,000. There is a tetanus vaccine, yet it kills 89,000 annual deaths. There is a rotavirus vaccine, yet it kills 800,000. There is a HPV vaccine, yet it kills 250,000. There is a tuberculosis vaccine, yet it kills 1.5 million. There is an influenza vaccine, yet it kills 650,000 to 1 million deaths a year. None of these are considered pandemics, cause entire economies to be shut down or, or call for any extraordinary measures at all.

And then there is the novel coronavirus which has killed 218,187 people to date (the vast majority of them very old and/or very sick)—and this is considered to be a problem to be solved with all possible haste. Some infectious disease experts have suggested that the entire populace may be required to shelter in place until a vaccine becomes available. Meanwhile, deaths from the novel coronavirus largely fit within the usual mortality of the flu season.

The northern hemisphere winter was warmer than usual, and some of the elderly and sick people who would have been killed off by any of the usual influenza viruses (including other coronaviruses) during any of the previous three flu seasons were claimed by the novel coronavirus.

But even this is uncertain because it is unclear whether these 218,187 deaths were actually caused by the coronavirus or whether the coronavirus just happened to be present in their bodies at the time of death. Furthermore, a lot of people were diagnosed as suffering from this coronavirus based on symptoms which are not too different from those caused by other viral agents.

Lastly, the vast majority of those who have died from it had what are called comorbidities. Elderly immunocompromised morbidly obese diabetics with high blood pressure, cancer and other potential fatal ailments have been particularly susceptible. If you discard all fatal cases with comorbidities and only consider young healthy people, then the number of deaths where the new coronavirus is obviously the root cause may turn out to be as low as zero.

Confirmed novel coronavirus cases number less than 3,147,626 worldwide, which is 0.04% of the world’s population. This barely adds up to a cough and a sneeze. As this virus has spread throughout the world the increase in cases has slowed, but the number of confirmed cases could yet double or even triple, adding up to as much as three coughs and three sneezes. But then the World Health Organization enters the fray.

The WHO makes gratuitous use of appellations such as “world” and “health” but is actually a semi-private entity lavishly financed by Bill Gates and Big Pharma, which is owned by a handful of highly inbred oligarchic entities that include Vanguard, BlackRock, Capital Group, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Northern Trust and State Street, which in turn own each other in various convoluted ways.

WHO’s main function is to scare people into getting vaccinated and accepting expensive drug regimens (barely half of which do any good at all), thus funneling resources toward Big Pharma.

The World Health Organization establishes thresholds to determine whether to declare an influenza epidemic that range between 2.5% and 5%. The novel coronavirus misses the mark by a thousand-fold, yet the WHO has declared it to be the cause of a global pandemic.

If this seems like an extreme overreaction, that is because this is an extreme overreaction.

Some conspiratorially-minded people may surmise that this is a conspiracy, but it isn’t. It is yet another blatant attempt to confiscate a chunk of the world’s wealth by requiring it to buy something worthless, just like this same set of medical/financial interests did with the relatively worthless Tamiflu antiviral medication during the H1N1 swine flu pandemic of 2009-10 which caused a mere 18,036 deaths worldwide. This is a specific group pursuing its own group interests.

There are other disparate interests that are pursuing their own aims by fighting (or attempting, or pretending to fight) the awful-terrible-horrible novel coronavirus global plague that could easily carry off 0.005% of the world’s population and as much as 0.05% of the planet’s septuagenarians.

The Chinese have taken the novel coronavirus outbreak as a chance to train for repelling a biological warfare attack. To argue that this coronavirus is indeed the agent of a biowarfare attack is to argue for something extremely stupid because it just isn’t effective as a biowarfare agent. It’s almost as bad as Novichok, which was touted as being able to wipe out entire armies but only managed to sicken five people and kill just one of them. It doesn’t matter whether this coronavirus leaked out of a dead bat or a biowarfare lab, or both—it just isn’t any good as a weapon. But the Chinese government imposed extreme, unprecedented controls over much of the population and the economy.

The Russians followed suit, with the difference that while the Chinese saw these extreme measures as temporary, setting up makeshift hospitals, the Russians seized on them as a chance to fundamentally upgrade the entire health care system, setting it up to effectively handle any future biological warfare attacks.

