Wednesday, November 2, 2022

"The ACIP vote as pyroptosis — programmed cell death of the Democratic Party" by Toby Rogers


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The ACIP vote as pyroptosis — programmed cell death of the Democratic Party

Gaia appears to want to rid the earth of progressive institutions, the question is why?


I. Introduction

I was in an airplane somewhere over the midwest on October 20 when the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to add eighteen+ Covid-19 shots to the already bloated and genocidal childhood vaccine schedule.

I think if I had watched it live I might have died of despair right there on the spot. They’ve since posted it to YouTube so I will go back and watch it one day for the sake of witnessing one of the darkest days in American history.

I spent the next few days after the vote surrounded by wonderful people at the Wise Traditions conference organized by the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Children’s Health Defense conference that followed. The conferences rocked and they gave me a chance to reflect, repair, and see things in a new way.

II. As with the body, so goes society

For me, one of the highlights of the Wise Traditions conference was a talk by Dr. Larry Palevsky titled “Moving from Medicine to Health Care.” He made that case that illness is the body’s attempt to get rid of toxins, wastes, impurities, and stressors — and that the practice of medicine is about supporting the body’s natural processes for eliminating this junk.

What I realized while listening to him is that as with the body, so goes society.

Our society is sick. Our society has regressed because it has not done a good job of getting rid of toxins, wastes, impurities, and stressors in our body politic. Our society desperately needs to expel the gatekeepers who are making us sick. Elections are sometimes a good way of doing this. But if elections fail to remove toxins, wastes, impurities, and stressors (or even increase them), then society gets sicker and revolution becomes necessary to save society from dying.

So then I started thinking about the ACIP vote. At first it makes absolutely no sense:

• Over 95% of parents of kids under 5 do not want these shots.

• 2/3rds of parents of kids 6 to 17 do not want these shots.

• Children were never at risk of dying from Covid and nearly 100% already have natural immunity.

• These are the most dangerous shots ever produced. For kids, these shots only produce harms and no benefits.

• Medical freedom voters decide every federal election.

• And yet the ACIP, on orders from the White House, pushed this vote through unanimously (15-0) less than three weeks before the midterm elections!? What!?

• This vote was a MASSIVE GIFT for Republicans, but it was pushed through by a committee that is made up of 100% registered Democrats (with the possible exception of Veronica McNally).

(Also, of note, it’s karma that quintuple-vaccinated Rochelle Walensky has gotten Covid twice since this vote.)

Initially I thought that Democrats were doing this in order to secure Pharma dark money before the elections. And that is certainly a factor. But the more I thought about it, the more I think other forces may be at work.

This is the intentional destruction of the Democratic Party by Democrats. They are trying to lose this election and get themselves investigated for crimes against humanity. The ACIP vote looks and feels a lot like programmed cell death — as with the body, so goes society.

III. Programmed cell death

Cells in the body die in all sorts of different ways — apoptosis, necrosis, and the newly discovered pyroptosis.

Apoptosis is defined as, “the death of cells which occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism’s growth or development.” The classic example is that in the womb, many of the cells that develop to form a hand are programmed to die off at a certain point so that the fingers can separate from each other. Apoptosis is a necessary part of growth and development.

Necrosis is as it sounds:

the death of body tissue. It occurs when too little blood flows to the tissue. This can be from injury, radiation, or chemicals.

But for our purposes, I’m particularly interested in pyroptosis — that was first discovered in 1986 but not formally named until 2001. Like apoptosis, pyroptosis is a form of programmed cell death. Pyroptosis is part of the immune response and is activated in everything from infections to cancer. Pyroptosis is defined as:

an inflammatory cell death usually caused by microbial infection, accompanied by activation of inflammasomes and maturation of pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-18 (IL-18).

(Super interesting articles on pyroptosis herehere, and here).

What’s fascinating about pyroptosis is that it is one way for the body to protect itself — these cells become infected, then they self-destruct in hopes of destroying the tumor or foreign invader. Sometimes that process works (the tumor or infection is destroyed), and sometimes it does not and leads to ongoing inflammation and chronic disease. Researchers are working to harness the beneficial effects of pyroptosis as a cancer treatment (although given the events of the last several years, I imagine DoD and Pharma are also trying to figure out how to use it as a bioweapon).

