Saturday, October 9, 2021

"How the Great Reset Was First Thought Up by the Original Proselytizer of Totalitarianism and the Father of Neo-Conservatism" by Cynthia Chung


How the Great Reset Was First Thought Up by the Original Proselytizer of Totalitarianism and the Father of Neo-Conservatism

Part Two of a Two-Part Series

Burnham describes how it is necessary that the masses believe the revolution to be beneficial to them when, in reality, it is just to transition from one ruling class to the other.

[James Burnham is] the real intellectual founder of the neoconservative movement and the original proselytizer, in America, of the theory of ‘totalitarianism.’

– Christopher Hitchens, For the Sake of Argument: Essay and Minority Reports

In the first part of this two part series, I went over how the roots for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset can very clearly be traced back to 80 years ago, when an American, former high-level Trotskyist who later went on to become the intellectual founding father of neo-conservatism, James Burnham, wrote a book on his vision for “The Managerial Revolution.” And that it was, in fact, these ideologies of Burnham that triggered Orwell to write his 1984.

From Trotsky’s Permanent Revolution to Global Fascism: Burnham’s Recruitment into Allen Dulles’ OPC

Burnham was a consultant to OPC on virtually every subject of interest to our organization. … He had extensive contacts in Europe and, by virtue of his Trotskyite background, was something of an authority on domestic and foreign Communist parties and front organizations.

E. Howard Hunt’s Memoirs (Watergate ‘plumber’ and famous CIA dirty trickster)

It is understandably the source of some confusion as to how a former high level Trotskyist became the founder of the neo-conservative movement; with the Trotskyists calling him a traitor to his kind, and the neo-conservatives describing it as an almost road to Damascus conversion in ideology.

However, the truth of the matter is that it is neither.

That is, James Burnham never changed his beliefs and convictions at any point during his journey through Trotskyism, OSS/CIA intelligence to neo-conservatism, although he may have back-stabbed many along the way, and this two-part series will go through why this is the case.

As I discussed in part one, Burnham had by May 21, 1940 officially resigned from the “‘philosophy of Marxism,’ dialectical materialism,” and by 1941 achieved fame and fortune with his book The Managerial Revolution.

Burnham, made clear in this book, that he was not only very ready to accept the outcome of a victorious Nazi Germany (this was his conclusion at the time), but that this was both a natural and an inevitable course that the entire world would have no choice but to follow. Burnham made no qualms that Nazi Germany was considered by himself as the most superior form of his concept of a “managerial society.”

He would go on to state in his The Managerial Revolution that the Russian Revolution, WWI and its aftermath, the Versailles Treaty gave final proof that capitalist world politics could no longer work and had come to an end. He described WWI as the last war of the capitalists and WWII as the first, but not last war, of the managerial society. And, that many more wars would have to be fought after WWII before a managerial society could finally fully take hold.

This ongoing war would lead to the destruction of sovereign nation states, such that only a small number of great nations would survive, culminating into the nuclei of three “super-states”, which Burnham predicted would be centered around the United States, Germany and Japan. He goes on to predict that these super-states will never be able to conquer the other and will be engaged in permanent war until some unforeseeable time.

He predicted that Russia would be broken in two, with the west being incorporated into the German sphere and the east into the Japanese sphere. (Note that this book was published in 1941, such that Burnham was clearly of the view that Nazi Germany and fascist Japan would be the victors of WWII.) Burnham states that “sovereignty will be restricted to the few super-states.”

This future of “forever wars” amongst a few super-states has obvious remnant influences from Trotsky’s “Permanent Revolution” militant ideology.

This was also just the kind of thing Allen Dulles was talent searching for.

During the 1920s and 1930s both Dulles brothers acted as significant players in the “Rearming of Germany by Night,” largely organised through their law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, which operated as the center of an intricate international network of banks, investment firms, and industrial conglomerates that helped rebuild Germany after WWI.

The German representative of the Dulles brothers’ law firm was Dr. Gerhardt Alois Westrick, who acted simultaneously as a financial agent for Hitler and an Abwehr spymaster in the United States. In January 1940 Westrick was given the title of Wehrwirtschaftsführer for his contributions to the war effort. He was then assigned by von Ribbentrop to undertake a mission to the United States to meet American business leaders and gain their support for Germany.1

Allen Dulles was also a director of the J. Henry Schroder bank, whose German chairman, SS General Baron Kurt von Schroder, was one of the main assistants to Schacht in organizing the fund that financed Hitler’s 1933 rise to power. Allen Dulles remained on the board of the Schroder Bank until 1944, well after he had taken his post as chief of the OSS in Switzerland.

Allen Dulles also worked very closely with Thomas McKittrick, an old Wall Street friend who was president of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Five of its directors would later be charged with war crimes, including Hermann Schmitz, one of the many Dulles’ law clients involved with BIS. Schmitz was the CEO of IG Farben, the chemical conglomerate that became notorious for its production of Zyklon B, the gas used in Hitler’s death camps, and for its extensive use of slave labour during the war. 2

David Talbot writes in his The Devil’s Chessboard:

The secretive BIS became a crucial financial partner for the Nazis. Emil Puhl – vice president of Hitler’s Reichsbank and a close associate of McKittrick – once called BIS the Reichsbank’s only ‘foreign branch.’ BIS laundered hundreds of millions of dollars in Nazi gold looted from the treasuries of occupied countries.

Allen Dulles was first recruited into the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in October 1941, a forerunner of sorts of the CIA. During most of his work with the OSS he was stationed in Bern, Switzerland, where he was later found to be implicated in a number of incredibly suspect activities that would raise concern that his allegiance and loyalty was really with Nazi Germany.

Such activities included sabotaging the success of operations by American intelligence and engaging in secret negotiations on behalf of individuals directly or indirectly affiliated with the Nazi Party, one of the most well-known incidents of this is Dulles’ curious conduct during Operation Sunrise, aka the Bern incident, in favour of SS Gen. Kurt Wolff.