In doing so, the Chinese and the Russians pursued different goals. The Chinese need to find a way to stop shipping actual physical manufactured goods to the US in exchange for pieces of paper or promises to pay, all of which are about to become worthless, without triggering a dangerous escalation. The need to do so with all necessary haste became obvious in mid-August of 2019, when it turned out that banks were no longer to accept US Treasury debt instruments as collateral for overnight loans. These were supposedly the safest investments in the world that made up the world’s largest and most liquid financial market—until it turned out that they weren’t that at all.

China’s exports to the US comprised around 20% of its total exports, and this number needed to be reduced. With the entire West heading into a major economic recession, China also had to partially reorient its economy away from exports and toward domestic capital investment and consumption. A global panic and an economic reset provoked by the new coronavirus has been useful in furthering the goal of reducing China’s dependence on the US while hiding behind the smokescreen of a plausible force majeur incident.

Russia’s goals in stoking the coronavirus panic are somewhat different from China’s. Unlike China, whose military standoff with the US has been limited to posturing around maritime routes and control over disputed Spratly Islands, Russia has been forced to deal with a more serious attempt by the Pentagon to rekindle the Cold War.

There have been NATO troops holding training exercises within artillery range of Russia’s second-largest city, NATO instructors training and arming Ukrainian Nazis who are shelling Russian passport-holders who inhabit the eastern portions of the Ukrainian area, and the Pentagon setting up and operating multiple US biowarfare laboratories in some of the countries that neighbor Russia.

At this point neither nuclear nor conventional war between Russia and the US is at all likely. The US never developed the capability to win a nuclear conflict with Russia using a preemptive first strike and the US could never even dream of conquering Russia in a land war.

This leaves biological warfare as the only possible course of action for the Pentagon should it decide to attack Russia, and the Russians appear to have taken this threat quite seriously. In response, the US has demonstrated abject fecklessness in facing of the coronavirus pandemic, even to the point of being forced to accept Russian humanitarian aid—flown in on military transport jets, just to stress the point.

While China must solve the problem of reorienting its export flows away from the rapidly failing US and liquidating its hoard of dollar-denominated financial paper, Russia has no such problems, since it does very little trade with the US and has liquidated its dollar-denominated reserves. However, in spite of efforts to diversify its trade relationships, it still does a great deal of trade with the rapidly failing EU.

Thanks to the Western sanctions imposed on it in 2014 over its reunification with Crimea, as well as the ensuing countersanctions, it has implemented a successful policy of import replacement. Now that Western economies are failing, it has to also implement a policy of export-replacement, reorienting resource and production flows toward domestic consumption, further embracing the concept of limited autarky. This is no minor task, and the coronavirus provides a useful smokescreen behind which the economy can be switched to manual mode, so that the government can effectively direct the process of transforming the economy.

While China and Russia seem able to find constructive uses for the coronavirus pandemic, its functions for the EU and for the US seem entirely destructive for these two political entities.

In the case of the EU, the pandemic gave the constituent nations a chance to reassert their sovereignty while the central bureaucracy in Brussels was demonstrated to be incapable of any constructive response, belatedly closing EU borders even after most countries have already done so on their own.

Anti-EU sentiment is rising in Italy and elsewhere, and it is starting to seem more likely that Brexit will have set off a domino effect of EU exits by other countries. This will provide openings for various European countries to shrug off the yoke of “universal European values” and find their own way by formulating saner policies on issues such as migration and negotiate bilateral trade relationships both within and outside Europe.

In the US the pandemic is being used to prosecute a sort of civil war as the Democrats attempt to use it, and the unfolding economic crash, to unseat Trump and replace him with some other political cadaver. Meanwhile, the leadership of various states are finding less and less common ground with the federal authorities and are grabbing more political power for themselves while making plans to go their separate ways.

The list of actors who use the coronavirus pandemic for their very different and often contradictory aims can be extended virtually ad infinitum. But what if we try to factor out the common term, to use a mathematical metaphor? What factor appears in every term of the equation and can therefore be moved outside the parentheses? It is the factor of absolute control: restrictions on movement, restrictions on behavior, restrictions on what businesses may operate, and constant medical testing.  

