Friday, April 29, 2022

"Dr Sam White -- telling it like it is" by Rusere Shoniwa


Dr Sam White – telling it like it is

The article we published covering the launch of Dr. Sam White’s legal challenge to the NHS back in July 2021 is the second-most read ever on this site. Today we’re sharing an interview with Sam by one of our authors, Rusere Shoniwa, and an accompanying summary. You can watch the interview below or here on Odysee. You can find more of Rusere’s work at

Rusere Shoniwa interviewed Dr Sam White on Good Friday.

Dr White is a rare breed; a doctor who is prepared to publicly speak out when he sees obvious danger signals that his profession is not acting in the best interests of the public. In normal times that would simply re-affirm a doctor’s professional oath to do no harm. But in today’s repressive world in which doctors and scientists have been smeared, debarred and vilified for engaging in debate and discourse, it makes him a hero.

Dr White graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in medicine in 2004. He was a UK-based GP for 11 years prior to his resignation in early 2021 and now works independently as a doctor practising Functional and Integrative Medicine. After completing GP training in 2010, Dr White worked as a partner in primary care and regularly taught undergraduate medical students from Southampton University. At the weekends he helped run a Palliative Care Hospice in Hampshire, looking after terminally ill patients, and he has since worked for several years in the local Emergency Department.

However, in June of last year, Dr White fell foul of both the NHS and the doctors’ regulator, the General Medical Council (GMC), after he took to social media to explain in a short video why he had resigned from his primary care role. Dr White resigned in protest at the way in which the pandemic was being handled and the rollout of unsafe gene-based so-called vaccines.

Both the NHS and the GMC immediately instituted proceedings to dismiss him altogether for simply telling the public the truth and trying to ignite a true scientific debate and discourse about the potential risks of the Covid vaccines, mandated masking and the harms of lockdowns for the public. He successfully fought back against his dismissal and won his case in the High Court, where the judge found that the GMC had acted unlawfully and breached fundamental human rights on freedom of speech.

These are incredibly important victories not just because they reaffirm a commitment to the fundamental tenets of free speech on which our supposedly democratic and civilised societies are founded. They also actually highlight the very abnormal times we are living in; Dr White should never have been subjected to any of the suppression he encountered. From that perspective, these victories shine a light on the hideous determination of the medical profession’s governing bodies to silence valid and credible dissenting voices within the profession; to silence people whose primary concern is to do what doctors are supposed to do, which is to protect the public by engaging in open debate where they see that practices may not be safe for the public.

It’s not doctors like Sam White that we should be afraid of; it’s a medical profession that wants to silence them that we should fear. Censorship is never about protecting the truth; it’s about concealing the truth to promote lies.

We discussed some of the lies that the medical profession might be promoting and the truths they are trying to conceal, and many other issues related to Covid and how the Government has handled it.

To wrap up the discussion, I asked Dr White this question: “What would you say to someone who wants to speak out but is afraid to? How did you navigate the uncertainty and the sense of danger that goes with being a whistle-blower?”

This was his answer:

You’ll find that as soon as you speak out, you’re incredibly well supported by people you want to keep in your life because you would trust them with your life. On the flip side of that, if you’re still injecting people, if you’re still a part of this, history will not judge you well, because you only need take a cursory look at the Yellow Card system to understand the harm and death you are causing and you’re a part really of the New World Order Agenda. And there will come a time of reckoning where, if you continue with this, I don’t think history will look favourably on that at all.

If in 2020 there had been a unified doctors’ organisation that said, “no we’re not doing this, no we do not consent”, this would never have got this far and I maintain that when governments acted unlawfully, it was duty-bound on doctors to do something about it. Not to be the pawns in their game to subvert the rights and liberty of every man, woman and child in this country. So now, come forward, stop what you’re doing and speak out. You’ll be more than amply supported.

Dr. Sam White, speaking on Good Friday 2022

And here’s a flavour of everything we ranged over:

  • What it was like for Dr White to be a lone whistle-blower in the NHS and how he was mistreated.
  • His submission of thousands of pages of evidence to the police to file a criminal complaint over the Government’s alleged crimes in its handling of Covid and why this complaint should be the subject of the biggest criminal investigation in the country’s history
  • Dr White’s view on whether a novel virus actually exists given the Government’s alleged failure to evidence that a novel virus has been purified and isolated
  • The results of a real-life experiment that was conducted to show what the vaccine take-up might have been if doctors had done what they were supposed to do by giving proper informed consent briefings before administering the Covid injections.
  • Dr White’s views on how dangerous the so-called Covid vaccines are and the type of vaccine damage he is treating.
  • The bigger picture underlying the whole global lockdown, mask and mandatory jab psyops project – Dr White’s views on why it happened and who is behind it.

Click here to watch the full interview.

Source: Left Lockdown Sceptics

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