Saturday, October 22, 2022

"fauci (et al) fraud finale?" by el gato malo

fauci (et al) fraud finale?

it appears that the courts have had about enough of teflon tony and the prevaricators

it is said that the mill of justice grinds slowly but that in the end, it grinds fine.

many times, this is optimistic and all manner of misbehavior goes unexplored and unpunished, but one of those fun codicils of crime and punishment is that more often than one might suspect it is not the crime itself that gets your caught. it’s the cover up.

and here is where the gig may be up for fauci and a great many others.

the lawsuit missouri et al vs about the whole of US public health is progressing in its exploration of the explicit and deliberate role of the US government and many of its agents including fauci, murthy, biden, and jankowicz (amidst a cast of dozens and several agencies) in the systematic shaping, suppression, and censorship of information regarding covid. as those quaint few who still believe in things like “the 1st amendment” may recall, this is a bit of a constitutional no no.

the government is not allowed to dominate the press.

this is a matter of sound and settled law.

2. A private entity violates the First Amendment “if the government coerces or induces it to take action the government itself would not be permitted to do, such as censor expression of a lawful viewpoint.” Biden v. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia Univ., 141 S. Ct. 1220, 1226 (2021) (Thomas, J., concurring). “The government cannot accomplish through threats of adverse government action what the Constitution prohibits it from doing directly.” Id.

these practice date back to well before covid and appear to have been a widespread program by which one political party stifled the views of the other, enhancing left leaning messaging and suppressing the right.

it’s been part and parcel of a behavioral package dating back to at least the beginnings of the obama administration, the politicized weaponization of the IRS, the FBI, and who knows how much media right up through such hit singles' as “the hunter laptop is misinformation but the steele dossier is real” and “questioning the 2016 election is patriotism but questioning 2020 is insurrection.”

you can read more on that HERE.

the fun part of this is perfectly encapsulated by this quote:

Missouri AG Eric Schmitt: “No one has had the chance to look under the hood before – now we do.”

but a funny thing happened on the way to discovery:

most of the subjects of the investigation have been steadfastly refusing to testify (a crime for which bannnon just got jail).

the refusals, prevarications, and slights of hand have been wild. it’s been the entire teflon tony playbook. but it looks like the courts have has just about enough of this slippery behavior.


in an exemplary act of evasiveness, tony made written response to questions to which he was required to provide verified answers under penalty of perjury but failed to sign them.

they were instead signed by an underling.

legal beagle gatopal™ phil pulls some money quotes from the court order which you can read for yourselves HERE.

this astonishing action serves as its own indictment and fits neatly into a longstanding pattern of lying to congress and to the american people and it appears that judge doughty (huge win for nominative determinism on that one) is declaring an and to the shenanigans.

folks are going to get deposed under oath, penalty of perjury, and under threat of contempt.

(and what a fun list it is. i really hope they depose slavitt. he’s been a truly stunning source of malicious mendacity and outright manipulation all covid and looks neck deep as admin hatchetman in personal level twitter decisions to deplatform people and this is laid out in the order linked above. jennifer “baghdad barbie” psaki will be another fun one presuming that “under oath” still has meaning.)


and apparently the “shaggy defense” (wasn’t me!) is not going to fly in US district court.

Next, Plaintiffs argue that even if Dr. Fauci can prove he never communicated with socialmedia platforms about censorship, there are compelling reasons that suggest Dr. Fauci has acted through intermediaries, and acted on behalf of others, in procuring the social-media censorship of credible scientific opinions. Plaintiffs argue that even if Dr. Fauci acted indirectly or as an intermediary on behalf of others, it is still relevant to Plaintiffs’ preliminary injunction motion. The Court agrees.

Lastly, Plaintiffs argue that Dr. Fauci’s credibility has been in question on matters related to supposed COVID-19 “misinformation” since 2020. Specifically, Plaintiffs state that Dr. Fauci has made public statements on the efficacy of masks, the percentage of the population needed for herd immunity, NIAID’s funding of “gain-of-function” virus research in Wuhan, the lab-leak theory, and more. Plaintiffs urge that his comments on these important issues are relevant to the matter at hand and are further reasons why Dr. Fauci should be deposed. Plaintiffs assert that they should not be required to simply accept Dr. Fauci’s “self-serving blanket denials” that were issued from someone other than himself at face value. The Court agrees. 

and then, of course, we get this:

Finally, the Court is aware of a number of substantive reasons why Dr. Fauci’s deposition should be taken. The first is the publicly available emails that prove that Dr. Fauci was communicating and acting as an intermediary for others in order to censor information from being shared across multiple social-media outlets. The second is that Dr. Fauci has yet to give any statements under oath in this matter. The third is that the Court has no doubt that Dr. Fauci was engaging in communications with high-ranking social-media officials, which is extremely relevant in the matter at hand.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

there has been so much smoke on this issue that one could not see the gun for it, but it’s coming.

someone is going to crack and this is all going to come spilling out.

it’s not called a “prisoner’s dilemma” for nothing.

these campaigns of censorship were endemic. the sort of “misinformation” that could get you decatformed in 2021 became the data driven truth of 2022. over and over.

talking points appeared as “the science™” in stunning unison, day after day. fact checkers ran unchecked as propaganda factories. the unanimity of the promotion and suppression was far too monolithic to be natural and there are so many interesting strings here to pull and so many startling manipulations and conflicts of interest.

truly this is an embarrassment of riches. programs that had been subtly embedded over decades were yanked out of the shadows and into stark relief by their aggressive overuse.

this was about as subtle as a panzer division.


if we would reclaim our media, public square, and republic, then the time for consequences has come. examples should be made because this is nothing short of conspiracy by government against we the people to abrogate our rights and subvert the constituion.

calling it “exigent” or “an emergency” is invalid pretext. rights are not “unless we feel like violating them.”

and speaking for myself, i want mine back.

and so now it gets interesting.

i, for one, an dying to see how tony and andy and jenny and the rest of the gang play this now that they are pinned down.

will they refuse to comply?

will they “fail to recall?”

will they lie?

will they sing like the proverbial canaries or perhaps try to cut a deal to save their skins?

can this merry band of manipulators stay unified in denial or will they start defecting to save themselves?

pull up a chair. the movie is about to get good.

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 Source: bad cattitude


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