[In a previous three-part series paper I go through further details of the fascist roots of the CIA, and how Allen Dulles, and his brother, Foster Dulles, play instrumental roles in all of this.]

The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was created as a department of the CIA in 1948, but operated as a rogue operation until October 1950. Many of the agency’s recruits were “ex” Nazis. 3

OPC was preceded by the Special Procedures Group (SPG), whose creation in March 1948 had been authorized in December 1947 with President Harry Truman’s approval of the top-secret policy paper NSC 4-A.

NSC 4-A was a new directive to cover “clandestine paramilitary operations, as well as political and economic warfare.”  This provided the authorization for the intervention of the CIA in the Italian elections of April 1948 (in favour of Italy’s Christian Democrats, which hid thousands of fascists in its ranks, over what would have been the election of the Communist Party of Italy, who were admired for leading the fight against Mussolini). This success in tampering with the Italian elections demonstrated that psychological/political warfare could be the key to “winning” the Cold War.

When OPC was created, it inherited all of SPG’s resources.

On June 18, 1948, NSC 4-A was replaced by NSC 10/2, creating the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). NSC 10/2 was the first presidential document which specified a mechanism to approve and manage covert operations, and also the first in which the term “covert operations” was defined.

George F. Kennan, the director of the State Department’s Policy Planning Staff, was the key figure behind the OPC’s creation. 4  Frank Wisner, who worked as a Wall Street lawyer for the law firm Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, was former OSS and very close to Allen Dulles. He would be called in from the State Department as OPC’s first director.

From 1948-1950 the OPC, though technically a department within the CIA, was not under the CIA’s control. It was a renegade operation run by Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner. OPC was brought under CIA control in October 1950, when Walter Bedell Smith became Director of Central Intelligence, and it was renamed the Directorate of Plans (for more on this refer to my paper).

During the period of 1948-1950, Dulles and Wisner were essentially operating their own private spy agency, likely with the special blessing of George F. Kennan, as the OPC was actually more beholden to the State Department than the CIA during this period. 5

During WWII, Burnham would leave his teaching post at NYU to work for the OSS and carried on to work for the CIA when the OSS was disbanded in September 1945. He would later be recommended by George F. Kennan to lead the semi-autonomous “Psychological Strategy Board” (PSB) division of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). 6

This is hardly a coincidence, as Jewish-American author Naomi Wiener Cohen states in her book Jacob H. Schiff: A Study in American Jewish Leadership concerning the disastrous effects to Russia of the British-inspired Russo-Japanese war (February 1904-September 1905), which provoked the 1905 Russian ‘revolution’ that lasted until 1907. That revolution paved the way for the overthrow of the Tsar and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks in the October revolution of 1917:

The Russo-Japanese war allied Schiff with George Kennan in a venture to spread revolutionary propaganda among Russian prisoners of war held by Japan (Kennan had access to these). The operation was a carefully guarded secret and not until the revolution of March 1917 was it publicly disclosed by Kennan. He then told how he had secured Japanese permission to visit the camps and how the prisoners had asked him for something to read. Arranging for the ‘Friends of Russian Freedom’ to ship over a ton of revolutionary material, he secured Schiff’s financial backing. As Kennan told it, fifty thousand officers and men returned to Russia [as] ardent revolutionists. There they became fifty thousand “seeds of liberty” in one hundred regiments that contributed to the overthrow of the Tsar.

Thus one can make a good case that George Kennan brought Burnham in, specifically due to his history as an experienced high-level Trotskyist with “the right stuff,” for his, as Orwell puts it, readiness to worship the power of the moment and his agreement that ultimate power could only be achieved through a “permanent revolution.”

George Kennan was also not an ideological socialist, best known as the author of the Cold War strategy of “containment,” he adamantly opposed FDR’s recognition of the Soviet Union, refused to support the United States working with the Soviets in defeating Hitler, accusing Stalin of being just as bad…or perhaps he preferred Hitler’s succession to power?

Kennan writes in his Memoirs:

We should have no relationship at all with them [the Soviets]…Never- neither then nor at any later date- did I consider the Soviet Union a fit ally or associate, actual or potential, for this country.

Kennan made it clear he was no fan of Stalin’s Soviet Union, but he certainly thought differently about the uses of “former” militant Trotskyists. Possibly it was this branch of the Bolsheviks he truly wished to see succeed? Perhaps they were to play a similar role for subversion from within in the United States as they did in Russia?

[In a future installment I will discuss how “former” Trotskyists infiltrated the RAND Corporation, the Pentagon, and the CIA (as part of the second purge of American intelligence). For part of the story you can refer here.]

As Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould put it in their excellent article “How the CIA Created a Fake Western Reality for Unconventional Warfare”:

Burnham functioned as a critical connection between Wisner’s office and the intelligentsia moving from the extreme left to the extreme right with ease. Burnham found the congress to be a place to inveigh not just against Communism but against the non-communist left as well and left many wondering whether his views weren’t as dangerous to liberal democracy as Communism.

According to Frances Stoner Saunders [author of the acclaimed book The Cultural Cold War, members of the British delegation found the rhetoric coming out of the congress to be a deeply troubling sign of things to come… ‘I felt, well, these are the same people who seven years ago were probably baying in the same way to similar German denunciations of Communism coming from Dr. Goebbels in the Sports Palast. And I felt, well, what sort of people are we identifying with? That was the greatest shock to me. There was a moment during the Congress when I felt that we were being invited to summon up Beelzebub in order to defeat Stalin.’

The Congress for Cultural Freedom didn’t need Beelzebub. It already had him in the form of Burnham, [Sidney] Hook and Wisner, and by 1952, the party was just getting started… In 1953 Burnham was called upon again by Wisner to reach beyond Communism to help overthrow the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in Tehran, Iran…His book, The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom, would become the CIA’s manual for displacing Western culture with an alternative doctrine for endless conflict in a world of oligarchs. [emphasis added]

The Machiavellians: Burnham’s “Managerial” Defenders of Freedom

The modern state … is an engine of propaganda, alternately manufacturing crises and claiming to be the only instrument that can effectively deal with them. This propaganda, in order to be successful, demands the cooperation of writers, teachers, and artists not as paid propagandists or state-censored time-servers but as ‘free’ intellectuals capable of policing their own jurisdictions and of enforcing acceptable standards of responsibility within the various intellectual professions.

