Thursday, September 29, 2022

DISMANTLE 5G! by Emanuel Pastreich

EH here. Not freaked out enough yet? Here's more. 



USPROVGOV with Michael Kahn & Emanuel Pastreich


Michael Kahn 

Emanuel Pastreich 

United States Provisional Government 

September 23, 2022

5G towers are going up all over the United States without your permission and without consulting any studies about the impact of the electromagnetic fields EMF generated by those 5G towers in your neighborhood on your body and your mind.  

Although numerous scientific studies show that those electromagnetic fields cause cancer, neurological damage, and other diseases, nothing can stop the march of 5G pushed forward by corporations.  

5G is sold to us as a necessary technological advancement, but there is no need for it. Implementing something dangerous like that without our permission, without any open debate about the science, is illegal and unconstitutional. 

But the law, the constitution, and human decency went out the door in the 4 industrial revolution totalitarian society we live in today. Moreover, local politicians, police chiefs, doctors, and professors are paid off to look the other way, or to actively suppress the discussion of the dangers of 5G.  

But it is even worse than that. 5G electromagnetic radiation currently is but a fraction of what it can be if the dial is turned all the way up. Whoever controls 5G can crank it way up in complete silence and secrecy, to a level that will kill people.  It is, after all, a weapon.

Moreover, millions of Americans have been injected with vaccines that not only contain dangerous mRNA but also nano-devices that respond to electromagnetic radiation and that could mean that the vaccinated will be crippled, or killed, instantly by any significant increase in the 5G broadcast. 

Citizens have uncovered the diabolical plan of the globalists to use 5G as a weapon, a potential it had from the beginning, and to thereby kill millions of Americans in a silent war using quiet weapons.  

Some have gone as far as to say that this sneak attack using the new weapons of war will start tomorrow, on September 24.  

Whether the attack starts tomorrow, or in a month, or in three months, is not the important question. The question is how we as Americans can head off this attack, or respond to this attack. We must launch a revolution by the people and a world war against the globalist class.  We also call on military of every nation to not interfere in the revolutions of the people. Enemies domestic have taken control of the government in virtually every nation. Soldiers are being used as agents of tyranny and to push for de-population .

The US Provisional government has a few directives that form a response. Michael Kahn in his recent newsletter had detailed the dangers the 5G of the challenge and our possible reaction which I post below for your reference.  

We can say with certainty that some sort of 5G-based attack is definitely in our future and the Provisional government will work with you to plan a response.  

We stand with concerned parents and citizens of our country.  



September 22, 2022

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The most important issue in today's agenda should be 5G. A German politician in their parliament session recently, said that the world would remember September 24th for a long time. I am not sure of all of the bag of tricks up the rulers' sleeves, but I am fully aware that 5G is a big factor. 

HUGE> There are no 5G chips or cards in the mobile phones. That it creates faster speeds for internet service is plain bullshit. 

In reality, 5G is a military-grade weapon, and can exceed the power being used now and multiply it by a thousand over the power of previous versions. There has been scientists that have been warning of the dangers of mobile phones for over a decade, of previous versions such as 3G. 

Of course the power generated can be adjusted, we are currently not being bombarded by significant gains of power, which are very readily available for use. When turned up, the people will drop like flies. This is in the hands of the same people who brought you 9-11, vaccines, and nuclear bombs. 

Scientists are soooo ethical, and technology companies that cooperate with the government have aligned with an evil entity, and need to remove that connection and to refuse to initiate any more use of 5G transmission. That is my first directive, a voluntary dismantling of the 5G technology.  .

Six months ago, 5G was initiated at 3.98 ghz. 5G capabilities go beyond 5000 ghz. This initial experiment was not really anything great, and not terribly bad. It was totally bland, and there was no significant change in service, it did not speed up connections. But it is possible to make it literally over a thousand times stronger.

The 5G networks need to be dismantled. They have absolutely no benefit for the people. It does not effect use of mobile phones. We do not need smart cities and the technology that makes lazy and convenient lives of sedentary lifestyles. That is for the decadent and unethical and immoral lazy and privileged rich people who have been imposing their corrupt values and subverting the people. Get rid of those weapons. THat is the first directive. Have the courage to stand up to your "superiors" and take down the death agents. 

