Saturday, July 9, 2022

"Lost Freedoms? So What!" by Todd Haven

 Lost Freedoms? So What!

"How the Left fell for capitalism" by Paul Kingsnorth


How the Left fell for capitalism

Progressives were always part of the corporate elite


What may turn out to be the biggest political movement of the 21st century emerged from the rainforest remnants of southern Mexico on 1 January 1994, carried down darkened, cobbled colonial streets by 500 pairs of black leather boots at precisely 30 minutes past midnight. The owners of the boots carried rifles and the odd AK-47 or Uzi. Those who had drawn short straws carried fake wooden guns.

Three thousand faces, hidden by black, woollen ski masks, bore the distinctive features of the Mayan Indians of Central America: a people outgunned, outcompeted, pillaged, slaughtered or simply passed over since the Spanish conquistadors first arrived on their shores in the 16th century. Now, half a millennium later, here in Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest and southernmost state, “the ones without faces, the ones without voices” had come to make the world listen.

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The people of San Cristobal de las Casas, the old conquistador capital of Chiapas, were still groggy from their New Year celebrations when their town came alive with the sound of marching boots. They heard orders barked in Tzotzil, a local Mayan language, by the black-haired major, carbine in her hands, pistol strapped to her chest, who commanded this uninvited army. And from the picturesque central square, the Plaza 31 de Marzo, its ancient yellow cathedral and colonial government buildings framed by a clear white moon, they heard the sound of gunshots.

Those citizens brave or curious enough to venture out into the square were met with a sight they were unlikely to forget: dozens of masked guerrillas were swarming around the Plaza. Some were standing guard with their battered rifles, others were surrounding the police headquarters, while others, armed with sledgehammers, were pounding on the great wooden doors of the Municipal Palace. There could be little doubt in the minds of the people of San Cristobal about what they were witnessing. It was the first act of a revolution.

A small group of guerrillas raised a flag in the middle of the elegant square — a black flag, printed with four red letters: EZLN. As they did so, on to the balcony of the Municipal Palace emerged a masked figure. In his hand he held a piece of paper. It was a declaration of war against the Mexican government: one which, on that same morning, would be read aloud to the people of six other towns in Chiapas which this “EZLN” had also claimed as its own.

“We are the product of 500 years of struggle,” he read as, in the background, more gunfire and palls of smoke indicated that a rebel column was storming the police headquarters. “We are the inheritors of the true builders of this nation … denied the most elemental preparation so they can use us as cannon fodder and pillage the wealth of our country. They don’t care that we have nothing, absolutely nothing … There is no peace or justice for ourselves and our children … But today we say: Ya basta! Enough is enough!”

Five hundred miles away, Mexico’s president, Carlos Salinas, and his anointed heir, Luis Donaldo Colosio, were celebrating the New Year in an exclusive holiday resort on the Pacific coast. As the bells rang, Salinas and Colosio raised glasses of champagne and toasted the official arrival of NAFTA — the North American Free Trade Agreement — which, at the stroke of midnight, officially came into operation. With the sound of those bells, NAFTA had created, for the first time in history, one great borderless free market between Mexico, Canada and the USA. Mexico had officially entered the modern world, and Salinas was celebrating his legacy.

Two hours later he was on the telephone, listening to news of a development that would shatter not only that legacy, but his successor’s presidency and his party’s age-old iron grip on Mexican politics; and which, later — much later — would begin to shake the legitimacy of the global free trade project itself. The Secretary of Defence was calling from Mexico City, and he had bad news. Very bad news. An armed insurgent force, calling itself the Zapatista Army of National Liberation — EZLN — had seized control of seven towns in Chiapas state and declared war on the army, the government — and NAFTA itself.

“Are you sure?” croaked the president.


It’s been a long time since I wrote those paragraphs. That is the opening of my very first book, One No, Many Yeses, an account of the first wave of anti-globalisation protests, which was published 19 years ago. Back then, excitable young anti-capitalist that I was, I believed that I was part of a worldwide “mass movement” which was rising up against the colonisation of the world’s economies and cultures by an unaccountable corporate elite.

