Saturday, October 16, 2021

"It gets worse – A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome much faster than anticipated" by The Exposé


It gets worse – A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome much faster than anticipated

Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid -19 cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-79 year olds have lost 44% of their immune system capability. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 3.8% and 9.1%).

If this continues then 30-59 year olds will have zero Covid/viral defence (and perhaps a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) by Christmas and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost the part of their immune system that tackles Covid-19 by January next year.

By a concerned reader

The 5 Public Health England (PHE) tables below from their excellent Vaccine Surveillance Report of all fully genome sequenced delta cases, separated by 5 weeks, clearly show the progressive damage that the vaccines are doing to the immune system’s response. PHE have done so much great work and the picture is very clear. 

Here is the weekly decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaxxed people. Vaccine efficacy is measured using Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula… 
(Unvaxxed case rate – Vaxxed case rate)/the Larger of Unvaxxed or Vaxxed case rate – We are using the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed case numbers to determine vaccine efficiency just as Pfizer itself does.

A Vaccine efficacy of 50% means that doubly vaxxed people are 50% more protected from Covid than unvaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed is half the delta case rate in the unvaxxed. 
A Vaccine efficacy of -50% means that unvaxxed people are 50% more protected from Covid than doubly vaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed is double the delta case rate in the unvaxxed. 
A Vaccine efficacy of 0% means that doubly vaccinated people are 0% more protected from Covid than unvaxxed people. It means that the delta case rate in the vaxxed equals the delta case rate in the unvaxxed. It means the vaccines have lost all their effectiveness.

Everybody over 30 will have lost 100% of their entire immune capability (certainly for Covid and most likely for viruses and certain cancers – following the evidence from Cole Diagnostics in Idaho and Dr Nathan Thompson) within 16 weeks. 
Doubly vaccinated 30-59 year olds will have lost it by Christmas. These people will then have no immune defence to Covid at all. The question then becomes how much of the immune system is involved in defending against Covid? The worst case scenario is that they effectively have full blown AIDS and destroy the NHS.
Unless a cure is found quickly they may well die (as occurred at the start of the AIDS epidemic).

These immune system degradations could be caused by ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement – where the vaccine induced antibodies start working in reverse) and be specific to Covid, or could be more general and result in a form of vaccine mediated AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). The fact that the 3rd Jabs worked in Israel (for a short period of time before the 4th jabs were proposed) means that vaccine antibodies do still have a protective effect immediately after vaccination. So that rules out ADE.

The falling efficacy of the vaccines does not asymptotically approach zero (which would mean that vaccines merely lose effectiveness over time). It goes straight through zero and then goes dangerously negative (which means the vaccines become toxic to the immune system). Then it goes more negative in a linear manner week on week. If this continues then the vaccines will completely destroy the part of your immune system which deals with Covid by the end of January. 

The vaccine booster shots have to be the same as the vaccines themselves, because it takes forever to do clinical trials and get approval for something different. So if you take a booster shot, these figures show that you are giving yourself an even faster progressive form of AIDS (after an initial few months of effectiveness). The risk benefit analysis for these vaccines has now become a risk detriment analysis for everyone over 30.

Table 2. COVID-19 cases by vaccination status…

Cases reported by specimen date between week 32 and week 35 2021 – 

Cases reported by specimen date between week 33 and week 36 2021 – 

Cases reported by specimen date between week 34 and week 37 2021 – 

Cases reported by specimen date between week 35 and week 38 2021 – 

Cases reported by specimen date between week 36 and week 39 2021 

Cases reported by specimen date between week 37 and week 40 2021 

Pfizer originally claimed a 95% efficiency for their vaccine (calculated as in the boost or degradation column above). The figures above indicate that, their figures may well have been correct immediately after vaccination (the younger age groups have had the vaccine for the shortest time). But the figures above also show that the vaccines do NOT merely lose efficiency over time down to zero efficiency. They progressively damage the immune system until a negative efficiency is realised. They presently leave anybody over 30 in a worse position than they were before vaccination  For more see here.

Source:  The Exposé

"Mass Death Ahead" by Linh Dinh


Mass Death Ahead

As published at Unz Review, Smirking Chimp, LewRockwell, OpEd News and TruthSeeker, 10/14/21:

Universal suffrage finally came to South Africa in 1994. Not everyone cheered. Many whites hoarded beans, rice, rusks, canned protein, candles and gasoline, etc. They expected societal breakdown, if not mass violence committed by blacks in retribution.

Thousands of whites emigrated, but, this is often overlooked, thousands also returned from overseas, so the “chicken run” was balanced out by repatriation. Foreigners also arrived to join the Rainbow Nation. Here in Cape Town, I’ve met two Americans who are still here, though their children have left.

Chicken Licken is a South African fast-food chain. Founded in 1981 by the son of a Greek immigrant, it has 259 branches in two countries. In 2010, it aired a classic ad that begins with a snapshot of suburban tranquility. We see a pleasant house in Krugersdorp boasting a landscaped front yard, date palm, arbored entrance, stone chimney and handsome muntined windows. Its fence is low, with no razor or electric wires above it.

A young male voice narrates, “In 1994, we moved from our house in Oranje Street, number 30, to our new home, under Oranje Street, number 30.” From warm, natural light, we shift into a darker world that’s blueishly lit. Long rows of steel shelves hold boxes, bags and cans of food. Brilliantly cast, a ghostly pale, moon faced boy with a bowl haircut seems incredulously at his new abode. A thick steel door slams shut.

“Whenever I asked pa why we moved down here, he’d just say, ‘Don’t be silly. Go play outside!’ Of course, there’s no outside. As the boy hugs a ball while running around a pole in a tight circle, his mom tells him to go back inside! It’s too dangerous outside, you see, even when there’s no outside.

“But life in our new home was very fine… for a while.” The mother is shown lounging beneath several lamps, with an electric fan behind her. She’s sunning herself at a mental beach, to the strumming of an electric ukulele.

As soul sapping boredom sets in, they become zombie like. Dead eyed, the boy throws a ball repeatedly against a wall. He presses the vacuum cleaner hose against his mouth or cheek. Their meals always feature Vienna sausages. They welcome a baby girl into their tiny, suffocating universe. We see her blowing out two candles on a Vienna sausage cake.

“We lived there for 16 years, 9 months and 5 days.” Finally, their food runs out, so the father has to emerge to look for some. After three days, he’s still not back, so the son has to go find him. With a backpack and bush hat, the young man laces up his boots with trepidation.

Above is a cheery Chicken Licken franchise, next to the old date palm. He comes out through the garbage can to a heavenly chorus, “Gloria… Gloria…” Basking in the normalcy of it all, his face is angelic. Suddenly, he sees his pa at a Formica table, pigging out and looking guilty. Golden fried chicken fills the final shot, “IF YOU HAVEN’T TRIED IT, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?”

