Wednesday, September 28, 2022

"The Wealth of Nations" by Toby Rogers


The Wealth of Nations

You'll never guess what strategy the U.S. has decided to pursue in order to generate renewed economic growth

I. Economic growth in history

Subsistence farmers, powered by nothing but their own labor, generate about $400 (in today’s dollars) of economic activity in a year. It does not matter how hard you work, if you are forced to rely exclusive on your own labor, that’s about as much product as you can produce. So farmers eventually brought in draft animals — oxen, horses — and that increases one’s wealth a bit, but there are still limits to how much one can make from that strategy.

Historically, if a nation wanted to create economic growth and thus generate wealth, it had to do at least one of the following:

1. Invent a transformational new technology (the steam engine is the best example);

2. Switch to a different system (the shift from feudalism to economic liberalism; urbanization — moving people from farms to cities; and the development of fractional reserve banking all generated massive economic growth);

3. Discover some natural resource that others want and sell it them (oil, gold); and/or

4. Steal the labor of others (slavery, colonialism, the NCAA).

In the 18th century, Britain did several of these things at once — invented the steam engine and used it to massively expand coal mining, created colonies, and enslaved African people. The result is that the British people became fabulously wealthy. British colonists in America did too. The rest of the world has been trying to catch up ever since.

Thankfully, stealing the labor of others is now illegal. But the residue of this growth-at-all-costs model remains with us today.

II. The last 50 years

On the left, there is a standard rap about the economy (the biggest proponent is Robert Reich, but it’s been adopted throughout the Democratic Party) that I think is basically correct and it goes like this:

The U.S. economy stalled out in 1971, and has not grown much since. Everything that the U.S. has done since then has really just papered over the fact that the economy is not actually growing very fast.

• Nixon took the U.S. off of the gold standard and abandoned the Bretton Woods system in a desperate attempt to jump-start the economy, but that didn’t work.

• In the 1970s and 1980s, women joined the workforce. If married, that created the appearance of nearly doubling the family income but productivity and wages did not grow much.

• In the 1990s, declining interest rates enabled people to take on credit card debt and students loans. Again this created the appearance of wealth, but GDP per capita was still stagnant.

• Perhaps for a bit in the late 1990s/ early 2000s, the widespread adoption of computers and the internet may have increased growth somewhat. But by this point, corporate power was so dominant that shareholders and the C-suite class reaped the benefits while wages remained stuck.

• Low interest rates in the early 2000s caused families to take on mortgage debt, again temporarily increasing the appearance of wealth, until that bubble popped in 2008.

III. I’ve got very bad news about the strategy that the U.S. is pursuing to generate economic growth today

I spent all morning watching the meeting of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC). OMFG these people love vaccines! We are objectively in the midst of the most catastrophic vaccine campaign in human history and these people want MOAR, MOAR, MOAR!!! It was surreal.

The members of the committee and the experts brought in to address them seem completely unaware of the 30,935 reports of death following Covid shots (and that’s just the tip of the iceberg). No one mentioned the fact that the Johnson & Johnson shot was pulled from the market for causing thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (a particularly gruesome way to die). They don’t realize that the market for Covid shots has collapsed because the public no longer trusts the gatekeepers.

The NVAC members want everyone to get as many shots as possible. They celebrated the fact that Bill Gates is developing a new live polio vaccine and has already injected 450 million doses into African people (what could possibly go wrong?). They are working with DoD to repurpose smallpox shots to treat monkeypox (apparently that Jynneos nonsense is not getting it done). These people live in a twisted fantasy world where all shots, no matter the formulation, work all the time, in all people, and the only thing that could possibly make the world any better is more shots.

I already knew that the vaccine program is a trillion dollar a year industry. But what I realized as I watched the meeting today is that iatrogenocide is the strategy that the U.S. is now using to propel economic growth (to make up for the fact that the economy has actually been stalled for 50 years).

This strategy was made explicit with President Biden’s recent, “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy.”

