Saturday, October 29, 2022

"5 Thoughts on the Global Dictatorship" by Paul Cudenec



by Paul Cudenec

1. Shattering their illusions
2. A system that hates life
3. Commonwealth coincidences
4. Cloneworld
5. We are better than them!

1. Shattering their illusions

Suppose, a few days after you read this article, a group of international bankers hold a historic press conference in Basle, New York or London.

Here they announce that they are in fact the real rulers of the world, that the pretence of democratic nation-states no longer serves any purpose and that from now on we will be living under an undisguised global dictatorship intent on pushing us all, regardless of our wishes, into a worldwide transhumanist digital slave camp designed to maximise profit and control for these same bankers.

Do you think that men and women across the world would simply shrug their shoulders, go back to work and tell themselves that they had better adapt to this New Normal?

No, they wouldn’t, because however hard it is for them to currently believe that we are really living under such a system, if it were actually rubbed into their faces they would not be able to accept it: it contradicts too many of the principles which they have always understood underlie the way our societies are run.

This is why, of course, the global dictatorship goes to such lengths to hide its existence, to maintain its illusions of democracy and self-determination, to cloak its plans for a harsh technocratic global order in soft and misleading terms like “sustainable”, “inclusive” and “equitable”.

This is why it angrily denounces truth-tellers as crazed “conspiracy theorists”, as dangerous and anti-social enemies of the liberal democracy it pretends to represent.

And that is why, from an opposing perspective, it is so important for us to brave their smears and to reveal to as many people as possible the unpalatable reality behind the global power complex.

2. A system that hates life

I am fed up with researching the ramifications and machinations of the finance-based global dictatorship, if I am completely honest.

It is not a spiritually-nourishing activity; instead it sickens my soul, deeply offends my ethical aesthetics of honour, justice, truthfulness and value.

Exploring and assessing the nastiness of the ruling crime gang leaves me feeling polluted and contaminated.

And it keeps me trapped on the level at which they operate: I yearn to turn my back on their corrupt and shallow world and explore instead all the timeless magic of our living that so interests me.

I want to plunge into the folklore and mythology of my ancestors and yours, searching out the currents and branches and offshoots and intertwinings that have created, over many thousands of years, the richness of our common culture, paradoxically united by its infinite diversity.

I want to feel and know and understand the way in which this wisdom grew slowly out of the soil and the hills and the plants and was spun and woven by our essential oneness with the natural world.

I want to know what it feels like to reach, feet firmly grounded in the earth, towards the sky, the sun, the stars; informed and inspired by the wisdom of our forebears, I dream of finding the great poetry that will bring me peace in my final days.

And yet, I know full well that the time has not yet come when I can simply walk away from that other mundane work, the task of describing the detail of what has gone wrong in our contemporary society.

I know full well that the system in which we are forced to live represents an existential threat to everything that inspires me.

This system hates and fears the tangled roots of life, the sap of vitality and freedom that sends its green shoots soaring forth in search of authenticity and fulfilment.

It hates and fears the belonging, and the knowledge of belonging, that makes us strong and proud and kind and just.

It hates and fears how powerful we become when we feel the energy of the cosmos itself lighting us up from within, when our understanding and imagination pulse and glow with something which will lie forever beyond its dull comprehension.

While this system still imprisons us, I will never find peace.

3. Commonwealth coincidences

I was recently alerted to the existence of an organisation called The Commonwealth Fund, which has been calling for a Covid-19 booster campaign in the USA, spuriously claiming this would save 100,000 lives.

Why on earth is “Commonwealth” in the title of this New York “healthcare philanthropy”?

Not only is the USA is not part of The Commonwealth, but The Commonwealth did not yet exist when The Commonwealth Fund was created in 1918.

This date corresponds, of course, to the end of the First World War, during which, as I explained here, a lot of people made a lot of money.

One of these was evidently the The Commonwealth Fund’s founder Anna M. Harkness.

Her late husband Stephen Vanderburgh Harkness had been an early investor with John D. Rockefeller and became the second-largest shareholder in Standard Oil before his death in March 1888. Anna inherited one-third of his fortune at $50,000,000 (equivalent to $1,507,962,963 today), consisting primarily of stock in Standard Oil.

The dividends rolled in during the profitable Great War, allowing her to set up her “philanthropic” organisation.

It seems like a bit of a coincidence that this money from the oil industry was used to create a Fund which today promotes modern “healthcare” products derived from that same oil industry.

It is also worth noting that those who had carefully planned the lucrative war in the first place were part of the secretive circles who would go on to rebrand the British Empire as the “Commonwealth”, the name Harkness gave to her fund.

I know from reading Carroll Quigley that the idea of The Commonwealth was already in the air in 1918 and that influential British imperialist Lionel Curtis had decided on the name as early as 1911.

I also know that the plan was to include the United States of America within this rebranded empire and that the merger of British and American financial interests was ongoing through much of the 20th century.