Since at least the end of the Cold War, the declared aim of the Western powers has been the spread of a global market economy, combined with a liberal politics and culture, to every benighted corner of the Earth. Since a globalised market can’t function without globalised tastes (you can’t sell your cheap burgers to Asia until you’ve convinced Asians that they’re lovin’ it), and since liberalism also needs an appropriate soil to seed in, the momentum of this ideological crusade is towards the creation of one global culture, whether the world wants it or not.

This threefold rollout — global economy, global culture and global political system, all of them based on the American model — has long been referred to with the bland moniker “globalisation”; or globalism, if you prefer. In reality, it is a form of soft colonialism — the latest iteration of Western empire — and a hugely successful one.

Back in the late Nineties, the “anti-globalisation” movement that rose up in opposition to this process was a political melting-pot of anarchism, localism, indigenous perspectives, radical environmentalism, liberal commitments to democracy and various other strands, all of it uncoordinated and fervently anti-hierarchical. It was a mess, but it was an exciting mess. And though a lot of people involved, including me, were allergic to labels and boxes, there was no doubt that this was a movement of the Left.

Though wrong about plenty of things, the Left has traditionally been correct about the negative impacts of global capitalism, while the Right has floundered about denying its impacts on the poor, on democracy and on nature, generally valorising greed and rapine, and then wondering where the “traditional values” they love so much have gone. You wouldn’t have found any conservatives on the barricades at the anti-WTO protests. Most of them were either inside hymning the virtues of “free” trade, or back in Washington or London ginning up the next Middle East war.

How times have changed. Here in the 2020s, the Left anti-globalism that I once thought was the movement of the future is barely in evidence anywhere. The most incisive opponents of corporate globalisation today are often to be found on the Right; or at least, not from any identifiable sector of the Left. Conservative, traditionalist and “post-liberal” critiques of the impact of globalisation on local communities, nation states, social cohesion, family formation, working class prospects, culture and even (though not often enough) the natural world are pouring out daily. The post-working class Left, meanwhile, has veered into an identity politics cul-de-sac, dictated largely by its commitment to an elite class war and an obsessive pursuit of cultural inversion.

The worldview that the academic Eric Kaufmann calls Left-modernism is now the outlook of the professional managerial classes, the top 10% or so of society, and — not coincidentally — the beneficiary class of globalisation. Via transnational corporations, the academic and cultural sectors, NGOs, global and regional bodies and other collectives of usually unaccountable power, this class is rolling out the threefold ideology of globalism within their own nations and beyond. Meanwhile, a national populist movement built largely around a working- and lower-middle-class reaction to this ideology is coalescing around calls for national self-determination, some degree of cultural conservatism, economic protection and democratic accountability.

On the face of it, this is confusing. Why would transnational capital be parroting slogans drawn from a leftist framework which claims to be anti-capitalist? Why would the middle classes be further to the “Left” than the workers? If the Left was what it claims to be — a bottom-up movement for popular justice — this would not be the case. If capitalism was what it is assumed to be — a rapacious, non-ideological engine of profit-maximisation — then this would not be the case either.

But what if both of them were something else? What if the ideology of the corporate world and the ideology of the “progressive” Left had not forged an inexplicable marriage of convenience, but had grown all along from the same rootstock? What if the Left and global capitalism are, at base, the same thing: engines for destroying customary ways of living and replacing them with the globalised, universalist, technological matrix that is currently rising around us?

We are living through a time of radical flattening, as this emerging global system, which I like to call the Machine, rapidly replaces previous ways of being with a new and novel global civilisation. Emerging from the industrial revolution and the dislocations of modernity’s revolutions, this Machine is now engaged in a project of deconstructing both human nature and wild nature, replacing them with a borderless world of etiolated, rational individuals, each of them equal participants in a global marketplace governed by algorithms, profit and dreams of universal oneness.