"fake news" includes censorship and false claims of deceptions. Real people are far more reliable than the corporations and government which are working together to destroy us and to hijack all power and control over us

For speedy reference I have collated all the articles I have written since January 2022 about electro-magnetic frequencies being responsible for the illness we call Covid19. Some of them contain links to previous work on Steemit and Hive blog. All of them contain external links to evidence from other sources…
Read more


Researches of our and foreign scientists, which were done to prove the damage of high-frequency radiation, have directly demonstrated that high-frequency radiation can lead to a heart attack, stroke and that it also causes blood clots and the gluing of individual blood cells, thrombosis, etc. Furthermore, this electromagnetic radiation has a certain effect, as I already stated, on the work of the nervous system of the human, they cause the nervous breakdown of people, etc. It also has a great influence on the reproductive function of a person and can cause different forms of infertility. It also affects the fetus and the unformed baby during pregnancy and causes concrete interference in their development. All these numerous diseases that we now see are directly related to the increased spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.

That is, this is a weapon of mass destruction, which is located in our territory. These are secondary functions that can be used in such a way.

Why would anyone pollute any territory with the atomic weapon, if there is a technology that will enable imperceptive, concealed influence on the population of certain areas, countries, regions, and thereby destroy the population? That's what this is all about.

Journalist: The version was also in China because they said that as soon as they turned on the 5 G antennas, there was an immediate leap in the “COVID 19” virus. Did I understand correctly that it was all connected to the weakening of the human body?

V. N.: Of course, it certainly is one of the effects of the electromagnetic waves. The weakening of immunity and activation of these previously harmless diseases.

Why is the state silent, why push it further instead of stopping?

V. H.: Aydar, we are literate people who can really analyze this situation, which takes place throughout the world, as it mirrors and develops on our territory. We are aware that this is precisely the effect of certain groups, called the Global architects of the New world order. Moreover, there are specific transnational corporations, which are motivated by profits and super-profits. And that's why they spit on all those calls from scientists, military persons, who realistically understand the situation, and try to bring information to them and to the population. They're ignoring it all. And here, these three thousand scientists of the Freiburg appeal, who provided verified information about it, are simply ignored.

There is this opinion related to the Coronavirus – that people will simply be vaccinated, and chipping will be performed under the guise of vaccination. And that these chips are in some way connected to the 5G system. Can you tell us something about this?

V. N.: Of course, that it is all interconnected. At the beginning of the 90s, in the English and Russian press, there was an information that IBM and Intel, which are producers of microelectronic devices, created the Smartdust technology. The published materials showed that these two companies created microdevices of 0.006 nanometers that were 10 to-6 millimeters, microstructures, which were microprocessors. In addition to microprocessors, they also contained transmitters, several dozen transmitters, which collected different kinds of information from their surroundings. These microprocessors processed this information, and once they process it, those transmitters can affect the environment in which they are. In addition, these microstructures can be organized into networks, i.e. to connect with others who have the same microstructures, to send information, and to receive management from the outside environment.

The transmitter of that information is an electromagnetic wave. This technology is 5 G and was intended to make these microelectronic structures work, so-called smart dust or Internet things, that are widely discussed. When this microstructure reaches within a single object, body, it needs an external influence. And that external influence must be just a network of 5 G. And that's why these antennas are placed at a distance of 100-150 m from each other, to provide such strength to the electromagnetic field, which will activate internal microstructures and establish connections for information exchange.

Again, these microelectronic structures have the size that allows them to penetrate the membrane of the living cells and get into the liquid within the cells, to collect and wait to get the command, the signal from the external effect, when it will be activated

So Russia is fully aware of the dangers of covid, and has released a little information regarding it. Take a look at how much 5G there is in Russia, and how much covid cases. First link shows 5G and other Gs in every nation. May I suggest that you look up Russia, United States, Nigeria. to start. Russia has G but very very little 5G. Nigeria has next to no carriers. Africa and Russia had few covid cases. 15% of African adults are vaccinated. Some nations in Africa kicked out the WHO, and pharmaceuticals had to leave, there was no customers. Are you going to tell me that Africans are primitive and stupid? Or just don't want the wonderful technology that is consuming mankind?

By area, see the claimed covid cases and deaths, if any of this bs is to be believed. According to the third source, Africa has considerably less than 3% of the world's cases of covid in 2022. Primitive people, eh? Look what that wonderful technology has done for us all.

Forward this to all your contacts. IMPERATIVE We have limited time to save humanity. In days, there will be people dropping like flies. The word was out a month or two ago, that 5G would be turned up high in October. Now we hear that the 24th of September is a day to rue. I request a full adherence to directives. My books and some documents are attached for you to read if you have time. The campaign platform is also attached, and that gives actions I would take if I had full power, and some may be implemented as I promote the provisional government. I will attempt to apply all measures if they are indeed doable. Anybody with a tenth of an iota of common sense can see that politicians are damn evil satan worshiping lying greedy pieces of excrement worthy to be held six feet under. 

    Those who want to submit suggestions, who want to give advice, who have references of those who will take action within the justice system, primarily judges, prosecutors, sheriffs, and the like, kindly email me. I prefer that you submit your telephone number as well. 


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