A third coincidence is that the Harkness family went on to establish something called the Pilgrim Trust in the UK: one of the main vehicles for the anglo-american financial conspiracy described by Quigley is the Pilgrims Society.

And a fourth coincidence is that although Mrs Harkness supposedly wanted to do “something for the welfare of mankind,” her organisation’s agenda was very much in line with that of the transatlantic conspirators!

As the Fund itself explains: “Almost since its founding, the Commonwealth Fund has invested in tomorrow’s leaders. Originally called Commonwealth Fund Fellowships, the Harkness Fellowships were initiated in 1925 to advance international understanding and encourage maintenance of the ‘special relationship’ between the United States and the United Kingdom”.

Yep, that’s right. Yet another one of those “young leaders” programmes with which the ruling clique grooms its obedient political puppets, as discussed here!

Until very recently, I would have regarded these “fellowships” as proof of US interference in British politics, as examples of American imperialism.

But now I understand that they are in fact part of the efforts to weld the two countries into part of the same supranational entity: no longer literally The Commonwealth but the larger undeclared empire of which that is part.

As I wrote in the article on the Great War, there is a direct line between British imperialism, US imperialism and globalism: they are all steps in one ruthless drive for world domination.

4. Cloneworld

I have looked at so many websites of foundations, think tanks and institutes like The Commonwealth Fund that I now have a strange feeling every time I go into one.

There is a peculiar sense of recognition and yet disconnection, as if I have visited this site before, many times before, and yet all the detail has been swapped out for something different.

These are clone sites representing clone organisations, with the template copied and pasted again and again to fill an entire world and leave no room for anything with origins outside the global finance-based dictatorship.

The logos, the section headings, the virtue-signalling verbiage, the little key words that hint, for the insider, at the real function of the organisation – all of this is utterly empty, devoid of any real animating spirit or independent intelligence.

They are trying to do exactly the same to the real world, copying and pasting their sterile ugliness wherever they can. Motorway service stations, airport departure lounges, shopping malls, cinema complexes: everywhere in the world they look and smell the same.

There is no more place, there is no more soul, there is no more organic life. There is just their model, reproduced again and again and again and dumped on us from a great height whether we want it or not.

Welcome to Cloneworld!

5. We are better than them!

If the global dictatorship were really as intelligent as they like to think they are, none of us would have any idea that they existed.

Their false “democratic” reality, their Spectacle, would be so smooth and watertight that we could all spend our whole lives inside it without knowing any better.

We would take their representatives and their rhetoric at face value, accept their false oppositions as real ones and happily respect the limits they place around thought and expression as sensible and necessary.

But they are not that good. They are shoddy and keeping messing up, time and time again. Millions of people with no inside knowledge of their activities are able to pick them apart simply by pointing out the contradictions in the information they feed us.

In their impatience to proceed with their Great Plan, they have recently been showering us with patent absurdities, which nobody with an ounce of intelligence should be able to swallow.

When you own all the power that money can buy, and all the money that power can provide, it must be easy to become somewhat complacent.

According to your understanding of reality, you have total control of pretty much everything and everyone, so what does it matter if the narrative has a few holes in it? What is anyone actually going to do about it?

It is here, I think, that we discover the importance of the other levels of thinking and being that I discussed above, the ones that seemingly lead us away from the direct struggle against the dictatorship.

These levels of being, which take us beyond the mundane and materialist world of the money-men, are fed by the throbbing energies of life itself, which gush out all around us, whether from the branches of a tree, the rays of the sun or the spark in the eye of a happy child.

The terrain on which we can defeat the dictators is not the one on which they like to operate: the one on which their money can always buy armies of agents to quash our opposition.

Our terrain must be the lofty levels they can never touch or even see, blinkered as they are by their base and compulsive craving for power and wealth.

The terrain for our battle will be above individual self-interest; beyond their sterile world of facts, statistics and balance sheets. It will be high up in the timeless realm of principle, where the truth is set free from the shadow of lies and where justice will always manifest with the majestic inevitability of the rising sun.

We will be armed with our knowledge, of course, with our words and our brains and our presence and our collective memory.

But our main weapon will be the soaring of our hearts.

[Audio version]

Source: Winter Oak

"Remdesivir is killing people & CDC & NIH & FDA & Fauci et al. DO NOT care; examines Massachusetts & sudden kidney failure, known to doctors as acute renal failure (ARF) is a major health emergency now" by Dr Paul Alexander


Remdesivir is killing people & CDC & NIH & FDA & Fauci et al. DO NOT care; examines Massachusetts & sudden kidney failure, known to doctors as acute renal failure (ARF) is a major health emergency now

a great piece on the risk of remdesivir and I highlight it here, please share; to see how great this travesty is require separating the Renal failure category N17-N19 into its ICD-10 codes, e.g. N17.9


You can literally see the surge in 2020 of deaths due to the aggressive use of remdesivir. You can also see less but still the force on mortality of using liver and kidney toxic remdesivir.