With the possible exception of the bit about the marketplace, this is also a good description of the project of the political Left. The very notion of a “Left” was birthed with modernity: the term comes from the seating arrangement of the anti-monarchy faction of the French assembly after the revolution. Despite much self-mythologising, leftist ideology has always been primarily a product of urban intellectuals and middle-class radicals pursuing a project of theoretical levelling. This levelling always begins with the destruction of previous lifeways — Mao’s four olds, the Bolshevik project to eliminate the “bourgeois family” (currently being resurrected by some on the contemporary Left), French revolutionary attempts to rationalise the landscape, the current progressive push to “transition” children — but what it ends up doing is clearing the ground for the Machine.

Progressive leftism and global capitalism, far from being antagonistic as some of us once thought, have turned out to be a usefully snug fit. Both are totalising, utopian projects. Both are suspicious of the past, impatient with borders and boundaries, and hostile to religion, “superstition” and the limits on the human individual imposed by nature or culture. Both are in pursuit of a global utopia where, in the dreams of both Lenin and Lennon, the world will live as one.

If the past 40 years have taught us anything, it’s that dreams of universal equality can segue very easily into dreams of universal market access. There’s a reason that both progressives and The Economist champion open borders. There’s a reason so many hippies ended up as tech billionaires. If you have ever asked yourself what kind of “revolution” would be sponsored by Nike, promoted by BP, propagandised for by Hollywood and Netflix and policed by Facebook and YouTube, then the answer is here.

In the roiling breakdown of the 2020s, progressive leftism and corporate capitalism have not so much merged as been exposed for what they always were: variants of the same modern ideal, built around the pursuit of boundless self-creation in a post-natural world. The Canadian “red Tory” philosopher George Grant once observed that: “The directors of General Motors and the followers of Professor Marcuse sail down the same river in different boats.” These days, they have abandoned their separate vessels and are sailing downstream in a superyacht together, while the rest of us gawp or throw rocks from the banks.

Perhaps we could say that the levelling instinct is the West’s gift to the world. It’s a complicated offering, to be sure, but at its noblest it is one to be proud of. Without some levellers around, a culture is in danger of becoming ossified, abusive and top-heavy. Power always needs to be kept on its toes. Leaders and systems should always be prepared to justify their existence.

But what happens when levelling is the only instinct left? When the culture is so empty, so purposeless, so uprooted, that it has forgotten how to do anything but deconstruct itself? More to the point: what happens when levelling is the instinct not of the poor, but of power? What happens when the destruction of borders, limits and boundaries benefits big tech, big money and those who drink from their spigot, rather than the small voices left thirsting in the fields? And what happens when big money uses the language of the small voices — the language of levelling — to tie up its work in pretty bows?

This is where we are. The post-modern Left, which has seized the heights of so much of Western culture, is not some radical threat to the establishment: it is the establishment. Progressive leftism is market liberalism by other means. The Left and corporate capitalism now function like a pincer: one attacks the culture, deconstructing everything from history to “heteronormativity” to national identities; the other moves in to monetise the resulting fragments.

Where, then, to stand? Could there be a Left without progress? Could there be a Right without capitalism? Perhaps, but we first need to come to terms with the radicalism of the times we are living through. This is a time in which the pertinent questions are not “who should own the means of production?” or “should we privatise the health service?” They are “what is a woman?”, “where should we implant the microchips?”, “how quickly can we get this digital ID system up and running?”, and “what do you think of my new killer robot?” The creation of designer babies, the abolition of the sexed body, the growing of brains in labs: whatever you want, the Machine can provide it, technology can fashion it, and progressive ideology can redefine it as justice.

When people ask me where I stand, I say these days that it’s with an older tradition: the same one I was writing about in that first book, although I didn’t know it then. It’s a tradition I saw represented in what the Zapatistas did back in the 1990s and I have heard its echo in historical uprisings in my own country, from the Luddites to the fen tigers. It’s a tradition which takes its stand not according to ideological positioning, but according to actual positioning: on Earth, under the sky, surrounded by people who know where the sun rises in the morning, where they come from and who they are.

It’s a tradition we could call reactionary radicalism: resisting the Machine’s totalising force from a perspective rooted in the Three Ps: people, place and prayer. Neither Left nor Right nor anywhere else, it’s a tradition that crosses all the modern divides, because it is older than all of them. It digs down, literally, to the root of the matter. It is the dream of a localised, populist opposition to gigantist, destructive modernity in all its forms.