– Christopher Lasch “The Agony of the American Left”, author of Britain’s Secret Propaganda War

In Burnham’s The Managerial Revolution, he writes:

Most of these intellectuals are not in the least aware that the net social effect of the ideologies which they elaborate contributes to the power and privilege of the managers and to the building of a new structure of class rule in society. As in the past, the intellectuals believe that they are speaking in the name of truth and for the interests of all humanity…Indeed, the intellectual, without usually being aware of it, elaborate the new ideologies from the point of view of the position of the managers.

What this means is that the intellectuals, themselves, do not understand who, in fact, will benefit in the end by the philosophies and theories they support and defend.  They are mere instruments for the propagation of a new ruling class and hold no true power. Aldous Huxley’s, who also promoted a managerial ruling class in his Brave New World, speech to naïve Berkeley students, titled “The Ultimate Revolution” comes to mind…

As Huxley put it:

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it.

As already stated, Burnham had been recommended by George F. Kennan to lead the semi-autonomous “Psychological Strategy Board” (PSB) division of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). The PSB D-33/2, created on May 5, 1953, laid out the strategy for how “free intellectuals” could be manipulated against their own interests to facilitate a CIA dictated transformation of Western culture. In fact, as Frances Stoner Saunders makes the point in The Cultural Cold War, it is likely Burnham, himself, was the one to draft PSB D-33/2.

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould write in The Final Stage of the Machiavellian Elite’s Takeover of America:

PSB D-33/2 foretells of a ‘long-term intellectual movement, to: break down world-wide doctrinaire thought patterns’ while ‘creating confusion, doubt and loss of confidence’ in order to ‘weaken objectively the intellectual appeal of neutralism and to predispose its adherents towards the spirit of the West.’ The goal was to ‘predispose local elites to the philosophy held by the planners,’ while employing local elites ‘would help to disguise the American origin of the effort so that it appears to be a native development.’

While declaring itself as an antidote to Communist totalitarianism, one internal critic of the program, PSB officer Charles Burton Marshall, viewed PSB D-33/2 itself as frighteningly totalitarian, interposing ‘a wide doctrinal system’ that ‘accepts uniformity as a substitute for diversity,’ embracing ‘all fields of human thought — all fields of intellectual interests, from anthropology and artistic creations to sociology and scientific methodology.’ He concluded: ‘That is just about as totalitarian as one can get.’

With The Machiavellians, Burnham had composed the manual that forged the old Trotskyist left together with a right-wing Anglo/American elite. The political offspring of that volatile union would be called neoconservatism, whose overt mission would be to roll back Russian/Soviet influence everywhere . Its covert mission would be to reassert a British cultural dominance over the emerging Anglo/American Empire and maintain it through propaganda. ” [emphasis added]

As already discussed in part one, Burnham describes how it is necessary that the masses believe the revolution to be beneficial to them, when in reality it is just to transition from one ruling class to the other. The promise of some form of socialism free from the oppression of capitalism is offered, but the masses are told that true socialism will need time and can only be achieved further in the future. In the meantime, a managerial class is put in place.

Burnham writes:

The ideology must ostensibly speak in the name of ‘humanity,’ ‘the people,’ ‘the race,’ ‘the future,’ ‘God,’ ‘destiny,’ and so on. Furthermore, in spite of the opinion of many present-day cynics, not just any ideology is capable of appealing to the sentiments of the masses. It is more than a problem of skilful propaganda technique. A successful ideology has got to seem to the masses, in however confused a way, actually to express some of their own interests.

…At the present time, the ideologies that can have a powerful impact, that can make a real headway, are, naturally, the managerial ideologies, since it is these that alone correspond with the actual direction of events…In place of the ‘individual,’ the stress turns to the ‘state,’ the people, the folk, the race…In place of private enterprise, ‘socialism’ [only by name] or ‘collectivism.’ In place of ‘freedom’ and ‘free initiative,’ planning. Less talk about ‘rights’ and ‘natural rights’; more about ‘duties’ and ‘order’ and ‘discipline.’ Less about ‘opportunity’ and more about ‘jobs’.

He goes on to discuss the need to change the meaning of words such “destiny,” “the future,” “sacrifice,” “power,” from the old ideologies of capitalism to suit the new ideologies of managerialism.

George Orwell would address this in his 1984, where Burnham’s The Managerial Revolution appears pseudonymously as “The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism.”

Burnham continues:

There will be no the managerial ideology any more than there was a the capitalist ideology. The several managerial ideologies will, however, revolve around a common axis, as the capitalist ideologies revolved around a common and different axis…In this country, Technocracy and the much more important New Dealism are embryonic and less-developed types of primitive, native-American managerial ideologies.

Burnham’s reference to New Dealism as a managerial policy may be troubling to some; however, Burnham only looks at the mechanics of a social situation and its potential uses in a managerial society. It does not mean that the thing he is talking about as it is currently functioning is a form of oppression on the people. As Burnham states in his book, Roosevelt’s New Dealism is not what was intended on paper so to speak.

Burnham writes:

The firmest representatives of the New Deal are not Roosevelt or the other conspicuous ‘New Deal politicians,’ but the younger group of administrators, experts, technicians, bureaucrats who have been finding places throughout the state apparatus…in short, managers.

Keynes’ vision for New Dealism opposed that of Roosevelt. Burnham expresses frustration that a man that had nothing to do with the creation of an idea was now pulling the strings. For more on this refer here. One example of the sort of New Dealism Burnham is referencing, fit for his vision of a managerial society, can be found in the Green New Deal, or the anti-BRI Build Back Better for the World (aka: B3W).

