Saturday, February 12, 2022

Trevor in Trimley's letter to Joni Mitchell


Trevor in Trimley's letter to Joni Mitchell

(Since she decided we shouldn't hear Both Sides Now)

Dear Joni,

I just heard the news! You’re in the fight! And you’re on our team! Mrs Trevor in Trimley and I are thrilled by your protest. It’s like the sixties all over again! Someone had to show those free expression types at Spotify what for. The last thing we want is to hear both sides now! 

There really is only one side to this whole argument. Ours! Exceptional talents like us Joni, with so much love in our hearts, don’t need to listen to other opinions, we already know they’re rubbish. They must be, because we’re right! It’s very simple logic!! 

Inspired by your oh so brave and well-considered stance, I have just this morning written to the supplier of the paper I use for my letters. My demand was simple. Stop allowing your paper to be used by any physician or scientist who might write opinions on it that run contrary to those of Joni Mitchell! They either comply with your views Joni, or I’m looking for another paper supplier! Ker-pow!! That’ll show ‘em! It’s time to stop this rampant freedom of expression! That’s the virus we really need to stamp out!

To further that end Joni, and in your honour, I have decided to form a protest movement that I am hoping will grow from strength to strength across the world. I’ve called it, Protest Against People Exploring Things From A Variety Of Angles! Or PAPETFAVOA for short. (A memorable name which I think you’ll agree trips easily off the tongue after only a handful of attempts at saying it.)

The good news doesn’t end there! As we evidently both agree that the free expression of an individual must be denied if a majority of people disagree with it (as has always been the case in science!) I have taken the liberty of making some suggested changes to the lyrics of your beautiful song Both Sides Now and have retitled it One Side Now, which I think more aptly captures where we’re both coming from! Be aware, my suggested version is shorter. Some of your original lyrics that once read like transcendent poetry are now frivolous to articulating a socially responsible message that serves the greater good, so I’ve cut them.

But here’s the big news I’m really hoping will make your day! Mrs Trevor in Trimley and I invite you, Joni Mitchell, to our friend Dave’s garage/recording studio here in Trimley St Mary to record this new version with us, with ALL proceeds (after expenses: tea bags, digestives, milk, etc) going to PAPETFAVOA! (I can hold my own on a ukulele and Mrs Trevor in Trimley has always played an enthusiastic triangle.)

As for my suggested changes, you’ll notice that I didn’t alter the lyric, “I really don’t know love at all.” It seems more poignant now than ever.

One Side Now 

By Joni Mitchell and Trevor in Trimley (based on Joni Mitchell’s Both Sides Now)

Rows and floes of angel hair

And vaccine castles in the air

And faces covered everywhere

I like COVID this way

But misinformers block the sun

They rain and snow on everyone

So many things I would have done

But they got in my way

I’ve looked at this from one side now

From my perspective to which all must bow

It’s just illusions they believe

They really don’t know this disease

But now old friends are acting strange

They shake their heads, they say I’ve changed 

I turned away, there’s nothing gained

From listening anyway

I’ve looked at life from one side now

Learned nothing new, and still somehow 

It’s my right to censor you

I really don’t know love at all

Looking forward to getting in the studio with you Joni!

Yours sincerely,

Trevor In Trimley

Friday, February 11, 2022

"Dishonesty Is a Bad Business Plan" by James Howard Kunstler


Dishonesty is a Bad Business Plan

“Perhaps for the ruling class the only thing that would be more terrifying than seeing children go to school without masks is the idea of losing elections.” — Grace Curley, The Spectator

The whopping untruths launched onto the people of Western Civ by their governments reformatted the brains of millions so badly that they shuffled obediently into a mass formation and ran over a buffalo jump. What a stampede it has been!

But suddenly, the remaining buffaloes are balking at the cliff’s edge, seeing the bodies pile up below. Some of the bulls have even turned the other way and started charging back across the darkling prairie at the creatures driving the herd with their klaxons of deceit. All authority, from Vienna to Vancouver stands revealed as psychopathic — it apparently seeks to kill and injure as many as possible. Talk about the needle and the damage done! Why else persist with vaccines that don’t work and which provoke the most lethal disease mechanisms as side-effects?

The most mysterious element of the story, of course, is what motivated the various actors in this accursed melodrama. You could start by asking Dr. Anthony Fauci why he suggested this week the need for yet another round of the same mRNA booster shots that already proved completely ineffective against the omicron generation of Coronavirus. People are dropping dead from the boosters. Each successive shot sends a fresh cargo of toxic artificial spike proteins into the bloodstream, which remain at work for more than a year, insidiously gumming up the capillaries of vital organs and throwing toggle switches in the coded proteins of immune systems that turn off the body’s natural defenses against a panoply of diseases, including cancers. The life insurance companies are starting to notice and squawk about the astounding rise in all-causes mortality. Nobody else in the loop dares to speak up, most conspicuously the doctors, except a brave few… McCullough, Malone, Kory, Bhattacharya, Kheriaty, Cole, Risch, Marik, Urso….

Dr. Fauci, of course, has an entire career of public health malpractice to cover up. In his quest for medical immortality, he bungled the institutional response to the AIDS epidemic, introducing toxic drug protocols still inexplicably in use today — namely, AZT, which got FDA approval despite its botched 1986 Phase II trials. Next, Dr. Fauci attempted a miracle cure for the terrifying Ebola virus: remdesivir. More botched trials. Anyway, the drug didn’t work against Ebola. But he hauled it out again for his crowning creation, Covid-19, and got the NIH to anoint remdesivir as the standard-of-care for hospital in-patients — at the same time that he got the bureaucracy to ban and demonize effective early treatment protocols, including ivermectin and HCQ — while pushing his next-gen miracle cure, the mRNA vaccines, which also flunked their rushed and inept trials.

Remdesivir provokes renal failure in five days, leading to fluid build-up in the lungs, and the doctors were unable to discern the deadly side-effects from the supposed symptoms of Covid-19 itself. What’s more, the public health authorities gave a $17,000 bonus to hospitals for each course of remdesivir given, and additional cash for reporting deaths as Covid-related. Quite a racket. The net result is hundreds of thousands of deaths from mass medical malpractice, and ultimately the ruin of the entire racketeering-based US medical system.

Henceforth, doctors will have to battle strenuously against being regarded as dangerous quacks, while the entire scaffold of conglomerate hospitals and group practices founders and falls. You have no idea what a shitstorm of lawsuits is barreling toward the medical establishment when the fog of propaganda finally lifts and the public can see what has been perpetrated against it. Criminal indictments against Dr. Fauci and some of his colleagues should follow in a sane world, and there’s a chance that the world is beginning to swerve back a little closer to sanity — where a respect for truth and the rule-of-law can re-energize the collective public conscience.

The Democratic Party rode this public health fiasco into power in the USA and has abused its prerogatives exorbitantly in its quest for power without purpose… other than for more power to push people around. The Democratic Party used Covid to enable the ballot fraud that drove its nemesis, Mr. Trump, from office — and dearly wanted the same excuse to use it again this year. For weeks now, the party has been dithering between a quadrupling down of its insane Covid mandates and the fretful recognition that too much news of its Covid crimes and turpitudes has gotten out.

Tens of millions heard the three-hour Joe Rogan interviews with Doctors McCullough and Malone, in which they laid out the shocking facts about the rise of medical tyranny, the propaganda campaign supporting it out of the old news media networks, and the obscene machinations of a rogue pharmaceutical industry drunk on profits. Those two long and thoughtful conversations with McCullough and Malone have shifted the public’s perception of what has gone on, and their participation with other doctors in Senator Ron Johnson’s recent hearings, have thrown the Party of Covid and Chaos completely off-balance.

The uprising of Canadian truckers inspires a general resistance to being pushed around by over-reaching elected officials and their bureaucratic subalterns, and the truckers’ example is being followed all over Western Civ. Wait until the American truckers get in the act, representing a vast class of citizens who have taken a beating for more than two years and, increasingly, have nothing left to lose.