Maybe this is a pipe-dream: but sometimes we see it carry the day. The Zapatistas are still there, after all, and still fighting. NAFTA is gone, too — though it wasn’t the EZLN, in the end, that did for it. The treaty that drew their ire as a symbol of all that was wrong with the imperial project of corporate globalisation was eventually torn up, not by indigenous guerrilleros or a socialist Mexican government, but by a reality TV star-turned Republican US president, who believed that globalisation was a con-job which empowered transnational capital at the expense of nations and their people. Whatever else he may have been wrong about, he was right about that. Unfortunately, most of the Left were too busy calling him a Nazi to notice the irony.

Source: Unherd

"The 'safe and effective' narrative is falling apart" by Steve Kirsch


The "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart

Here is my list of over 25 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor. I'd be surprised if the narrative doesn't fall apart soon. It's now unravelling quickly in the UK.

  1. The vaccine deaths are now simply too massive to keep hiding/explaining them away:

    1. Non-Covid excess deaths: why are they rising? Experts call for probe as mortality rates in England and Wales climb despite drop in coronavirus deaths

    2. Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid

      Office for National Statistics data leads health experts to call for urgent investigation into what is causing the excess mortality

    3. England: Excess Deaths on the Rise But NOT because of COVID – Experts Call for Investigation

    4. There is a 163% rise in life insurance claims at Lincoln National. They are the fifth largest insurance company in the US. The increase is huge. That’s not a 63% increase. It’s 163% increase, almost a tripling of the death rate. That isn’t COVID. COVID doesn’t kill anywhere close to that number of people. We are looking at the biggest killer in history and nobody can figure out what it is! Watch this video. You will never see a story on this on mainstream media; they ignore it.

    5. Life insurance companies in countries all over the world are reporting record numbers of excess deaths. These are not “statistical fluctuations.” The deaths are all caused by a huge intervention that is affecting the health of millions of people. And it’s all new. Nothing like this ever happened before 2021. Nothing of this magnitude has EVER happened in their history (which goes back over 100 years).

  2. Even John Campbell, who is pro-vaccine, admits that a troubling number of unexplained excess deaths are not just happening in the UK: they are happening worldwide. Just listen to the first 30 seconds of this video. Of course, the CDC isn’t investigating anything even though American life insurance companies are reporting deaths that are off-the-charts. The CDC is NEVER going to investigate this. It’s bigger than COVID and they know full well what it is. That’s why they are NOT going to investigate and The NY Times is NEVER going to fault them for this. After all, it’s only the biggest medical cause of death in our history.

  3. The overall shift in the cause of death from respiratory to cardiac is impossible to ignore and can’t be explained if the vaccines are “safe and effective.” A friend of mine who lives in Massachusetts noticed this after he made a FOIA request for the death records in Massachusetts. He looked at the ICD-10 coded causes of deaths and noticed that the causes of deaths shifted from primarily “J codes” (respiratory due to COVID) to “I codes” (circulatory due to the vaccine). Now we learn that the exact same thing happened in the UK in 2021 according to official UK government numbers. This is a huge effect and there must be a cause, but the health authorities are simply baffled and cannot explain it (because they are not permitted to blame the vaccine since that would make everyone look bad). It’s safe to say that such a shift has never happened before in history. Clearly, something new happened starting in 2021 that affected massive numbers of people worldwide. I wonder what that might have been? Health authorities simply cannot come up with a single thing that was new in 2021.

  4. The vaccine injuries of toddlers who are now having seizures cannot be explained. This is now a regular occurrence for 2 and 3-year-old kids to have seizures. It’s only happening in vaccinated kids and most often between 2 and 5 days of vaccination from the COVID vaccine. Doctors are not allowed to report these events publicly (they are not allowed to share on social media or talk to the press) so each doctor thinks it is simply a “one-off” event that is ONLY happening to them. If doctors would be allowed to speak publicly, they would realize the massive pattern. This is why hospitals muzzle the doctors: so nobody finds out. We have multiple reports of these from nurses directly from nurses who are scared that their social media accounts are being monitored. The parents are told that it is just “bad luck” and the parents believe what they are told. So the parents don’t speak out about it either.

