Friday, September 30, 2022

"Another day, another color revolution in Iran" by Helen of desTroy


Another day, another color revolution in Iran

Persian girls gone the service of Western imperialism

The architects of US foreign policy have officially run out of ideas in their quest to overthrow the Iranian government. Rather than holding off on another regime change attempt until they can cobble together a new plan of action, however, they've decided to insult the intelligence of the Iranian people by reheating 2009's leftovers and trying to pass them off as a genuine revolution. Fool me once - 1953’s CIA-sponsored overthrow of democratically-elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh - shame on you. Fool me twice - 2009’s failed “Green Revolution” intended to unseat President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, backed by the US State Department - shame on me (and a hint: don’t call it a ‘revolution’ until it succeeds or you might end up with geostrategic egg on your face). Fool me three times - you must think I’m a damn fool, or that Iranians are damn fools. . .

But we've seen this movie before and we know how it ends. Subjecting Iran to the US's geostrategic reruns is the ultimate insult-plus-injury. If insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, those responsible for this "zombie revolution" should be permanently entombed in padded rooms where they can no longer harm vulnerable nations.

Hair-Raising! Women in Iran Are Leading A Wave of Powerful Anti-Hijab ...
who brings scissors to a protest, let alone scissors sharp enough to cut hair?

If you first encountered my work on Substack, you may wonder what I was doing before December. Many of the articles from my old site can be found either at RT or Global Research; others are gradually being posted to my archive Substack (free to read and comment). Normally I would say subscribing is superfluous unless you like old news, but the latest repost (from January 2018) could have been written yesterday, given a few name changes. So rather than write a whole doorstop about the latest provocation in Iran over Mahsa Amini, the “morality police” who supposedly beat her to death for improper hijab etiquette, and the synthetic “uprising” grafted onto her death, I’ll simply link it here:

Helen of desTroy Archive
Insulting Iran's Intelligence
Read more

At this point, the only thing more predictable than the destabilizing behavior of the US and Israel with regard to Iran is the genocidal behavior of Israel with regard to Palestine. From Netanyahu’s cartoon bomb, unveiled before a bemused UN in 2012, to the recent Washington tour by the chief of Mossad - planned ahead of time but recast as delivering critical intel on the incipient “nuke” - intended to scupper the renewal of the JCPOA deal at the eleventh hour, these absurd displays are merely reference points for the fictional “history” that will be written as soon as competing narratives are snuffed out. Just as an increasingly mainstream school of thought in Israel holds that Palestine never existed - and this less than a century after stealing its land, destroying its villages, and rendering hundreds of thousands of Palestinians homeless and stateless - Israel-firsters’ efforts to pin responsibility for 9/11 on Iran are ongoing, and who knows how many other historical atrocities are being pinned on the Persians as we speak. If Tehran falls to one of these color revolutions, we will within a decade be teaching this absurdity in elementary schools.

Netanyahu says the world must stop Iran from developing nuclear bomb ...
justifying war crimes is serious business

This isn’t just Iran’s problem. With Ukraine growing into its new role as Big Israel (not to be confused with Greater Israel), the same players are ready to hold the world hostage with the Samson Option that previously just menaced the Middle East. The Samson Option is Israel’s nuclear self-destruct button, to be pressed in case of certain defeat. Not only the “only Democracy™ in the Middle East,” but anything within firing range of its borders (read: Iran) would be vaporized by the hundreds of nukes Tel Aviv pretends not to have. Big Israel, on the other hand, will have all of NATO’s weapons at its beck and call, as the Head of the President’s Office for Ukraine Andriy Yermak and former NATO secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen made clear earlier this month when they unveiled the Kiev Security Compact, a chutzpah-soaked document that explicitly obliges the US and its European allies to not only supply unlimited military and financial aid to Ukraine for as long as it exists but to defend whatever Kiev calls its borders “in case of aggression,” putting them in direct conflict with Russia (including the inhabitants of Zaporozhye, Kherson, and the Donbass republics who just voted to join it) on a “legally and politically binding” one-way journey to World War III. Like its Middle Eastern counterpart, Big Israel is serious about commandeering every last resource NATO countries have to wage its unholy war against all opposition, and that includes thoughtcrime: Zelensky adviser Mikhail Podolyak called last week for the US to whack Russia with some warheads for merely thinking about using nukes in Ukraine. If they are willing to do this to governments, what do you think they will do to individuals? (Hint: they’re already doing it.)

The “security compact” makes clear that even if Zelensky’s fast-tracked application to join NATO is rejected due to an outbreak of sanity in Hungary or Turkey, the US and Europe will still be expected to prop up Big Israel’s existence with billions of dollars and lay down their own lives to defend it, just like they do the other Israel. Their citizens will be required to deny the evidence of their own senses, violate their own best interests, and sacrifice their freedom at home for the sake of Democracy™ abroad.


This is not your mother’s democracy - its standard-bearers are the apartheid hellhole that threatens its neighbors with annihilation on a regular basis and its brutal bastard child, a nation that venerates Nazi collaborators, bans opposition political parties and media along with Russian literature and music, proudly maims prisoners of war, uses banned munitions in violation of the Geneva Convention, condones the murder of journalists and children, and demands a preemptive nuclear strike to “punish” Russia for refusing to accept a NATO missile depot on its western border. With democracies like these, who needs tyranny?

Source: Helen of DesTroy

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