These are the sorts of ideologies we are told will be universally beneficial, when in reality they are meant to benefit a select ruling class, in this case a managerial class, with the intention to maximize global control to the detriment of the majority.

As Orwell put it in his essay “Second Thoughts on Burnham”:

It will be seen that Burnham’s theory is not, strictly speaking, a new one. Many earlier writers have foreseen the emergence of a new kind of society, neither capitalist nor Socialist, and probably based upon slavery…

The Great Reset: Oligarchical Collectivism

What you radicals, and we who hold opposing views differ about, is not so much the end as the means, not so much what should be brought about, as how it should, and can, be brought about.

Otto H. Kahn (speaking to the League of Industrial Democracy in New York December  30th, 1924), partner of Jacob Schiff and Felix Warburg’s Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and director of American International Corp.

Burnham concludes in his The Managerial Revolution:

The new world political system based on a small number of super-states will still leave problems-more, perhaps, than a unified single world-state; but it will be enough of a ‘solution’ for society to keep going. Nor is there any sufficient reason to believe that these problems of the managerial world system, including the managerial wars, will ‘destroy civilization.’ It is almost inconceivable even what it could mean for civilization – to be literally destroyed. Once again: what is being destroyed is our civilization, not civilization.

For the destruction of our civilization, this is precisely the intent of the World Economic Forum and its Club of Rome/Henry Kissinger affiliations, and it is their intention that the very people who will be enslaved by such a ruling class, will ironically be the ones who passionately fight to see it through. The masses, themselves, will be the ones willing to sacrifice and defend at all costs a growing power structure that intends to bring about their very own destruction.

There are perhaps even those who know this and believe in such a cause nonetheless. After all, if they agree that “the real enemy is humanity itself” as concluded by the Club of Rome on solving the problems of mankind, then the destruction of our civilization is not only justified, it is also our duty to bring it about.

But if such an ideology proves to be a sham, a fairy-tale meant to benefit a select ruling class, its believers will be complicit in bringing about the most atrocious crimes ever committed upon humanity in our entire history of existence.

We are now standing on that precipice…

Orwell concludes in his “Second Thoughts on Burnham”:

It is curious that in all his talk about the struggle for power, Burnham never stops to ask why people want power. He seems to assume that power hunger, although only dominant in comparatively few people, is a natural instinct that does not have to be explained, like the desire for food. He also assumes that the division of society into classes serves the same purpose in all ages. This is practically to ignore the history of hundreds of years…The question that he ought to ask, and never does ask, is: Why does the lust for naked power become a major human motive exactly now, when the dominion of man over man is ceasing to be necessary? As for the claim that ‘human nature’, or ‘inexorable laws’ of this and that, make Socialism impossible, is simply a projection of the past into the future. In effect, Burnham argues that because a society of free and equal human beings has never existed, it never can exist. By the same argument one could have demonstrated the impossibility of aeroplanes in 1900, or of motor cars in 1850.

…so long as they [the Nazis] were winning, Burnham seems to have seen nothing wrong with the methods of the Nazis…This implies that literally anything can become right or wrong if the dominant class of the moment so wills it…That a man of Burnham’s gifts should have been able for a while to think of Nazism as something rather admirable, something that could and probably would build up a workable and durable social order shows, what damage is done to the sense of reality by the cultivation of what is now called ‘realism’.

[For the footnotes to this article, please go to the source.]


 Cynthia Chung is a lecturer, writer and co-founder and editor of the Rising Tide Foundation (Montreal, Canada). She can be reached at Read other articles by Cynthia.

  Source: Dissident Voice


"Shame on colleges preparing American kids for the ‘real world’ by teaching them to become master snitches" by Helen Buyniski


Shame on colleges preparing American kids for the ‘real world’ by teaching them to become master snitches

Helen Buyniski
Helen Buyniski

is an American journalist and political commentator at RT. Follow her on Twitter @velocirapture23 and on Telegram

Shame on colleges preparing American kids for the ‘real world’ by teaching them to become master snitches
US universities are training kids to rat out their classmates for not bowing to mask mandates, speech codes, and other micromanaging police state edicts. If college is about preparing for the real world, they’re doing a great job.

It says a lot about how far the one-time ‘land of the free’ has declined that college students are being trained in how to act as members of a digital Stasi, suppressing all stirrings of rebellion among their classmates. Campus authorities reward the rats for turning their peers in over the slightest infraction of an unspoken but increasingly restrictive political code, adding the equivalent of a few points to their social credit score. Whether the issue is critical race theory, Covid-19 mandates, or anything in between – schools are finding ways to use them as wedges to turn students against one another - great practice for the real world, where pitched political battles dog every discipline from mathematics to media studies. 

Also on Biden teased his vaccine mandates two weeks ago, so what’s the hold-up? Has he realized just how badly wrong this is going to go?

Michigan State University directs students to report any problems with their college experience to the “Culturally Inclusive College Sharing System” (CIC), which teaches them that free speech is an outmoded artifact of less-tolerant times. Any words or actions they think were intended to “intimidate, demean, mock, degrade, marginalize, or threaten” their “identities” – “real or perceived,” as an incredulous Campus Reform writer specified earlier this month – are indeed harmful, the program affirms. When filling in the reporting form on the school’s website, the student snitch even has the option to select whether they are requesting retaliation from college authorities or merely ratting for ratting’s sake. Thus, even if they’re not offended, students can “help track trends and help determine patterns,” i.e. feed student actions into the maw of some vast artificial intelligence that will eventually be able to predict students’ behavior better than they themselves could ever hope to do.

Coincidentally (or not), AI is one of the top growth industries on many financial analysts’ projections for the coming decade. Playing janitor to some sprawling Lovecraftian AI is a burgeoning field unlike few others students have a chance to study in college. Management consultancies and private equity firms, once the post-college destination of choice for aimless student overachievers, have in many cases shifted focus away from assembling human brain trusts to programming massive AI supercomputers that do the heavy lifting of guessing where the markets are going next.