  5. Countries are starting to realize birth rates are dropping and there are more stillbirths. Sweden, the UK, Germany, etc. See my article about birth rates.

  6. The deaths and injuries are happening in plain view of everyone with no plausible explanation for all the coincidences. All of the events are only happening to vaccinated people, but because the press never mentions the vaccination status of the people who “die unexpectedly,” the public never realizes the pattern:

    1. Think about all the rock concerts that have been terminated or canceled due to medical reasons. Justin Bieber, Santana, … Someone sent me a list of four other concerts that were canceled within the past few months. This isn’t normal folks. But most people never attend rock concerts in different parts of the country so they never figure it out.

    2. Think about all the celebrity deaths in 2021 and 2022. These are never covered up; they can’t be. What they never mention is the sheer number of unexpected deaths and they never mention the vaccination status of the deceased.

    3. Athletes are dying in plain sight at 22X the normal rate. Today, former NHL defenseman Bryan Marchment died “unexpectedly.” But few people are tracking this so they have no idea the rates are so much higher. It just seems a bit odd.

    4. Even young UPS drivers, like 24-year-old Estegan Chavez, Jr. are dying while delivering packages which are not nearly as physically demanding. These are just the deaths you hear about though.

    5. Pilots are having events at unprecedented rates, but the airlines are refusing to screen the pilots for cardiac issues. When American Airlines Captain Bob Snow had a cardiac event right after he landed, he didn’t even get a call from the CEO of American Airlines. The FAA won’t require pilot screening. They know exactly what they would find. So they look the other way and say nothing and pretend these events never happened. The pilots know. Any member of the public with a working brain can figure this out. But we assume that the FAA is honest and will do the right thing. Big mistake. The FAA was officially put on notice and they have done absolutely nothing about it. They just ignored it like it never happened. Congress is doing the same: they aren’t holding the FAA accountable since they know it would make them look bad. Everyone is banking on nobody ever finding out. After all, they covered up the fact that the US government created the virus in the first place so the reasoning is that they can cover up all the cardiac events and pilot deaths.

    6. Surveys (such as this one) consistently show that fewer than 50% of Americans are willing to get more shots of the vaccine. Most of America is clued in, even though none of the media people are. As a result, the government is throwing away tens of millions of vaccine doses due to insufficient demand (which is why Peter Marks of the FDA said he’d do anything except debate the opposition to reduce vaccine hesitancy. So basically we are literally throwing away billions of dollars of taxpayer money to produce a product nobody wants. Is anyone in Congress complaining about the government waste: No. Not a single person. Is anyone in the mainstream media pointing out this is stupid to order a product nobody wants? Nope. Nobody in mainstream media is going to publish an op-ed like that. They all just go along as if nothing is wrong.

    7. People’s young healthy friends are having medical problems at unprecedented rates (though not everyone is realizing this). For example, today I learned that one of our country club employees that I knew died from a stroke at age 52.

    8. Whenever we do audience surveys, every audience always reports a comparable or excess rate of death from the vaccine vs. COVID. So even if you don’t see it yourself, the live audience surveys are very convincing since there is no “bias” in these live surveys. Nobody but “misinformation spreaders” like myself are willing to do the surveys for some reason.

  7. User surveys done by professional third party polling firms consistently show the vaccines have killed more people than COVID has. The NY Times60 Minutes, etc. all refuse to do the surveys themselves. They don’t want anyone to know. Our next step is to use a big name polling organization to promote this result so it is not coming from “anti-vaxxers.” That poll will be impossible for anyone to ignore. We have never been able to run a single poll that shows everything is fine. This is why the mainstream media will never do these polls.

