Saturday, February 19, 2022

"War Inc. Throws an Invasion Party and No One Shows Up " by Pepe Escobar

War Inc. Throws an Invasion Party and No One Shows Up

Pepe Escobar
February 16, 2022
© Photo: REUTERS/Sputnik

Moscow has not deviated for a moment from its Sun Tzu approach – while detailing all demands and all red lines many times over.

The Dem combo remote-controlling the senile President of the United States by earpiece/teleprompter was never accused of being the brightest bulbs in the room – any room.

That explains why one of their own, Nancy Pelosi, on ABC News, gave the whole Russian “invasion” game away two – or three – days, depending on their math, before the “canceled” non-event.

First she said, “If we were not threatening the sanctions and the rest, it would guarantee that Putin would invade.” And then the clincher:

“If Russia doesn’t invade, it’s not that he never intended to. It’s just that the sanctions worked.”

Here, fully unveiled, is the whole Dem “strategy”: a dubiously effective foreign policy “victory” which will melt away months ahead of the inevitable debacle at the US midterms.

Maria Zakharova, that female Slav counterpart of Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods in Ancient Greece, got closer to the truth while framing the psyops: “February 15, 2022 will go down in history as the day Western war propaganda failed. Humiliated and destroyed without a single shot fired.”

Add to it Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, unplugged, on “information terrorism”: “We have to learn from the tricks [our Western colleagues] pull.”

Putin, once again, applied Sun Tzu to win without a battle: “win” as in attending the objectives set for this round.

But it gets dicier. The Duma, by 78%, voted to ask the President to recognize the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics as “separate, sovereign and independent” states.

The final decision rests with Putin, who has already hinted what happens next. Even as he qualified “what is happening now in Donbass” as “a genocide” – taking into context the previous eight years – he pointed out how “we must do everything to solve the problems of Donbass, but first of all, based on (…) the implementation of the Minsk agreements.”

What this means is that Putin will give Kiev yet another – final? – chance to implement Minsk: the agreement – enshrined as UN law – that the Americans have been de facto sabotaging since 2015.

Russia’s Security Council won’t be fooled, characterizing how “the West is conducting a carefully planned information operation against Russia based on the concept of ‘hybrid war’.” The Security Council also reaffirms that “European countries will be responsible for very likely provocations against the DPR and LPR from Kiev.” This is Patrushev speaking, not a deer-caught-in-the-headlights Jake Sullivan.

Neo-nazis on parade

German Chancellor Scholz’s visit to Moscow was not exactly a Porsche negotiating Nurburgring. One never gets away spewing out platitudes in front of Putin. Scholz: “For our generation, war in Europe is unimaginable”. Putin: “One has already been unleashed by NATO against Belgrade.”

After weeks of non-stop American hysteria cum war fever, it might be tempting to consider that Macron and Scholz could be on the same page with Putin, demanding that Kiev sit on the same table with Donetsk and Luhansk and work on the necessary constitutional amendments to grant them autonomy. That would be the only path towards a possible solution. Yet there’s no guarantee it will be taken, because of the immovable American veto.

Valentina Matvienko, the speaker of the Russian Federation Council, once again has stressed the only possible way Russia would “intervene”: in the “event of an invasion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the DPR and LPR, Russia’s response will be proportionate to the scale of aggression.”

Even Scholz, timidly, has somehow agreed that like NATO in Yugoslavia, Russia in this case would have the right to invoke Responsibility to Protect (R2P) to save millions of Russian passport holders from the oligarchic Banderastan/neo-nazi shock troops of what Andrei Martyanov memorably described as country 404.

These include the Azov Batallion – which recruits neo-nazis from all across Europe – sporting Wolfsangel arm patches straight from the SS, and is now incorporated in Ukraine’s National Guard. The vast, CIA/MI6 “revitalized” stay-behind networks. And of course the in-progress $10 billion Eric Prince (Blackwater/Academi) scheme of setting up a private mercenary army via a partnership between the Lancaster 6 company and CIA-controlled Ukraine intel.

The two crucial developments

The serial American fake news/pysops/fog of war offensive did manage to obscure the two really crucial developments of the heady past few days.

  1. The de facto invasion of Russian territorial waters by a US Virginia-class sub, described as a “completely unreasonable and incomprehensible activity” by Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
  2. Mr. Kinzhal’s recent flight to Kaliningrad onboard a Mach 3-capable MIG-31K “Foxhound”. In case NATOstan clowns continue to entertain funny ideas, they could place a call to Mr. Khinzal. He’ll answer the call with hypersonic speed. Literally.

Before the scheduled Russian non-invasion “invasion” was canceled, Martyanov had deliciously outlined how the “strategic ambivalence of Russia is terrifying for the US now because the US doesn’t know what will follow after the false flag, granted this false flag succeeds to dupe European poodles into utter submission.”

Yes, it ain’t over till the fat transgender sings. A false flag, or flags, remain on the radar – considering the tons of weapons showered on 404; over 150,000 troops massed right in front of the line of contact, equipped with absolutely lethal 120mm Grad rockets with warheads that when exploded, release thousands of sharp metal fragments; and the thousands of mercenaries trained by Polish, Brit and Blackwater/Academi instructors.

What really happened in the Kuril islands, between Hokkaido and Kamchatka, diplomatically described by Shoigu, eventually landed on Russian media. The first explanation was that a Russian vessel might have launched warning torpedoes against the American sub.

What happened was that the Virginia-class was detected by a Russian SSK or SSN, there was a sweep, and then the Marshal Shaposhnikov frigate used a sonar to intimate the uninvited guest to beat it. That was rather polite. In any other circumstances the Virginia-class would have been sunk.

Of course this should be interpreted for what it is: one more graphic illustration that the “indispensable nation” has lost its maritime invulnerability. Certainly to Russia. And sooner rather than later, also to China.

And that is a direct consequence of the dire state of the US defense industry, Martyanov’s key area of study, and exemplified by the latest report by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA).

The full report is here. Take a look, for instance, at this table charting the emphasis on research in emerging technologies.

Key areas such as space, hypersonics and cyber are down. In parallel, there’s an “increase” in three interconnected areas: AI, fully networked C3 and microelectronics. This would suggest the same old American obsession, since Rumsfeld, with deploying in a “smart battlefield”.