Following the lame, coordinate campaign to discredit Joe Rogan, the Democrats and their accomplices in the news media went into a desperate pivot this week, attempting brazenly to pretend that they can walk away from what amounts to their abetting of mass murder. The midterm elections loom darkly. Not only can they be kicked out of legislative power, but there’s an excellent chance that their hapless, grifter president, “Joe Biden” can be impeached and convicted by a new Congress for bribery and treason, and the vice-president along with him for high crimes, leading to the installing of a new speaker of the house (not a Democrat) as president. Between the congressional investigations that would follow, and the appointment of a new attorney general, the prosecutions can commence and the country can begin the rehabilitation of its conscience.


 Source: Clusterfuck Nation

"Canada: the 'anarchists' who hate freedom uprisings" by Winter Oak



Canada: the “anarchists” who hate freedom uprisings

What can we make of a bunch of so-called “anarchists” whose response to a major popular uprising taking place on their doorstep is to angrily oppose it?

Anarchism has always been about people power, about the idea that we need to come together to overthrow tyranny and state-corporate power to create a world in which we are free to run our own lives.

We have now endured two years of the Great Fascist Reset spearheaded by Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum and we might imagine that the sight of rebels occupying a capital city and demanding an end to the nightmare would spark stirrings of solidarity and support in the hearts of genuine freedom-lovers.

But this is far from being the case with the Punch Up Collective of Ottawa.

In a bizarre and toxic February 6 article, ‘Organizing Against the Occupation of Ottawa‘, these self-described anarchists declare that “the convoy participants are our enemies”.

They echo the lies of WEF-groomed Justin Trudeau by describing the freedom protesters as “authoritarian occupiers” engaged in “right-wing adventures in ruining our lives”.

Without feeling the need to provide a shred of evidence, they claim that “the problem with the convoy is that the content of their disruption is racist, sexist, authoritarian, and hurts people” and that it is “part of a broader eugenicist, overtly white supremacist tendency”.

Authoritarian? Eugenicist? They seem to be getting mixed up regarding which side they are talking about, there!

As for “white supremacist”, this interviewed protester is one of many who has no difficulty in seeing through an obvious smear.

The same estrangement from truth was in evidence when Punch Up Collective member Chris Dixon (below), an American academic, insisted on Twitter that their aim was to “build actual freedom and collective liberation”.

Given their obvious instinct to side with power against ordinary people, maybe Punch Up ought to consider changing their name to Punch Down?

This reaction of a group of self-appointed rebels to a moment of real actual revolt is reminiscent of certain UK anarchists’ condemnation of the politically impure riots of 2011, and indeed of the law-and-order brigade who subsequently took to the streets with much-mediatised brooms to sweep away any traces of the popular insurrection which had so rudely interrupted their comfortable lives.

Raw history in the messy making does not motivate Punch Up. They are much more concerned with the kind of self-centred individual who wants “a loan of noise-cancelling headphones” or who hopes that their “pets have a quiet place to stay to escape the endless honking outside their house”.

Forget any idea, fellow radicals, of reclaiming the streets, storming the citadels of power or pulling down the infrastructures of control, because it might disturb the neighbours! Or their cat.

So what are the Punch Up Collective actually planning to do to dislodge the Ottawa occupation, apart from spewing poisonous propaganda?

Rather undermining the message of their belligerent name, they admit: “We were not prepared to mount a spirited anti-authoritarian collective response to the convoy arriving and putting down roots in our town…

“Direct confrontation with the far right is important and can be effective, but in the present moment in Ottawa it’s complicated to mobilize in that way”.

You don’t say!

However, they are apparently “looking forward to coming together with other like-minded groups to not only push back against the current occupation in a variety of ways, but to also prepare for future confrontations like this”.

To try to understand where this highly unpleasant little group is coming from, we took a short trip back in time via their (mercifully meagre!) archives from the last two years.

Before their reactionary outburst of February 6, the last the world had heard from Punch Up was in October 2021, when they published an earnest but painfully dull article detailing the public complaints process against the police.

Apart from a couple of statements of support for other campaigns, the previous Punch Up post dates back to September 2020. This meandering reflection on “solidarity with kids and their caregivers” ends with the statement that “our collective well-being depends on what we’re prepared to struggle for, together”.

Well, yeah.

We will skip rapidly past the June 2020 piece setting out the minutiae of “various layers of decision-making to set the Ottawa Police Services budget” to reach a post from April 2020.

Here, as lockdowns and authoritarian restrictions were being imposed all over the world, the ever-so militant Punch-Up Collective called on its supporters to “come together against the forces of capitalism and colonialism” on May Day by… downloading and sharing images of flowers and butterflies.

Our educational journey back in time finally brings us to March 2020, the very start of the Great Reset.

What a shame that the folks at Punch Up Collective had to postpone a planned fundraiser because of Covid.

Impressively, they managed to announce this using the robotic newnormal-speak which had only just come into vogue: “We want to do what we can to keep our community safe and healthy and slow the spread of the virus… In the meantime, let’s practice physical distancing and social solidarity!”

That same month, these eager beavers published a list of “Links and Resources Useful During COVID-19“.

Kicking off with links to state bodies Ottawa Public Health and Canada Public Health, this continues with the likes of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan (again from the state), education companies offering free subscriptions (from US online education business Kids Activities) and something called The Social Distancing Festival, which sounds like the diametric opposite of what has been happening in Ottawa of late!

Intriguingly, they also provide a link to Operation Ramzieh, a food distribution initiative set up by Cathy Chen and Kamiliya Akkouche, who, according to Canada’s National Observer, were “drawn to making a positive impact amid the global calamity”.

If the word “impact” set off your alarm bells there, you were justified, because the report goes on to tell us that the pair are both “members of a prestigious global club of young leaders backed by the World Economic Forum”, ie the notorious impact-capitalism supporting Global Shapers.

In fact, Chen even “presented at three sessions at the WEF’s Davos meeting of world leaders” in 2019. She is pictured here with Marco Lambertini, director general of the land-grabbing colonialist WWF.

We thus see that the Punch Up Collective in Ottawa has reinforced the official Covid line from the very start, promoting social distancing, state narratives and even Klaus Schwab’s local WEF hub.

Little surprise, perhaps, that these “anarchists” regard the Canadian people who are rising up against the Great Reset as their “enemies”!


Source: Winter Oak

Thursday, February 10, 2022

“Do You Want a War Between Russia and NATO?” by Pepe Escobar


Pepe Escobar
February 9, 2022
© Photo: Public domain

Without deeper understanding of Chinese and Russian civilizations, and their way of thinking, Westerners simply are not equipped to get it, Pepe Escobar believes.

ISTANBUL – Emmanuel Macron is no Talleyrand. Self-promoted as “Jupiterian”, he may have finally got down to earth for a proper realpolitik insight while ruminating one of the former French Minister of Foreign Affairs key bon mots: “A diplomat who says ‘yes’ means ‘maybe’, a diplomat who says ‘maybe’ means ‘no’, and a diplomat who says ‘no’ is no diplomat.”

Mr. Macron went to Moscow to see Mr. Putin with a simple 4-stage plan in mind. 1. Clinch a wide-ranging deal with Putin on Ukraine, thus stopping  “Russian aggression”. 2. Bask in the glow as the West’s Peacemaker. 3. Raise the EU’s tawdry profile, as he’s the current president of the EU Council. 4. Collect all the spoils then bag the April presidential election in France.

Considering he all but begged for an audience in a flurry of phone calls, Macron was received by Putin with no special honors. Comic relief was provided by French mainstream media hysterics, “military strategists” included, evoking the “French castle” sketch in Monty Python’s Holy Grail while reaffirming every stereotype available about  “cowardly frogs”. Their “analysis”: Putin is “isolated” and wants “the military option”. Their top intel source: Bezos-owned CIA rag The Washington Post.

Still, it was fascinating to watch – oh, that loooooong table in the Kremlin: the only EU leader who took the trouble to actually listen to Putin was the one who, months ago, pronounced NATO as “brain-dead”. So the ghosts of Charles de Gaulle and Talleyrand did seem to have engaged in a lively chat, framed by raw economics, finally imprinting on the “Jupiterian” that the imperial obsession on preventing Europe by all means from profiting from wider trade with Eurasia is a losing game.