Meanwhile, schools are paying student “health ambassadors” to “combat vaccine misinformation and build vaccine confidence within their campus communities.” Not only are they expected to spread the gospel of vaccination to peers who have already heard it from every screen in their lives, but they’re required to report back to headquarters regarding how their work has helped shift attitudes about the Covid-19 vaccine – and presumably rat out any holdouts. 

Schools like the University of Cincinnati have even deputized students to snitch on themselves, forcing them to download apps that track potential Covid-19 symptoms. Oakland University attempted to skip the smartphone entirely with a requirement that students wear a ‘BioButton’ that tracks symptoms itself with no wearer input. While that one was made optional following a massive student resistance campaign, it’s the exception rather than the rule. 

Some 80% of students in a recent Campus Reform poll admit engaging in self-censorship, having learned quickly from watching their peers’ downfall that cancellation – for holding the “wrong” views about race, gender, Covid-19, presidential politics, or any of a dozen other topics – can be a fate worse than death.

And it’s just as well – now that more students are taking remote classes rather than submit to the jab du jour, they’re being tracked with software that snoops on everything from their surroundings to their eye movements. 

As some economic analysts have argued, “Data is the new oil,” and young adults have had their data slurped up since Baby’s First iPad. Adding a new level of surveillance cements their (erroneous) belief that the future must be based on the rape of privacy. Trillion-dollar companies like Google, with more power than most countries, are serving up users’ internet histories based on the use of supposedly incriminating search keywords, and with 5G allowing for 24/7 real-time surveillance, the situation will only get worse. Good thing college students are being so well-prepared!

Also on With US cops spooked by George Floyd-era backlash, an app is paying the poor to police themselves – at a fraction of the cost

Another version of the student snitch program stationed the ‘ambassadors’ at high-traffic points in hallways, where they were authorized to lecture fellow students for failing to mask up or maintain social distance. Students at Penn State and Purdue University, among other schools, have been indefinitely suspended – threatened with tuition confiscation in some cases – for behaving like normal college kids, skipping Covid-19 testing appointments or threatening to attend a party. They learn that one can be deprived of assets based on arbitrary rules, preparing them for dirty little secrets like civil asset forfeiture, an obscene practice in which police take more money from Americans annually than burglars do every year.

Even those students who meticulously toe the line are finding that their personal information ends up plastered across the internet. California State University Chico admitted in August that a spreadsheet containing the names and personal information of 130 students who’d applied for vaccine exemptions from the school’s Covid-19 mandate had been “leaked” online.

Students learned several valuable lessons here. The separation of church and state, one of the most deeply cherished foundation myths of the US, no longer exists: the state is the church, as New York Governor Kathy Hochul made clear on the opposite coast earlier this month when she called Covid-19 vaccines “a gift from God” – without specifying whose God.

And those willing to stand up for their principles but still determined to play by the rules using ‘legitimate’ vaccine loopholes learned in no uncertain terms that there would be consequences to their rebellion – the opposite of the feel-good dogma they grew up with stating that every child is special and unique, or even the traditionally American doctrine of bodily autonomy. To get ahead, they learn, they have no choice but to break the rules... or be broken.

American society has slid so far downhill it can probably never be pushed back up again, to the point where the most valued skills lie at the nexus of the ability to create, enforce, and obey byzantine thickets of arbitrary rules, many with fees attached. Predictions of future growth industries are loaded with fields like AI, cybersecurity, e-learning, and tele-health – all fields that, while not especially popular among liberal arts colleges, are everywhere in the interstitial spaces of the university experience and all but require the exploitation of one’s fellow man to achieve success. The more young adults are thus indoctrinated, the more difficult it will be to ultimately reprogram our broken society – and the tighter a grip the successful snitches will have on whatever is left. Perhaps the US should ditch the bald eagle as its national animal and adopt the rat.

Source: RT

"Nazi Healthcare Revived Across the Five Eyes: A Eugenic Solution for the Baby Boomer Time Bomb" by Matthew Ehret


Nazi Healthcare Revived Across the Five Eyes: A Eugenic Solution for the Baby Boomer Time Bomb

By Matthew Ehret

“The ill-conceived `love of thy neighbor’ has to disappear, especially in relation to inferior or asocial creatures. It is the supreme duty of a national state to grant life and livelihood only to the healthy and hereditarily sound portion of the people in order to secure the maintenance of a hereditarily sound and racially pure folk for all eternity….”

-Dr. Arthur Guett, Nazi Director of Public Health, 1935

The words spoken by Dr. Guett 85 years ago should send shivers down the spine of anyone following the radical transformations of healthcare policy now underway within the Five Eyes zone of influence.

As many people are now aware, embedded within the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package is a $40 billion program to revive and expand the corpse of Obama Care’s enrollment protocols and the worst aspects of State directed medical resource allocation for the most vulnerable (and financially burdensome) of society. While few details have been unveiled beyond a mass expansion of enrollment into the plan on a revived, several red alarms have been raised which began with the appointment of Obama-care architect Ezekiel Emmanuel to Biden’s COVID task force last year and the re-ascendency of hives of cost-cutting behaviorists to positions of power.

Before I proceed, a small disclaimer is in order.

Just because I am about to viciously criticize Biden/Obama-care, and the accelerated expansion of euthanasia across Five Eyes nations, it does NOT mean that I support free-market “greed-is-good” HMOs that were brought online by Nixon in 1973.

As I wrote in my recent trilogy exposing the contrived debates between “statist” Malthusian John Maynard Keynes vs “individualist” Malthusian Friedrich von Hayek, the deceptive dichotomy of top-down vs bottom-up economic thinking which has brainwashed several generations of Americans is a chimera with no bearing in reality. Real economics that befits human life and dignity has always defended the whole of society while also protecting the inalienable rights and liberties of each individual within society.