As I wrote in my book Shrinking the Technosphere, “The reason for extending life for as long as possible, no matter how little sense this makes, is to be found in the abstract teleology of total control. The technosphere’s compulsion is to control everything. It is unacceptable to it for old people to decide when to die all on their own. Death cannot be left up to a subjective judgment; it must be the objective outcome of a technical, measurable process.”

In that book, I defined the technosphere as “…an emergent global intelligence that hates all forms of life, likes physics and chemistry, hates anything that it cannot dominate or control, is adept at using humans for its own purposes, but is quite ready to kill them when they are no longer needed or when they get in the way, which it can easily do because its most advanced and effective technologies are its killing technologies—conventional, nuclear and chemical weapons; germ warfare; and political technologies that send people into battle.”

Since the unjustifiably harsh response to the novel coronavirus is a global phenomenon, the imposition of totalitarian control measures can be treated as a manifestation of an emergent global intelligence that transcends the narrow interests of any one country or group of countries but follows an agenda of its own. What could provoke the technosphere to lash out in such a way?

There are two important global processes which, while they will affect the US particularly severely, go far beyond its geographic confines.

One is the still relatively gradual process of dethroning the US dollar from its position of dominance. Until the coronavirus pandemic disrupted much of the global economy, most of its participants were interested in preserving some measure of stability to the dollar system. But now that trade has already been disrupted, an opening has been created to dump the dollar without necessarily causing economic damage significantly worse than already exists. The actions of the Federal Reserve, which is in the process of monetizing a large proportion of existing US government debt and virtually all of the new debt being issued to cover the ever-growing budget deficit, are undermining the dollar as well. Although the term “debt monetization” is being used to describe what’s happening, issuing currency with which to buy up worthless promissory notes stretches the definition of “debt” beyond any reasonable limit, while “monetization” is far too dignified a term for such a desperate delaying tactic. As a consequence, some analysts do not see US dollar-based global financial system holding up too far beyond this year.

The other process is the rapid transition of the US from the world’s largest producer of oil to one of the smallest, because the fracking bonanza has largely run its course. It has never really made any money, since fracked oil is, for technological reasons, always too expensive to sustain economic growth. And now, with an economic depression setting in, economies at a standstill and oil futures trading in the negative territory (where market participants are willing to pay producers to get out of having take delivery of the oil when the contract matures) the fracking industry is going bankrupt, production is falling, and in less than a year it is likely to be down by as much as 70%. At that point, any attempt at economic recovery in the US will involve having to start importing large quantities of oil from a world supply that, with the exception of fracked oil from the US, hasn’t expanded much since 2005.

From Shrinking the Technosphere, again: “From the point of view of the technosphere, the biosphere is simply there to provide it with resources and services. Its view of the biosphere demonstrates the technosphere’s striking mental deficit: it is unable to see limits. Until it runs up against them, it simply can’t see them, and assumes that natural resources are infinite. And when it does run up against them, it invariably treats the problem as a financial problem. For example, when oil prices spiked, it was automatically assumed that the problem had nothing to do with resource depletion but was entirely due to lack of investment in the oil industry. Sure enough, increased investment eventually resulted in increased production and a glutted oil market, but the fact that the increased investment became necessary had everything to do with resource depletion: the resources that could be produced most cheaply were the first to become depleted. What’s more, the effect of increased investment is temporary; like rust, resource depletion never sleeps, and at some point the level of spending needed to maintain production becomes impossibly high.”

Here I wish to correct myself: the technosphere can indeed see physical limits. In 2019, it appears to have come to the common realization that the fracking bonanza in the US has pretty much run its course and that no further expansion in the use of oil, and therefore no further economic expansion, would be possible. But a globalized regime cannot be maintained without constant expansion. The only solution was for the technosphere to fracture into zones, some of which can then be de-funded and deprived of access to oil. In order to realize this plan, the entire planet had to be placed under lock-down, and the only way to do that is to scare everyone with a supposedly deadly virus.

