Tuesday, July 12, 2022

"Tyson's Story" by Winston Smith


Tyson's Story

Another story from the front line of medical tyranny...

Another story from Jab Injuries Australia.

I normally wouldn’t put two of these stories up back-to-back but a few comments from last post inspired me to put up just one more this week.


A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

I’m 35 years old, an international touring artist/composer with a bachelor’ degree of music and music technology from the Queensland Conservatorium, and have topped music charts all around the world. Before the jab I was doing 150 shows a year and working out 3 times a week. My lifestyle was very busy but I was extremely healthy with no underlying health issues.

I got the jab because I’m pro science. I believed in what I was told by the mainstream, that if I was asymptomatic and had covid, I could pass it on. I didn’t like the idea that I could be part of the problem. It was also crucial to my career as I traveled the entire world for a job. Even though this is where my head was at, I was skeptical, there were red flags popping up over the way our government, and society in general were pushing for us as a national to take a medical procedure that I knew was still in its trial phase.

I received the Moderna jab on October 1st, 2021 (left arm). Immediately I felt nothing other than what you would normally expect from a jab. It wasn’t until the next day that I felt sick in the stomach and came down with flu like symptoms; fever, body aches and vomiting. As I work from home, I just took the time to rest as much as possible until I recovered a week later.

Over the next 2 weeks, red marks started appearing over my body and I started to experience pins and needles in my hands and feet, which progressively worsened until I couldn’t move them - I was losing motor skills rapidly. It got to the point I couldn’t write my own name on paper. The pins and needles felt somewhat like I was being electrocuted, it was sharp shooting electrical pains from my head to my extremities, which within a space of three days moved from my extremities to my elbows and to my waist. I was also feeling numbness, which was moving rapidly throughout my body - I couldn’t feel my skin when I pinched it.

The escalation was rapid and the alarm bells were ringing, so I made a call to a friend of mine who is a very well respected spinal surgeon. I called him to tell him what was happening to me and his immediate response was “Did you get the jab recently?” When I said ‘Yes’ he said, ‘this can only be evidence of a catastrophic neurological issue - get to the hospital now!’

I went straight to Gold Coast Private Hospital. I was outright dismissed and not even able to talk about the jab. I demanded a D-dimer and they heavily refused to do it and were quite aggressive towards me, but I continued to push as my spinal surgeon was telling me I had to get it. The neurologist said they had no need to do it, but they ended up giving me the test. I was never handed the results but was told it was normal. Two nights later, I was transferred to the Gold Coast University Hospital via ambulance.

At this point I was adamant that it was jab related and I stated it on arrival. I found the doctors extremely dismissive. I was told my symptoms were not recorded as adverse symptoms, and they were extremely dismissive of my suggestions that it could be from the jab before running any tests. At this point my condition was worsening by the hour and was quickly becoming paralysis - I couldn’t stand up without help. The doctors then quizzed any drug use I’d had in the past in front of my partner and family.

Because I was under a lot of pressure, I named nitrous oxide (used as a general anesthetic), which has now been a focal point of distraction for the doctors and the mainstream news/media to blame my health issues on, even though I never had any health issues prior to the jab.

They continued to test me, giving me multiple MRIs and the results proving that I had lesions in my spinal cord (neck). I then demanded the results go to my spinal surgeon who also found that there was unusual activity in my neurological pathways. My stay was a bit of a blur, but I was admitted for over a week. As far I know, there was no treatment assigned to me as they didn’t have any answers themselves. They literally just kept me there and occasionally checked on me once a day to give me some pain relief medicine for the severe pain I was in each day. At this stage my paralysis had plateaued, which basically, I wasn’t sure if I would ever be able to walk again. The doctors had no answers.

By the end of my stay, I was able to walk around some traffic cones as a test to see if I was good to go home. They discharged me with neuropathy due to nitrous oxide, and in my state, I believed the doctors. I thought, who was I to question the experts? I believed in science. So upon leaving the hospital I asked them if it was safe to take the second jab. They said there was no reason I shouldn’t take the second jab.

I got the 2nd Moderna jab on November 2nd, 2021 (left arm). Once again, the next day, the flu like symptoms returned and I was vomiting with a fever and the paralysis started coming on again. It was coming on rapidly so I didn’t hesitate and went straight to Emergency. On arrival I was readmitted and was there for roughly 3 days. Once again I was unable to move and this time I was experiencing severe brain fog, blurry vision and headaches. There was no initiative to get to the bottom of what was happening to me and I was discharged at the point of making the call myself, and I left with no explanation.

I went home and spent the next 4 weeks bedridden, unable to work and emotionally defeated. I was still throwing up in the mornings, my brain felt like scrambled eggs, I wasn’t sleeping and I felt like I was going crazy because there were no answers to my declining condition.

After 4-5 weeks I recovered to the point of being able function at 60% of my old self. I am a fighter and I had to get on with my life even though I was still in a lot of pain. I just accepted that this was my life now, but then it happened, I caught covid. 3:50am on a Friday I called the ambulance; my throat was closing over and I barely got it across to tell them that if someone didn’t come right away, I was going to die. It felt like I ws breathing through a straw and couldn’t get enough oxygen. It was horrifying.

I was readmitted to the Gold Coast University Hospital - this time in the covid ward, and spend another 2 weeks presenting with all the same symptoms but much worse (bar the paralysis, which was more mild than previously). I had pneumonia which felt like I was drowning in my own fluids, my throat was closed over, I was constantly coughing up green phlegm (which could have filled a 5L bucket), I had a fever of 40 degrees - but felt freezing cold, had severe brain fog and pins and needles. They put me on multiple medications - I don’t now what they were. People would come in wearing hazmat suits and inject me with, who knows what?

I’d lost all hope at this point and thought I was going to die, all I had was this one tree outside my window. For whatever reason this tree gave me hope, but all I could hear was the nurses down the hall laughing about their normal lives and ignoring myself and the other people in the ward, even to the extent of telling people to shut-up when they were coughing. My buzzer was being ignored, sometimes up to 6 hours and because of this, I opened the door slightly so I could ask for help, and the nurse yelled at me “ Shut the F*** up, you’re a bio-hazard, shut the F***** door”.

I couldn’t understand why no one would come to help me. It was about 2 weeks of hell by the time I finally tested negative to covid. They let me go by putting me in a wheelchair and left me in the parking lot on my own until someone came to get me. I went home and back to being bedridden. My only knowledge thus far was that I have neuropathy. It was now been months.

I have called doctor after doctor and seen them in person as per scientific method. I wanted to find out if it was true that doctors can’t talk about jab injuries, to realise that something was very wrong with the medical system that has been failing me. I’m open to it not being a jab injury, but how can I get to the facts if the doctors won’t talk about my problems being related to the jab. I am not anti-jab, I am pro science, and science can only survive with free speech. The whole point of science is to allow for honest conversation. If we don’t allow conversation, then we are not allowing science to happen.

My story sucks, I’m sad that it happened to me but I’m willing to accept any outcome based on science. How the hell can we have science prevail if doctors cannot talk about any issue they want? Free speech means hearing what we don’t want to hear from people we don’t like, that’s also how science works. Question everything, but the moment we can’t question, is the moment we lose science. Muting questions is a slippery slope to totalitarianism. 


Source: Escaping Mass Psychosis

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