The key takeaway may be the increase in biotechnology. Because that would point to a desperate Empire – already outclassed by Russia and soon neutralized by China – resorting to biowarfare. It’s no wonder the landmark February 4 Russia-China joint statement pointedly refers to the danger of US bioweapon labs.

To the dustbin, Batman!

Moscow has not deviated for a moment from its Sun Tzu approach – while detailing all demands and all red lines many times over. Washington and Brussels have been warned in no uncertain terms that if they entice their goons/mercenaries to attack Donbass, 404 will be smashed to smithereens. And that is only the easily dismissible part of the package: all NATOstan security systems will also go.

Russia is waiting – like an army of Taoist monks. After the canceled “invasion”, it can even afford to enjoy some comic relief. The “technical and military” responses are ready – and once again: it’s their strategic ambiguity that is driving the Americans crazy. They are coming to realize they must negotiate indivisibility of security and missiles in Eastern Europe because no one in the Ukrainized Empire knows what Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov could do next.

And then, there are the headless chickens. In the aftermath of the “invasion” not showing up as scheduled, G-7 Foreign Ministers will have an “emergency” meeting later his week in Germany to scratch their collective heads on why the invasion did not show up as scheduled.

As it stands, in the calm before the next storm, let’s sit back, relax and remember February 16, 2022: the day when the latest, concerted, full spectrum fake news psyops ended up hurling NATOstan’s “credibility” to a one-way trip to the dustbin of History.


Source: Strategic Culture Foundation

"Thinking Points, Feb. 16, 2022" by Toby Rogers


Thinking Points, Feb. 16, 2022

Martial law in Canada, Naomi Klein cancels herself, new FDA boss same as the old FDA boss, those other narcos, Jennifer Margulis, cane toads, Matthew Yglesias, petting zoos, Scott Gottlieb lies again

Here are my latest thinking points:

Covid vaccines

A product so safe and effective that they have to impose martial law and seize people's bank accounts in order to get them to take it.

Naomi Klein cancels herself

Naomi Klein is one of the most important progressive public intellectuals in a generation. Her first book, No Logo took the world by storm and rode the wave of anti-globalization sentiment following the 1999 Seattle WTO protests. Each book she has written since has become a bigger sensation than the last — The Shock Doctrine in 2007, This Changes Everything in 2014, On Fire in 2019.

Klein’s books are an event — released simultaneously in multiple countries and multiple languages around the world, complete with documentary film tie-ins (her husband Avi Lewis is a filmmaker) to move her narrative into public consciousness.

When the left thinks of their brightest minds, Naomi Klein is always at the top of the list. She won the Sydney Peace Prize in 2016 (I attend her acceptance speech). In 2018 she received a three-year appointment as the inaugural Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair in Media, Culture, and Feminist Studies at Rutger’s University. She is now a Professor of Climate Justice at the University of British Columbia.

I’ve read all of Klein’s books, interacted with her online, and met her at a book signing for Shock Doctrine where she wrote, “Be brave” on the title page.

Over the weekend, supporters of the Pharma-fascist Trudeau administration in Canada organized a counter-protest against the truckers who are occupying Ottawa. The counter-protest was not a surprise, fascists often find ways to use citizens — whether through militias or thuggish fake protest marches — as their shock troops against freedom. The counter-protest was small and featured the hate speech we have come to expect from the Cult of Vaccine.

So imagine my horror when the most prominent anti-corporate strategist on the left, Naomi Klein, weighed in on the side of the reactionary fascist counter-protestors, against the working class truckers in Ottawa. She was downright gleeful that the bougie counter-protestors were trying to stomp on the working class.

The Covid pandemic is the quintessential example of Disaster Capitalism. Federal bureaucrats created the chimera virus in partnership with the U.S. DOD and a Chinese bioweapons lab. The state blocks access to safe and effective treatments, thus killing millions of people, in order to create the market for a vaccine. The vaccine does not work and comes with catastrophic lifelong side effects — for which Pharma will sell even more treatments and create a lifelong revenue stream from our bodies. Pharma pays politicians to overlook these crimes against humanity and regulators get rich through consulting deals, patents, and holding stocks in these companies. A revolving door with industry insures that bureaucrats get another massive payday after they betray the public trust by approving dangerous products. And yet Klein, the person who popularized political economy research into Disaster Capitalism, is unable to see any of this.

Klein apparently thought that she was exempt from the truism that “the base determines the superstructure.” Klein is part of the ruling class now so of course she wants to crush the peasants for getting uppity and not knowing their place.

With apologies to George Orwell, ‘if you want a vision of Canada’s future under Trudeau/Freeland (with whoops of support from Klein), imagine a Manolo Blahnik boot stamping on a human face — forever.’

As the left descends into self-parody, the Babylon Bee has become cutting-edge investigative journalism:

Noam Chomsky, Paul Krugman, all of the Obama alumni, everyone at The Atlantic, everyone at The New Yorker (especially James Surowiecki), and now Naomi Klein all jumped into a volcano because Pharma told them to. None of these people has ever read a vaccine safety study, interviewed someone who thinks differently than they do, or ever bothered to do even the most basic due diligence in evaluating the safety and effectiveness of Covid (or any other) vaccines. They took it ON FAITH that the Pharma felons were telling the truth, and they are catastrophically wrong.

The left is now a fascist wasteland.

Them days are over

The entire policy platform of the left has been replaced by Pharma Über Alles.

You cannot make this up

Robert Califf served as FDA Commissioner under President Obama from February 2016 to January 2017. During that short period of time he approved five new opioids even as the opioid epidemic was ravaging towns throughout America. Janet Woodcock served as his enforcer, pushing these deadly drugs through the FDA approval process.

When Trump came to power, Califf left the FDA to go make a bunch of money serving Pharma and Big Tech.

When Biden came to power, Janet Woodcock was named Acting FDA Commissioner. But Biden could not get Janet Woodcock approved as full-time FDA Commissioner because of her role in promoting opioids, under Robert Califf’s direction.