  8. Mandates are vanishing even though COVID rates are increasing. For example, see this story about what is happening in parts of Australia where they are backing off their former recommendations with no apologies whatsoever:

    1. Vanishing vaccine mandates: No apology from our once-so-zealous public health officials

  9. The evidence shows that COVID was created in a US government funded biolab. That’s the direct assessment of the chairman of the independent commission tasked with looking into the cause. Watch this video. Professor Jeffrey Sachs was responsible for the independent Lancet investigation. He said, “I chaired the commission for the Lancet for 2 years on Covid. I'm pretty convinced it came out of a US lab of biotechnology.” You will never find that statement anywhere on US mainstream media. How could that not be covered? But in that video he also said that there is absolutely no interest in learning more, not from any country in the entire world. How can there be no interest in learning more? The only way there can be no interest in learning more is if the US government did it. Check out this article in Science: “Fights over confidentiality pledge and conflicts of interest tore apart COVID-19 origin probe: Former members of The Lancet task force challenge why economist Jeffrey Sachs disbanded effort.” Sachs figures out Daszak is conflicted and Daszak won’t produce documents showing a conflict. So the panel sides with Daszak!!! It is completely stunning that nearly the whole panel is conflicted and corrupt. Sachs emerges as the hero here. He calls for further investigation by an unbiased commission due to the smoking gun evidence of a contract that was “supposedly” never funded. Nobody takes him up on it because he’s right; what they want is a corrupt investigation only. The contract fits the origin of COVID like a glove and Daszak’s defense is “it was never funded, therefore the work wasn’t done.” But it’s not as simple as that (as the article points out). Daszak is lying. I double-checked with a former EcoHealth Alliance employee who was in a position to know. You have to have data to get funding on these proposals. The bottom line is Peter Daszak shouldn’t be trusted. There’s more, but we’ll leave it at that.

  10. Vaccine injuries are now being compensated in other countries with large payouts, but not in America. We haven’t paid out a dime to anyone, despite thousands of applicants (most others know it is fruitless to apply and don’t bother). So how can the vaccines injure people outside of America, but not injure anyone who was given a shot inside America? That’s simply impossible if there isn’t a government cover-up. There is no third party oversight of the vaccine compensation program in America and nobody in Congress (except for Senator Ron Johnson) thinks that zero payouts to the millions of Americans who were killed, disabled, or injured is a problem.

  11. Our surveys consistently show over 1M Americans have been injured or disabled so severely by the vaccines that they are unable to work, but Congress thinks 0 compensation is appropriate. See this analysisthis story, and this story and the poll data in this article.

  12. The most extensive investigations ever done on a death, 14 months of intensive investigation, have proven that the vaccines kill people. 27-year-old Jack Last of Stowmarket was vaccinated on March 30, 2021 and died days later. It took 14 months of investigation to determine he was killed by the vaccine.

  13. Ed Dowd was interviewed by the Defender and the CHD Roundtable and made the following points:

    1. The group life claims come from a younger, employed demographic dying neither from COVID nor suicide

    2. This group of largely millennials fed “a silent Vietnam War” body-count-wise (61,000 in 2021, how many insurance companies counted not stated)

    3. The connection to the shots is demonstrated by the “hockey stick” plots of deaths versus time clearly marked by mandates and boosters: the smoking gun

    4. CEOs who mandated the shots are reluctant to publicize their responsibility for killing their employees

    5. The financial catastrophe will push these data into mainstream news sooner or later
    6. Ed was working directly with actuaries and insurance executives specifically counting group life claims, not just deaths among the general population. The exponential rates of change marked by dates of vaccine roll out, mandate implementations and boosters nails the vaccine inference for these fatalities reported this way. The argument is hard to contest. “Smoking gun,” as he says. This is insurance industry hard data: money paid out. This is why this is so impressive and to-the-point.

    7. There is no response from any fact checkers on this.

  14. Former highly respected blue-pilled doctors like Dr. Naureen Shaikh in Sausalito have seen enough and are now willing to come out of the closet and speak about vaccine injuries even though it means the end of her career in medicine.