In 2010, it’s easy to laugh at the hysteria of 1994, but some of it had been justified. A lot depended on where you were. By 2010, over 3,000 white farmers had been killed by blacks. It’s a problem that’s especially serious in the eastern, more Zulu-dominated provinces, such as Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga.

In the three Cape provinces, it was less of a problem. Cape Town based J. M. Coetzee, though, has seared us with the horrific black-on-white gang rape in his 1999 novel, Disgrace.

Coetzee also describes “cardboard-and-iron shanties clustered on the fairways of the golf course.” Shacks and tents have certainly become common all over Cape Town. Bits of the black townships have encroached into civic spaces and formerly all-white neighborhoods.

Many ramshackle dwellings or just ragged people sleeping on the ground can be found outside the Castle of Good Hope or Saint Mary’s Cathedral. The Grand Parade opposite City Hall has turned into a third-world bazaar, with shoppers rummaging through steel bins for used clothing.

Coetzee is off, though, with this prediction, “Inexorably, he thinks, the country is coming to the city. Soon there will be cattle again on Rondeborsch Common; soon history will have come full circle.” Cape Town hasn’t devolved that far yet.

An Oriental immigrant tells me Cape Town has gone steadily downhill through his two decades here, yet he won’t go anywhere, for he still loves this sophisticated beauty. Plus, can you deny that the US, UK, Australia or France, for example, hasn’t suffered maybe even worse decline?

On his cellphone, the Oriental man shows me a party of whites dining in rococo splendor at some country mansion. “They get there by helicopter,” he chuckles.

Coetzee taught at the University of Cape Town in Rondeborsch. As with college neighborhoods everywhere, political statements are common, so I wasn’t surprised to see anti-Covid vaccine fliers there.

Threatened by the Coronavirus, a sweating man crawls towards a carrot dangling over a skull-filled gully, with a false bridge over it. “NEW NORM,” says a sign. “We’re In This Together,” mutter the skulls.

From above, there are three messages, “Almost there!” “…And The Next VARIANT…” “It’s JUST For Two Weeks!”

On the N1 Freeway, I’m behind a car with a large sign in its back window, “I SAY NO THE EXPERIMENTAL.”

In 2 ½ months in Cape Town, I’ve taken Uber just three times. Two of those drivers told me about Covid vaccine deaths.

Shaun, a Mozambican immigrant, told me about his 23-year-old friend. Vaccinated on Friday, he felt unwell so went to a clinic on Saturday, where he was assured he was fine. Sunday, he went to a private doctor and, again, was told there was nothing wrong with him. On Monday, he died.

“Before he was vaccinated, we even joked about vaccine passports. He said, ‘If we don’t have vaccine passports, who will buy food for us?’ We were laughing about it.”

“If he had any doubts about the vaccine, why did he get it?”

“Many companies require you to get it.”

“So he had no choice.”

“No choice.”

“And you can’t even sue them!”

“No, you can’t sue them.”

“What will happen to his wife and children?! You said he was only 23. Did he have a wife and children?”


The other anti-Covid vaccine driver was from Burundi. One of his country’s leading intellectuals had just died, he said, after being vaccinated. During my ride, he got a call from a fellow Burundian, and they discussed this shocking death.

No way in hell would he be vaccinated, he said. “They’re trying to kill people! They want to get rid of us.” On his phone, he found an anti-Covid vaccine video to show me. “See? He makes sense.”

With his phone already out, he also showed me photos of his family, “My wife. My son. He’s sixteen-years-old.”

“Good looking kid! Very manly!”

Justly proud, he smiled. Then, “Today is my 50th birthday! You’re my last customer. Now, I go home and have a nice braai!”

“And some beer!”

“Yes, and some beer!”

Castle Lager and Castle Milk Stout are both healing, and cheap. Slightly burnt meat is nice, too, and straight talk. Normality is soothing.

When I came here in early August, there was only one silly Covid related rule, no alcohol takeouts on weekends, but that’s been lifted, so life’s almost 100% normal. Most people still wear masks, because that’s the rule, but many have their nose sticking out.

It’s sad to see masked kids in school playgrounds. What crime we complicit adults are committing against children.

As for social distancing, you can shove that unlubricated uptightness up your misanthropic ass.

Me, I’m never happier than in a packed taxi van. For less than a buck, I can ride where I please!

In one, though, I found this most preposterous sign, “COMMUTE SAFELY DURING COVID-19 […] Avoid touching surfaces […] Keep distance in queues […] Avoid contact with other passengers […] Only travel when necessary […]”

It’s almost impossible to avoid touching other passengers inside a taxi van. Your average worker, then, will have plenty of contact with surfaces and other passengers at least 12 times a week.

When Covid broke out in January of 2020, I was in Laos, and since then, I’ve been to Vietnam, South Korea, Serbia, North Macedonia, Lebanon, Egypt, Albania, Montenegro and, now, South Africa. Nowhere did I have to endure a lockdown, though it was technically in place for two weeks in Lebanon. So lamely enforced, it didn’t cramp me.

Lockdowns weren’t necessary, I realized, for life went on everywhere I went. Nearly each day, I ate and drank in crowded cafes and restaurants, and walked or rode buses among the masses. Also, an extended lockdown in Albania, Lebanon, Egypt or South Africa would have triggered massive social unrest, since their economies were already so precarious.

Even in richer countries, though, lockdowns inflict tremendous economic harms, so why has it been enforced so ruthlessly in so many places? Vaccine passports and mass layoffs of the unvaccinated are also wrecking economies. None of this makes sense until you realize many governments are not just trying to cripple, but kill their own people.

With the first wave of Covid, it was knocking off the old in nursing homes. Now, it’s the culling of the young through bogus vaccines.

They’ve been talking about overpopulation for decades, with too many people wrecking the planet with their plastic bags, flushing toilets, plane travels, eating, drinking, breeding or just living, in short, so seven billion must be trimmed to less than two, at least. There are too many lights on all the time, too many plastic knives, polyester scrunchies, cans of baked beans and Styrofoam cups of coffee.

Nothing about the Covid vaccine makes sense. If it’s so safe, why would thousands of nurses rather lose their jobs than being jabbed? Battling Covid for a year and a half, they should know better than anybody what’s what.

Why are the most vaccinated countries, such as Israel, experiencing new Covid outbreaks? Why did Vietnam suffer almost no Covid deaths until it started jabbing people with American vaccines? Pfizer just donated a million doses to that foolish government, by the way.

Though a vaccine is supposed to immunize you against a specific disease, the Covid ones destroy your natural immunity, to make you more susceptible to Covid! Isn’t that a sick joke, at your expense.

Seeing through all this, commenters such as Mike Whitney, Paul Craig Roberts, Del Bigtree and James Howard Kunstler all expect a very dark winter ahead, as the wokingly vaxxed keel over by the millions.