Today Robert Califf was confirmed by a vote of 50 to 46 in the Senate to become the new FDA Commissioner!

Because Cartel.

One of Califf’s first tasks will be trying to get the Pfizer mRNA shot approved for kids under 5 even though the shot does not work and the clinical trial has failed twice.

Let’s welcome Robert Califf to his new job by flooding his office with letters telling him ABSOLUTELY NOT. He has not been sworn in yet but as soon as I can find his new contact information I will do a call to action. If you find it first please post it in the comments.

Speaking of drug dealers

Manuel Zelaya was a populist President of Honduras who wanted to usher in sweeping land reforms to make life better for the peasants. In 2009 he was overthrown in a coup d’état that was supported by the Obama Administration and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The coup created a power vacuum that was eventually filled by Juan Orlando Hernández who was President of Honduras from 2014 to 2022. But it turns out that Hernández was a narco-trafficker. Oops! Now the feds wants him extradited to the U.S.

Former Honduras President Detained After a U.S. Extradition Request

The request said Juan Orlando Hernández, who left office last month, was wanted in connection to a “violent drug-trafficking conspiracy.”

What people often forget is that the immigration crisis is fueled by the fact that the U.S. government overthrows any government in Latin America that tries to do right by its people. So U.S. foreign policy destabilizes countries, drug traffickers take advantage, and then people are forced to flee the violence and chaos by escaping to the country that started the problem in the first place. Policy is difficult, but bad faith makes it impossible.

Brilliant science journalist Jennifer Margulis is writing for the Epoch Times

I learned this week that prolific author Jennifer Margulis is writing a twice weekly health column for the Epoch Times. The articles are great! Margulis is the author of seven books, including Your Baby Your Way, The Addiction Spectrum (with Paul Thomas), and The Business of Baby.

Margulis is with us and what’s fascinating about reading her Epoch Times articles is that she asks questions and interviews people with a broad range of perspectives — as reporters used to do before the Cartel starting demanding that everyone follow its script. We’ve all gotten so accustomed to seeing reporters pull their punches and take a dive in the face of Pharma’s extraordinary power, that it is surprising and refreshing to read an actual honest reporter again.

Definitely worth checking out and Epoch Times has some pretty good introductory offers if you want to subscribe.

This article is amazing

Lies are Unbekoming
Cane Toads: Australia's mRNA
I’ve had Cane Toads on my mind recently. If you live in Oz, you know what I’m talking about, otherwise you’re wondering what the hell is he on about…
Read more

Cane toads were brought to Australia in 1935 in Northern Queensland to eat the sugar cane beetles. They originate from South and Central America although our first batch came from Hawaii. Today we think there are 200M of them.

They are arguably the greatest Australian ecological disaster. Basically, poisonous frogs that nothing wants to eat, because they are so poisonous, and that eat and have babies all day.

To add insult to injury:

the toad was generally unsuccessful in reducing the targeted grey-backed cane beetles…in part because the beetles live at the tops of sugar cane—and cane toads are not good climbers.[i]

Public policy is really really difficult to get right because life is filled with millions of factors, seen and unseen, that influence outcomes. In public health, medicine, and agriculture, “a disease of the remedy” is incredibly common — where the intervention leaves one worse off than doing nothing. The countless failures of supposedly enlightened public policy ought to produce humility. Instead, we are now afflicted with bureaucrats who know nothing who think that they are all-knowing.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

Matthew Yglesias is the Dean of the Bougiecrats. He never met a technocrat he didn’t like. His Substack, Slow Boring, is exactly as the name suggests — an endless slog through progressive policy minutiae. His contrarian takes on the day’s news and droll humor are intellectual crack for fellow bougiecrats and he has an astonishing 600,000 subscribers, 10,000 paid. So I was startled to read a perfectly reasonable article from Yglesias today that explained that progressive apoplexy over “misinformation” is misguided and that his fellow tribe members need to take a deep breath and chill out.

Slow Boring
The "misinformation problem" seems like misinformation
People are often misinformed about things. Sometimes they obtain that bad information from false or misleading media coverage; sometimes that media coverage is deliberately false. And there’s a fine line between media coverage that seeks to frame issues appropriately and coverage that’s propagandistic…
Read more

Of course Yglesias adds his own misinformation by claiming that these vaccines are safe and effective when they are not. It’s clear that, like the rest of his tribe, he is deathly allergic to reading original source documents or engaging in critical thinking. Keeping his platinum membership card in the bourgeoisie is the only thing that matters to these people. But his slight nod toward decency in public discourse was surprising and welcome nonetheless.

Smirky McSmirkFace

They are just straight up trolling us at this point

Petting zoos are the new cattle cars.

Scott Gottlieb is lying, but the question is why?

Former FDA Commissioner and now Pfizer Board Member, Scott Gottlieb, went on CNBC and lied.

Pfizer director Dr. Scott Gottlieb: Shots for kids under 5 delayed due to low Covid cases in trial

The Pfizer clinical trial in kids age 5 to 11 did not produce any clinically significant health outcomes. So Pfizer and the FDA switched to serology — looking for antibodies in the blood, as a proxy for health outcomes.

The Pfizer clinical trial in kids under age 5 was not even looking at health outcomes. We already knew back in December that Pfizer was only looking for antibodies in the blood (as a result of their shot) and that these antibodies did NOT appear in significant numbers.

Going forward, there will be even fewer Covid cases in kids because the Omicron wave is subsiding. In the interview, Gottlieb is claiming that a single case, one way or the other (in the treatment or placebo group) is enough to sway the outcome. But by definition then he is describing results that are NOT statistically significant (because of tiny sample sizes).

And why did they send out Gottlieb instead of Pfizer CEO Bourla?

Pfizer and the FDA knew on Dec. 17 that the clinical trial in kids under 5 had failed. They are not even looking at health outcomes, only bloodwork. On January 31, the FDA publicly told Pfizer to submit an Emergency Use Authorization application anyway. Then on Feb. 10, twelve-hours before the meeting materials were to be released, Pfizer called the FDA and pulled its EUA application.