One last excerpt from my book: “…[I]t becomes necessary for the technosphere to periodically apply some discipline, in order to keep the dream of infinite technological progress in the service of humanity from starting to look a bit threadbare. The way this is done is by presenting any alternative to endless progress as an unmitigated disaster: it’s either total control or the apocalypse. There are many different varieties of the apocalypse, featuring various combinations of asteroids, zombies, deadly viruses, space aliens, shark-bearing waterspouts over Los Angeles… the list is endless.”

The technosphere looked at the list and picked “deadly viruses.” And there you have it.

It may be difficult for you to take on board the concept of an emergent global intelligence that transcends the confines of every nation, continent and civilization. You may not see it, but once you do you are unlikely to be able to un-see it because it is just too glaringly obvious. It is beyond obvious: it is directly in your face. Perhaps it would be easier for you to consider it as a sort of mass psychosis in need of a cure. Or perhaps you would prefer to view it as an instance of demonic possession in need of an exorcism:  

“And Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Legion”; for many demons had entered him. They were imploring Him not to command them to go away into the abyss. … And the demons came out of the man and entered a herd of swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned.” [Luke 8:30-31, 33]

Whatever metaphor you choose, the first step is to free your own mind. Once you do, you may realize that the entire global coronavirus fiasco of 2020 may not have been without some benefits. For example, numerous people around the world, coming out of the coronavirus lock-down, are now surely having some of these realizations:

• The internet is no replacement for actual face-to-face contact.

• A city easily becomes a prison and the countryside is a better choice for people who want to remain free.

• The economy doesn’t matter as much as being among people who are willing to help each other.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Face Of An Opportunist Ruling Class Scumbag And Fascist Pimp


Donald Trump Pushes COVID-19 Vaccine, Says He is 'Very Proud' of It

Former President Donald Trump says that he is "very proud" of the COVID-19 vaccine and would "love" to see more people get vaccinated.

Trump boasted that he had purchased "billions and billions of dollars" worth of vaccine doses in advance while serving as president and gently urged his followers to take the vaccine during a Wednesday interview on Newsmax TV's Greg Kelly Tonight.

The former president said that the vaccine had prevented the COVID-19 pandemic death toll, which currently stands at over 4.3 million worldwide, from matching the even worse toll of up to 100 million people who died during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 to 1920.

"I'm very proud of the vaccine," Trump told host Greg Kelly. "I've taken it, you've... probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917 [sic], where up to 100 million people were killed."

"I bought billions and billions of dollars of the vaccine and that's why we've been taking it for a long time now," added Trump. "Without that we really would have a big problem. And I do believe people have to have their freedoms and all that but, you know, I'd love to see them take the vaccine."

Trump made similar comments earlier on Wednesday during an interview on Fox Business with Maria Bartiromo. The former president said that the "problem with people not wanting to take" the vaccine, which he suggested should be called the "Trumpcine" in April, was due to the public lacking trust in President Joe Biden.

"I'm proud of the vaccine, I've taken the vaccine, I'm very, very proud of it," Trump told Bartiromo. "When I was president, you didn't have this problem with people not wanting to take it. They don't take it because they don't trust Biden and they don't trust the Biden administration."

"When I was president, you didn't have people protesting the vaccine," he added. "Everybody wanted to get it and we were giving out over a million shots a day... now it's coming back through the Delta... people that do get [the vaccine] get better much quicker, it's a very important thing to know, they don't get nearly as sick."

However, during the same interview Trump suggested that fully vaccinated people getting a vaccine booster shot—which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says will be recommended for all adults beginning on September 20—"sounds to me like a money-making operation for Pfizer."

Although vaccines commonly require booster shots, the former president went on to falsely claim that the COVID-19 vaccines developed while he was in office had originally been "good for life" and suggested that the push for booster shots could be explained by "that guy that runs Pfizer" getting "dollar signs" in his eyes.

Trump and allies have feuded with Pfizer and CEO Albert Bourla since the company announced positive vaccine trial results shortly after the former president lost to Biden in the 2020 election. During an April interview on The Carlos Watson Show, Bourla said that Trump had reminded him prior to the election that releasing the information earlier could "help" his chances.

Polls and vaccination data have shown that those who voted for Trump in 2020 are more likely to resist receiving any doses of COVID-19 vaccine than Biden voters, despite Trump boasting about the vaccine and reminding his followers that he has personally been vaccinated.

