Tuesday, November 8, 2022

"Why does the Western Narrative sound so stupid and unrealistic?"' by Detlef Romatzki


Why does the Western Narrative sound so stupid and unrealistic?

by Detlef Romatzki for the Saker blog

The question of why the Western Punters seem to make such ridiculous statements, and seem to be totally misinformed, has come up in numerous discussion about the Western Leaders and commentators.

Let me try to present a theory in order to make some sense.

In a recent article by Larry Johnson, dated 23 November, “De-Constructing Western Delusions on Ukraine and Russia”, Larry quotes the comments of an unknown Western Commentator. However, Larry refuses to mention who it was for the sake of not embarrassing that person any more than necessary.

You can read the article here

Well, he should have, but that is not the point. But some context would have helped a lot. The rest of the article is basically on how Larry debunks this narrative and I am not going to discuss it.

One has to asks oneself why are these commentators spewing this nonsense when we in the more “enlightened group”, being more open minded and alleged to know the truth, know so much better and claim we live in the real world?

A possible answer is presented in the following arguments made.

The Internet

One of the biggest mistakes the “elite”, the “Illuminate”, the “Deep State”, or whoever you would like to call them, has done was to create the internet and the WWW. Whether they could prevent it, is a different debate because at time the dial up Bulletin Boards already existed at the time and was very popular.

The Internet, as per its inherent redundancy and design, can not be directly controlled nor destroyed and that is the core problem. This is even clear via the China internet model. Information can still escape China if one knows how.

So what is to be done?

You try to control the Big Tech companies, e.g. Google, Facebook, Twitter, DNS Servers and implement the necessary controls. However, control is still limited, since you can not prevent alternatives and competition and we see that in alternatives to Youtube such as Rumble, Oddesy, search engines such as Yandex, and social media apps such a VK, Telegram and We Chat.

You control the media and all narratives disseminated to the populations completely.

You enforce a specific narrative and degrade all and everybody that does not conform to the offical narrative.

You control and instruct leaders and influential people to constantly repeat the narrative.

You weaken the population and break down their “anchor” in life so that they loose the ability to exercise critical thinking and question the official narrative.

You deflect attention to matters away from the desired narrative that they would like to present and thus confuse the population by focusing on unimportant issues.

You present short versions of the narrative, such used in advertisement, television and films, that flashes before your eyes and which you have very little time to look at properly. You can study advertisements on television where you can clearly observe the technique.

What are their sources?

With the high level of censorship in the media, it is no wonder that the information available to these commentators is so limited. What else do they get to read? Every day they are bombarded with the same “false” narrative and, as Joseph Goebbels has said,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

A friend of mine, who lives in Panama, has recently met some tourists from America. In their discussions it came out that their core complaint was that they got, or are, fed up with the constant bombardment of Fake News. As soon as they turn on their television it, it is one propaganda story after the other, whether it is foreign or domestic issues.

During the pandemic I have seen many people (friends) that first refused the jab and later succumbed to the constant propaganda … and then finally took the jab. It is sometimes very hard to resist this onslaught and you have to have very strong believes and values.

The Internet and Google

If you want to find, say, Larry Johnson, by googeling him, Larry’s website is not even listed in the first 10 search results pages. I have done it.

So I entered a phrase from the Quote that he listed: “Every day Russia makes more military blunders and Putin has just fired one of his top commanders, General Alexander Lapin.”

The Google result was a single entry from https://freerepublic.com, which contained a word for word copy of Larry’s article, but no link to Larry Johnson or his blog.

What I did get was Google’s message;

In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 1 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.“.

If I pressed on that link, the freerepublic.com link as well as Larry Johnson’s blog, https://sonar21.com/ comes up.

What is the obvious conclusion? Well, Larry is being censored (cancelled) by Google.

So how are these Western commentators suppose to get the information from “enlightened” people?


In recent years the term “Wokeness” has been created and made popular.

Wokeness basically means that you conform to the main narrative and are part of the new modern way of thinking. “You fit in the group” and therefor are considered to be popular and cool.

This type of label then provides you with support for various ventures, whether it is publicity, media, talk shows, university tenure, management positions, etc.

You talk the narrative and therefor you are invited and respected by the people that push the narrative so that you can spread the “word” and continue with the sanctioned story line.

You can call it the Carrot part of the “Carrot and stick” principle.

Cancel Culture

However, beware if you do not toe the line and express yourself against the official narrative. Then you are “Cancelled” and removed from any public forum, be its physical or in the web or in the media.

You can loose your tenure, your job, your social media accounts, and other media engagements, etc. Your are basically removed from society, made invisible and so called “cancelled”.

You can call it the Stick part of the “Carrot and stick” principle.

Creation and use of “strong” words

ZIN thwe 1950 the CIA created the word “Conspiracist” in order to discredit any person that tried to expose their secret dealings. It was found to be quiet effective.

In recent years this technique has been expanded and now includes very “strong” words, e.g. Anti semetist (to hide Israel’s crimes), anti-Feminist and sexist, Homophobic, Racist, Putin’s propagandists, rapist, Climate change denier, Transgender denialist, etc.

It does not matter if you are guilty or not. Once these slogan and accusation are hurled at you, your image is tarnished and doubt, even just a little bit, is injected into all people, even your friends and family. Only very strong people will resist this urge and unfounded doubt.

They always said that the pen is mightier than the sword. Well, in this case it is clearly true.