  15. Articles written by respected scientists like Peter Doshi are slammed by people who refuse to be held publicly accountable for their remarks. Read this article by Professor Norman Fenton which summarizes the bogus arguments made to smear these scientists who are speaking the truth, “Response to Susan Oliver video “Antivaxxers fooled by p-hacking and apples to oranges comparison.” Almost definitely, the “Doshi paper” will not be published for reasons explained in this article by Phil Harper. Susan Oliver will not have a discussion with Fenton and it’s pretty obvious who is spreading the misinformation for anyone spending any time on this. Instead, she produces a second video instead of agreeing to be held accountable. Susan summarized her view of the paper in this tweet (which included the link to the video) that was retweeted by people like Prof Sir David Spiegelhalter (a world renowned expert on probability and risk) and Prof Peter Hansen (Econometrician, Data Scientist, and Latene Distinguished Professor of Economics at UNC, Chapel Hill). Hansen and Spiegelhalter refuse to speak with Fenton as well. Fenton would LOVE to chat with these people in a recorded conversation so he can ask them key questions, but all of them are afraid: they just throw stones and then go into hiding. That is how “science” works nowadays.

  16. Even though key studies that destroy the government narrative will not be published (as noted in the previous point), scientists still managed to publish over 500 papers in medical journals on serious adverse events caused by the COVID vaccines.

  17. Two teenage boys die in their sleep in different states days after vaccination and the paper concludes that the deaths were caused by the vaccine. It’s published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. There is no coverage of this in the US mainstream media. The best we could find is this report on NTD News. Read the comments on that tweet including, “My friend's mom woke up terrified, unable to breathe. Her husband was by her side and called 911 but she was gone via cardiac arrest. She took a booster the morning before this transpired. It hits especially hard to think a child, alone, went through this. Rips my heart out.” The US mainstream media will continue to ignore all these deaths so that when it happens to them people will just think it is just their “bad luck,” but these stories are leaking on alternate media.

  18. The world’s most respected vaccine expert, Dr. Paul Offit, publicly admitted on a YouTube video that the whole FDA outside review process is a complete sham. The FDA doesn’t review the data, they hand the committee hundreds of pages right before the meeting (knowing that way they committee cannot review it), and then badger them to approve the vaccines without any efficacy data. Offit admitted that if there was a “hell no” option for his vote, that’s what he would have done. He basically said the others on the committee are brain-dead because there was no efficacy data to justify approval: they basically vote “yes” because that’s what they are expected to do and they want to stay on the committee. The government orders the drug even before they ask the FDA panel to review the data, proving the whole “review process” is a complete sham. Offit himself still hasn’t figured out the vaccines aren’t safe. He won’t have that discussion with anyone on our side. However, Paul Offit is completely oblivious to the fact that if there are no deaths, you can’t save any lives. For example, we know from the Massachusetts death data that there were zero deaths in 2020 and 2021 for ages 5 to 11 (there was just one death coded as a COVID death but we contacted the family and found out it wasn’t true). So how is there a “problem”? Nobody wants to talk about that. They don’t even know there were no deaths in a large state like Massachusetts.

  19. Pierre Kory told me a mainstream doc he knows admitted to him confidentially that attitudes are changing now. Doctors now realize they’ve been lied to, but nobody has the courage to speak out about it since they’d lose their license. So they keep quiet. But most of them know the vaccines are killing and injuring people of all ages.

  20. One of my nurse friends said that when a child had a cardiac incident recently, the entire trauma department thought “vaccine injury” as soon as they heard there was a teenager with a cardiac issue. However, none of the members of the trauma department will ever acknowledge any of this publicly because they know they will be fired for admitting the truth.

  21. Doctors are now willing to meet with members of Congress and brief them on what is going on. For example, I now have 25 doctors in California willing to risk their careers to speak out to members of Congress in California. These doctors work at hospitals all over California. It’s not local.

  22. Public health officials are now willing to be interviewed by me. I have one coming up on Monday July 11. Can you believe that? A public health official that will answer questions from me! I can’t wait.

  23. Alex Berenson was re-incarnated on Twitter. Twitter admits they removed him erroneously (after they told Alex that they had “carefully” reviewed his Tweets and found them problematic). All the rest of us in Twitter Heaven will miss having Alex around.