Since I’m in the southern hemisphere, spring has just begun. Up and down Kloof Street, the cafes and restaurants are packed, and the shelves at my local supermarket, Checkers, are always overflowing. At Hartlief Deli, I can eat a great, cheap breakfast at the counter, then buy some Schwarzbrot and biltong spread to take home. Its lively atmosphere always cheers me up. Unlike in Paris, Rome or Amsterdam, there are no protests here. Once again, I’m blessed with normalcy, and it feels good.

Is the US, say, more threatened than South Africa in 1994? Aren’t all its wheels falling off? How fitting, then, that it has another clown as president.

Impotent, citizens can only try to save their own asses by stocking up on rice, beans and Vienna sausages. Even those who can afford to emigrate don’t know where to go, for isn’t America still number one, with the rest of the world mostly a dangerous or filthy mess? So suckered, many still wait for the second coming of Trump!

On April 5th, 1994, the Los Angeles Times quoted a South African doctor who gave his reasons for leaving, “Political uncertainty and violence. Worrying about getting shot and killed. Worrying about getting hijacked. Worrying about the kids… We finally both woke up one morning and said, ‘We’ve had enough.’”

Michael Treisman then moved to Saint Louis. A quick web search shows that he’s still there, working at Mercy Hospital. Saint Louis’ murder rate is already nearly twice that of Johannesburg, however, and about the same as Cape Town. At least the doctor has a second home.

Political violence, loss of all basic rights, fear of losing your mind and despair at seeing your kids satanically brainwashed. This dark winter, billions will more than realize they’ve had enough. 

Source: Postcards from the End of [the] America[n Empire]

"Arguing for vax passports and mandates on the basis some schools require polio jabs for kids is infantilizing and dishonest" by Lauren Chen


Arguing for vax passports and mandates on the basis some schools require polio jabs for kids is infantilizing and dishonest

Lauren Chen
Lauren Chen

Lauren Chen is a political and social commentator. She began as a YouTuber, and has since gained millions of views on the platform and hundreds of thousands of followers. She has also appeared on Fox News, BlazeTV, RT, OANN, Newsmax, The Daily Wire, Rebel Media, PragerU and The Rubin Report. Follow her on Twitter @thelaurenchen and Telegram

Arguing for vax passports and mandates on the basis some schools require polio jabs for kids is infantilizing and dishonest
Once a “conspiracy theory” denigrated by the mainstream media, vaccine passports are becoming increasingly common in so-called liberal democracies.

Canada, France, New York and San Francisco now require proof of vaccination for entry into restaurants, gyms and other public venues. Similarly, the Biden administration has made increasing vaccination rates a priority, and wants to mandate that all employers operating in the country with more than 100 employees require vaccination as a condition of employment, though no specific executive order has yet followed.

To mandate, or not to mandate?

Predictably, these measures have been met with protests by critics who say the mandates and passport programs constitute tyrannical overreach. In response, defenders of the policies have been quick to point to laws such as stop signs, red lights and speed limits as restrictions on liberty that are widely accepted. If you accept traffic laws, the argument goes, why not accept vaccine mandates?

Also on Published without fanfare, the proposals that show vaccine passports ARE on the way in the UK

However, can the possibility of hitting someone with a car at 80 mph honestly be compared to the possibility of spreading Covid-19? Not according to the fatality rates of the respective tragedies, never mind the fact that this reasoning essentially rests on the faulty premise that if one law implemented for people’s safety is all right, then all other laws that allegedly keep us safe must be acceptable too, regardless of how different the laws or their consequences may be.

And so, in an admittedly more analogous comparison, mandate proponents have begun to use the existence of vaccine requirements for school enrollment as precedent for the deluge of mandates facing adults in Canada, Australia and the US. You already have a vaccine passport, it’s claimed, so surely the Covid-19 vaccine passport is no different.

Does this reasoning hold water? Are those against vaccine passports and mandates really decrying the loss of liberties that were already surrendered? Or is the situation more complicated than that?

Are we children?

To answer these questions, it’s important to note that for some parents, the existence of vaccine mandates for schools is still a point of contention, and far from the forgone conclusion that hobbyist pundits make them out to be. Furthermore, vaccine requirements for children often provide exemptions on the grounds of medical conditions or religious/philosophical objections, exceptions which, hitherto, by and large, have not been given to adults regarding the coronavirus vaccine.

Still though, if we’re to operate under the assumption that mandating vaccines for children is good practice, there remains a difference between mandating medical treatments for children and doing the same for adults.

Legally (and morally), we accept that children cannot consent to make informed decisions about their personal health. This is exactly why, despite keen attempts from LGBT activists, “trans” children taking puberty blockers has proven to be so controversial, and why such children are barred from surgery until they are adults. Moreover, there is also precedent to say that parents, ultimately, do not have the right to put their children’s lives at risk or in danger. Parents can be fined for failing to provide their children with car seats, and can be charged with abuse or neglect if their children are found to be malnourished or otherwise uncared for.

Considering the established dangers of diseases like polio and measles (and the established safety and efficacy of the vaccines that prevent them) the precedent set by school vaccine requirements establishes that the state is able to intervene to protect children from health risks that they are not able to weigh themselves.

Trying to apply this same logic to adults, however, is both nonsensical and dangerous. After all, if adults, like children, can't decide on which vaccinations to take, or what health risks are acceptable, what decision-making will be taken from us next?

Which diseases?

Additionally, it is worthwhile examining which diseases have mandated vaccinations for school enrollment. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 30% of measles cases carry complications, including pneumonia, encephalitis or death. When it comes to polio, which children are at the highest risk of contracting, around 1% of cases lead to paralysis. For illnesses like this, it can be said that the reward clearly outweighs the risk, but does the same hold true for Covid-19?

Thankfully, the recovery rate for Covid-19 is estimated to be up to 99.75% in the general population, with outcomes even more optimistic for children. And in terms of transmission, the upper estimate of Covid-19's R0 (the number of people that a sick person will infect) is 2.5, well below those of measles (12 to 18), polio (5 to 7), or even chickenpox (10). Although the R0 of the Delta variant has yet to be firmly established; it is thought to be higher, at between 6 to 8, it has not been shown to be any more severe in children who do contract it.

Also on Vaccine passport hypocrisy: How the UK is copying China while still criticising Beijing on human rights

Is this to say that Covid-19 isn’t real, or a tangible threat to specific age groups and those with underlying conditions? Of course not. But to say that more severe (or even as severe) measures need to be taken to combat it than the demonstrably more dangerous measles is simply not in line with what science tells us about the respective risks of these diseases.

Which vaccines?

