Tuesday, April 26, 2022

"Fraud at the CDC? Two State Senators and Dr Henry Ealy On Willful Misconduct" by DailyClout

Thanks to Maxwell for contributing this article.


Fraud at the CDC? Two State Senators and Dr Henry Ealy On Willful Misconduct

March 21, 2th Oregon State Senators Dennis Linthicum and Kim Thatcher and Dr. Henry Ealy about their Grand Jury Petition.

According to the CMS data file, specifically in the state of Oregon, hospitals have been receiving upwards to $220,000 dollars for every hospital death listed as a COVID death. The incentives being used to justify the inflation in the number of diagnoses and implementation of suboptimal treatment for certain patients can only be described, as Dr. Wolf suggests, as a “biofacist approach to medicine.”

Further, Dr. Ealy discusses the irregularities in timeline between when the CARES Act was enacted, in January of 2019, and when the pandemic surfaced. The timeline for these and other important events throughout the pandemic suggests premeditated planning and continued fraud within the public health sector. The combination of civil and criminal offences that make up this growing scandal are dissected throughout this interview.

Watch the video above and follow the links below for more information.

Read & Support The Grand Jury Petition
There are links on this page that will link straight to Stand for Health Freedom should you wish to add to the 125,000 Americans already in support.
State by State Hospital spending for COVID Hospitalizations per patient
Senator Dennis Linthicum
Senator Kim Thatcher
Dr. Henry Ealy

Source: DailyClout 

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