Coquin de Chien does a tremendous job relaying the surge in deaths (all-cause deaths) in Massachusetts 2020, 2021, and 2022.“CDC aggregates data into groups that often cause a Simpson’s Paradox, which obscures safety signals related to causes of death. For example, some researchers have shown “Renal failure” using codes “N17” through “N19.” Here are the individual codes in that range:

  • N17.0 Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis

  • N17.1 Acute renal failure with acute cortical necrosis

  • N17.2 Acute renal failure with medullary necrosis

  • N17.8 Other acute renal failure

  • N17.9 Acute renal failure, unspecified

  • N18.1 Chronic kidney disease, stage 1

  • N18.2 Chronic kidney disease, stage 2

  • N18.3 Chronic kidney disease, stage 3

  • N18.4 Chronic kidney disease, stage 4

  • N18.5 Chronic kidney disease, stage 5

  • N18.9 Chronic kidney disease, unspecified

  • N19 Unspecified kidney failure

‘Notice that “Acute” and “Chronic” kidney failure are lumped into that N17 to N19 range that the CDC offers. Even if someone died from a heart attack, and also had “N18.2” “Chronic kidney disease, stage 2” the death certificate will list N18.2 as one of the causes of death.”

Sudden kidney failure, known to doctors as acute renal failure (ARF) is a major health emergency in Massachusetts right now at this moment and likely in other US states, too. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA DPH) may not even know about the excess 1,500 deaths that have occurred in the past 18 months.

“Excess” deaths means more than expected, or more than normal. This article will visually show the drastic increase in ARF deaths in 2020, 2021, and 2022.

The only way to see how great this travesty is requires separating the Renal failure category N17-N19 into its component individual ICD-10 codes, specifically N17.9 “Acute renal failure, unspecified.”

Coquin de Chien

The following graphs are of the time period January 1 through August 15 of each year. This is the easiest way to obtain a fair comparison that includes 2022. The seasonality in Massachusetts is strong, thus the time periods must align to be fair.

The All-Cause deaths graph depicts a severe 2020, then diminished 2021 and 2022, but not quite back to “normal,” which is 2015 through 2019.

The COVID-19 graph also shows 2020 to be severe, followed by diminished years 2021 and 2022.

Chronic kidney disease also shows a severe 2020, followed by diminished 2021 and 2022. This is why an aggregated N17-N19 group hides what is next.

If a drug were to cause sudden kidney failure, it would be listed under N17.9 “Acute renal failure,” not Chronic kidney failure, unless the person already had the condition before receiving the drug. Look at the N17.9 graph below and be shocked.

Below is what a health emergency looks like.

Does this look normal to you? The trend between ARF and Chronic kidney failure is inverted.

If they were to be combined, Chronic kidney failure cancels much of the severity of Acute renal failure. Of course, someone would find a signal in an aggregate CDC, but it would be diminished and not nearly as stark. Also, without separating them, excess deaths would greatly diminish the excess number shown. id est, it would not be representative of reality.

I don’t know what else to write here. I cannot stress enough how much of an emergency this is. Everyone reading this article should write a letter to the governor, public health commissioner, state attorney general, and your local FBI office to report mass murder that demands criminal investigation. I wrote “criminal” investigation because there is no doubt what is happening here and it is murder. The health industry will not investigate itself. There are doctors and nurses knowingly involved in the acts of hooking people up with “medicine” they know has a high kill rate.

In order to prove murder in the second degree in Massachusetts, the prosecution must prove that there was an 1) unlawful killing (one person kills another without excuse) and done with 2) malice, where “malice” in this context can be established by one of three “prongs.” The third prong is “(3) the defendant committed an intentional act which, in the circumstances known to the defendant, a reasonable person would have understood created a plain and strong likelihood of death. See Commonwealth v. Grey, 399 Mass. 469, 470 n.1 (1987)

The graph blow shows age groups for N17.9 “Acute renal failure.” The year 2022 in these graphs is only 7.5 months, while other years are the full 12 months. Notice age group 25-44, which already has more in 2022 than any other year and is expect to be 70 by the end of 2022. These are fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters who were cut down in the prime of life. The loss of these people affect multiple family members for the rest of their lives.

Here is the last graph that shows how bad 2022 and 2021 were compared to the rest of the years. Notice that the slope of 2020 is the same as the red years after the month of May. Put another way, the numbers of deaths per day is the same in 2020 as in the red years after the first wave that ended in May. 2022 and 2022 have greater slopes and continually have more deaths per day every day for the whole year except for that 10-week period in 2020 during the first wave. This is nuts. So obvious. If we have a Department of Public Health, what are they there for? Handing out masks? Advertising ineffective and unsafe “vaccines” because pharma can’t advertise experimental products on their own?


They are killing people. And they don’t care. If you care, please do something. Demand investigation and prosecution. Remdesivir is on EUA. They think they are immune. But that immunity does not stand up because of the willful misconduct exception in the PREP Act; and because there is no immunity for murder. This is nothing less than murder. It is not manslaughter. They know. Scienter is apparent.’

Coquin de Chien

Source: Alexander COVID News evidence-based medicine

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