The comparisons between mandated vaccines for school and Covid-19 vaccine passports also raise comparisons between the vaccines themselves. To be clear, the CDC and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have maintained the safety of the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. But considering that five Scandinavian countries are now barring the use of the Moderna vaccine in people under 30 or 18, or halting its use entirely, citing concerns over heart inflammation (particularly in men), and that studies specifically examining the vaccine’s effects on pregnancy and women’s menstrual cycles have yet to be completed, it seems at the very least premature to compare these relatively new vaccines to ones that have been used for generations.

If it’s true that all vaccines (like any medical treatment) carry some chance of adverse side effects, and the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccines, as rare as they may be, are yet to be fully documented, should the choice of whether or not to vaccinate really be taken away?

There is also a difference in the function of the Covid-19 vaccine when compared to vaccines for illnesses like polio and measles. Traditionally, vaccines provide immunity and therefore halt the spread of contagions entirely with respect to the vaccinated individual. As has been confirmed after numerous studies, however, this is not how the Covid-19 vaccines perform; vaccinated people can still become infected with and spread the virus.

Therefore, if eradicating Covid-19 was the goal of vaccine mandates and passports, arguments for civil liberties aside, such policies would be less effective than testing requirements or even temperature checks, now that we know how rare asymptomatic spread is.

“Papers, please” for restaurants?

A final issue of consideration for those hoping to excuse Covid-19 vaccine passports on the basis of vaccination requirements for schools is the scope of the laws in question. Schools traditionally and understandably are able to collect all manner of information on their students, including grades, behavioral problems and home life situations (for example, is the student currently in foster care?). And considering that medical histories (such as disabilities and allergies) are also relevant to primary and secondary schools, it’s not unthinkable that vaccination history would also fall under the purview of school administrators.

Also on Exposed: UK vaccine passports on sale for £220… how criminals are cashing in on ever tightening restrictions

However, can the same be said about any of the places that are now being included in vaccine passport programs? Has it ever been acceptable, outside of the past several months, for people to need to provide such intimate details to other establishments, such as stores, restaurants, movie theaters, gyms or even airlines?

The answer, obviously, is no.

The supporters of vaccine passports and mandates may try to act as if these new policies are not previously unheard of restrictions on our daily lives, however, that is simply not the case. Argue for their necessity if you must (though I will still disagree), but at the very least, please be honest in your desire to completely upend society and the concept of state control as we know it.


Source: RT

" BEST OF OFFG: 'There is no American Deep State…it just looks like there is'” by Kit Knightly


BEST OF OFFG: “There is no American Deep State…it just looks like there is”

Kit Knightly

Republished as part of our ‘Best Of’ series, revisiting some of OffG’s Pre-Covid editorials – either because they help remind us of important realities easily overlooked nowadays, or because they take on added significance in a ‘post-covid’ world.

I picked this piece for the Best of OffG for two reasons: Firstly, the synchronised “there is no Deep State” messaging, making all the same arguments and citing identical counter examples, was so accidentally revealing it became incredibly funny. Secondly, it genuinely taught me something new.
Prior to reading the story that spurned this article I had always sort of accepted the “official story” of Watergate, but finding out that Bob Woodward was only a journalist because somebody at the FBI told him to become one really opens your eyes to way the (very real) Deep State works.

* * *

Last week the New Yorker, and yesterday Salon magazine, published editorials arguing against the very existence of an “American Deep State”. The arguments presented are very…interesting. Both are, perhaps, classic cases of protesting too much.

To start off the author, David Remnick, relates a very cheery sounding story about a young man’s transformative journey from junior naval officer to hard-hitting journalist. I shall relate it to you in bullet points, for the sake of brevity:

  • In 1970 junior naval officer Bob Woodward, a Yale graduate and member of the Book and Snake secret society, goes to the White House Situation room. At night.
  • Whilst there, he meets a high-up at the FBI named Mark Felt, an intelligence veteran and long-time loyalist to J. Edgar Hoover.
  • For reasons unknown the two men discuss the career prospects of young Mr Woodward. Mr Felt gives Woodward advice about pursuing “only employment that interests him”.
  • Later that year Woodward leaves the navy, and applies for a job at the Washington Post. He doesn’t get it, thanks to a complete lack of any journalistic experience. He spends a year working at a minor local paper instead, before being hired by the WaPo in 1971.
  • Throughout this time Woodward and his FBI friend are in constant contact, Woodward thinking of Felt as a “career counsellor”.
  • Felt confides in Woodward that he sees the Nixon administration as “corrupt, paranoid, and trying to infringe on the independence of the Bureau”.
  • In 1973 Felt, under the alias “Deep Throat”, leaks Woodward information on the Watergate break-in, and – by proxy – brings down the Nixon administration.

How does that story read to you? There are unquestionably overtones of Operation Mockingbird, right?

Well, not according to Remnick. He tells us the meeting was accidental, the friendship natural, the career advice sincere and the leak opportunistic. He asks the rhetorical question:

Was Deep Throat part of the Deep State?”

As if the only logical answer is “no, of course not”, when in truth any answer other than “Yes, almost certainly” shows a level of willful blindness or chronic naivety that probably merits medication.

We are expected to believe that a young naval officer, with no previous interest or experience in journalism, takes career advice from a senior FBI agent after one (accidental) meeting, leaves the navy, becomes a reporter, and ultimately acts as a key cog in what amounted to a “soft coup” in the United States.

That is patently absurd.

As I said before, what is presented as a case against the existence of an American Deep State, makes a very strong argument for both its existence, and its power.

Next, Remnick provides us with a little history on “Deep States”:

“Deep State” comes from the Turkish derin devlet, a clandestine network, including military and intelligence officers, along with civilian allies, whose mission was to protect the secular order established, in 1923, by the father figure of post-Ottoman Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. It was behind at least four coups, and it surveilled and murdered reporters, dissidents, Communists, Kurds, and Islamists. The Deep State takes a similar form in Pakistan, with its powerful intelligence service, the I.S.I., and in Egypt, where the military establishment is tied to some of the largest business interests in the country.

You see, he’s not arguing that Deep State power structures don’t exist – he willingly admits that they do – it’s just that they don’t have them in America. His argument for this is simple…or at least, it probably would be if he were to make one.

What he actually DOES is simply describe how deep states work in other countries, and then leave an ellipsis that’s meant to convey “and of course none of that is true in the USA”, when in fact – again – it does the exact opposite.

What he does is supply us a short checklist of qualities which define a “Deep State”:

  1. Clandestine and secretive
  2. Involving military and intelligence officers
  3. civilians allies
  4. Protecting the status quo
  5. coups
  6. surveillance
  7. assassinations
  8. ties to big business interests

Does that not sound the least bit familiar to anyone else?

The first two are givens that need no explanation.

Civilian allies? Well, I would imagine that a planted and/or manipulated journalist would make a good “civilian ally”. Such a person could be used to “leak” information that brings down enemies of the Deep State. Or, indeed, to write clumsy editorials about how the Deep State doesn’t even exist.