After a strenuous six hours of discussions Putin, predictably, monopolized the eminently quotable department, starting with one

that will be reverberating all across the Global South for a long time: “Citizens of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia have seen how peaceful is NATO.”

There’s more. The already iconic  Do you want a war between Russia and NATO? – followed by the ominous  “there will be no winners”. Or take this one, on Maidan: “Since February 2014, Russia has considered a coup d’état to be the source of power in Ukraine. This is a bad sandbox, we don’t like this kind of game.”

On the Minsk agreements, the message was blunt: “The President of Ukraine has said that he does not like any of the clauses of the Minsk agreements. Like it, or not – be patient, my beauty. They must be fulfilled.”

The “real issue behind the present crisis”

Macron for his part stressed, “new mechanisms are needed to ensure stability in Europe, but not by revising existing agreements, perhaps new security solutions would be innovative.” So nothing that Moscow had not stressed before. He added, “France and Russia have agreed to work together on security guarantees.” The operative term is “France”. Not the non-agreement capable United States government.

Anglo-American spin insisted that Putin had agreed not to launch new “military initiatives” – while keeping mum on what Macron promised in return. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not confirm any agreement. He only said that the Kremlin will engage with Macron’s dialogue proposals, “provided that the United States also agrees with them.” And for that, as everyone knows, there’s no guarantee.

The Kremlin has been stressing for months that Russia has no interest whatsoever in invading de facto black hole Ukraine. And Russian troops will return to their bases after exercises are over. None of this has anything to do with “concessions” by Putin.

And then came the bombshell: French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire – the inspiration for one of the main characters in Michel Houellebecq’s cracking new book, Anéantir – said that the launch of Nord Stream 2 “is one of the main components of de-escalating tensions on the Russian-Ukrainian border.” Gallic flair formulated out loud what no German had the balls to say.

In Kiev, after his stint in Moscow, it looks like Macron properly told Zelensky which way the wind blows now. Zelensky hastily confirmed Ukraine is ready to implement the Minsk agreements; it never was, for seven long years. He also said he expects to hold a summit in the Normandy format – Kiev, the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, Germany and France – “in the near future”. A meeting of Normandy format political advisers will happen in Berlin on Thursday.

Way back in August 2020, I was already pointing to which way we were heading in the master chessboard. A few sharp minds in the Beltway, emailing their networks, did notice in my column how “the goal of Russian and Chinese policy is to recruit Germany into a triple alliance locking together the Eurasian land mass a la Mackinder into the greatest geopolitical alliance in history, switching world power in favor of these three great powers against Anglo-Saxon sea power.”

Now, a very high-level Deep State intel source, retired, comes down to the nitty gritty, pointing out how “the secret negotiations between Russia and the US center around missiles going into Eastern Europe, as the US frantically drives for completing its development of hypersonic missiles.”

The main point is that if the US places such hypersonic missiles in Romania and Poland, as planned, the time for them to reach Moscow would be 1/10 the time of a Tomahawk. It’s even worse for Russia if they are placed in the Baltics. The source notes, “the US plan is to neutralize the more advanced defensive missile systems that seal Russia’s airspace. This is why the US has offered to allow Russia to inspect these missile sites in the future, to prove that there are no hypersonic nuclear missiles. Yet that’s not a solution, as the Raytheon missile launchers can handle both offensive and defensive missiles, so it’s possible to sneak in the offensive missiles at night. Thus everything requires continuous observation.”

The bottom line is stark: “This is the real issue behind the present crisis. The only solution is no missile sites allowed in Eastern Europe.” That happens to be an essential part of Russia’s demands for security guarantees.

Sailing to Byzantium

Alastair Crooke has demonstrated how “the West slowly is discovering that that it has no pressure point versus Russia (its economy being relatively sanctions-proof), and its military is no match for that of Russia’s.”

In parallel, Michael Hudson has conclusively shown how “the threat to US dominance is that China, Russia and Mackinder’s Eurasian World Island heartland are offering better trade and investment opportunities than are available from the United States with its increasingly desperate demand for sacrifices from its NATO and other allies.”

Quite a few of us, independent analysts from both the Global North and South, have been stressing non-stop for years that the pop Gotterdammerung in progress hinges on the end of American geopolitical control over Eurasia. Occupied Germany and Japan enforcing the strategic submission of Eurasia from the west down to the east; the ever-expanding NATO; the ever de-multiplied Empire of Bases, all the lineaments of the 75-year-plus free lunch are collapsing.

The new groove is set to the tune of the New Silk Roads, or BRI; Russia’s unmatched hypersonic power – and now the non-negotiable demands for security guarantees; the advent of RCEP – the largest free trade deal on the planet uniting East Asia; the Empire all but expelled from Central Asia after the Afghan humiliation; and sooner rather than later its expulsion from the first island chain in the Western Pacific, complete with a starring role for the Chinese DF-21D “carrier killer” missiles.

The Ray McGovern-coined MICIMATT (military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex) was not capable to muster the collective IQ to even begin to understand the terms of the Russia-China joint statement issued on an already historic February 4, 2022. Some in Europe actually did – arguably located in the Elysée Palace.

This enlightened unpacking focuses on the interconnection of some key formulations, such as “relations between Russia and China superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era” and “friendship which shows no limits”: the strategic partnership, for all its challenges ahead, is way more complex than a mere “treaty” or “agreement”. Without deeper understanding of Chinese and Russian civilizations, and their way of thinking, Westerners simply are not equipped to get it.

In the end, if we manage to escape so much Western doom and gloom, we might end up navigating a warped remix of Yeats’ Sailing to Byzantium. We may always dream of the best and the brightest in Europe finally sailing away from the iron grip of tawdry imperial Exceptionalistan:

Once out of nature I shall never take / My bodily form from any natural thing, / But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make / Of hammered gold and gold enameling / To keep a drowsy Emperor awake; / Or set upon a golden bough to sing /To lords and ladies of Byzantium / Of what is past, or passing, or to come.”


Source: Strategic Culture Foundation

" Is the American Legacy Media a ‘Weapon of Mass Destruction’?" by Robert Bridge


Robert Bridge
February 9, 2022
© Photo: Public domain

Not since the Vietnam War – when liberals behaved like peaceniks and not the Neocon country cousins they’ve become – has the media seriously scrutinized the US government’s arguments for military exploits abroad.

From the oilfields of Iraq, to the mountains of Afghanistan, to Trump’s classic head fake in Syria when a few missiles demolished a deserted airfield, triggering NBC host Brian Williams to get all choked up over “the beauty of our weapons,” the MSM has dutifully played water boy to Uncle Sam’s overseas misadventures. Somewhere, somehow along the way Americans inherited a Fourth Estate that actively promotes military aggression abroad.

Last week, however, it looked as though the White House press corps experienced an awakening of sorts as the risk of Russia and NATO stumbling headlong into Armageddon looked razor close. That epic moment in US media history happened when State Department spokesman Ned Price, fleshing out an earlier report from the Washington Post, claimed that the Kremlin was producing a video of a mass casualty event in Ukraine to be used as a pretext for a Russian invasion.

According to Price, the video is “fabricated by Russian intelligence using crisis actors” and is “one of a number of options the Russian government is developing as a fake pretext to initiate and potentially justify military aggression against Ukraine.”

In the past, these zero-calorie morsels of intel from the State Department would have been gobbled up by the press and regurgitated across every front page the very next morning. But just as Price was about to move on to more pressing matters, like maybe what flavor ice cream the Commander-in-Chief prefers this week, something weird happened.

Matt Lee, a veteran writer with the Associated Press, unexpectedly pounced on Price, demanding to know how he can “support the idea that there is some propaganda film in the making?” At one point Lee even suggested “this is Alex Jones territory” with regards to the idea of crisis actors being employed.