If you are a technocrat looking down from your ivory mathematical tower at the impending crises hitting civilization, you would not believe a word of what I just said. Rather you would be looking at a glaring “mathematical disequilibrium” rushing towards us like a tsunami: The western population concentrated in the Transatlantic nations is facing a demographic time bomb the likes of which has never been seen in history, called by some “the babyboomer demographic time bomb”.

Even before COVID-19 annihilated much of the world economy, the baby boomer demographic time bomb was discussed by think tanks and policy makers far and wide. During the past 25 years, young people increasingly put off having children (with a 4.4% collapse in birthrates during the Dec. 2019-Dec 2020 year of COVID). Today western fertility levels have fallen to 1.7 children/woman which is far below the 2.1 children/woman levels needed to replace the population.

During this time, the baby boomer generation born between 1945-1960 increasingly found themselves beset with grey hair, and increased healthcare needs in their old age. The first wave hit retirement age in 2010. While technological advances have extended average life expectancy from 61 years (in 1935) to 81 years (today), the demographic imbalance of young : old means that working society will essentially be incapable of economically supporting the retired according to the current formula.

For example:

By 2030, it is currently estimated people over the age of 85 will triple while seniors between 65-85 will double. The financial costs of sustaining this demographic will skyrocket as healthcare services double from their currently massive $1.4 trillion/year to $3 trillion/year by 2050 (in the USA).

As cost-effectiveness experts look at this dismal trend, all they can see is a cold numbers game.

When thinking about our old people, these experts don’t tend to see humans with cognitive powers, souls or intrinsic value and they certainly don’t recognize the existence of such immaterial notions as the “sacred” which might prevent the culling of lives in order to satisfy monetary constraints.

They certainly don’t recognize the injustices of a system that allows trillions of dollars to be spent for Wall Street bailouts and Middle East wars but which fails to provide the medical resources to service its own population fairly. The experts I am talking about who once ruled America under Barack Obama and who have resurged into power under Biden only see the cold fact that 80% or more of the healthcare costs absorbed throughout one’s life occur after 65 years of age. These experts can only think in terms of adapting to scarcity and supposedly “fixed limits” but never eliminating scarcity through systemic changes that place human life and creative thought on a higher priority than mere money.

With ever fewer young people entering the work force (and with the financial system itself set to meltdown under hyperinflation), two options present themselves:

1)     Recognize that the system is broken and transform it in such a way that national spending priorities are re-directed towards large-scale, long term infrastructure building and cooperation with other nations among the multipolar alliance


2)     Work within the rules of the broken system and cull the human herd to diminish costs associated with “scarce medical resources”.

The Genocidal Mind of Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel

As it stands, the individual most responsible for reviving Obamacare and the associated “Independent Payment Advisory Board” (IPAB) of cost-effectiveness “experts” under Joe Biden is the same figure who crafted the original Affordable Care Act (aka: Obamacare) in 2009. While acting as Obama’s health advisor from 2009-2011, Ezekiel Emmanuel wrote a bone chilling study called “Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions” in the Lancet. In this revealing document, Ezekiel’s vision for a new ethic of healthcare management was enunciated with the “Complete Lives System” that would be used to justify who among the needy of society competing for scraps of the shrinking pie, will receive care (i.e: expensive cancer screenings, treatments, drugs), and who will be left to die when he wrote:

“When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 to 40 years gets the most substantial chances, whereas the youngest and the oldest people get chances that are attenuated.”

Overthrowing the entire edifice of Judeo-Christian values that defined human life as sacred as well as the pesky Hippocratic oath which prevents physicians from doing any harm willfully to their patients, Emmanuel describes exactly what he intends by his “priority curve” and “attenuated chances” for the young and old saying:

“Strict youngest-first allocation directs scarce resources predominantly to infants. This approach seems incorrect. The death of a 20-year-old woman is intuitively worse than that of a 2-month-old girl, even though the baby has had less life. The 20 year old has a much more developed personality than the infant, and has drawn upon the investment of others to begin as yet-unfulfilled projects… adolescents have received substantial education and parental care, investment that will be wasted without a complete life: infants by contrast, have not yet received these investments… it is terrible when an infant dies, but worse, most people think, when a three year old child dies, and worse still when an adolescent dies.”

That’s right: Emmanuel’s “cost-effective” curve asserts that the life of a 20-year-old is more worthy of life than that of a 3-year-old, or 75 year old. In the latter two cases, society has invested either too little to make that young life worth saving or has invested too much already (relative to the financial worth of the low QALY senior).

In a more recent 2014 article published in the Atlantic, called Why I Hope to Die at 75’Emmanuel explained his belief that anyone attempting to prolong their life beyond 75 is delusional, selfish and pathetic stating: “I think this manic desperation to endlessly extend life is misguided and potentially destructive. For many reasons, 75 is a pretty good age to aim to stop.”

When Obama came to power in 2008, many were confused with his decision to destroy any actual proposals for universal health coverage for which he had apparently campaigned (such as Rep. John Conyers single-payer Bill H.R. 676). Instead of supporting Conyer’s bill, Obama and his hive of Economic Behaviorists only amplified the power of the private HMOs by forcing citizens to purchase coverage while infusing billions of tax payer funds into private insurers.

The reason was simple: Conyers’ bill didn’t mandate cuts to healthcare spending, but rather amplified spending for health services while providing healthcare to all Americans with no strings attached. Obama’s controllers had other ideas, as the former president stated in 2010:

“We believe the reforms we’ve proposed to strengthen Medicare and Medicaid will enable us to keep these commitments to our citizens while saving us $500 billion by 2023, and an additional $1 trillion in the decade after that.”

A paradox arises: How was Obama planning to extend medical coverage to the 27 million uninsured while cutting $1 trillion in health expenditures over a decade?