So here’s the question: what happened between January 31 and Feb. 10 to make Pfizer change its mind and pull its application? It was not a low number of Covid cases (we already knew that). It was something else. A death in the treatment group (was that the “one case” that Gottlieb is referring to)? Myocarditis rates? Skyrocketing rates of other adverse events? We know that Pfizer was going to lie about the serology. What was so bad in the data that they could not cover it up with their usual lies?

Okay those are my thoughts.

Blessings to the warriors!

Pray without ceasing for the truckers! 🙏

In the comments, please let me know what you think Pfizer is hiding — or anything else that is on your mind. 


Source: uTobian

Friday, February 18, 2022

"Updated Homeland Security Bulletin Declares War on Critical Thinking" by Maxwell


Updated Homeland Security Bulletin Declares War on Critical Thinking

In many quarters, the hypothesis is now being formulated that we are experiencing the end of a world, that of bourgeois democracies founded on rights, parliaments, and the separation of powers, and that this is giving way to a new despotism that, as regards the pervasiveness of control and the cessation of political activity, will be worse than the totalitarianisms that we have known before.

American political scientists call it the Security State, a state in which “for security reasons” (in this case, for the sake of “public health,” a term that suggests the notorious committees of public heath during the Terror), any limit can be imposed upon individual liberties.

- Giorgio Agamben, "New Reflections"

On February 7th, 2022 the Department of Homeland Security issued a new bulletin (a), defining what it considers to be the "primary terrorism-related threats" to the United States. This directive replaced their previous directive (b) which was set to expire on February 8th.

Over the past decade as new directives were put in place they have, in their essence, been slight modifications of previous bulletins- all of them built upon the same theme. That theme, for a full decade and more, was the Security States declared "War on Terror" with the "threat of foreign enemies and foreign influence" regarded as the essential focal point and recurring theme of these memorandum

While "domestic enemies" were nominally mentioned in past memoranda these references have been in passing and discussed within the context of potential influence from foreign actors. Without fail the theme of these past seasonal DHS directives featured the constant drumbeat of "enemies from the outside" who sought to interfere with the internal affairs of the United States.

This most recent DHS bulletin issued February 7th changes course dramatically as illustrated through the opening sentence:

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories.

A paragraph later the bulletin states:

Key factors contributing to the current heightened threat environment include:

The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions:

For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19.

These statements represent a radical departure from previous memos. We see a marked shift in the DHS narrative from battling the ill defined outside influence of "extremist media branches of al-Qa’ida and its affiliates, as well as ISIS" to combating an amorphous terrorist threat from within which utilize misleading narratives that "undermine trust in US Government institutions."

This shift in the DHS narrative goes beyond just imagined domestic threats by suggesting that speech itself can now be seen as an act of terrorism. As is often the case, none of the terms are clearly defined or specific examples given as to what might comprise "misleading narratives" or infractions which "undermine trust in government institutions."

Further in the bulletin we find this paragraph which references Covid-19 policies and the experimental Covid-19 injections::

Meanwhile, COVID-19 mitigation measures—particularly COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates—have been used by domestic violent extremists to justify violence since 2020 and could continue to inspire these extremists to target government, healthcare, and academic institutions that they associate with those measures.

Again no specific examples are given in regards to these purported violent acts which arose from dissatisfaction with Covid-19 policies. The allegation is further mystified by the suggestion that these never-defined acts could inspire future acts of violence.

With such accusatory and suggestive language this memo should be seen as not only an assault on free speech but also as opening up the door for pre-crime.

All of this must be placed within the context of how the Covid-19 "pandemic" was used as a rationale for locking down the country and suspending our civil liberties for the past two years, for vaporizing businesses by government issued Covid policies, all resulting in soaring energy/housing/food costs as well as record level inflationary pressure.

Further implications of this directive must also include an understanding that "our way out", according to this government, has been a mandated injection (which financially benefits one of the most powerful industries in our nation) which appears to be causing unprecedented harm.

When seen in total, this bulletin appears to be the government's initial attempt to quell all discussion and debate on what have to be considered the most reckless and devastating public health policies enacted in this country's history.

It now appears the long warned about "war on domestic terror" is here. This war involves a Kafkaesque criminalization of whatever the government deems "extremist views" or "disinformation."

Equally concerning to the attacks we are seeing to our First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of association is how, through the rationale of the Covid-19 narrative, we are seeing in real time the “War on Terror” being replaced by the "War on The Virus" as the raison d'être of the National Security State. The danger of such a directive and policy position, if allowed to stand unchallenged, lies in future "Covid-19 Pandemics" being used as rationales for creating more authoritarian forms of governance and serving as a template for how to manufacture perpetual states of emergency.





Source: Maxwell

"Scotland To Halt Publishing COVID Data Based On Vaccination Status" by Maxwell

Scotland To Halt Publishing COVID Data Based On Vaccination Status

The Glasgow Times reported today that Covid data will not be published over concerns it's misrepresented by anti-vaxxers.

The Times reports that Public Health Scotland will now shift its focus "on publishing more robust and complex vaccine effectiveness data with Wednesday's report being the last weekly publication to include the data on infection rates among the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Here's the full announcement from Public Health Scotland from their recent COVID-19 & Winter Statistical Report published on February 16, 2022.

On Page 29 in the report PHS states the following:


From 16 February 2022, Public Health Scotland (PHS) will no longer report COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status on a weekly basis. PHS will continue to provide updates from the latest scientific analyses and reports on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. An explanation behind this decision can be found below.

Since July 2021, Public Health Scotland (PHS) have reported COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status in the weekly COVID-19 statistical report. These data were first published to help monitor the impact of the vaccination programme on the pandemic, impact on the NHS, and to help understand where to prioritise vaccination delivery. While PHS has stated that the data in the report should not be used as a measure of vaccine effectiveness, PHS is aware of inappropriate use and misinterpretation of the data when taken in isolation without fully understanding the limitations described below.

Due to the increasing risk of misinterpretation from growing complexities as the COVID-19 pandemic enters its second year (as described below), PHS has taken the decision to no longer report COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status on a weekly basis. PHS is currently reviewing the content and frequency of reporting this information. PHS will continue to communicate up to date and high quality research on COVID-19 vaccines. Evidence suggests the COVID-19 vaccine is effective at reducing the risk of a severe outcome, such as hospitalisation when infected, however no vaccine is 100% effective and some COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths may still occur, particularly in vulnerable populations.