In other words, Lee wanted something that the White House hasn’t been forced to produce since Monica Lewinsky’s stained blue dress surfaced at Bill Clinton’s 1998 impeachment trial – gold ol’ fashioned, hardcore evidence. Price, visibly stunned, apparently couldn’t believe that the term “intelligence” no longer worked to mollify a roomful of reporters as it once did.

What is so laughable about the Price-Lee standoff is how a US reporter simply doing his job – pressing the State Department for evidence regarding an unclassified intelligence report – has actually turned into a major news story. And as the Price-Lee saga went viral, the main question – the veracity of the ‘Russian video’ claim – went conveniently missing in action. This shows how far the paying audience has allowed the establishment to travel from that safe space known as reality.

At a time when so many media stories are generously peppered with anonymous citations from various ‘former senior intelligence officials’ and ‘high-ranking diplomats,’ it’s no wonder that government officials feel they too are at liberty to spew ‘intelligence’ without the need to demonstrate its authenticity. Why should Lee have expected anything more than a verbal assurance when the majority of news channels and publications are themselves guilty of such shoddy standards (even the highly respected journalist Seymour Hersh was called out for the excessive use of anonymous attribution, as he did in his windy 10,128-word essay detailing the US military’s 2011 raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan)?

While it is necessary for the media and government to ‘protect national security secrets,’ this excuse has been tossed around so many times in the past that the majority of news stories “might have been written by Lewis Carroll,” to borrow a line from Hersh’s abovementioned fantasy piece. It’s no wonder that fake news of the Russiagate variety, alongside military disasters based on ‘intelligence errors’ like Iraq, flourish like the Tom Clancy shelf at the local bookstore.

Following this unseemly showdown at the State Department, Rice and Lee reportedly made amends in a phone call and everything was hunky dory. So hunky dory, in fact, that the media practically carried out a false flag itself, possibly as an act of penance for Lee wandering so far off the reservation.

On Saturday, Bloomberg News agency, instead of maybe doing a deep dive on the wild Russian video claim, ‘accidentally’ hit ‘publish’ on a headline that read, ‘Live: Russia invades Ukraine’. It just so happened that the editors at the news agency, so the story goes, had that apocalyptic headline all type-set and ready to go, you know, just in case. Incredibly, this latest media glitch just happened to target the all-time favorite bogeyman (aside from Donald Trump) of the Democratic Party and just hours after the White House was forced to walk back its ‘Russian false flag’ conspiracy theory.

It was not the Russians who staged a false flag attack, but rather a major US news agency – and on a Saturday night, of all nights, when cognitive thinking abilities are most likely to be severely impaired. The question now is: how much lower can the mainstream media go? Currently, 57% of Democrats say they trust the media and only 18% of Republicans, according to Edelman’s annual trust barometer as reported by Axios. At the same time, 58% think that “most news organizations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public.”

With the prospect of a possible war-by-proxy or worse erupting between Russia and NATO over highly volatile Ukraine, which Zbigniew Brzezinski listed as one of the “critically important geopolitical pivots” on the grand chessboard, the importance of a viable and trustworthy media to hold government officials to task has rarely been greater. Yet here we have a media industrial complex that, in the best case, acts as a ‘weapon of mass distraction,’ and, in the worst case, one of potential mass destruction. Americans must expect better from its floundering media; there is simply too much at stake.


Source: Strategic Culture Foundation

Monday, February 7, 2022

"America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia" by Michael Hudson.

 Thanks to Saint Jimmy (Russian American) for contributing this article.


America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The U.S. aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia

By Michael Hudson and posted by permission

The Iron Curtain of the 1940s and ‘50s was ostensibly designed to isolate Russia from Western Europe – to keep out Communist ideology and military penetration. Today’s sanctions regime is aimed inward, to prevent America’s NATO and other Western allies from opening up more trade and investment with Russia and China. The aim is not so much to isolate Russia and China as to hold these allies firmly within America’s own economic orbit. Allies are to forego the benefits of importing Russian gas and Chinese products, buying much higher-priced U.S. LNG and other exports, capped by more U.S. arms.

The sanctions that U.S. diplomats are insisting that their allies impose against trade with Russia and China are aimed ostensibly at deterring a military buildup. But such a buildup cannot really be the main Russian and Chinese concern. They have much more to gain by offering mutual economic benefits to the West. So the underlying question is whether Europe will find its advantage in replacing U.S. exports with Russian and Chinese supplies and the associated mutual economic linkages.

What worries American diplomats is that Germany, other NATO nations and countries along the Belt and Road route understand the gains that can be made by opening up peaceful trade and investment. If there is no Russian or Chinese plan to invade or bomb them, what is the need for NATO? What is the need for such heavy purchases of U.S. military hardware by America’s affluent allies? And if there is no inherently adversarial relationship, why do foreign countries need to sacrifice their own trade and financial interests by relying exclusively on U.S. exporters and investors?

These are the concerns that have prompted French Prime Minister Macron to call forth the ghost of Charles de Gaulle and urge Europe to turn away from what he calls NATO’s “brain-dead” Cold War and beak with the pro-U.S. trade arrangements that are imposing rising costs on Europe while denying it potential gains from trade with Eurasia. Even Germany is balking at demands that it freeze by this coming March by going without Russian gas.

Instead of a real military threat from Russia and China, the problem for American strategists is the absence of such a threat. All countries have come to realize that the world has reached a point at which no industrial economy has the manpower and political ability to mobilize a standing army of the size that would be needed to invade or even wage a major battle with a significant adversary. That political cost makes it uneconomic for Russia to retaliate against NATO adventurism prodding at its western border trying to incite a military response. It’s just not worth taking over Ukraine.

America’s rising pressure on its allies threatens to drive them out of the U.S. orbit. For over 75 years they had little practical alternative to U.S. hegemony. But that is now changing. America no longer has the monetary power and seemingly chronic trade and balance-of-payments surplus that enabled it to draw up the world’s trade and investment rules in 1944-45. The threat to U.S. dominance is that China, Russia and Mackinder’s Eurasian World Island heartland are offering better trade and investment opportunities than are available from the United States with its increasingly desperate demand for sacrifices from its NATO and other allies.

The most glaring example is the U.S. drive to block Germany from authorizing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to obtain Russian gas for the coming cold weather. Angela Merkel agreed with Donald Trump to spend $1 billion building a new LNG port to become more dependent on highly priced U.S. LNG. (The plan was cancelled after the U.S. and German elections changed both leaders.) But Germany has no other way of heating many of its houses and office buildings (or supplying its fertilizer companies) than with Russian gas.

The only way left for U.S. diplomats to block European purchases is to goad Russia into a military response and then claim that avenging this response outweighs any purely national economic interest. As hawkish Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, explained in a State Department press briefing on January 27: “If Russia invades Ukraine one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”[1] The problem is to create a suitably offensive incident and depict Russia as the aggressor.

Nuland expressed who was dictating the policies of NATO members succinctly in 2014: “Fuck the EU.” That was said as she told the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine that the State Department was backing the puppet Arseniy Yatsenyuk as Ukrainian prime minister (removed after two years in a corruption scandal), and U.S. political agencies backed the bloody Maidan massacre that ushered in what are now eight years of civil war. The result devastated Ukraine much as U.S. violence had done in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. This is not a policy of world peace or democracy that European voters endorse.

U.S. trade sanctions imposed on its NATO allies extend across the trade spectrum. Austerity-ridden Lithuania gave up its cheese and agricultural market in Russia, and is blocking its state-owned railroad from carrying Belarus potash to the Baltic port of Klaipeda. The port’s majority owner complained that “Lithuania will lose hundreds of millions of dollars from halting Belarus exports through Klaipeda,” and “could face legal claims of $15 billion over broken contracts.”[2] Lithuania has even agreed to U.S. prompting to recognize Taiwan, resulting in China refusing to import German or other products that include Lithuanian-made components.