Quality Adjusted Life Years and Death Panels

Ezekiel Emmanuel made the point in his 2009 report that the key to cost cutting in health care would be found in the application of Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) under the control of independent panels of experts. The QALY system was itself pioneered under Britain’s National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) and Liverpool Care Pathway System which were driving forces behind the corruption of Britain’s National Healthcare System (NHS) from 1999-present. The former head of NICE (Sir Michael Rawlins) defined QALYs in the following terms in a March 2009 interview with Time Magazine:

“It’s based on the cost of a measure called the ‘quality-adjusted life year.’ A QALY scores your health on a scale from zero to one: zero if you’re dead and one if you’re in perfect health. You find out as a result of a treatment where a patient would move up the scale. If you do a hip replacement, the patient might start at 0.5 and go up to 0.7, improving 0.2. You can assume patients live for an average of 15 years following hip replacements. And .2 times 15 equals three quality adjusted life years. If the hip replacement costs £10,000 to do, it’s 10,000 divided by three, which equals £3,333. That figure is the cost per QALY.”

Another co-architect of Obamacare alongside Emmanuel was a fellow named Sir Donald Berwick (knighted in 2005) who stated candidly that“the decision is not whether or not we will ration care- the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”

Another key behaviorist assigned to create Obamacare was MIT professor Jonathan Gruber who created a scandal when he admitted on camera to using obscurantist language and secrecy when he said “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass”.

Another leading Obama-era behaviorist who has also returned to power under Biden is Cass Sunstein (Obama’s regulatory czar) who wrote“once we know that people are human and have some Homer Simpson in them, then there’s a lot that can be done to manipulate them.”

The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) which Berwick wished to guide US health reform gives us another insight into the genocidal nature of this utilitarian approach to health services. According to Professor Pullicino, over 130,000 deaths/year were caused by the LCP which had gained influence over hospitals, hospices, nursing homes in the UK between 1995-2013. The LCP had essentially pressured thousands of healthcare providers to put millions of sick and elderly (and expensive) patients onto “End of Life” lists without their consent resulting in forced dehydration and morphine drips to accelerate deaths despite the fact that life-saving treatments were still available. The scandal caused by these revelations resulted in the LCP’s dissolution in 2014 although the Daily Telegraph pointed out that the program was merely rebranded and continues to this day.

Together, Berwick, Gruber and Emmanuel ensured that hospitals would be penalized for overtreating patients, and cancelled Medicaid coverage for swaths of cancer drugs and screenings for patients whose needs outpaced their QALYs. This logic may work when deciding to scrap an old car but creates severe moral dilemmas when applied to grandma.

You might now ask: But why must doctors abide by the demands of an independent board of cost-cutting experts? Why would doctors not simply reject the demands that abrogated their Hippocratic oaths and consciences?

With 2/3rd of all doctors beholden to other larger employers (vs the 85% of US physicians who were self-employed in 1963), the pressure to abide by rules of scarcity and cost-effectiveness mandates imposed by technocrats have grown immensely. As surgeries, cancer screenings and ambulatory services have been drastically cut under COVID protocols, hospitals which rely on government funding have suffered financially and have been losing $50 billion/month according to Rick Pollack (President of the American Hospital Association) who recently stated “I think it’s fair to say that hospitals are facing perhaps the greatest challenge that they have ever faced in their history.”

Euthanasia Across the Five Eyes

After decades of lobbying funded in large measure by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations globally, there are currently five nations which have completely legalized euthanasia (Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Columbia) while nine states in the USA have followed suite.

In Canada, euthanasia laws were first passed in 2016 with fairly strict restrictions requiring patients be terminally ill with a prognosis of six months or less while also being mentally sound directly before death is induced.

Yet, just after the US elections in 2020, and under the fog of COVID, Canadian House of Commons passed the Medical Assistance in Dying Act (Bill C7) which entirely removed all safeguards including requirements of a “reasonably foreseeable” death, long waiting periods and requirements of mental competency immediately prior to death.

Should the Senate pass the bill later this month as is currently expected, anyone suffering from depression (which has radically skyrocketed among the elderly and incapacitated locked in isolation from their friends and loved ones under months of COVID lockdown) may now request death at 9am in the morning and be killed by noon. The typical long waiting times that gave depressed people a chance to self-reflect is now long gone.

Similar euthanasia protocols have ramped up across Australia as several states and territories have seen assisted suicide protocols applied under COVID-19. Among them Tasmania has announced euthanasia will be legalized on March 5, 2021, and Queensland will bring the “service” online by May 2021. Victoria was the first state to usher in euthanasia in June 2019 and Western Australia’s euthanasia laws will take effect in mid-2021. In New Zealand, the last of the Five Eyes states under examination, the vote to legalize euthanasia occurred in October 2020 and will be implemented this summer.

Rather than allowing oneself to get sucked into the abyss of bioethical mind games surrounding medical assisted suicide, it is more useful to keep these following questions in mind:

WHY are medical resources so supposedly scarce among the most developed sectors of the world?

Why do nations in across the trans Atlantic face such shortages of hospitals, doctors, screening treatments?

Why do hospitals continuously find themselves closing their doors while per capita beds decrease with every year?[1]

Why do citizens tolerate trillions of dollars spent on never-ending regime change wars abroad and bailouts to Wall Street speculators while accepting the idea that money for healthcare is intrinsically limited?

Revisiting Hitler’s T4 Health Reforms

After the Nuremburg hearings saw 7 of the 23 Nazi doctors (including Dr. Guett) put to death for their role in Hitler’s Tiergarten Fier health reforms, Nuremburg counsel Dr. Leo Alexander wrote in 1949:

“Whatever proportions these crimes finally assumed, it became evident to all who investigated them that they had started from small beginnings. The beginnings at first were merely a subtle shift in emphasis in basic attitude, basic in the euthanasia movement, that there is such a thing as life not worthy to be lived. This attitude in its early stages concerned itself merely with the severely and chronically sick. Gradually, the sphere of those to be included in this category was enlarged to encompass the socially unproductive, the ideologically unwanted, the racially unwanted, then finally all non-Germans. But it is important to realize that the infinitely small wedged-in lever from which this entire trend of mind received its impetus was the attitude toward the non-rehabilitatable sick”

In his essay, Dr. Alexander described the growth of the euthanasia laws in fascist Germany as the concept “lives unworthy of life” was first introduced into health policy. Under the guidance of “expert panels”, the T4 health codes soon became a driving force of eugenics that saw 270,000 non-Jewish Germans killed starting with handicapped children and elderly before the policy was expanded to embrace Jews, Gypsies and other target “unfit” groups.

