Sunday, April 24, 2022

"The New York Times' latest 'news' on Tanzania shows (again) that the Gray Lady is a racist liar" by Mark Crispin Miller


The New York Times' latest "news" on Tanzania shows (again) that the Gray Lady is a racist liar

The Big Lie about John Magufuli's death, and the true toll of COVID in his country, is fake news at its very worst, and the Gray Lady will be held accountable for telling it (and not just that one)

If you want to know what’s really happening today, and what isn’t really happening, you can do no better than to read the New York Times—not as “America’s newspaper of record,” providing “all the news that’s fit to print,” and doing that essential job “without fear or favor,” but as a negative oracle, whose loudest claims are always false, and which either misreports or totally blacks out the news that matters most to all the rest of us.

It is amazing—after all we’ve been through I still can’t believe it—how consistently, and brazenly, the Times “reports” as truth what is not true, and with such smug conviction, as if it always were correcting what it calls “fake news,” instead of spreading it like poison gas. Those “journalists” who churn out such poisonous crapola (and not just for the Times) are perfectly equipped for it, not so much by a psychopathic aptitude for lying (though there is that among them), as by the functionary’s readiness to think what s/he’s been told to think (and what assures him/her a salary and prestige); and that flexibility has been enhanced by their indoctrination with “woke” ideology in high school, college and j-school, leaving them less interested in the craft of journalism, and in using it to seek, and tell, what we might call “the truth,” than in hammering the gongs of “social justice.”

And while such “journalists” have by-lines in the New York Times, which pays them well to re-affirm the Big Lies propagated through “our free press” overall, real journalists are mostly here on Substack, most barely scraping by, their work known only to a relatively few discerning readers. This is, of course, not just a drag (to say the least) for those real journalists, but an ongoing disaster for the rest of us worldwide, as millions all throughout the West have no idea what’s really going on, because they’ve either never heard of those reporters who would tell them, or, if they have, are likely not to trust them, having been warned off them by the character assassins at the Times (and all the other “liberal media”).

For a good example of the Times’ Bizarro “journalism,” check out this recent tissue of “woke” falsehoods about Tanzania, whose “first female president” now “wants to bring her nation in from the cold,” after its mad rule by “autocrat” John Magufuli, who had—are you sitting down?—“denied that coronavirus existed in his country, rejected Covid vaccines, and died after a weekslong absence from public view amid unconfirmed reports that he had contracted the virus.”

To see how false that picture is—false in every detail—check out Celia Farber’s excellent “John Magufuli: Death of an African Freedom Fighter,” published in the Solari Report about a year ago, when the Times et al. were all gleefully retailing the Big Lie that that “COVID denialist” had “died of COVID”: a propaganda tale contrived to (a) re-affirm the “fact” that “COVID” was murderously sweeping Tanzania, and (b) make the Times’ Covidian readers glad that Magufuli “died of COVID,” because he had it coming. Despite his fawning tribute to Samia Saluhu Hassan, “Tanzania’s first female president” (a great thing on its face, like Kamala Harris as “the first woman and first woman of color to be vice president of the United States”), Abdi Latif Dahir, the Gray Lady’s East Africa correspondent, somehow fails to mention that Hassan herself, Tanzania’s then-vice president, had told her nation that Magufuli “died from a heart illness,” after having disappeared for some two weeks.

Thus the Times’ man in East Africa (is it okay to call him that?) bolsters the COVID propaganda by implying that the “autocrat” had gone into hiding to conceal the ravages of the disease that he’d so recklessly denied, but then it finally killed him anyway—a lie that serves not just to re-affirm the scary legend of “the virus,” but also to black out the strong possibility that Magufuli had been murdered for rejecting “COVID measures” in his country, as Celia deftly indicates:

Everybody in the Covid trenches felt the shock death to be connected to Magufuli’s provocation to the global Covid industrial complex last May, when he covertly had non-human samples—from fruits, goats, sheep, and car oil—tested for Covid on the PCR test, returning positive results from a paw-paw, a quail, and a goat. With humor, cheek, and audacity, Magufuli had crossed a line—exposing the fraud and illegitimacy of the PCR testing apparatus that the WHO relied on to justify the global lockdown, the terror, and the vaccine rollouts. After the disturbing results came in, Magufuli suspended the head of Tanzania’s National Health Laboratory, Nyambura Moremi, and formed a 10-person investigative committee. The EU had given Tanzania 27 million Euros to impose strict Covid lockdown measures, but along with the Presidents of Belarus and Burundi, Magufuli kicked the WHO out of his country.