Scotland has had remarkably comprehensive and clear data. As can be seen in this graph, Table 15 found on page 47, the rates of death are notably lower in the unvaccinated. In the four weeks measured from January 4th-February 8th, 61 out of the 476 deaths were in the unvaccinated.

This means that of those deaths listed in this report around 87% were in the vaccinated group.

For the Scottish Government and the Public Health Sector this published information makes for inconvenient data. The cessation of future data specifications relating to vaccine status from the PHS speaks to an effort to censor such information in the future. This lack of transparency erodes public confidence in the health systems and only serves to raise more questions from those examining such data.



Addendum: A personal speculative note separate from the report which speaks to a possibility as to why there is the need for governments to conceal this data:

1) VAERS/EudraVigilance/UK MHRA Yellow Card data is piling up;

2) DoD Leak;

3) Insurance company and funeral home results coming in;

4) Pending release of Pfizer trial data proving fraud in trials;

5) Pfizer/Moderna shares in decline.


Source: Maxwell

"As Trudeau Cracks Down, the Left Drives Protesters Into the Right’s Arms Again" by Jonathan Cook


As Trudeau Cracks Down, the Left Drives Protesters Into the Right’s Arms Again
  • February 17, 2022 • 2,300 Words


Divide and rule, the cultivation of tribalism, is an insurance policy against successful dissent and the threat of revolution

If you were Canada’s prime minister, what would you be prepared to do to enforce Covid restrictions on large swaths of your population? No one need ask that question any longer. Now we know the answer.

For the first time in the country’s history, Justin Trudeau has invested his office with sweeping and undemocratic powers under the 1988 Emergencies Act in a bid to stop the so-called “Truckers’ Protests” against Canada’s pandemic restrictions. But, as one might expect, Trudeau has promised to use those powers briefly and sparingly – at least, until he decides otherwise.

His government can ban protests, seize protesters’ income and property without court oversight, and effectively appropriate many millions of dollars raised by supporters on crowdfunding sites to finance the protests. That isn’t a theoretical danger. Even before the current emergency powers were invoked, the Canadian government did just that. Almost certainly under federal pressure earlier in the month, GoFundMe withheld some 10 million Canadian dollars donated by protest supporters.

Trudeau has brought Canada as close to martial law as he dares without drafting platoons of soldiers on to the streets of Ottawa and Toronto and having the army seize control of the TV stations.

And paradoxically, he has responded to protesters, whose rallying cry is that the Canadian government is using the pretext of Covid to accrete more powers and behave undemocratically, by actually accreting more powers and behaving undemocratically. Trudeau acts as though this will dampen down tensions. Or maybe he is simply pandering to his electoral base.

A wiser approach has been taken by Ontario’s premier, who started lifting some of the largely redundant restrictions in his province this week as a way to take the wind out of the protesters’ sails.

Draconian measures

But let us stand back from Canada’s drama for a moment and consider both the purported and actual reason for the declaration of a state of emergency – a peacetime equivalent of Canada’s earlier War Measures Act.

The truckers’ protests have been largely peaceful – at least in the sense that there have been very few arrests and relatively minor criminal damage. The protesters have caused inconvenience but only of the kind that is inevitable in any civil disobedience campaign.

Emergency powers have been invoked because the protesters have refused to disperse and because officials warn of some future scenario of potential violence – exactly the sort of accusation leveled against any unwelcome mass protest.

However, the more pressing reason is that the truckers’ actions have impeded cross-border deliveries from Canada to US factories, such as car plants. That has started to have a damaging impact on the US economy, and President Joe Biden has been making his view on the matter only too clear to Trudeau.

It is worth considering a comparison to see how draconian and dangerously unreasonable Trudeau is being. Over several years, protests in the UK by the environmental action group Extinction Rebellion have repeatedly caused similar levels of disruption – and similar levels of antipathy from sections of the British public. Protesters have blocked highways, railway lines and airports. Some have been arrested and fined.

But despite all of this, even the right-wing government of Boris Johnson has not suggested going as far as Canada’s current state of emergency.

Pull the rug

To put the gravity of Trudeau’s decision – and the flimsiness of the justification for it – in proper perspective, consider what the Canadian prime minister needs to do to put an end to the truckers’ protests compared to what would be required of Johnson for Extinction Rebellion’s climate emergency protests to be brought to a halt.

Johnson would have to radically overhaul the entire British economy, quickly ending its reliance on fossil fuels, while abandoning his entire political ideology of individualist, dog-eat-dog capitalism and replacing it with the far more collectivist approach inherent in a Green New Deal. That is a tall order indeed. Should they spread, Extinction Rebellion’s protests really could become an emergency for Johnson.

Trudeau, on the other hand, could easily pull the rug from under the truckers’ protests – as Ontario officials are trying to do – with nothing more than a decision to relent on many of the most grating restrictions, especially mandated vaccines for some professions and the requirement on unvaccinated truckers to quarantine for 14 days on their return from the US.

That would not touch Trudeau’s political program. It would not cost the Canadian taxpayer a cent. It would not require a reorganization of Canadian society.

So why has he chosen this particular hill to make his stand?

Those who are still singularly focused on the dangers of Covid presumably think that Trudeau is right. But with the highly infectious and much milder omicron variant, hospitalization and death rates are plummeting worldwide, as the virus, after spreading like wildlife, starts to burn itself out.

Even if vaccine mandates are enforced, few of the unvaccinated will manage to get both doses before they are exposed to the virus and develop natural immunity anyway. Omicron has made the already dubious need for vaccine mandates and quarantines largely moot. The evidence suggests natural infection provides – for the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike – stronger and longer-term immunity of the kind the vaccines have so far failed to deliver.

Even the argument that vaccines should still be insisted upon in case omicron mutates into another nastier variant is looking decidedly weak. Infection with omicron will provide a much closer immunity match to any future variant derived from omicron than vaccines based on the now-distant original variant of Covid.

