Monday, November 7, 2022

"6 Reasons to feel grateful for the 'pandemic'" by Mickey Z


6 Reasons to feel grateful for the “pandemic”

A novel coronavirus, deadly and unnecessary lockdowns, civil unrest, political division, economic crises, a rise in mental health issues — the list goes on and on and on.

Since March 2020, most of the world has suffered immensely in one way or another. But, amidst the madness, there is room for gratitude. More specifically, I’m suggesting we should be grateful for what and who has been exposed over the past 32 months or so.

6 Reasons to Feel Grateful for the “Pandemic”

1. Exposed:  Science and Medicine

If you ever had a doubt that these two “institutions” were hotbeds of corruption and greed, the response to Covid-19 surely cleared things up for you. Everything — from social distancing to masks to vaccines to other treatments being demonized to deadly protocols — was a poorly constructed lie.

2. Exposed:  Corporations

If you ever had a doubt that these two “institutions” were hotbeds of corruption and greed, the response to Covid-19 surely cleared things up for you. Everything — from social distancing to masks to vaccines to other treatments being demonized to deadly protocols — was a poorly constructed lie.

3. Exposed:  Government

It’s a well-worn script: A crisis unfolds and elected officials — across the ideological spectrum — exploit it to enhance their power. Were you unsure whether or not any politician could be trusted? If so, you now have your answer.

4. Exposed:  The #woke Left

The same clowns who once marched against Monsanto are now shilling for Moderna. Plus: Censorship, support for mandates, hypocrisy, thought control, groupthink… need I go on?

5. Exposed:  Media and Social Media

All media outlets and social media platforms — regardless of their ostensible “narrative” — are nothing more than AI-assisted stenographers to power.

6. Exposed:  The General Population

Did you ever wonder how your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc., would respond to a genuine (or manufactured) crisis? Well… take a good look around. Most of them, it seems, will follow orders and respect authority without question, willingly surrender their autonomy, volunteer to be lab rats, and gleefully turn on anyone who doesn’t march in lockstep. Now you know.

I’m so thankful that so many people and institutions in my life have openly clarified who they are and how they behave under duress. To connect with like-minded and open-minded comrades, you are required to first move on from those seeking to harm you or, at least, hold you back.

If you wish to continue growing, learning, and evolving, you must be willing to relentlessly see and accept what’s going on.

Translation: You must reclaim the subversive pleasure of thinking for yourself.


Source: Dissident Voice

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