Protecting the status quo. The protection of “secular order” in Turkey could easily be translated as the protection of the neo-liberal order in the United States. It is essentially a program of protecting those in power from any kind of change. In fact, the way Remnick writes about this mission, it’s almost as if he is arguing that the noble ends justify ignoble means. That’s an interesting subtext to include.

Coups, surveillance and assassinations. Turkey’s derin devlet was behind only four coups? That’s a busy morning at the CIA. Surveillance? Well, it has suited the MSM of late to pretend they didn’t tell us all about the level of surveillance we operate under every single day. But we all know. Assassinations? Yes, there are a few famous examples, and a few not so famous. Blowing the President’s head off in the middle of a public square probably counts.

Ties to big business? Well Eisenhower admitted that, and warned against it, sixty years ago. Soros Open Society Foundation frequently collaborates with the State Department, as does the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Pentagon’s ties to Boeing and Lockheed Martin are well documented, as is Dick Cheney’s involvement with Halliburton. The list is endless.

As an eight-point definition of a “deep state”, America’s power structures certainly seem to stand as a perfect template.

Now we come to the good part. The part where Remnick is forced to include a lot of information he’d rather pretend wasn’t true, because – if he didn’t mention it – he would open himself up to an awful lot of correction and/or ridicule…even more so than he does already.

One does not have to be ignorant of the C.I.A.’s abuses — or of history, in general — to reject the idea of an American Deep State. Previous Presidents have felt resistance, or worse, from elements in the federal bureaucracies: Eisenhower warned of the “military-industrial complex”; L.B.J. felt pressure from the Pentagon; Obama’s Syria policy was rebuked by the State Department through its “dissent channel”.

You see, there undoubtedly are powerful secretive intelligence organisations with ties to big business and the military.

Yes, you can point to the uncontested public record of literally dozens of crimes – both international and domestic – carried out by these agencies (calling coups and wars “abuses”, is craven apologist language).

Yes, it’s perfectly true that many Presidents (from both parties) have faced domestic opposition from these agencies, to their eventual ruin in some cases. Yes, some of those President’s – including Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy – have publicly warned against the influence of these unelected actors and agencies…but – BUT – that doesn’t mean America has a “Deep State. Because:

…to use the term as it is used in Turkey, Pakistan, or Egypt is to assume that all these institutions constitute part of a subterranean web of common and nefarious purpose.

Which begs the response: “And?”

For one thing, David, it’s not to assume that, it’s to reason that…based on evidence (including all the evidence you helpfully supply in your article). It was your self-appointed task to provide a counter-argument to this reading of the evidence….and you have failed. Miserably.

However, David Remnick is not alone in his ineffectual assertion that “there is no deep state, it just looks like there is”.

Further arguments that there are no “secretive military and intelligence collectives” pushing their agendas through “civilian allies”, was published in Salon. It is an editorial on the exact same subject, published on the exact same day, with almost the exact same title.

The author, Ryan Bohl, argues (in apparent seriousness) that deep states are definitely real, that Egypt has one, but that American can’t have one…because America and Egypt are different.

His assertions that America “doesn’t have a deep state”, would probably hold more water if he displayed any kind of understanding of what the term actually means. Instead he has, in truly Orwellian fashion, redefined the phrase in order to present a counter-argument…and even then barely manages to scrape one together.

…a major flaw of the American Deep State theory is that a deep state needs a weak state to survive

I’m not sure where Bohl got this statement from. I suspect he made it up. It means nothing and is never backed up by any kind of sources, analysis or evidence. It is a baseless factoid, invented to allow the author to use the rhetorical trick of shifting the argument.

Having “established” that a Deep State cannot exist within a strong nation, the author no longer has to disprove the Deep State’s existence…but can now focus on proving that America is strong. Unfortunately for him, he is equally bad at this.

What does a weak state look like? For one, it’s horrifically ineffective: not a “I can’t believe they made me wait 45 minutes for my driver’s license when there were only six people in front of me” nuisance, but “I can’t believe I had to spend 2 years, $4000, and know an official at the Ministry of Transport via a relative to get my license”-style corruption. It is a state that fails to provide water, electricity, schools, and roads on a vast scale every single day.

The logic is obviously terrible. His argument that a deep state can only exist within weak and corrupt infrastructure? A completely unjustifiable a priori assumption. One that is never established with any kind of evidence.

…but let’s suppose, for the sake of argument, that he’s right – doesn’t America have a failing infrastructure?

Doesn’t America house 20% of all the incarcerated people on the planet?

Aren’t many of these people held in corrupt private prisons?

Aren’t post-industrial cities falling apart?

Didn’t Detroit have no water for weeks at a time?

And didn’t Flint have toxic water?

Aren’t their roads and bridges crumbling?

Didn’t New Orleans flood because of neglected levees?

Aren’t their dams crumbling to dust?

Have not Salon themselves published two articles in the last month about the collapsing American infrastructure?

If a state is labeled “weak” on the quality of its infrastructure and development, then any objective observer would have to accept that America is weak.

In many cases it is practically a third world nation.

But Bohl has a response:

It can seem like the United States has a weak state when you compile the many anecdotes of bad roads, bridges, schools, water supplies, and other creaky public services. But this is misleading: just because you know a lot of stories about a topic doesn’t mean you know anything about its societal scale.

You see, much like the deep state, it might seem like America is falling apart…but it’s not really. Just look at the statistics he cites.

Of course, these statistics are “indexes” (sic), with a secret formula entirely invented by America-based NGOs who are almost certainly part of the (entirely fictional) American deep state.

There is also yet another critical argument against an America deep state: the regular transfer of power.

Another flawed argument. The very theory he is arguing against is that the elected officials possess very little power at all, and, as such, power is never transferred. Rather, the puppet is replaced.

What frustrates Trump and his allies is not a conspiracy of a CIA/State Department/journalists/Democrats/Obama/Pentagon cabal, agenda-driven to impose some secret world order upon the United States. Rather, they are encountering the hard edges of America’s geopolitical interests.

You see, it’s not there is a deep state with an agenda, it’s just that America has concrete, innate “interests” that cannot be threatened by elected officials without encountering massive resistance from the agencies whose job it is to protect these interests.

…it is not in America’s interests to align with Russia any more than it has to, especially under the Putin government. So long as Russia has an independent foreign policy, it will be a threat to both NATO and the American-led world order; only bringing its foreign policy into the American-led alliance system will end that condition.

It is counter to the unquestioned and never-changing “interests” of the USA to have friendly relations with Russia, so naturally if the elected representatives of the people try to improve those relations, then the CIA/State Dept./FBI/the media and other unelected bodies will work together in opposing those plans.

This does not mean America has a deep state.