Veil of democracy

In other words, Trudeau has ostensibly chosen to grab for himself autocratic powers, undermining Canadian democracy, for the sake of a pig-headed commitment to mandate and quarantine rules that no longer fit the science or help with the pandemic. Rather than back down in the face of changing circumstances, he has invoked extreme powers to enforce those rules.

Remember, Trudeau considered, but did not invoke, the Emergencies Act when the pandemic – a genuine emergency – hit Canada at a time when the country had no tools, such as vaccines, to deal with it. Is the need to impose vaccine mandates now really more of an emergency than the need to deal with the outbreak of Covid was two years ago?

For that reason, we all ought to be deeply troubled by what Trudeau has done. He has shown how power works and whom it benefits by stripping off the veil of democracy. As a result, Canada is in a state of emergency entirely of Trudeau and Biden’s making.

‘Shock’ experiments

Those sympathetic to Trudeau’s action, or ready to turn a blind eye to it, especially on the left, have failed to absorb the lessons of Naomi Klein’s book “Shock Doctrine.”

Klein explained back in 2007 that in the post-war period, the United States military, political and economic elites had effectively carried out a series of full-spectrum “shock” experiments on developing countries, especially in Latin America. First, Washington began encouraging, financing, and arming violent coups and sponsoring military regimes like Augusto Pinochet’s in Chile, and then exploited the resulting psychological trauma and sense of dislocation among the general population.


The goal was to dissolve social solidarity and traditional ideas of fairness and graft on to a weakened, more pliable society the most predatory kind of free-market capitalism. That paved the way for newly emerging transnational corporations to commit economic rape and pillage, backed by what were already becoming neoliberalism’s global agencies, like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Following the fall of the Soviet Union at the start of the 1990s, the US was able to extend this approach to the former eastern bloc countries through a series of “color revolutions.” And since the early 2000s, US, British and Gulf-backed invasions and proxy wars – and an extinguished Arab Spring – have brought the “shock doctrine” in full force to those parts of the Middle East that have not previously submitted to US hegemony.

Crisis of legitimacy

Now the danger is that the “shock doctrine” wheel may be coming full circle. Global capitalism is facing global crises. A planet with finite resources is testing the limits of capitalism’s ingenuity both to extract yet more wealth and to prey on new markets. Meanwhile, the consequences of the historic and continuing over-extraction of resources are being felt in the form of a planet-wide shock, from toxic overload (pollution) to a rapidly changing climate.

Capitalism and its technicians – the West’s political, business, media, and technocratic elites – are facing their own crisis of legitimacy, as the system they oversee and for which they serve as propagandists begins its gradual collapse. There is only so long capitalism’s demise can be blamed on supply-chain problems and “bounceback” from the pandemic.

Western elites understand all of this only too keenly. They know far more than they, or the corporate media, let on. Knowledge is power, and they are in power. Their task is to stay in power. And that can only happen so long as they remain ahead of us, so long as they manipulate us, so long as they control us, so long they turn us against each other.

Gain of function

Here a Covid analogy may be helpful.

For many years the US has been investing large sums of money in medical research called “gain of function.” Anthony Fauci, the US president’s chief medical adviser, is one of the main proponents of gain of function. Its supposed aim is to experiment on cold and flu viruses to see how they might evolve into more lethal strains so that cures can be found ahead of time, in the form of vaccines and drug treatments. (One plausible theory of how we ended up with Covid-19 is that one of these Frankenstein viruses leaked from the lab in Wuhan, where the US was funding gain-of-function research to avoid a US embargo. For more on that, see here.)

The ostensible purpose of gain of function is to pre-empt the emergence of a more deadly virus, or at least to devise ways to treat it more efficiently. (Another possible purpose, of course, is to create bio-weapons against an enemy.)

The question is: Have our elites been carrying out similar “gain of function” research on us, treating us as the equivalent of a virus that may over time become more lethal to their narrow interests of maintaining wealth and power for themselves in a system facing imminent collapse? Have they been learning from their experiments in Latin America, the former eastern bloc, and the Middle East to understand how better to control us, to curb our protest and dissent, to prevent revolution?

The answer is simple: they would be incredibly foolish or naïve, and astoundingly relaxed about their own self-preservation as a class, had they failed to do precisely this. We have had brief glimpses via the Snowden revelations of how they have been preparing for the endgame of capitalism. Western intelligence agencies have been systematically spying on their own populations.

Splintered left

In a sense, there s nothing especially sinister or conspiratorial about any of this. As new technologies have given Western elites new tools for surveillance and monitoring of our conversations, our thoughts and moods (welcome to the Metaverse), our movements, our financial dealings, and now our bodily autonomy and health, it was inevitable that elites would turn these tools against us in preparation for the moment when their own privileges were in danger.

[See Jonathan Cook's tweet here]

In fact, the conspiracy paradigm misses the point entirely. Structures of power are organized to maintain power. Those power systems simply have been responding, as they are designed to respond, to opportunities for protecting or accreting power, like a leaf initiates photosynthesis when it is exposed to light. It is an instinctive reaction more than strategy or plot.

The elites’ social – as opposed to medical – gain-of-function research has highlighted to them an age-old lesson: that divide and rule, the cultivation of tribalism, is an insurance policy against successful dissent and the threat of revolution.

[See Jonathan Cook's tweet here]

Which is why every time ordinary people take to the street in protest at the accretion of more power by the technocrats, or to oppose more propaganda and mind manipulation from the corporate media, the left fractures and splinters further.

Large sections of the left always find a reason to object to those taking to the streets. The Occupy Movement, the Yellow Vests in France, the Black Lives Matter Protests, the January 6th Rally, the Extinction Rebellion Blockades, the Trucker Protests. None of them are worthy. Their motives are not pure enough. The messages are too vague. The chants are too noisy. The anger is too alienating and the populism too discomfiting. And the participants are from the wrong tribe.

The longer this disdain for protest lasts, the more the protesters’ alienation from the corrupt power-elites evokes fear rather than solidarity, the more the left itself is paralyzed into inaction, then the more certain it is that these protests will be captured by the right, by the Donald Trumps and the Tucker Carlsons. The more we insult the protesters by calling them rightwing, Nazis, anti-worker, dangerous, Trumpists, the more we ensure they become what we accuse them of already being.