As investigative journalist Nancy Spannaus wrote in 2013:

“The implication was clear. However, Hitler did not give his general order for killing off the insane (and others) until the war began, and resources became even scarcer. The order was written by hand by Hitler in October 1939–and backdated by him to the first day of the war, in September. In preparing it, he had stated that he “considered it to be proper that the `life unworthy of life’ of severely mentally ill persons be eliminated by actions that bring about death.” In this way, “a certain saving in hospitals, doctors, and nursing personnel could be brought about.” The title of Hitler’s order was “The Destruction of Lives Unworthy of Life,” and the standard was, as the order said, that the patients “considered incurable according to the best available human judgment of their state of health, be accorded a mercy death.”

The fact that the organizations promoting the rise of this eugenics policy throughout Nazi Germany and North America included such powerhouses as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the Human Sterilization League for Human Betterment (today renamed “Engender Health”) which have all taken leading roles in the World Health Organization over recent decades is more than a little concerning. The fact that these eugenics organizations simply re-branded themselves after WWII and are now implicated in modern RNA vaccine development alongside the Galton Institute (formerly British Eugenics Association), Oxford’s AstraZeneca, Pfizer and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should give any serious thinker pause as we consider what patterns of history we are willing to tolerate repeating in our presently precarious age.

[1] In 1980, the USA had 5810 community hospitals spread across 3000 counties with 6 beds allocated per 1000 people (987,000 beds total for 227 million citizens). By 2013, total beds had fallen by 25% and 15% of the hospitals had disappeared resulting in 3 beds/1000 people despite the fact that the population had grown by 130 million.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , a BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and in 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation . Consider helping this process by making a donation to the RTF or becoming a Patreon supporter to the Canadian Patriot Review.

Source: Canadian Patriot Review

‘Superspreader of misinformation’: New York Times corrects story that exaggerated child Covid-19 hospitalizations by over 90%


‘Superspreader of misinformation’: New York Times corrects story that exaggerated child Covid-19 hospitalizations by over 90%

‘Superspreader of misinformation’: New York Times corrects story that exaggerated child Covid-19 hospitalizations by over 90%
The New York Times had to issue a doozy of a correction on an article by its Covid-19 reporter Apoorva Mandavilli, who somehow inflated the number of US children hospitalized with the virus to 14 times the actual level.

Mandavilli claimed in her article, published on Tuesday, that nearly 900,000 Covid-infected children had been hospitalized in the US since the pandemic began. As the Times admitted on Thursday, the available data shows that the correct figure from August 2020 to October 2021 was more than 63,000.

The inaccuracies didn’t stop there. The correction also noted that contrary to Mandavilli’s reporting, Sweden and Denmark haven’t begun offering single-dose vaccines to children. The newspaper added that the story misstated the timing of an upcoming FDA meeting regarding proposed use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in children as young as five years old.

The scale of the erroneous hospitalization figure was reminiscent of gaffes by President Joe Biden, such as saying 120 million Americans had died from Covid-19 and 150 million had been killed by gun violence. It’s not clear how the blunder occurred, but the mainstream media has been accused of hyping the severity of the pandemic. A hidden-camera investigation by Project Veritas in April purported to show a CNN technical director saying the outlet purposely stoked fears of Covid-19 to boost ratings.

Ironically, the Times itself has decried Covid-19 misinformation. For instance, the newspaper posted an article earlier this week vilifying Dr. Joseph Mercola as “the most influential spreader of coronavirus misinformation.” In August, the Times said ‘Russian disinformation’ was being spread to suggest that the Biden administration would impose a Covid-19 vaccine mandate. A month later, Biden ordered that healthcare facilities, federal contractors and businesses with more than 100 employees force their workers to be inoculated, taking the choice over getting the jab away from about 100 million Americans.

While the Times and other mainstream outlets have billed themselves as the arbiters of truth, Mandavilli’s error-laced article is only the latest in a long line of inaccurate reporting by the newspaper. For example, the newspaper falsely claimed that Russia had offered bounties on American troops in Afghanistan and that police officer Brian Sicknick was murdered by pro-Trump rioters at the US Capitol.

“The New York Times is a superspreader of misinformation,” said Christina Pushaw, press secretary for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Mandavilli stirred anger among conservatives in May, when she said the theory that Covid-19 leaked from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology had “racist roots.” She later deleted her Twitter post, lamenting that the pushback to her remark had been “ridiculous.”

“Someday, we will stop talking about the lab-leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots,” Mandavilli said in the original tweet. “But alas, that day is not yet here.”

Also on Trump calls for Pulitzer Prize Board to revoke award given to NYT & WaPo for reporting on Russiagate ‘hoax’

It’s not clear why the reporter was rooting for the lab leak theory to go away, as even chief White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said it should be investigated after previously trying to squash the notion.

The Wall Street Journal had reported two days earlier that three scientists at the Wuhan lab had been hospitalized with Covid-19 symptoms in the fall of 2019, near the time when the first cases of the virus were reported in China.

The Times’ former lead reporter on Covid-19, Pulitzer Prize nominee Donald McNeil Jr., resigned under pressure in February after co-workers campaigned for his firing. His sin was responding to a high school student’s question about a classmate’s use of the N-word by repeating the slur when he asked for context on how it was used. He had worked for the newspaper since 1976.

Also on Canceling their own? NYT's lead Covid-19 reporter resigns after reprimand for use of ‘N-word’ fails to appease co-workers

Source: RT

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