Europe is to impose sanctions at the cost of rising energy and agricultural prices by giving priority to imports from the United States and foregoing Russian, Belarusian and other linkages outside of the Dollar Area. As Sergey Lavrov put matters: “When the United States thinks that something suits its interests, it can betray those with whom it was friendly, with whom it cooperated and who catered to its positions around the world.”[3]

America’s sanctions on its allies hurt their economies, not those of Russia and China

What seems ironic is that such sanctions against Russia and China have ended up helping rather than hurting them. But the primary aim was not to hurt nor to help the Russian and Chinese economies. After all, it is axiomatic that sanctions force the targeted countries to become more self-reliant. Deprived of Lithuanian cheese, Russian producers have produced their own, and no longer need to import it from the Baltic states. America’s underlying economic rivalry is aimed at keeping European and its allied Asian countries in its own increasingly protected economic orbit. Germany, Lithuania and other allies are told to impose sanctions directed against their own economic welfare by not trading with countries outside the U.S. dollar-area orbit.

Quite apart from the threat of actual war resulting from U.S. bellicosity, the cost to America’s allies of surrendering to U.S. trade and investment demands is becoming so high as to be politically unaffordable. For nearly a century there has been little alternative but to agree to trade and investment rules favoring the U.S. economy as the price of receiving U.S. financial and trade support and even military security. But an alternative is now threatening to emerge – one offering benefits from China’s Belt and Road initiative, and from Russia’s desire for foreign investment to help modernize its industrial organization, as seemed to be promised thirty years ago in 1991.

Ever since the closing years of World War II, U.S. diplomacy has aimed at locking Britain, France, and especially defeated Germany and Japan, into becoming U.S. economic and military dependencies. As I documented in Super Imperialism, American diplomats broke up the British Empire and absorbed its Sterling Area by the onerous terms imposed first by Lend-Lease and then the Anglo-American Loan Agreement of 1946. The latter’s terms obliged Britain to give up its Imperial Preference policy and unblock the sterling balances that India and other colonies had accumulated for their raw-materials exports during the war, thus opening the British Commonwealth to U.S. exports.

Britain committed itself not to recover its prewar markets by devaluing sterling. U.S. diplomats then created the IMF and World Bank on terms that promoted U.S. export markets and deterred competition from Britain and other former rivals. Debates in the House of Lords and the House of Commons showed that British politicians recognized that they were being consigned to a subservient economic position, but felt that they had no alternative. And once they gave up, U.S. diplomats had a free hand in confronting the rest of Europe.

Financial power has enabled America to continue dominating Western diplomacy despite being forced off gold in 1971 as a result of the balance-of-payments costs of its overseas military spending. For the past half-century, foreign countries have kept their international monetary reserves in U.S. dollars – mainly in U.S. Treasury securities, U.S. bank accounts and other financial investments in the U.S. economy. The Treasury-bill standard obliges foreign central banks to finance America’s military-based balance-of-payments deficit – and in the process, the domestic government budget deficit.

The United States does not need this recycling to create money. The government can simply print money, as MMT has demonstrated. But the United States does need this foreign central bank dollar recycling to balance its international payments and support the dollar’s exchange rate. If the dollar were to decline, foreign countries would find it much easier to pay international dollar-debts in their own currencies. U.S. import prices would rise, and it would be more costly for U.S. investors to buy foreign assets. And foreigners would lose money on U.S. stocks and bonds as denominated in their own currencies, and would drop them. Central banks in particular would take a loss on the Treasury’s dollar bonds that they hold in their monetary reserves – and would find their interest to lie in moving out of the dollar. So the U.S. balance of payments and exchange rate are both threatened by U.S. belligerency and military spending throughout the world – yet its diplomats are trying to stabilize matters by ramping up the military threat to crisis levels.

U.S. drives to keep its European and East Asian protectorates locked into its own sphere of influence is threatened by the emergence of China and Russia independently of the United States while the U.S. economy is de-industrializing as a result of its own deliberate policy choices. The industrial dynamic that made the United States so dominant from the late 19th century up to the 1970s has given way to an evangelistic neoliberal financialization. That is why U.S. diplomats need to arm-twist their allies to block their economic relations with post-Soviet Russia and socialist China, whose growth is outstripping that of the United States and whose trade arrangements offer more opportunities for mutual gain.

At issue is how long the United States can block its allies from taking advantage of China’s economic growth. Will Germany, France and other NATO countries seek prosperity for themselves instead of letting the U.S. dollar standard and trade preferences siphon off their economic surplus?

Oil diplomacy and America’s dream for post-Soviet Russia

The expectation of Gorbachev and other Russian officials in 1991 was that their economy would turn to the West for reorganization along the lines that had made the U.S., German and other economies so prosperous. The mutual expectation in Russia and Western Europe was for German, French and other investors to restructure the post-Soviet economy along more efficient lines.

That was not the U.S. plan. When Senator John McCain called Russia “a gas station with atom bombs,” that was America’s dream for what they wanted Russia to be – with Russia’s gas companies passing into control by U.S. stockholders, starting with the planned buyout of Yukos as arranged with Mikhail Khordokovsky. The last thing that U.S. strategists wanted to see was a thriving revived Russia. U.S. advisors sought to privatize Russia’s natural resources and other non-industrial assets, by turning them over to kleptocrats who could “cash out” on the value of what they had privatized only by selling to U.S. and other foreign investors for hard currency. The result was a neoliberal economic and demographic collapse throughout the post-Soviet states.

In some ways, America has been turning itself into its own version of a gas station with atom bombs (and arms exports). U.S. oil diplomacy aims to control the world’s oil trade so that its enormous profits will accrue to the major U.S. oil companies. It was to keep Iranian oil in the hands of British Petroleum that the CIA’s Kermit Roosevelt worked with British Petroleum’s Anglo-Persian Oil Company to overthrow Iran’s elected leader Mohammed Mossadegh in 1954 when he sought to nationalize the company after it refused decade after decade to perform its promised contributions to the economy. After installing the Shah whose democracy was based on a vicious police state, Iran threatened once again to act as the master of its own oil resources. So it was once again confronted with U.S.-sponsored sanctions, which remain in effect today. The aim of such sanctions is to keep the world oil trade firmly under U.S. control, because oil is energy and energy is the key to productivity and real GDP.

In cases where foreign governments such as Saudi Arabia and neighboring Arab petrostates have taken control, the export earnings of their oil are to be deposited in U.S. financial markets to support the dollar’s exchange rate and U.S. financial domination. When they quadrupled their oil prices in 1973-74 (in response to the U.S. quadrupling of its grain-export prices), the U.S. State Department laid down the law and told Saudi Arabia that it could charge as much as it wanted for its oil (thereby raising the price umbrella for U.S. oil producers), but it had to recycle its oil-export earnings to the United States in dollar-denominated securities – mainly in U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. bank accounts, along with some minority holdings of U.S. stocks and bonds (but only as passive investors, not using this financial power to control corporate policy).

The second mode of recycling oil-export earnings was to buy U.S. arms exports, with Saudi Arabia becoming one of the military-industrial complex’s largest customers. U.S. arms production actually is not primarily military in character. As the world is now seeing in the kerfuffle over Ukraine, America does not have a fighting army. What it has is what used to be called an “eating army.” U.S. arms production employs labor and produces weaponry as a kind of prestige good for governments to show off, not for actual fighting. Like most luxury goods, the markup is very high. That is the essence of high fashion and style, after all. The MIC uses its profits to subsidize U.S. civilian production in a way that does not violate the letter of international trade laws against government subsidy.

Sometimes, of course, military force is indeed used. In Iraq, first George W. Bush and then Barack Obama used the military to seize the country’ oil reserves, along with those of Syria and Libya. Control of world oil has been the buttress of America’s balance of payments. Despite the global drive to slow the planet’s warming, U.S. officials continue to view oil as the key to America’s economic supremacy. That is why the U.S. military is still refusing to obey Iraq’s orders to leave their country, keeping its troops in control of Iraqi oil, and why it agreed with the French to destroy Libya and still has troops in the oilfields of Syria. Closer to home, President Biden has approved offshore drilling and supports Canada’s expansion of its Athabasca tar sands, environmentally the dirtiest oil in the world.