And in the meantime, by default, we have given our support to the technocrats who are destroying the planet, who are issuing a death sentence to our children – all in the name of civilization, progress and science.

Before we know it, we have become Justin Trudeau.


Source: Jonathan Cook

First Published at Mintpress News





"The Straw Man: 'Fascism' in the Freedom Movement"


The Straw Man: “Fascism” in the Freedom Movement


Above: A section of the 1 to 2 million strong “Convoy to Canberra” which beset the Federal Parliament in Canberra on February 12, 2022.

17-02-2022: It was the largest demonstration in Australia’s political history, by a huge margin. The Freedom Convoy to Canberra, which culminated in a mass march and rally on February 12 to Parliament House, flooded the capital.[1] While the total numbers are difficult to estimate, even the police admit that 800 000 people were camped out in Epic Park, and that 1.4 million vehicles entered the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) on the day. With may vehicles being buses carrying 50 or more people, it is safe to say that there was easily between 1 to 2 million who were determined to abolish vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, at the very least. The most popular chant against the politicians was “Sack Them All!” Risible claims by the mainstream media that “ten thousand anti-vaxers” showed up[2] once again clearly marks the mouthpieces of the establishment as a part of the old world, trying to stem the inexorable rising of the masses against unbearable tyranny and oppression.

Freedom Movement spreads worldwide

The Freedom Convoy to Canberra was inspired by the game changing Freedom Convoy in Canada, where thousands of truckers drove across the country to the capital Ottawa, in sub-zero temperatures in the middle of winter, cheered on by tens of thousands of pedestrians along the way. While the trigger may have been vaccine mandates for truckers crossing the Canada-USA border, the truckers – with mass support amongst Canadians – are saying enough is enough. The mass movement ratcheted up the pressure with a blockade of the Ambassador Bridge, Canada’s busiest commercial route.[3] In New Zealand, Freedom Convoy protestors rallied outside their parliament in Wellington in a determined action against vaccine mandates. Police repression was severe, with 50 arrested and campers forcibly removed, who had vowed to stay until all Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.[4] Over the same weekend, the Freedom Convoy to the French capital Paris caused the authorities to deploy 7000 police. Demonstrators blocked city streets, waved French and Canadian flags and chanted “QR Code, Never Again!”, “Freedom” and “No to the vaccine pass!”.[5]

While the Freedom Movement is certainly about basic democratic, civil and human rights, it can scarcely be reducible to demands for rights alone. Vaccine mandates are about nothing else than removing the employment of millions of workers on pain of taking an experimental drug which could very well end your life. There can be little more industrial about a mass movement which seeks to remove genocidal employment directions which are almost universally outside any number of bourgeois laws, statutes, human rights legislation and whole constitutions of the so-called liberal democratic (but in reality imperialist) states. What is more, the exclusion of the “unvaxed” from society can hardly be described as little more than imposing a horrific and unprecedented form of apartheid.

Covid left capitulates

Despite the largest political movement in modern history consistently mobilising against government repression which is a clear move to replace liberal democracy with fascism, the Covid left (formerly the lockdown left) have instead decided to double and triple down on their abject betrayal of the working class. As we have previously argued, the treachery of the ostensible left parties on Covid surpasses that of August 4, 1914. At that time, virtually all “socialist” parties the world over backed “their own” ruling class and marched into the slaughter of the first World War.[6] Today the Covid left, from the very start of the civil war launched by big finance capital, have aggressively sided with “their own” imperialism while having the temerity to lambaste millions of working and oppressed people as “far-right” or “fascist” for mobilising against Covid fascism. In the process, the Covid left not only assaults Marxism, they subject it to corrosion and disintegration.

For example, the Socialist Equality Party (SEP), known for militant campaigning to keep primary school aged children locked down at home while their schools are closed (!), blithely denounce the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa as an “occupation” by “far-right and fascist activists”.[7] Australia’s Socialist Alternative (SAlt) have been the most aggressive with vain attempts to counter the mammoth Freedom Movement, regularly organising counter-protests. Although denouncing the Freedom Movement as “fascist”, “far-right” and “anti-health”[8], SAlt – through the “Campaign Against Racism and Fascism” (CARF) – have not been able to mobilise even the Covid left, outside of themselves. SAlt’s “pro-health” pickets of gargantuan Freedom demonstrations have been less than negligible, with numbers of 50 versus 100 000, or at most 1000 versus 400 000. One wonders what passes through the minds of those participating, if your counter-picket is outnumbered by a ratio of hundreds of thousands to one!

To their very partial credit, Solidarity claim that left-wing opposition to “pandemic” powers should form, rather than counter-protesting and denouncing the Freedom Movement as “fascist”. At least rhetorically, they call for “left-wing” protests against vaccine mandates to be built, supposedly to undermine the “right-wing” freedom movement. While this sounds halfway reasonable, they nail their colours to the mast as card carrying members of the Covid left by claiming that “established groupings of fascists” have joined the freedom movement, and “individual Neo-Nazis” have infiltrated the organising circles.[9] They offer not a shred of evidence for their claims of the composition of the Freedom Movement, and never having taken part, how on earth would they even know?

The Socialist Alliance (SA) in a report in Green Left Weekly, took the prize for identity politics, by claiming that the February 12 Canberra mobilisation was “largely middle-aged and Anglo-European” (!!), before begrudgingly admitting that many family groups and their children were also present. Incredibly, SA repeat the ludicrous claims of the corporate media that only “ten thousand” protested.[10] They deride the largest rally in Australian history as “anti-vaccination”, when the very clear demand of the Freedom Movement is not against vaccination per se, but against vaccine mandates, i.e., cop an injection ordered by the government whether you choose to or not – or be terminated and lose the ability to put food on the table and keep a roof over your head. As has been the case since “Covid” began, much of the historic so-called left found themselves aligned with the very institutions they claim to oppose.