And what, exactly, made that “autocrat” so certain that the PCR tests were a gigantic fraud (as they still are—and yet they’re now being used to justify the massacre of poultry all around the world)? In calling him an “autocrat,” Dahir slanders Magufuli in two ways. First, that “autocrat” was twice elected president, by overwhelming margins, as he was well-beloved by the Tanzanian people (his overwhelming re-election instantly impugned as fraudulent by CIA-connected media). And, contrary to Dahir’s snide insinuation that Magufuli’s COVID policy was wholly based on “autocratic” whim, Tanzania’s president was a well-trained and respected chemist, as Celia tells us, whereas Dahir either doesn’t know of Magufuli’s expertise, or doesn’t care, because it doesn’t fit the propaganda narrative:

It is no mystery why Dr. Magufuli took on the absurdity of using PCR as a frightening tool for a (putative) Corona virus. Magufuli earned his bachelor of science in education degree, majoring in chemistry and mathematics as teaching subjects from the University of Dar es Salaam in 1988 and subsequently earned masters and doctoral degrees in chemistry, again from the University of Dar es Salaam, in 1994 and 2009, respectively. In late 2019, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Dodoma for improving the economy of the country.

In addition, he’d declared that vaccines didn’t work and were dangerous, while keeping Tanzania open for business and refusing to adhere to either social distancing or masks. Meanwhile, as though bearing out the notion that Covid only becomes a problem when a country bows to its dictates, Tanzania turned up next to no “cases” or deaths from Covid. As of March 18, the official numbers, according to Our World In Statistics were: 509 cases, 183 recovered, and 21 deaths, since Jan. 22, 2020.

Thus Tanzania’s president was that most dangerous of leaders—an honest scientist, who knew enough to know that the whole COVID crisis was a fraud, that its true toll in Tanzania (as elsewhere) was no catastrophe, and that those “vaccines” should definitely not be used on his people—as they will be from now on, if “Tanzania’s first female president” has her way, or, rather, if she allows the globalists in charge to have their way in Tanzania (as she may have to do, in order not to “die of COVID”).

And if she does obey the globalists, we can expect the rate of “sudden deaths” to start skyrocketing in Tanzania, as it has been in (say) Nigeria, where some 34 million doses of “vaccine” have been administered (in a population of over 214 million). Thus, if she does “bring her nation in from the cold,” as the Gray Lady/CIA are so delighted to assert that she intends to do, Samia Saluhu Hassan, BLACK WOMAN though she is, will serve as an accomplice in the killing, by injection, of innumerable black women, men and children—just as Kamala Harris, BLACK WOMAN though she is (albeit not an African-American), has been complicit in the “sudden deaths” of (literally) countless black Americans, she having eagerly (and chucklingly) campaigned, since her inauguration, to discourage their “vaccine-hesitancy,” as a star player in the most lethal—and most racist—propaganda drive in US history, and also in the history of the world.

And so the New York Times, for all its pious “woke” tributes to figureheads of color, is, today, not just a toxic fount of lethal lies, but, as well, a virulent, albeit inexplicit, racist rag, devoted to the maintenance of a “vaccination” program that’s exterminating black Americans, and Africans, in record numbers (as well as countless other people of all colors, all around the world). For this, its owners, and its personnel, will be held accountable one day, along with all the others driving this catastrophe.

Tanzania’s First Female President Wants to Bring Her Nation in From the Cold

April 15, 2022

Samia Suluhu Hassan became the only female head of government in Africa when her predecessor suddenly died. She is setting a new course.

President Samia Suluhu Hassan of Tanzania this month at Chamwino State House in the capital, Dodoma.
Abdi Latif Dahir

By Abdi Latif Dahir

April 15, 2022

DODOMA, Tanzania — Shortly before midnight on a spring night last year, Samia Suluhu Hassan, then Tanzania’s first female vice president, appeared on television to announce to a shocked nation that the president was dead.

President John Magufuli, an autocrat known as The Bulldozer, had denied that coronavirus existed in his country, rejected Covid vaccines and died after a weekslong absence from public view amid unconfirmed reports that he had contracted the virus.

His death catapulted Ms. Hassan to a historic position as Tanzania’s first female president. Known as Mama Samia, she is currently the only female head of government in Africa. On Friday, she met in Washington with a fellow path-breaker, Kamala Harris, the first woman and first woman of color to be vice president of the United States.

For the rest (if you can stomach it):

Source: News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

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