Along with oil and food exports, arms exports support the Treasury-bill standard’s financing of America’s overseas military spending on its 750 bases abroad. But without a standing enemy constantly threatening at the gates, NATO’s existence falls apart. What would be the need for countries to buy submarines, aircraft carriers, airplanes, tanks, missiles and other arms?

As the United States has de-industrialized, its trade and balance-of-payments deficit is becoming more problematic. It needs arms export sales to help reduce its widening trade deficit and also to subsidize its commercial aircraft and related civilian sectors. The challenge is how to maintain its prosperity and world dominance as it de-industrializes while economic growth is surging ahead in China and now even Russia.

America has lost its industrial cost advantage by the sharp rise in its cost of living and doing business in its financialized post-industrial rentier economy. Additionally, as Seymour Melman explained in the 1970s, Pentagon capitalism is based on cost-plus contracts: The higher military hardware costs, the more profit its manufacturers receive. So U.S. arms are over-engineered – hence, the $500 toilet seats instead of a $50 model. The main attractiveness of luxury goods after all, including military hardware, is their high price.

This is the background for U.S. fury at its failure to seize Russia’s oil resources – and at seeing Russia also break free militarily to create its own arms exports, which now are typically better and much less costly than those of the U.S. Today Russia is in the position of Iran in 1954 and again in 1979. Not only do its oil sales rival those of U.S. LNG, but Russia keeps its oil-export earnings at home to finance its re-industrialization, so as to rebuild the economy that was destroyed by the U.S.-sponsored shock “therapy” of the 1990s.

The line of least resistance for U.S. strategy seeking to maintain control of the world’s oil supply while maintaining its luxury-arms export market via NATO is to Cry Wolf and insist that Russia is on the verge of invading Ukraine – as if Russia had anything to gain by quagmire warfare over Europe’s poorest and least productive economy. The winter of 2021-22 has seen a long attempt at U.S. prodding of NATO and Russia to fight – without success.

U.S. dreams of a neoliberalized China as a U.S. corporate affiliate

America has de-industrialized as a deliberate policy of slashing production costs as its manufacturing companies have sought low-wage labor abroad, most notably in China. This shift was not a rivalry with China, but was viewed as mutual gain. American banks and investors were expected to secure control and the profits of Chinese industry as it was marketized. The rivalry was between U.S. employers and U.S. labor, and the class-war weapon was offshoring and, in the process, cutting back government social spending.

Similar to the Russian pursuit of oil, arms and agricultural trade independent of U.S. control, China’s offense is keeping the profits of its industrialization at home, retaining state ownership of significant corporations and, most of all, keeping money creation and the Bank of China as a public utility to fund its own capital formation instead of letting U.S. banks and brokerage houses provide its financing and siphon off its surplus in the form of interest, dividends and management fees. The one saving grace to U.S. corporate planners has been China’s role in deterring U.S. wages from rising by providing a source of low-priced labor to enable American manufacturers to offshore and outsource their production.

The Democratic Party’s class war against unionized labor started in the Carter Administration and greatly accelerated when Bill Clinton opened the southern border with NAFTA. A string of maquiladoras were established along the border to supply low-priced handicraft labor. This became so successful a corporate profit center that Clinton pressed to admit China into the World Trade Organization in December 2001, in the closing month of his administration. The dream was for it to become a profit center for U.S. investors, producing for U.S. companies and financing its capital investment (and housing and government spending too, it was hoped) by borrowing U.S. dollars and organizing its industry in a stock market that, like that of Russia in 1994-96, would become a leading provider of finance-capital gains for U.S. and other foreign investors.

Walmart, Apple and many other U.S. companies organized production facilities in China, which necessarily involved technology transfers and creation of an efficient infrastructure for export trade. Goldman Sachs led the financial incursion, and helped China’s stock market soar. All this was what America had been urging.

Where did America’s neoliberal Cold War dream go wrong? For starters, China did not follow the World Bank’s policy of steering governments to borrow in dollars to hire U.S. engineering firms to provide export infrastructure. It industrialized in much the same way that the United States and Germany did in the late 19th century: By heavy public investment in infrastructure to provide basic needs at subsidized prices or freely, from health care and education to transportation and communications, in order to minimize the cost of living that employers and exporters had to pay. Most important, China avoided foreign debt service by creating its own money and keeping the most important production facilities in its own hands.

U.S. demands are driving its allies out of the dollar-NATO trade and monetary orbit

As in a classical Greek tragedy, U.S. foreign policy is bringing about precisely the outcome that it most fears. Overplaying their hand with their own NATO allies, U.S. diplomats are bringing about Kissinger’s nightmare scenario, driving Russia and China together. While America’s allies are told to bear the costs of U.S. sanctions, Russia and China are benefiting by being obliged to diversify and make their own economies independent of reliance on U.S. suppliers of food and other basic needs. Above all, these two countries are creating their own de-dollarized credit and bank-clearing systems, and holding their international monetary reserves in the form of gold, euros and each other’s currencies to conduct their mutual trade and investment.

This de-dollarization provides an alternative to the unipolar U.S. ability to gain free foreign credit via the U.S. Treasury-bill standard for world monetary reserves. As foreign countries and their central banks de-dollarize, what will support the dollar? Without the free line of credit provided by central banks automatically recycling America’s foreign military and other overseas spending back to the U.S. economy (with only a minimal return), how can the United States balance its international payments in the face of its de-industrialization?

The United States cannot simply reverse its de-industrialization and dependence on Chinese and other Asian labor by bringing production back home. It has built too high a rentier overhead into its economy for its labor to be able to compete internationally, given the U.S. wage-earner’s budgetary demands to pay high and rising housing and education costs, debt service and health insurance, and for privatized infrastructure services.

The only way for the United States to sustain its international financial balance is by monopoly pricing of its arms, patented pharmaceutical and information-technology exports, and by buying control of the most lucrative production and potentially rent-extracting sectors abroad – in other words, by spreading neoliberal economic policy throughout the world in a way that obliges other countries to depend on U.S. loans and investment.

That is not a way for national economies to grow. The alternative to neoliberal doctrine is China’s growth policies that follow the same basic industrial logic by which Britain, the United States, Germany and France rose to industrial power during their own industrial takeoffs with strong government support and social spending programs.

The United States has abandoned this traditional industrial policy since the 1980s. It is imposing on its own economy the neoliberal policies that de-industrialized Pinochetista Chile, Thatcherite Britain and the post-industrial former Soviet republics, the Baltics and Ukraine since 1991. Its highly polarized and debt-leveraged prosperity is based on inflating real estate and securities prices and privatizing infrastructure.

This neoliberalism has been a path to becoming a failed economy and indeed, a failed state, obliged to suffer debt deflation, rising housing prices and rents as owner-occupancy rates decline, as well as exorbitant medical and other costs resulting from privatizing what other countries provide freely or at subsidized prices as human rights – health care, education, medical insurance and pensions.

The success of China’s industrial policy with a mixed economy and state control of the monetary and credit system has led U.S. strategists to fear that Western European and Asian economies may find their advantage to lie in integrating more closely with China and Russia. The U.S. seems to have no response to such a global rapprochement with China and Russia except economic sanctions and military belligerence. That New Cold War stance is expensive, and other countries are balking at bearing the cost of a conflict that has no benefit for themselves and indeed, threatens to destabilize their own economic growth and political independence.

Without subsidy from these countries, especially as China, Russia and their neighbors de-dollarize their economies, how can the United States maintain the balance-of-payments costs of its overseas military spending? Cutting back that spending, and indeed recovering industrial self-reliance and competitive economic power, would require a transformation of American politics. Such a change seems unlikely, but without it, how long can America’s post-industrial rentier economy manage to force other countries to provide it with the economic affluence (literally a flowing-in) that it is no longer producing at home?