  24. A BBC documentary cannot get a simple statistic correct. But they corrected it after Professor Fenton pointed out the error. That is progress because it shows that the truth actually is starting to matter now. Read this:

  25. The journal Science tacitly admitted that they aren’t doing science anymore. We requested that they ask for a correction or retraction of an obviously flawed paper. The request was made by a highly respected UK Professor, Norman Fenton. They ignored him! In short, junk science is fine for their journal. I really think they should rename their journal to “Junk Science” as that would be more accurate. But it’s clear that they don’t care about accuracy. You can be sure they will stay quiet about this junk paper. That’s the way “science” works nowadays.

  26. I spoke with the CEO of a hospital near me. As soon as I sent him information about the vaccine being dangerous and suggested he could be a world leader by being the first hospital CEO to admit the truth, he stopped talking to me. So it’s actually promising he even responded to me even though he isn’t anymore. None of them want to be the first. They all want to keep their jobs. Your life is not important to them.

  27. I actually got a reporter from the San Jose Mercury News to respond to an email I sent. We’re actually still conversing. Boy, that’s a first.

  28. Fact checkers are now all afraid of me. Why? Because I got smart and I now insist on recording all conversations. Now they all refuse to talk to me. Because truth isn’t their focus.

  29. The US public is NOT permitted to know what is inside the vaccine. A FOIA to the British government confirmed “the full quantitative composition of all COVID-19 vaccines is exempt from FOI disclosure.” In Uruguay, a judge has ordered the vaccines halted until they disclose the contents. Here’s a story with more details on the situation in Uruguay. However, in the US, that would never happen. It’s perfectly fine in the US to mandate vaccination of Americans with substances that people are not permitted to know about. That’s just how it works. It’s important that the public NOT know the composition because if they knew, nobody would take it. That’s why it has to be kept secret. Get it? It’s for your own benefit.

  30. We are learning of huge conflicts of interest with up to $400M in payouts given to unknown people inside the US government. We are not allowed to know any of these details because it is considered confidential. In other words, it would not be in the public interest to have this known for some reason. Watch this video at 7 minutes and 30 seconds from the start. The FOIA response is redacted as you can see.

  31. Drownings are up. One source of drowning data is at NOAA surf zone fatalities:

    2015 54

    2016 66

    2017 73

    2018 80

    2019 93

    2020 93

    2021 129

    2021 increased 39%

    The highest increase year-over-year prior to 2021 was 22%.

    2021 was 51% higher than the 7 year average.

    Weaker hearts can't handle stressful swimming. Wonder why?

  32. When the CDC looked at the VAERS death data (the Hannah Rosenblum VAERS paper published in the Lancet) they said none of the excess deaths were caused by the vaccines but they never said what caused the deaths. Why didn’t anyone in the medical community or the press want to know the actual cause of the unprecedented number of excess deaths?

  33. Major Whoops!!! Sweden Study Shows COVID Jab Can Modify DNA, Opens Doors for New Lawsuits How will they ever counter this?? The vaccine is permanently modifying your DNA and not for the better. They said this couldn’t happen. Then how do they explain this? They don’t! They ignore it.

  34. How will they explain away all the sudden cardiac disease in kids?

    Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings
    Reports From the Front Lines of the Vaccine Catastrophe - Part 2
    In Part I of my “Reports from the Front Lines of the Vaccine Catastrophe,” I relayed first hand information from senior nurses who work in emergency rooms, hospital wards and intensive care units regarding unprecedented amounts of young people presenting with cancers, strokes, and heart attacks. For a brilliant, succinct layperson’s explanation as to th…
    Read more
  35. I had doctors look at over 600 vaccine death reports. They found that 3 died from CJD. Nobody can explain that. No fact checker will touch that. CJD is very rare. Having 3 cases right after vaccination is unexplainable. See:

    Steve Kirsch's newsletter
    My latest survey shows the vaccines should be stopped
    I did a survey recently directly to my readers and their friends to sanity test the results in the Pollfish surveys we’ve been doing. The results as of July 1, 2022 (519 vaccinated responses) are listed here…
    Read more

I’ll update this over time, but that’s the list off the top of my head on what is going on. The momentum is all moving in our direction from what I can see.

As always, check out the comments below for additional insights from my readers.

Source: Steve Kirsch's newsletter

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