With that as background, let’s return to the body politic.

IV. The ACIP vote as programmed cell death of the Democratic Party

For the last three years, federal regulators, particularly the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) and the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have done everything in their power to destroy faith and confidence in the nation’s vaccine program.

• They approved shots that failed human clinical trials.

• They authorized shots for kids with absolutely no benefits and only harms.

• They authorized shots based on data from eight mice.

• They authorized shots that are wildly unpopular with the American public.

• They authorized shots even though they are fueling the evolution of variants and causing original antigenic sin (aka “immune imprinting”).

• They kept authorizing shots even though their own evidence shows negative efficacy and catastrophic harms.

We’ve described these bizarre decisions as the result of corruption, regulatory capture (financial or cultural), psychosis, a quest for power, dopamine-seeking, etc. — and they very well may be all of those things.

But what if it is also pyroptosis — programmed cell death — the Democratic Party intentionally (though subconsciously) destroying itself on orders from Gaia itself?

Hear me out.

For those who are new to the topic:

The Gaia hypothesis proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet.

Gaia theory was developed by James Lovelock and microbiologist Lynn Margulis (mother of the legendary warrior mama and prolific science writer Jennifer Margulis who is a leader in our movement).

From everything that we can see, Gaia really really hates vaccines. Vaccines are an affront to life on earth — loaded with toxins, bearers of disease, often useless at preventing infection, but really good at causing chronic illness. So if there is a lifeforce that animates this world, how might it respond?

1. It might try to kill off the gatekeepers who are doing this to us; and

2. It would try to rid the earth of the structures and institutions that are pushing these toxic products on humanity.

And that’s basically what’s happened over the last three years. The vaccine pushers have killed themselves at an astonishing rate (the world’s foremost pubic health official, Paul Farmer; 80 doctors in Canada; and countless public health officials throughout the developed world have all been killed by the shots). And the FDA and CDC have done everything possible to discredit and humiliate themselves on a daily basis such that now the public openly mocks them and a growing number of legislators are proposing to eliminate these institutions.

It is as if these clueless actors — the sick smiling hucksters at the ACIP — received a message to destroy themselves and the vaccine program through their reckless actions. What if the utterly insane vote by the ACIP was Gaia’s attempt to heal the body politic by destroying the foreign invader that is the vaccine program (and its proponents)?

Before my Republican friends get too excited, one can make a strong case that Donald Trump represents the pyroptosis — programmed cell death — of the Republican Party. He wrecked everything that was good and true about conservatism and left the party a shell of its former self. Operation Warp Speed killed Ivana, his ex wife and mothers of three of his kids.

But the programmed cell death of the Republican party started several years before the pyroptosis of the Democratic Party and so now we are already seeing green shoots of new life as Ron JohnsonRon DeSantisScott Jensen, and other national Republican leaders understand the dangers of vaccines and are fighting to protect their constituents from harm.

I get that this is a bridge too far for many of my readers. But how else are we to explain the bizarre actions of the ACIP voting unanimously to support a genocidal policy that is opposed by the overwhelming majority of Americans just days before a crucial election?

On some level, the Democratic Party wants to lose the midterm elections and the FDA and CDC, through their self-destructive actions, are practically begging the new Republican Congress to investigate them and arrest their leadership.

Perhaps it’s just escapist fantasy, but I absolutely love the thought of Gaia fighting back against the toxic polluters at Pharma in this way. Given how weird everything has been over the last three years, I’m more open than ever to alternative explanations for these events. Regardless of how you feel about the Gaia hypothesis, we can help accelerate the removal of wastes, toxins, impurities, and stressors from the body politic by prosecuting the gatekeepers for their crimes against humanity.

Blessings to the warriors. 🙌

Prayers for everyone campaigning to elect people who will stop the iatrogenocide. We absolutely, positively must re-elect Ron Johnson and Ron DeSantis — so please give to their campaigns if you can (with an amount ending in 86). 🙏

Huzzah for everyone working to build the parallel economy our hearts know is possible. ✊

Source: uTobian

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