The Face Of A Liberal Fascist - Episode Two

By Jim Brunner

Washington’s COVID vaccine mandates ordered by Gov. Jay Inslee are among the strictest in the nation

Even before Gov. Jay Inslee expanded his COVID-19 vaccination order to K-12 and higher education employees on Wednesday, Washington’s vaccine mandate ranked among the most sweeping and strict in the nation.

Most governors who have imposed such mandates have built in wiggle room, allowing public employees and health care workers to undergo regular coronavirus tests if they choose not to get vaccinated.

Inslee’s orders offer no such slack. Employees at state agencies, schools and universities must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 18 or face termination. Inoculations also will be a condition of employment for hundreds of thousands of people working in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

The U.S. remains polarized over vaccine mandates even amid a surge in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations driven by the highly transmissible delta variant. Republican-led states have mostly avoided such orders — with some explicitly banning local mandates — while Democratic governors, like Inslee, have been more willing to impose them.

In all, 21 states and the District of Columbia have some form of COVID-19 vaccine mandate, according to a tracker maintained by the national employment law firm Littler Mendelson. They vary in scope, with some aimed narrowly at nursing homes and other vulnerable health care settings, and others affecting all state employees.

Most of the states with vaccine mandates, unlike Washington, allow employees who do not qualify for religious or medical exemptions to submit to frequent testing in lieu of vaccination. And the scope of Inslee’s order is also broader than other states — applying even to state contractors.

Jeremy Wood, a Seattle-based attorney with Littler Mendelson, who has helped track policies across the country, said in an email, “Washington’s proclamation covers public contractors more broadly than others we’ve seen, requiring vaccination for all public contractors at state worksites, including those outside the health care sector.

“It also doesn’t allow testing in lieu of vaccination; we’re not aware of any other current statewide mandate that doesn’t permit regular testing instead of vaccination.”

The requirements vary by state, but few, if any match Inslee’s hard line. In California, for example, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the nation’s first vaccine mandate for state employees last month, but specified that those who do not comply can instead take weekly tests and wear masks. In Oregon, Gov. Kate Brown is requiring vaccination for state government workers, but has allowed health care workers the option of weekly tests.

By contrast, 29 states have no vaccine mandates. That includes Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi, which have blown past their previous infection highs in recent weeks.

In Florida, which leads the country in new infections, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has staked out a view diametrically opposite to Inslee’s. DeSantis has vehemently opposed masking and vaccine mandates, saying “we can either have a free society” or “a biomedical security state.”

Inslee has defended his stance on mandatory vaccinations as necessary to fight the resurgent pandemic. While acknowledging some workers wanted the testing option in lieu of vaccinations, he has stood firm in rejecting it.

“The testing option was not offered because the governor does not believe it is effective or sustainable,” Inslee spokesperson Mike Faulk said in an email. He noted that state employees had already undergone regular testing in some facilities, such as state prisons, but that did not prevent outbreaks, including some which have resulted in deaths.

“We are way beyond the point in this pandemic where testing would be the most effective tool to keep communities safe,” Faulk said.

More than 70% of Washington residents 16 and older already have received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Washington State Department of Health. In announcing his mandate, Inslee said he believes most state workers will comply with his Oct. 18 deadline, but the governor’s office had no current estimate of how many are already vaccinated.

Republican state lawmakers have objected to the vaccine mandate, arguing Inslee should have at least allowed a testing option for employees who are struggling to decide whether to receive a jab.

“It doesn’t take that much to accommodate their very legitimate concerns,” said state Senate Minority Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, who said GOP staff researching Washington’s mandate “came to the conclusion this was the most restrictive one in the nation.”

Braun emphasized he is vaccinated and is encouraging people to do the same, but he said he worries Inslee’s mandate could have unintended consequences if large swaths of police or nurses decide to quit in the face of the requirement.

“I hear an awful lot of them saying I am going to leave my job,” Braun said.

State Sen. Karen Keiser, D-Des Moines, who chairs the Senate’s panel overseeing labor relations, said in an interview she agrees Washington’s mandate is one of the strictest, but called the Oct. 18 timeline “pretty generous.”

Keiser said she’s confident most workers affected by the mandates will choose the vaccine and keep their jobs.