America having geopolitical interests that extend beyond the power of the people’s elected officials is NOT evidence of a “deep state”…because? Well…

As the deep state accusations grow, it would behoove some to visit Egypt, stay a while, and try to get a driver’s license. That is what a place with a deep state truly feels like.

…have you ever tried getting a driver’s license in Cairo?


So two…

…wait, did I say two? I meant three four five six seven

Seven non-members of the non-deep state are so enraged by the idea that people might think the totally fake American deep state might be real, that they accidentally publish seemingly coordinated attacks on the very idea. Under very similar titles. All within the same few days. Citing the same “counter examples” of Egypt and Turkey. All acting with symmetrical umbrage.

That’s almost as unlikely as bumping into a senior FBI agent in the White House by chance, taking his off-hand advice about a career change and then accidentally breaking the story that results in the FBI’s removal of a President they perceived as a threat to their influence, when you think about it.

Nevermind. I’m just paranoid. America doesn’t have a deep state.

It just sometimes really looks like it does.


Source: OffGuardian

"Proof that the CDC is lying to the world about COVID vaccine safety" by Steve Kirsch


Proof that the CDC is lying to the world about COVID vaccine safety

Proof that the CDC is lying to the world about COVID vaccine safety

Note that views expressed in this opinion article are the writer’s personal views and not necessarily those of TrialSite. FREE to read and SHARE without paying.

The CDC and the FDA claim that we can safely ignore the huge spike in event rates reported to the VAERS system this year (this is the official adverse event reporting system relied on by the FDA and CDC to spot safety signals). In their view, there is “nothing to see” in the death chart below. They claim that the propensity to report (PTR) is much higher this year and that all the events (with the exception of a few) are all simply reporting background events that were not caused by the vaccines. 

There’s just one tiny little problem with that explanation: there is a CDC paper that proves that they are lying. Big time.

I will show below that even if we believed everything they said, it can’t explain all the deaths and severe adverse events. The data simply doesn’t fit their hypothesis. At all.

The reality is the vaccines are extremely dangerous, they kill more than they save for every age range (it’s worse the younger you are), and they should be halted immediately, not green lighted like the FDA committee just did. All vaccine mandates should be rescinded.

The CDC paper

In a nutshell, there is a paper written by five CDC authors, The reporting sensitivity of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for anaphylaxis and for Guillain-Barré syndrome, that was published a year ago in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.

The paper claims that serious adverse events in the past have been under-reported by at most a factor of 8.3 (known as the under-reporting factor (URF)).

This means that in the best possible scenario, where there is full reporting (i.e., where the URF=1 and the PTR, defined as the avg URF/current URF, is 8.3), a reporting rate of serious adverse events that is 8.3X higher than the previous reporting rate for that symptom could be safely ignored as simply due to a higher propensity to report the naturally occurring rate of background events.

While theoretically you could have a URF of <1, this is unlikely since the HHS verifies all records before they are put in the database and eliminates duplicates. There are mistakes that happen but they are minor, e..g, we know of 2 gamed records out of the 1.6M VAERS reports. So the minimum URF would be 1 and it would be nearly impossible to achieve from a practical standpoint.

Here’s the problem. This year, with the COVID vaccines, there are a huge number of serious adverse events that are reported at a rate that is more than 8.3X higher than previous years. In fact, nearly every serious event I investigated was elevated from previous years by significantly more than this. I documented this in an important video on VAERS serious adverse event reports that I hope everyone will watch. 

Unfortunately, none of the people at the FDA, CDC, or on their respective outside committees has ever watched that video. If they did, they would immediately realize the enormous mistakes that have been made and I’m sure take corrective action. 

But cognitive dissonance prevents them from watching the video. I think the only way to force them to watch the video would be to physically strap them in a chair and put clamps on their eyes as was done in the movie “A Clockwork Orange.”

How do you explain the rates of pulmonary embolism?

The most stunning serious adverse event I found was pulmonary embolism (PE). 

As I show in the video, the average annual number of reports of PE per year in VAERS for all vaccines was 1.4. So we’d expect to see at most 11.6 PE events this year according to the belief system of the FDA and CDC. Well, one tiny little problem: with the COVID vaccines, there were 1,131 reports, nearly a 100-fold increase over the “best case” scenario. Please watch the video on VAERS serious adverse event reports to see this for yourself. 

Also, for those suffering from “cognitive dissonance syndrome” (this is a common affliction of people who think the vaccines are safe), the increase in reports isn’t due to increased rates of vaccination either as we explain in this paper which shows historical vaccination rates among various age groups. 

In other words, even if you totally buy the bullshit argument of the FDA and CDC (which they never justified with analysis or data) that the URF=1 this year, it still means that 99% of the reports of pulmonary embolism (PE) are unexplainable. They must be caused by “something” and that something has to be very big and it has to be correlated with the administration of the vaccine because the PE reporting rate was correlated with the vaccine administration.

If these PE events weren’t caused by the vaccine, then what caused them? 

Nobody can explain that. Nobody even attempts to explain it. Nobody even wants to talk about it.

But since the mainstream media and fact checkers are completely tone deaf to safety reports, they never ask the question. They never will. It would explode the whole false narrative. 

We kill 15 people to maybe save 1. Are we nuts?

Furthermore, if we use the same methodology as used by the CDC in their paper to determine the actual underreporting factor for this year, but we use a much more accurate reference, we find that the best estimate for the minimum URF is 41. For less serious events you’d use a higher number since healthcare workers and consumers are far less likely to report less serious events. So using 41 is always “safe” in that it will not overestimate any event.

This means that we’ve killed well over 150,000 Americans so far, and all of those deaths had to be caused by the vaccine because there is simply no other explanation that fits all the facts. See this paper for the details. The paper also details 7 other ways that the number was validated and none of those methods used the VAERS data at all. This makes it impossible for anyone to credibly attack the analysis. Nobody wants to debate us on this.

And Pfizer’s own Phase 3 study showed that we save only 1 COVID death for every 22,000 people we vaccinate (you have to see Table S4 in the supplement to learn that 2 people died from COVID who were unvaccinated and 1 person died from COVID who got the vaccine, so a net savings of 1 life).

We have fully vaccinated almost 220M Americans which means we may save an estimated 10,000 lives from COVID per the Pfizer study which is the most definitive data we have (since “real scientists” ONLY trust the data in the double-blind randomized controlled trials). 

Yet the VAERS data shows we killed over 150,000 Americans from the vaccine to achieve that goal. 

In other words, we killed 15 people for every COVID life we might save.

But it’s worse than that because the Pfizer study was done pre-Delta. The Pfizer vaccine was developed for Alpha variant and is less effective against Delta. So our numbers are even more extreme.

This means of course that the FDA, CDC, and their outside committees are all incompetent in their ability to spot safety signals. They couldn’t even spot the death safety signal. It also means that the vaccine mandates are immoral and unethical.