I’ve written about this development before. It started innocently enough back in 1992 with the election of Bill Clinton. Eds & Meds became the preferred economic development strategy of the Democratic Party. It rewarded their highly-educated base (that is now the dominant force in the party). And to be fair, for a while, investing in universities and hospitals produces a bigger multiplier effect than tax cuts for wealthy people.

But in order for Meds to keep generating outsized rates of return, the industry needs a growing supply of inputs — in this case, sick people. The vaccine program is perfect for generating new customers. It creates a huge pool of chronically ill patients for life.

As the vaccine schedule tripled since 1986, pediatric urgent care, pediatric gastroenterology, and pediatric hospitals saw explosive rates of growth. So too with other vaccine injuries — practices specializing in treating asthma, ADHD, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, Alzheimers, and dementia all saw double digit rates of growth for the past two decades. Once Pharma had fully exploited all of those markets it started generating myocarditis, strokes, and heart attacks with Covid vaccines.

The chronic illness machine relies on the education and media industries to cover it up. So there are endless grants in the social sciences to study vaccine hesitancy and inspire confidence in the vaccine program. Everyone from woke social justice warriors to MBA programs obsess about equity which they define as getting more shots injected into people of color, rural populations, and people in the third world. There is a vast academic research industry dedicated to assuring the public that these shots are safe. Those who could not quite make it into medical school have jobs for life in public health coordinating programs to get “shots in arms.” Schools and universities require shots in order to increase demand. And the mainstream media cranks out a fog of propaganda 24/7/365 to keep it all going.

The highly educated middle class never had it so good. There are endless jobs, wages are rising, they feel smart, and they are rewarded economically and socially — so long as they hitch their wagon to the Eds & Meds Vaccine Machine. These days they can even work from home!

But the way it works is incredibly grim:

• Vaccine injury doubles the cost of education — so that creates more jobs and more money for teachers unions (and more donations to Democratic politicians).

• These dangerous shots — including Covid and high dose flu vaccines that are mandatory to live in nursing homes — cull the old people. No more pressure on the Social Security Trust Fund — cutting two years off of the average lifespan is bringing down the cost of the program. No need to raise taxes to pay for benefits that old people are not going to be able to use. (To be clear, I think that this is horrible.)

Nearly all of this is subconscious. But the base (the economic mode of production of any era) determines the superstructure (the values of that society). Iatrogenocide is now the base and so the values of our society warp themselves to support that mission. CNN, the NY Times, the Atlantic, every federal agency, the vast majority of universities and schools — they don’t even have to be told what to do, they just know that toxic deadly shots are a really great idea and definitely the way forward.

I suppose that we should not be surprised. It’s just history repeating itself. After World War I, the German economy was in ruins. So they figured, what’s the fastest way to generate economic growth again — start another World War of course! The values of the society were warped and twisted to support that aim.

The difference this time is that the war and the genocide are not directed outward, they are directed inward, toward the American people themselves. I get that the Jewish people were German citizens (so in that sense the German conflagration was directed inward too). The distinction is that the U.S. iatrogenocide is coming for everyone including the fascists themselves. It is first self-inflicted genocide in history. In the medium- and long-term, this strategy will of course cause collapse. But in the short-term this strategy generates good jobs with high wages and rising profits for everyone involved.

So what is to be done? Oppose every single piece of it.
• Fight every requirement, mandate, incentive, inducement, policy, or law tied to the iatrogenocide.
• Give to ICAN.
• Support the 20 politicians at the federal level and many politicians at the local level who are working to stop the iatrogenocide.
• Share the heck out of the truth tellers.
• Get to know people at medical freedom conferences.
• Join the Weston A. Price Foundation.
• Subscribe to OpenVAERS, print out the Red Box Summary every week, and tape it to telephone poles and pin it to the bulletin board in the break room at work.
• Ask your pastor where s/he stands.
• Homeschool.
• Start a business that does not participate in this nonsense.
• Subscribe to the Chelsea Green email list and read as many of their books as possible.
• Give medical freedom books as gifts.
• Use cash.
• Cancel your cable.
• Walk out of any event that is participating in the lie.
What else would you add to this list?

Source: uTobian

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