“There is a growing realization there are few other options open to us if we are ever going to restore a healthy work life and a healthy economy … The betting is that people will value their employment and their careers and not walk way from them just because they have an ideological antagonism to vaccines,” she said

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

"A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer" by Margaret Anna Alice, posted on 25 April 2021 on her substack

Mensch59 here. I quite like this blogger, Margaret Anna Alice. We even chat on email. She thanked Censor Free Zone for putting up her blog post "The Vapor, the Hot Hat & the Witches' Potion: A Fairy Story", Censor Free Zone: "The Vapor, the Hot Hat, & the Witches’ Potion: A Fairy Story" by Margaret Anna Alice, posted on 3 August 2021 on her substack (

I suggested reposting this essay and she was amenable. The links to the site "Academy of Ideas", where you can read the transcripts of the videos and enjoy the artwork presented in the videos, are especially worthwhile to review from time to time.

No greater threat we as a population face today is this mass psychosis empowered by way of false propaganda and rhetoric.

A Primer for the Propagandized

Fear Is the Mind-Killer

Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer Hypnotic Television Graphic

“Totalitarianism, if not fought against, could triumph anywhere.”

—George Orwell

The noose is dangling gently around our necks. Every day, they cinch it tighter. By the time we realize it’s strangling us, it will be too late.

Those who gradually and gleefully sacrifice their freedoms, their autonomy, their individuality, their livelihoods, and their relationships on the altar of the “common good” have forgotten this is the pattern followed by every totalitarian regime in history.

Everyone wonders how ordinary Germans could have been manipulated to participate or stand dumbstruck while their government was transformed into a genocidal juggernaut. This is how. Read Sebastian Haffner’s Defying Hitler memoir to see how this can happen anywhere—including here.

Everyone wonders how Russians could have permitted and even zealously reported fellow citizens for imprisonment and execution under Article 58, the penal code invented to incarcerate anyone who dared express the slightest whisper of noncompliance under Stalin’s homicidal state. This is how. Read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s meticulously documented The Gulag Archipelago to witness this progression of authoritarian lunacy.

Everyone wonders how Hutus could have suddenly started axing their Tutsi neighbors to death after being inundated with waves of anti-Tutsi propaganda from Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines. Read Philip Gourevitch’s We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families: Stories from Rwanda.

The list goes on. And on. And on. From Machiavelli’s The Prince to Étienne de La Boétie’s The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude to Edward Herman’s and Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent (and accompanying documentary) to BBC’s The Century of the Self, mechanisms of mass control have been chronicled for millennia.

George Orwell writes, “As far as the mass of the people go, the extraordinary swings of opinion which occur nowadays, the emotions which can be turned on and off like a tap, are the result of newspaper and radio hypnosis.”

Can you imagine what master propagandist Edward Bernays would have done with access to today’s mainstream media conglomerate combined with the global surveillance infrastructure of Big Tech? And you really think that’s not happening now—with another century of psychological, neurological, and technological research under their belts? 

The present ability to curate reality and coerce obedience is unprecedented, far beyond what Orwell envisioned in 1984, Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451, Huxley in Brave New World, and Burgess in A Clockwork Orange.

A textbook example of Problem Reaction Solution, the current tsunami of worldwide hysteria is the latest and potentially most threatening example of mass control in history.

The recipe is simple. Take a naturally occurring phenomenon, say a seasonal virus, and exaggerate its threat far beyond every imagining—despite exhaustive evidence to the contrary. Suppress, silence, ostracize, and demonize every individual who dares present facts that expose the false mono-narrative.

Whip up a witches’ brew of anger, envy, and, most importantly, fear, escalating emotions to a boil so as to short-circuit our faculties of reason and logic.

Isolate us from one another, supplant real-world interactions with virtual feuds, label nonconformists as a threat to the group, and pump the public with a disinformation campaign designed to confuse and atomize. In essence, foster a cultlike mentality that shuts down thought to guarantee assent.

Cultivate and wield our cognitive biases—especially ingroup biasconformity bias, and authority bias—against us in a comprehensive divide-and-conquer policy that keeps us too busy squabbling amongst each other to recognize and unite against those corralling us into a Matrix-like collective delusion that enables the powerful to extract our resources for their own gain.