Inconvenient truth: vaccine-induced myocarditis is neither rare or mild

When we apply the proper URF to the myocarditis data, we find that myocarditis goes from a “rare” event to a common event.

Using data from the CDC and applying the correct URF, for 16 year-old boys, the rate of myocarditis is 1 in 317 as we can see from this slide from our All you need to know deck. That’s not rare. That’s a train wreck.

Also, as far as the myocarditis being “mild” that’s bullshit too. According to the cardiologists I talked to such as Peter McCullough, there is no such thing as mild myocarditis. Anytime you have an event that puts a teenager in the hospital, that’s problematic. In fact, as we show in All you need to know, troponin levels can rise to extreme levels and stay elevated for months. Troponin is a marker of heart damage. Unlike a heart attack, the levels are much higher and they stay elevated for much longer. The damage that is done is usually permanent and it may lead to loss of life within 5 years. Of course nobody knows the death rate in 5 years. We’ll find out in 5 years. Our kids are enrolled in the clinical trial of this by getting vaccinated, but we don’t notify the parents of this. And the kids are clueless because the doctors tell them it is safe. They believe the doctors. The doctors believe the CDC. And the CDC was lying. And now the CDC simply doesn’t want to talk to us about it. I get that.

There are thousands of elevated events

It’s not just a few symptoms that are elevated. There are thousands of them. If they don’t kill you, you can be disabled for life, even after you use the right drugs to rid yourself of the damaging effects of the vaccines. 

Here are the pills taken daily by a friend of mine (a former top nurse at one of the top medical schools in the US) who has been injured for life from the vaccine and cannot work (she’s a single mom).

Medication and supplements taken before vaccine injury: 0

Compensation received from the US government for her injuries: 0

Censorship has replaced scientific debate

This is embarrassing for everyone: the CDC, FDA, Congress, mainstream media, and the medical community. This is why nobody will debate me and my team of experts in an open debate. Because nobody wants to face the fact that they were wrong.

The public wants a debate. It’s overwhelming. I’ve never seen such a lopsided survey result in my life:

But nobody supporting the false narrative will debate us. These people are not accountable to public opinion. They are all driven by what Biden wants. And Biden wants to inject us. All of us.

TrialSiteNews made this public call for a debate; nobody responded. They even reached out to Pfizer and they refused to debate. We weren’t surprised.

Of course they won’t debate. They never will. Here’s why:

So censorship and ad hominem attacks are the preferred method for disputing what I wrote in this article and my other articles because nobody is able to attack the data or our methodology in a live debate with a neutral moderator.

It’s not just me of course. There are dozens of respected scientists, doctors, and statisticians who agree with me (see slide 82 TFNT #1: COVID vaccines have killed over 200,000 Americans for a partial list). 


The FDA and CDC are caught between a rock and a hard place as I explain in my video on the VAERS statistics. They cannot reveal the true URF and PTR because that would put them in hot water; it would be an admission that they got it totally wrong on the myocarditis data and everything else. 

So they have to lie and claim the current URF=1 so that the PTR is maximized at 8.3. But then they have a huge problem because adverse events like death and pulmonary embolism are impossible to explain. 

So they are in a no win situation. To play out the game, they avoid being questioned and simply refuse to answer. They are like a magician using misdirection. We are told to focus on all the lives being saved and to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain (i.e., all the deaths and disabilities).

For more information on vaccine safety, please check out my comprehensive vaccine safety slide deck, All you need to know. I am pleased to report that it has been used successfully to reverse vaccine mandates. At least some people are listening.

The good news is far more people are speaking out and moving to the anti-vaccine camp. The numbers keep growing every day.

t will be interesting to see how long the medical community can keep up the charade. The longer they resist, the worse it will be when this house of cards comes tumbling down.

Source: TrialSiteNews

Friday, October 15, 2021

"The Final Solution. Full Digitization. 'The QR Codification of the World'” by Peter Koenig


The Final Solution. Full Digitization. “The QR Codification of the World”

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Imagine humanity would one day – very soon – decide to stop wearing masks. In unison. Not in the streets, not in restaurants, not in shops, not in sports events – simply nowhere. Against all orders of a good portion of the 193 UN member governments, or at least the western governments. And, indeed, against the entire UN system – against the orders of Mr. Antonio Guterres, himself. Yes, indeed. Many of the UN agencies, not all yet, have started mandating vaxxing for their staff… or else.

How come, it hasn’t occurred to everyone yet, that there is something wrong? Badly wrong. Can it be that it is simply cognitive dissonance? You know that there is something horribly wrong, but your comfort zone doesn’t allow you to admit it? That was the case in the Third Reich – that brought forward Hitler’s tyranny. The rest is history.

The alternative to imagine would be that all those who have decided not to get vaxxed – stick to it and make it public. They defy the totally illegal and unconstitutional orders of the government, the UN system which gets their marching orders from the dark invisible cult, that threatens with death, those who don’t comply.

But just imagine, nobody would listen to these absurd and anti-constitutional orders, not even the police, nor the military – both law enforcement bodies would side with the people – with the very people, whose wrights they have sworn to defend.

Actually, the latter has happened more than once already around the globe, where police brutality used to be particularly strong, suddenly a group of front-line police have taken off their helmets and marched with the people – in France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and elsewhere. Lately, a similar trend may be crystallizing, in Australia’s State of Victoria, where people of Melbourne have been in a lockdown literally for month.

A police lady quit and came to the fore giving interviews and divulging that the majority of her colleagues think alike, but they are afraid of losing their jobs and / or being punished by Victoria’s tyrannical governor. This is this a good start. See this.

It has to happen in unison. In solidarity. In most European countries you are not allowed to go to restaurants or any public evet unless you can show the vaxx-certificate – an infamous QR-code on your cell phone, that would be read by another cell phone, programmed to read your QR-code.

You have no idea what is or what will eventually be put on this QR-code. The goal is all your personal information, from your complete health record to your criminal record, your bank accounts – just everything. But you wouldn’t know. You cannot read what is on the QR-code. “They” can, since it is programmed that way.

The objective is to have in essence this QR-code implanted in your body. That’s pretty much what Klaus Schwab proudly said in his brief (about 2 min video below ) interview with the French Swiss TV in 2016. He frames it something like this: Humans will become “transhumans”.

Video: Towards Digital Tyranny with Peter Koenig

Click here to link to bitchute version

The video has since been “fact-checked” out of the internet. Mr. Microsoft, Bill Gates, actually spoke of an implanted Operating System in the human body. So, we, humans, need to have a body that can respond to electromagnetic waves, in other words our bodies have to be transformed to electromagnetic fields (EMF). That’s being done, by the mRNA- “vaxx” that is injected into our tissues.

Have you noticed, Pfizer and Moderna, the frontrunners of mRNA – which are absolutely not vaccines, you better believe it – are the only ones that are allowed in the West? Now they have added AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson — they are only different in as much as their “killing” mechanism is different.