  1. Dismissing reporters’ comments that “what the Germans have said publicly doesn’t match with what you’re saying exactly,” she explained the U.S. tactics to stall Nord Stream 2. Countering a reporter’s point that “all they have to do is turn it on,” she said: “As Senator Cruz likes to say … it is currently a hunk of metal at the bottom of the ocean. It needs to be tested. It needs to be certified. It needs to have regulatory approval.” For a recent review of the increasingly tense geopolitics at work, see John Foster, “Pipeline Politics hits Multipolar Realities: Nord Stream 2 and the Ukraine Crisis,” Counterpunch, February 3, 2022.
  2. Andrew Higgins, “Fueling a Geopolitical Tussle in Eastern Europe: Fertilizer,” The New York Times, January 31, 2022. The owner plans to sue Lithuania’s government for hefty damages.
  3. Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry, “Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to questions from Channel One’s Voskresnoye Vremya programme,” Moscow, January 30, 2022. Johnson’s Russia List, January 31, 2022, #9.


Source:Vineyard of the Saker

"The Nefarious Goal Behind Covid Testing" by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


The Nefarious Goal Behind Covid Testing

An important and short addition to my essays The Three Faces of Evil and W'aR

I am working on a new essay titled The Victimization of Anthony Fauci, to be published within the next few days, which also includes commentary on Justin Trudeau and the Truckers Freedom Convoy. However, I had to take a few moments today to write this shorter piece about Covid/genomic testing.

I cannot stress how important this is! If you wish to take a deeper dive, you’ll find a list of the essays I’ve written on this subject at the end of this piece. What I discuss here is an extension of my essays W'aR, specifically about testing, and The Three Faces of Evil, about Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden.

Everything about this pandemic was carefully planned and anyone who doesn’t see it either hasn’t bothered researching it properly (and doesn’t care) or knows full well what’s going on (and doesn’t care or is a part of it).

Bill Gates and his right-hand man, Anthony Fauci, are at the center of this three-ring circus. This money-making and power-grabbing scheme. This biggest con in history.

But it’s so much more than that.

On September 30, 2020, Life Science Companies and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation published a Joint Communique “Commitments to Expanded Global Access for Covid-19 Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Vaccines.

Note the expansive list of drug companies and the ONE foundation connecting them all:

AstraZeneca; Bayer; bioMérieux; Boehringer Ingelheim; Bristol Myers Squibb; Eisai; Eli Lilly; Gilead; GSK; Johnson & Johnson; Merck & Co. (known as MSD outside the U.S. and Canada); Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany; Novartis; Pfizer; Roche; and Sanofi together with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation each pledged ourselves to the fight against COVID-19.

They promise:

Collectively, we have launched the most expansive and ambitious pandemic R&D response effort in history, with the promise of a range of interventions that can help end the pandemic. Creating these innovations is not enough, however. Through partnerships with other stakeholders we are committed to ensuring global access to diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines that will help to accelerate the end of the pandemic.

But as I’ve previously discussed and will further elaborate in my next essay, none of these parties have any interest in ending the spread of viruses in general.

Beyond the obvious motivator of greed, something even more nefarious is going on with testing.

I have a sense of urgency in writing this because despite all of the evidence showing how bad of an idea this testing is, the Joe Biden administration has just awarded a $1.3 billion contract to iHealth, a subsidiary of China’s Andon Health Co. Ltd. that will supply millions of COVID-19 tests to the United States.

Keep in mind that this type of testing didn’t happen overnight. They have been “testing” the testing on humans for a while now and it is only with Covid that they coalesced testing into one type for the entire planet.

As one example of the preparation they have undertaken we can look to an article in the Times of India: “In 2010, the CDC, in conjunction with the CDC Foundation, formed the Viral Hepatitis Action Coalition, which supports research and promotes expanded testing and treatment of hepatitis C in the United States and globally. Industry has donated over $26m to the coalition through the CDC Foundation since 2010. Corporate members of the coalition include Abbott Laboratories, AbbVie, Gilead, Janssen, Merck, OraSure Technologies, Quest Diagnostics, and Siemens—each of which produces products to test for or treat hepatitis C infection.”

And, of course, as we saw in the Life Science Companies and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Joint Communique, Bill Gates has his grubby fingers in all of it.

Along with every other insane decision that is being made by the Biden administration, this focus on testing and the buying of tests from the very country that unleashed this virus on us all, demonstrates clearly - if there was ever any doubt - that our government does not care about protecting the American people, either from this virus (is that what it is?) or from infiltration by foreign entities.

There are so many distractions keeping us from thinking about testing. We even have a potential war looming. Yet, if we do not stop it, this testing will prove the stealth weapon destroying us all from the inside out, without ever firing a shot.

A recent article in the Washington Free Beacon said that “in announcing the contract with iHealth and two other companies, the Department of Defense said the administration will purchase almost 400 million kits in a deal that totaled nearly $2 billion. Rep. Don Bacon (R., Neb.) called the arrangement with a Chinese manufacturer "ridiculous" given China has "not been transparent one iota on what happened at Wuhan." Prior to the Pentagon contract, the FDA in December approved iHealth’s request to manufacture at-home COVID-19 tests for Americans.”

Imagine the irony of the United States Department of Defense ordering these testing kits from China. I mean, it just boggles the mind.

Always siding with China, Anthony Fauci said in December that we simply had to purchase these testing kits from China because American manufacturers were already "going full speed,” but somehow, we are just inadequate in our production abilities.

I don’t know how many times or in different ways I have to say it. I am one small voice, but please listen. Expert scientists keep on talking about these tests as if they actually mean something.

They do not work. They never have.

With all due respect, even those scientists, doctors and researchers on the side of transparency regarding vaccine injuries and ending mandates, (I name no names, what’s the point), do not address this simple fact upon which the entire narrative falls apart. Even they are not in agreement, anyway. Some say the vaccines are good for the elderly, some say the vaccines are bioweapons, all of them quote data that has been collected to support their point of view.

Here’s the problem. If the tests themselves were never accurate, any data collected on either side of the aisle is worthless. Stop sharing it. Stop arguing over it. Stop getting bogged down in numbers that are constantly being fiddled with to prove one side or the other.

Any chart of deaths or whatever you want to put on them is bogus. Pouring over these charts is an absurdity.

For more about the vaccines, (or if you are offended by that term because it is inaccurate, call it whatever you want) you can read Covid and the Greater Good.

Adding insult to injury, not only are we subjecting ourselves and our children to the humiliating process of taking these tests, but we are buying this snake oil from the country that got us into this mess in the first place. With our government’s blessing! And far from objecting, people are grabbing up these “free” tests and any other ones they can find as if we have all turned into mindless, obedient animals.

Increasingly, I get the feeling that we have all fallen down the rabbit hole and are now in some kind of nonsensical Alice in Wonderland world. Except at least Alice had the gumption to talk about it, stomp her foot at that obnoxious queen and refuse to do her bidding.

In contrast, few raise the issue of these tests. Instead, arguments abound about everything else, ignoring the very obvious contradictions at the heart of the matter as if they simply don’t exist or at least don’t matter very much.

This is part of the mass psychosis that I talked about in my essay Utopian Madness, written, by the way, months before Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone burst upon the scene, although I’m glad they did.

However, once the MSM tried to debunk mass psychosis, it would have been helpful if Malone et all had explained, as I explain in Utopian Madness, that mass psychosis only comes about after a good dose of menticide: the process of systematically altering beliefs and attitudes, especially through the use of drugs, torture, or psychological stress techniques; brainwashing.

If one understands all of these factors, it becomes clear why governments across the globe have so easily been able to insist that everyone take these ridiculous tests.

Everyone talks about vaccine mandates. What if the bigger goal is collection of genetic data?

Editing human embryos

Yes, I realize that many of these home testing kits do not require samples to be sent in to a lab. This is beside the point. It’s too late to make this argument. I explain this in W’aR. We can never go back to the days before our DNA became more precious than gold and we gave it away for a pot of stew.

Millions and soon to be billions of people have become accustomed to testing, testing, testing. Once the transition is made to all humans being microchipped people will find it a relief that their data is being collected in a much easier fashion.

If you haven’t taken a test yet, you can check out this example at Very Well Health suggests The 9 Best At-Home COVID-19 Tests of 2022 ( Most tests require a sample being sent into a lab.