This ideological mass psychosis is religion—not science. If this were about science, the Media–Pharmaceutical–Big-Tech complex would not be memory-holing every dissenting voice, vilifying every thought criminal, and censoring every legitimate inquiry in quest of the truth.

Mark Twain said, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

He also said, “In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.”

The next time you’re watching the news, reading a social media post, listening to a friend repeat a scripted talking point, pay attention. Learn to identify the earmarks of propaganda, the clickbait used to trigger your emotions, the mechanisms employed to engineer your cognitive biases.

Don’t let your pride prevent you from seeing—and admitting—the Emperor is naked. We are losing our last sliver of opportunity to resist authoritarianism.

This is not a partisan issue. Those who wish to control us have made it such because disunited lemmings are easier to steer than independent, critical thinkers.

This is a human issue. This is about crushing the middle class—the backbone of a democratic republic—and transferring trillions from the middle and lower classes to the ruling plutocracy. This is about demolishing the foundations of a free society and building it back—not better, but better-controlled.

I will close by recommending a series of illuminating videos on menticide (“the systematic effort to undermine and destroy a person’s values and beliefs … to induce radically different ideas”) throughout history by Academy of Ideas. This analysis of mass psychosis is nonpartisan and of value to every thinking human being.

Dare to question. Dare to disbelieve. Dare to defy ideology in favor of science while you still can.

Note: This originated as a response to a post titled, “So many people think these Covid rules are for our safety but it’s really about control.” By the time I finished writing it, the post had vanished.

© Margaret Anna Alice, LLC

Source:  Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass

Monday, August 16, 2021

The Face Of A Liberal Fascist

By Dave Goldiner

COVID vaccine mandate for NYC restaurants, bars, gyms and concerts kicks off Tuesday: De Blasio

May I see some I.D., please?

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a strict new COVID mandate, including proof of vaccination, for those who want to dine or drink indoors, go to the gym and other social events in New York City starting Tuesday.

Under the new rules, anyone who wants to eat indoors or attend other indoor events will have to show proof of vaccination, either in the form of a paper vaccination record or a digital record like the New York State Excelsior Pass that verifies vaccination status or negative test results.

The rules will also cover virtually all indoor activities including bars, museums, concert halls and even strip clubs.

Workers at the affected venues will also be required to be vaccinated.

De Blasio framed the rules as a way to give the majority of New Yorkers who are vaccinated more freedom to safely experience everything the city has to offer without fear of infection from the virulent delta variant of COVID-19.

“Vaccination allows you to enjoy all that’s good in life,” he said.

He predicted that the rules would actually encourage more people to go out to eat and drink.

“People prefer to go in an environment in which they can feel safer,” de Blasio said.

He said unvaccinated people will still be able to eat outdoors and take part in other outdoor activities, although he stressed that the city might tighten rules in the future.

David Burke, a celebrity chef who owns three Manhattan restaurants, predicted the new vaccine rules would push some who have not been vaccinated to get off the fence.

“Fear of missing out is a very powerful motivator,” Burke said.

De Blasio stressed the ease of proving vaccination status either with a paper vaccine card or a simple swipe of a mobile phone.

He warned the city plans to take falsifying vaccination cards very seriously and warned violators could draw prison sentences of up to seven years.

“Don’t even think about falsifying vaccination records,” Hizzoner warned.

Businesses that violate the rules will be subject to an escalating scale of fines starting with $1,000 for a first offense, beginning on Sept. 13.

Despite the strict new guidelines, de Blasio brushed aside questions about whether the city should do more to discourage all sorts of gatherings given the increasing number of cases attributed to the delta variant.

The city is hosting a series of so-called Homecoming concerts and other events that some critics fear could help spread the virus.

The new rules come as the city and some major employers are requiring workers to get vaccinated.

De Blasio said vaccination numbers have increased sharply in recent days, perhaps in response to those mandates or fear of the spreading delta variant.

More than 100,000 New Yorkers got vaccinated last week, a 30% jump from the previous week. It’s the first time in two months the weekly tally has surpassed that number.

More than two-thirds of New York City adults are fully vaccinated and about three in four have received at least one dose.

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