They also produce blood clots and spike proteins. The former may lead to respiratory blockages all the way to embolisms of the lung or brain, or even heart. The spike protein spreads to all your cells. They eventually attack your immune defense system making you much more vulnerable to any kind of disease, especially cancers. Why are they not allowing the Russian Sputnik V or any one of the Chinese vaccines, both of which are based on traditional vaccination methods?

The Russian and Chinese ones do not work for the population reduction agenda.

See this, well-researched horror story / video by Dr. MadejDr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, Horrific Findings Revealed. No, this is not to scare anyone. This is to bring reality into your comfort zone and hopefully throw you out of comfort into a world that you and everybody must help resisting.

Do you know that the mRNA vaxxes inject you with graphene, a highly poisonous fluid, that creates of your entire body an electromagnetic field (EMF), receptive to 5G and soon 6G ultra-short shortwaves that eventually will be able to manipulate your brain and all your info, now gradually being stored on your personalized QR-code, transforming you, human, into – in Klaus Schwab’s words, a “transhuman” – no longer in possession of your own will or your bank account?

Your money, by the way, if you haven’t noticed already, will soon no longer be physical money that you can touch and hand over to a cashier or a provider, but it’s going to be all electronic, digital money, over which you still may have control, because “they” let you. But once they decide that you must give up control, it will be gone.

Have you noticed at what speed ATM machines are disappearing? How cashiers in banks disappear? They will soon no longer be necessary, because you don’t control anymore cash. There are entire countries in northern Europe which are almost there: Full digitization. In some countries, among them Sweden, some people have already voluntarily let a nano-chip be implanted under the skin of their wrist. The chip works like a built-in bank account. Young people love it. It’s so cool. You swipe you hand, not even a card anymore – and the payment is made. Except, these people have no idea, how this will be played out in the future.

Mind you, this only applies to the people who survive the false vaccination – or rather inoculation campaign. Because, do you know, that considerably more people have died and are dying from receiving the poisonous mRNA-jab, than from covid itself? – No, of course not. Government and the paid mainstream media won’t tell you about it. The MSM gets billions from governments for lying to you.

So, all the above only applies to those people, who survive the inoculations in the long run. Because chances are you may not survive. From the false vaccine, not from covid. See this: Video: A Final Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon.

Let’s go back to mask wearing. This was the first step – in the Lockstep Phase – remember the 2010 Rockefeller Report – where the authors describe the “Lockstep Phase”, as meaning that all 193 UN member countries do the same at the same time – in “lockstep”? – Well, we are already beyond this phase now.

This Lockstep phase has every government in the world order their people to wear masks, everywhere. Unbought science has long proven that mask wearing does not prevent covid nor any viral disease, but causes tremendous damage, as it reduces oxygen intake by 20 to 50 percent, depending on the type of mask. Instead, you are breathing your own CO2.

But that’s not all, the psychological damage done by forced mask wearing is tremendous. Its sheer humiliation; its depressive. You talk to people, but you cannot recognize them in many cases, the voices are muffled, often difficult to understand – and the facial expression that says so much in a conversation is gone. Depressions have skyrocketed, and so have suicides. But the governments and the well-paid mainstream media, as well as the bought science, do not repot about these disastrous effects.

About the “bought science”: Many people can simply not imagine the corrupt world we have become in the span of, say, two decades.

Let’s put the beginning of the countdown at 9/11.

That’s when the Big official lies started, and the coercion of the truth tellers took hold. Most scientists, police or other first-hand witnesses have families, they have a career, they have a steady income. They do not want “trouble”. And trouble can go from harassment, to job loss to death. This is no joke. That’s how the “system” works today. You are either in the Matrix and live a life of a certain comfort, or you take the Red Pill – and you are on your own.

Lately it has gone a step further – to the internet, “the goldmine” of all information, is being severely censored.

All inconvenient information is either completely deleted or is being “fact-checked’ away. If you check who is behind the fact-checkers, something most people don’t do, you see that they are big interest groups, in the case of covid, mostly pharmaceuticals, helped by Bill Gates et al. It is therefore ever more difficult to find referenced information.

Youtube just declared that any information, no matter how scientifically proven it is, that goes against the classical “climate change narrative” will be deleted. So simple. We are dominated, no – more than we – the TRUTH – is being dominated and manipulated by private interests.

Yes, the world needs a Great Reset, but no à la Klaus Schwab, not according to the WEF, but according to a design growing out of the people. That’s why solidarity and not submission is so important. – When do we wake up to this simple matter?

There are nevertheless some excellent exceptions. In the US at least Texas and Florida and others, mostly Republican States, do not follow the mask-wearing mandate, nor all the consequential narrative that goes with it, like testing. People are free to wear or not to wear. Most don’t wear. And the covid-incidence is actually also less than in other States, say California, where this absurd rule is strictly enforced. Maybe this “lesser covid incidence”, like in Texas, goes hand-in-hand, with the number of people who do not opt getting the jab and also, State Government reporting is more honest than in vaxx-mask-imposing states.

Something to think about.

To increase the cadence of fear – Bill Gates declared already in 2018 that there may be a much deadlier disease than covid waiting for humanity, a Marburg-R epidemic. See this.

It is a hemorrhagic fever which was first described in 1967, with a brief outbreak that killed 376 people. It’s described as being about as deadly as Ebola. In the video below is a message from Kieran Morrisey – University Hospital Manager, Dublin. See also this.

Real or false? It doesn’t matter. Its first designed to instill fear, and fear, we now know, lowers our defense system and makes us vulnerable to obey orders – just what we as humanity should stop doing and becoming ourselves again: Sovereign human beings.

The next step is full digitization. Make-believe vaccination which are coerced by any means by the Biden Administration, which is a prime example for many European countries, and the QR-code are progressing fast, without the people not even noticing.

Don’t forget Agenda ID2020 – also a Bill Gates invention – is in full Swing. See this and this.

It’s now being tested in West Africa, where people have “volunteered” to partake in an exercise where they have access to their money only through a body-implanted “bank account”. This account can and is being monitored from outside. It’s part of what is awaiting us in the west as the great reset takes hold. See also this (last third of same video as above) Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, Horrific Findings Revealed.

To some extent it’s also being tested by some people in Sweden who have voluntarily implanted a chip under their skin that caried the details of their bank account. Maybe more and they don’t know it?

This is the future QR-codification of the world.

Therefore, be aware of what QR-codes are really destined for, what they can and will do in the future, if we do not stop them. It’s time and again the same question. We have to be aware – and we have to become free of fear, we have to become disobedient and instead becoming ourselves again. We have to return to what we were born to be, sovereign human beings.

And – we have no time to lose. We must act fast.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image: Public domain image from Wiki’s COVID-Protest page.


Source: Global Research

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