The Trotskyist Platform (TP), another champion of identity politics, go a step further into the arms of the super elite, despite themselves. They state that those who claim it is their right to refuse vaccines, facemasks and social-distancing rules are doing so on the basis of “extreme individualism”, which is counterposed to the collectivist spirt on which the socialist and trade union movement is based.[11] One hardly knows where to start with such enmity towards fellow workers. It is completely devoid of any kind of politics which is separate and independent from the perfidy of the trade union officialdom. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), to demonstrate how much more it believes in “Covid” than even capitalist politicians, recently threatened strike action – to demand free Rapid Antigen Tests![12] One might expect a claimed “Marxist” organisation would at least attempt to hold a position to the left of the deeply conservative trade union bureaucracy, but for TP, this is too much to ask. Will TP, for example, back the ACTU officialdom if they come out with a statement which demands the “unvaxed” be excluded from workplaces altogether? Somehow, we doubt even this would wake them.

The purported parties based on “Marxism-Leninism” (Stalinist in practice) likewise shred whole volumes from the lexicon of the labour movement by signing the same tune as the (fake) “Trotskyist” parties. The Communist Workers Party of Australia (CWPA) doesn’t hold back in condemning Construction Forestry Mining Martitime and Energy Union (CFMMEU) members who protested against the betrayal of their officials aligning with Dictator Dan Andrews over vaccine mandates. They spew venomous and unhinged vitriol at CFMMEU members facing the loss of their jobs as “fascist” and “fake tradies”.[13] The Communist Party of Australia (CPA) is somewhat more restrained, writing that the Freedom Movement is “far from harmless” and lurking beneath the surface is “right-wing extremism”.[14] The Australian Communist Party (ACP), from early on, deplored the anti-lockdown and freedom movement as a “mobilisation of fascist ideology”.[15] Despite our universal opposition to Stalinism, it is difficult to believe that all members of these parties do not at least question the marked propensity of their respective leaderships to kneel before Big Media, Big Pharma, Big Tech – the uber elite.

Fascism – old and new

Fascism, above all, is the fusion of the capitalist state with private corporations. The most obvious expression of this is the fact that Big Media, Big Pharma and Big Tech do not hide their partisanship, and aggressively enact censorship of differing views on Covid, even from some of the most decorated cardiologists, doctors and virologists. Following the lead of unimaginable private wealth, the Covid left likewise refuses to debate with anyone on the left, or anyone at all, who simply has a different viewpoint to the government and the highest echelons of corporate power. They preach diversity while demanding conformity. More than this, they not only demand submission to their own views, they expect comprehensive self-subjugation to the very capitalist states which are in the process of doing away with the very trappings of parliamentary procedure, i.e. in essence, fascism.

“Scratch a liberal, and you will find a fascist”. This saying from the 1960s is perhaps even more apt today than it was then. A fascist in the 20th century was easily recognisable – they were a Nazi, a Blackshirt, a Brownshirt or some form of ultra-nationalist. In the time of Covid, a fascist is not named as such, and their acts and their behaviour comes wrapped in a different label. Today, fascism is the domain of “progressive” liberals, who supposedly stand for humanitarianism, pluralism and “public health”. Yet this is only what they believe themselves to be psychologically. Virtually no one can imagine themselves to be a “fascist” and would strenuously deny being one even when their behaviour is pointed out to be very similar, or identical, to that of fascism. We would do well to remember that it was predominantly doctors and scientists – not soldiers – who carried out Nazi totalitarianism in the 1930s. Eugenics, the “Master Race”, the elimination of “undesirables” – the parallels with the exclusion of the “unvaxed” from society today is unmistakable.

The Covid left requires scapegoats to cover for their own sins against the working class. To prove their position in reverse, they seek salvation in the attempted destruction of the Freedom Movement, which is the desperate aim the ruling classes across Canada, the USA, Europe, Australia and elsewhere. To do this they engage in wild slander and construct a fantastic straw man (“fascists” in the Freedom Movement) which they then slay with their cardboard swords and imagine they have completed their duty as “socialists” by warning workers away from the “far-right”. Unable to discern form from content, they cannot see that many liberals, “Marxists”, anarchists, peace activists, Trade Union officials and their coterie, social-democratic, environmental and conservative bourgeois political parties today form one single political bloc. Though they themselves cannot conceive it in their worst dreams, this bloc forms the political and ideological foundation of Covid “health” fascism. This is the body which the ruling class currently entrusts to drive the Covid agenda, i.e., the appalling repression of the working class through measures of a virtually undisguised civil war.

The Freedom Movement, on the other hand, despite its nationalist vexillum, is objectively resisting the current phase of Western capitalism (Covid “health” fascism) even if it imagines itself to be combatting the “socialism” and “communism” of the globalist elite (Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Klaus Schwab, World Health Organisation, United Nations etc.). At the same time, the Freedom Movement is also aware that it is fighting fascism – hence the exclamations that “we are fighting against fascism and communism”. Yet they are generally not able to recognise that fascism is bound up with capitalism, that capitalism at a certain point hands the reins over to fascism after giving birth to it. Covid “health” fascism is not by any means a historical exception to this law of development of a class divided society.

To be sure, the nationalism of the Freedom Movement (Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, French etc., national flags saturate freedom mobilisations) remains a significant issue which pro-freedom Marxists need to parry with tact and patience. The working-class feel they have been betrayed by all governments, all sides of politics, almost all parties – and in this they are not far wrong. Despite this, genuine revolutionists need to throw themselves into the Freedom Movement, fight shoulder to shoulder with the masses rising against tyranny, while seeking to win the most class-conscious workers to the perspective that real freedom can only come through workers’ revolutions which depose the crumbling capitalist regimes and erect new workers’ republics. Imperative for this perspective is the moulding of a workers’ vanguard party firmly anchored with the essential pylons of Leninist-Trotskyism, and the struggle for the distribution of the world’s resources through regionally integrated, collectivised and planned economies – the basis for a new socialist order.



[1] (16-02-2022)

[2] (16-02-2022)

[3] (16-02-2022)

[4] (16-02-2022)

[5] (16-02-2022)

[6] (16-02-2022)

[7] (16-02-2022)

[8] (16-02-2022)

[9] (16-02-2022)

[10] (16-02-2022)

[11] (16-02-2022)

[12] (16-02-2022)

[13] (16-02-2022)

[14] (16-02-2022)

[15] (16-02-2022)


Source: Red Star


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