Understand, they do not care whether the test is accurate or not, whether you have “Covid” or not. They know it is all bogus.

The important thing is that you test.

What, then, do they care about? First of all, training people to be compliant and take the tests, and second of all, collecting the data from the tests, and third of all, getting richer and gaining a monopoly on the market because of the tests.

Know that the ultimate goal is and always has been the data.

In W’aR, I write my most extensive piece about the relationship between DNA collection and Covid testing. I talk about BGI, a Chinese company which has sold millions of Covid testing kits to more than 80 countries since the beginning of the pandemic.

Bill Gates, the Chinese government, even those within the United States government were prepared. They knew what they wanted to do before Covid ever burst upon the scene. Go back and look at Fauci’s increasing battles with President Donald Trump, which I document in my most popular essay to date, The Demonization of the Unvaxxed.

Please, arm yourself with knowledge to withstand the attacks that are coming.

According to a 2015 Financial Times article, in 2010, Bill Gates “visited an unremarkable building in an industrial estate on the outskirts of Shenzhen, China. With row after row of high-tech machinery humming inside, the place could easily be mistaken for an anonymous data warehouse. But Mr. Gates and Ray Yip, head of the Gates Foundation’s China operation, saw something else that day. As they toured the BGI headquarters, the two men were stunned by the ambition of the scientists working at the biotech company. Inside, more than 150 state of the art genetic sequencing machines were analysing the equivalent of thousands of human genomes a day. The company is working towards a goal of building a huge library based on the DNA of many millions of people. BGI executives see this not as the end-game, but as the springboard for new drug discoveries, advanced genetic research and a transformation of public health policy.”

In September of 2012, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation signed a “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to form a collaboration on global health and agricultural development with the goal of achieving common objectives in health and agricultural development.”

Besides “scientific breakthroughs in the areas of human, plant and animal genomics.” the collaboration focused on sequencing genomes:

“Having contributed to the Human Genome Project as well as sequencing the genomes of many critical plant and animal species and human diseases, including the initial sequencing of the rice genome as well as our involvement in the Rice 10,000 Genome Project, the 1,000 Plants and Animals Genome Project, the International 1,000 genomes project, the 1,000 Rare Diseases Project, the International Cancer Genome Project, Autism Genome 10K, among others, BGI looks forward to partnering with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in this significant collaboration to apply genomics research to benefit global human health.”

Then, lo and behold in March of 2021, the National Pulse revealed that BGI Genomics—the Chinese Communist Party-linked genomics firm flagged by U.S. officials as “mining” the DNA of Americans—has collaborated extensively with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

As I said, China knew well ahead of time and prepared accordingly. So did Bill Gates.

With Covid, BGI quickly took over the testing market. BGI created a portable lab called “the Huo-Yan Air Laboratory, which can be set up anywhere in a very short amount of time. By June 2021, BGI Genomics has built more than 90 Huo-Yan Laboratories in 30 countries and regions worldwide, providing in the aggregate the results of up to one million COVID tests per day. BGI Genomics continues to export the Huo-Yan Lab solution worldwide, contributing to the battle against the further spread of the disease.

A CBS News article from January 2021 explains how when Covid first broke in Washington in March of 2020, BGI came to the rescue, proposing to build its labs and help run them. Out of desperation, such offers around the world were accepted. The quest to control our biodata – and, in turn, control health care's future - is what it’s all about yet governments shrug this off. Why?

Bill Evanina who stepped down in 2021 from his position as the top counterintelligence official in the U.S., a veteran of both the FBI and CIA, was so concerned by BGI's COVID testing proposals, and who would ultimately get the data, that he authorized a rare public warning: "Foreign powers can collect, store and exploit biometric information from covid tests."

Evanina describes these Covid tests as the “Trojan Horse” invading our shores.

Supervisory Special Agent Edward You is a former biochemist turned FBI investigator: They are building out a huge domestic database. And if they are now able to supplement that with data from all around the world, it's all about who gets the largest, most diverse data set. And so, the ticking time bomb is that once they're able to achieve true artificial intelligence, then they're off to the races in what they can do with that data.

Jon Wertheim: You're saying biggest data set wins?

Edward You: Correct.

Think of DNA as the ultimate treasure map, a kind of double-helixed chart containing the code for traits ranging from our eye color to our susceptibility to certain diseases. If you have 10,000 DNA samples, scientists could possibly isolate the genetic markers in the DNA associated with, say, breast cancer. But if you have 10 million samples, your statistical chances of finding the markers improve dramatically, which is why China wants to get so much of it. 

Edward You: What happens if we realize that all of our future drugs, our future vaccines, future health care are all completely dependent upon a foreign source? If we don't wake up, we'll realize one day we've just become health care crack addicts and someone like China has become our pusher.

Bill Evanina: Personal data. Current estimates are that 80% of American adults have had all of their personally identifiable information stolen by the Communist Party of China. 

The concern is that the Chinese regime is taking all that information about us - what we eat, how we live, when we exercise and sleep - and then combining it with our DNA data. With information about heredity and environment, suddenly they know more about us than we know about ourselves and, bypassing doctors, China can target us with treatments and medicine we don't even know we need. 

Edward You: Think about the dawn of-- the Internet of Things and the 5G networks and the-- and smart homes and smart cities. There are going to be sensors everywhere. It's gonna be tracking your movement, your behavior, your habits. And ultimately, it's gonna have a biological application, meaning that based on the data that gets collected, they'll be able to analyze that and look at improving your health. That data becomes incredibly relevant and very, very valuable.

Jon Wertheim: You're describing data almost as-- as a commodity.

Edward You: Data is absolutely gonna be the new oil. 

Yes. Data is the new oil.

Think about it. Then think about the implications for your children.

Do not let them get tested. Do not let them grow accustomed to living under the government’s microscope.

All sounds terrible because it will be in the hands of China, right?


China is a front to make us think they are the bogyman we all have to fear. With spoon-feeding us information, demonizing China, attention is deflected away from the real issues.

It doesn’t matter which country we are told is gathering this information. Because you can be sure that if China is doing it, so are we. Those who are running this scam want us to throw up our hands in horror that China would do this to us so that we will then turn around and accept the United States doing the exact same thing.

Forget it. I no more want the United States freely accessing information about my body and my mind than I do China.

We are led to believe that China is our rival. Okay, sure they are, just as Russia is. But there is a deeper level where those who are in control purposely foment these rivalries to weaken connections between ordinary people so that they can better control us. United States good. China bad. We can’t trust China with our personal data, but we can trust our own government.

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) said it was "unacceptable" that the administration "would spend American taxpayer dollars on COVID tests from Communist China, which just goes directly to supporting General Secretary Xi and his genocidal regime, instead of supporting American manufacturers and jobs."

This makes it sound as if it’s all about jobs and keeping the money in our own country.

But as I am saying here in the strongest terms possible, it isn’t about that at all. It’s about a few powerful oligarchs controlling us all and using our DNA to create more advanced AI, bioweapons, military “Terminators” and ultimately to unlock the secrets to immortality.

future soldier

If you doubt it, please read my other essays dealing with this topic:

Designer Babies and the Rise of the Master Race: When the day comes that we realize these experiments aren’t for the sake of humanity but for the sake of a privileged class, will it be too late to reverse the course? July 9, 2021

Offering Our Children on Big Pharma’s Altar: mRNA vaccines are the gateway drugs to universal addiction and the transformation of our children into the "Internet of Bodies" September 12, 2021

Covid and the Greater Good: Everything is wired and the last thing that isn’t wired is the human body. September 25, 2021

Empire of Deceit: “Fly! Fly! About with your ship and fly! Row, row, row for your lives away from this accursed shore. This is the Island where Dreams come true.” ~ The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, C. S. Lewis. November 13, 2021

W’aR: "...the grief of stepping over the corpses of history pressed upon my heart." Yoko Ota. December 9, 2021


Source: Break Free with Karen Hunr

Skinned Alive: The Trafficking of Humanity - "Once a person has all the things they need to live, everything else is entertainment." ~ Neal Stephenson. January 20, 2022

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