Sunday, October 30, 2022

"Censorship & Independent Publishing in the New Normal Reich (a live-streamed panel discussion)" by CJ Hopkins


Censorship & Independent Publishing in the New Normal Reich (a live-streamed panel discussion)

So, I’m doing this panel discussion about censorship and independent publishing in the New Normal Reich in Copenhagen on November 5. It’s going to be streamed by OVALmedia, so you can tune in and watch it wherever you are.

As you may recall, I was supposed to be in Copenhagen for the book release of the Danish translation of The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021), but I caught a nasty cold right before the launch and couldn’t make it. I will definitely be there this time, because (a) I have to moderate this discussion, and (b) I need a break from New Normal Germany.

The panel consists of other small and micro-publishers, authors, and journalists from Denmark, Germany, the UK, The Netherlands, and the USA, some of whom you may be familiar with. Rather than blather on about it, I’ll just paste in the announcement with the link you need to watch it. Here it is …

Censorship & Independent Publishing in the New Normal Reich: a live-streamed discussion, November 5, 15:00 CET

Since the rollout of the “New Normal” in March of 2020, independent publishers, authors, journalists, scientists, and countless others have been subjected to an unprecedented campaign of censorship, demonization, and other tactics designed to silence and delegitimize dissent. Internet content has been censored. Organizations and individuals have been deplatformed. Bank accounts have been frozen. Books have been banned. How much of this censorship, demonization, and harassment has been due to mass hysteria, and how much is the result of a coordinated effort to eliminate any and all deviation from the official Covid narrative and, more recently, the official Ukraine War narrative? Are we experiencing an ugly but fleeting moment in history or the transition to a more totalitarian form of global-capitalism (i.e., “the New Normal Reich”)? How can we — as dissident writers, publishers, and readers — respond to this War on the Written Word and other forms of expression? Or is Elon Musk going to save us all?

Join us on November 5, 2022 for a discussion with a panel of independent authors, small publishers, and journalists who have experienced this censorship campaign up close and personal: CJ Hopkins (Consent Factory), Robert Cibis (OVALmedia) Søren Kristoffersen (Det Poetiske Bureau), Simon Elmer (Architects for Social Housing), Kit Knightly and Catte Black (OffGuardian), Elze van Hamelen (Der Andere Krant), and perhaps a special guest.

The discussion is hosted by Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag, Copenhagen, publisher of Det Ny-Normale Reich, the Danish translation of CJ Hopkins' bestseller, The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021). It will be live-streamed by OVALmedia at OVALmedia Live starting at 3:00 P.M. CET.


CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory, author of The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021), recently banned by Amazon in Germany, Austria, and The Netherlands, censored by Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.

Robert Cibis, OVALmedia, Berlin, publisher of Chronicle of a Crisis Foretold by Paul Schreyer, False Pandemics by Wolfgang Wodarg, and producer of The Corona Investigative CommitteeWe Need to Talk About Mr. Global, and other series and documentaries demonized by the German media, censored and deplatformed by YouTube, etc.

Søren Kristoffersen, Det Poetiske Bureau, Copenhagen, poet, editor, publisher. Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag, an independent Danish literature and cultural association founded in 2007, is the publisher of the Danish translation of The Rise of the New Normal Reich and the host of Copenhagen’s Alternative Book Fair, November 3-6.

Kit Knightly and Catte Black, OffGuardian, UK, an independent online news and commentary outlet dedicated to open discourse and free expression, censored by Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.

Simon Elmer, Co-founder/Head of Research for Architects for Social Housing, UK, author of COVID-19: Implementing the UK Biosecurity StateBrave New World: Expanding the UK Biosecurity State through the Winter of 2020-2021Virtue and Terror: Resisting the UK Biosecurity State, and The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State, threatened by the UK Architectural Registration Board, deplatformed by Twitter, etc.

Elze van Hamelen, journalist, covering censorship, surveillance, government restructuring, media, technocracy, health, social engineering, and other topics for Der Andere Krant, Amsterdam, a reader-funded (print) newspaper, falsely accused of being "a Russia-funded outlet" by the mainstream Dutch media.

I hope you’ll join us for the discussion, or, if it’s too early for you in your time zone, you’ll be able to watch it later on OVALmedia’s website. If you’re in Copenhagen, I hope to see you at Det Poetiske Bureau. I’ll be hanging around after the discussion, answering questions, and maybe signing some books, if people are into that kind of thing.

Source: CJ Hopkins

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