It is essential to completely control the Mainstream Media in every aspect, from Reuters, the backbone of Media’s information source, to television, news programs and the published papers and magazines.

This has happened all over the Western Worlds and we can acknowledge that the media is fully controlled by the powers that be. News are repeated from channel to channel, using even the same words and sentences. This is the “Repeating” method used in establishing a memory, and thus the narrative, even in a very subtle way, thus being emphasised and engrained..

Media companies that try to be independent are threatened with advertisement withdrawal, demonetization, etc., and ultimate ruin. That is why there are no more ethics in the Main Stream Media, nor proper investigative journalists. They all might loose their jobs and thus fight for the own interest, bugger the truth.

Social media

With the advent of Social media platforms, the ultimate vehicle for dissemination of the official narrative has been created. It is also an ideal means to enforce cancel culture since a minimal number of people, and resources, can smear any dissident and start a propaganda campaign against anybody that deviated from the approved path.

It has lead to the effect that the minority (small group) can rule and control the masses.

Social media is also a form of gathering huge amounts of personal data for deeper analysis. This data can and will be used in the future to control people, maybe not yet but surely in the future. Currently methods are more restricted to feeding you news articles and other articles that support the official narrative, tailed to your personality, believes and habits.


With the widespread availability and use of Cellphones, everybody is connected to the internet, social media and news sources. We have seen how effective cellphones and social media was used during the Arab Spring. Like wild fire information was distributed.

Smart phones, with proper web browsing, social media apps, Whatsapp and Telegram, Youtube, etc., have become the tool of choice for distributing the official narrative and the ability to target anybody that goes against the grain, with a very very wide distribution network (friend of friends) that can instantly “cancel” anybody.

The biggest recent example was Elon Musk’s near cancellation when he proposed a peace deal in Ukraine, or the 40 Democrats that proposed peace negotiations in a letter to Biden and had to withdraw it within 24 hours.

Who can resist this pressure?

Reference is constantly made to WW2 , the Cuban Missile Crises, etc. However that was a different world and era where people and leaders still had Values, Religions was strong, Families were strong, where Integrity, Honour, Patriotism, etc. … had meaning ….. a proper culture.

This has all been destroyed. By whom? That is a debatable point, but it did happen. Society has been transformed and the Western Culture has been destroyed. There is now very little left of the original culture of the 1950/1960/1970/1980 and before.

The family concept is being destroyed. Fewer Children are born, people marry less, Feminism is pushed, Affirmative actions is pushed, Homosexuality is rampant and encouraged, Gender identity is driven to the absurd., Science is destroyed by money, etc. Religion has been destroyed by the introduction of other cultures and religions into society. Inter-race marriages have been promoted and encouraged. And then … Wokeness and Cancel Culture has become dominant.

With the loss in a stable anchor, derived from one’s family and culture, who can resist these dominant forces? People have become isolated and vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Integrity is thrown out of the window and now everybody is for himself. Gone are the days were one would stand up for his values and deny a job, money or position. All of it has now become monetised and self preservation is the order of the day. Money has played the corruptible factor.

Money and wokeness has become the driving forces of the population. Cancel Culture and Social media have become the tools.

Given the facts above, who can then NOT understand why the Western Commentators spew the fake news and ridiculous narratives?

In my assessment I believe it is Selfish Interests, Lack of strong Values, Money, Fear of being Cancelled and a lack of proper Information derived from reality, that drives the Western commentators to create such “devoid of reality” narratives. They are just towing the line, even selling their souls and reputations just to prevent their cancellation.

Pro NON Western commentators

I have watch and read a lot of “Pro Russian” or Anti-Western commentators and they sometimes use or cite Western Media Source to back up their story. This baffles me a bit ….

If we all acknowledge that the news spread by Western media, sources and commentators, is Fake News, then how can we sometimes use these sources to validate our own narratives? This means “Pro Russian” commentators are very selective in what information they use and thus the complete picture, as told by them, might also just be an opinion, and not always cast in concrete, and also not necessary true.

So here we have a paradox.

The narrative of Western Leaders

We know that western leaders have a false narrative and tell lies. However, “Pro Russian” and Anti-Western commentators still, sometimes, take them at their word and make conclusions based on what they say.

Take Stoltenberg…….. We know he lies and repeats the official narrative that he was instructed to present. We know he is a puppet. So how can anybody take whatever he says, seriously or at his word? Why to we even quote him if we know that … whatever he says …. he does not even believe himself?

We all know the Nuclear threat against Putin is bollocks but still we go on and on and make a big issue out of.

We know Mad is always valid and true and that any use of Nuclear Weapons is suicidal and the crossing of any and all red lines. NOBODY will start a nuclear war, except … except… maybe North Korea, because Kim Jong-un is mad enough.

But still we believe Biden and Stoltenberg when they spew their nonsense and then react to this.

Com’on ……

About the author:

My Name is Detlef Romatzki, of German decent and I lived in South Africa all my life.

I have a Youtube video channel where you can watch my videos, talks and get the latest assessments and news. I present alternative views and even disagree with some Anti-Western Commentators, not to bad mouth or discredit them, but to disagree like normal friends disagree. Friends surely do not always agree about everything.

You can watch the videos at Youtube

Or if you prefer Rumble

This Youtube channel is very young (only 2 months old) and I post one, or more, videos nearly each day.

Please subscribe to the channel so that I can unlock more Youtube features and do Live Discussions.

Source: The Saker 

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