throwing the vaxx companies under the bus: evidence emerges
are we seeing the warm up act?
a few weeks back, i wrote about some possible pfizer pfutures and how the low energy path for politicians would be to declare pfraud and provide all expense paid trips to the underside of the biggest buses they could find because this would allow these politicos who so avidly cheer led this project to flip sides, play the victim, claim “we wuz lied to!” and wriggle off the hook for this mess by claiming they could not have known that big pharma would tell porkie pies just to earn $30-40 billion in quick cash.
it’ll be rank mendacity with a double helping of hypocrisy, but what else is new?
these are the people who kiss your wallet and steal your baby.
you can see the full discussion here:
like many such bold prognostications, this was met with some understandable skepticism. it’s a pretty major call and involves a massive inversion. i was just following my gut and reading the topology.
or perhaps not.
i think maybe some of the pennies are starting to drop.
here we have robert reich, one of the more strident and aggressive of the coercive covidians and big government bulldogs.
this man is the literal spokespuppet cum attack dog FOR the oligarchy.
and yet look at this fun little pivot:

watch as he goes full goebbels and accuses moderna of being the team he plays for.
the frisson of watching an arch-clinton loyalist accuse others of corruption is electric.
to be sure, moderna has gotten all manner of goodies from the government over the years and bancel is a highly connected guy. the story of how they, after decades of producing nothing useful or commercial apart from gallons of red ink on the bottom line, suddenly got the payload for their covid vaxx from the NIH and had a top seller ready to go tout suite is one i’d VERY much like to hear and it has never added up, especially the timelines, but this is old news.
what’s new is to hear it from guys like reich that tend to be the sources of extreme anchoring statements to make his political patrons look less radical and of “trial balloons” to see how messaging goes over.
this is not subtle.
robbie is having a serious go at bancel and calling him out as a crony corporatist “oligarch” and that last bon mot is a seriously loaded term right now, especially for notoriously touchy chevalier bancel, recently knighted in france for being an all around swell guy.
this is not a light round of criticism. this feels like a gauntlet thrown by a deniable actor to see what happens.
it feels like a probing of public sentiment or a warm up salvo before the broadside.
maybe this is just me being over-sensitive and engaging in conformation bias, but this feels to me like someone whose last name rhymes with “cancel” is about to get kicked out of the cool kids table.
and the more i think about it, the more moderna looks like as easier first target. they are smaller, less sophisticated, less connected, and have more direct US ties than pfizer.
you don’t go straight for the don, you roll up his lieutenants rocco and vinnie first.
i’m clearly way out on a limb here speculating from a datapoint, but this does seems to fit pretty nicely.
whatever it is, it’s a MAJOR sea change for roberto:
huge government spending has been his métier all along.

and boy did he just turn on a dime.
it’s like watching scrooge mcduck turn socialist.
the one aspect that puzzles me is the “just walked away.” i am not seeing any news that verifies that. bancel did, indeed, get quite a handsome golden parachute from the board but this is not terribly surprising given how much money he’s made for shareholders. (though the chief medical officer did get happy feet last year right around commercialization after notably selling stock hand over fist as fast as he could)
my base assumption is that reich just got it wrong.
robbie has never had a more than passing acquaintance with the facts and even less interest in telling them to you straight, but he’s a deeply dug in political player with all the feral, amoral cunning that implies.
he’s also a sounding board for left wing populist talking points.
this would not be such an odd place to start feeling out a campaign like this.
such a tactic would pit some of the most powerful political machines against the entrenched “forever bureaucracy” of NIH, FDA, and CDC. this is not a natural fight to pick. sharks generally do not devour one another out of some sort of professional courtesy. BUT, and this is a big but, they are also fearsome opportunists when somebody looks injured or if food starts running low.
if the leadership cadres of these agencies look vulnerable, it’s a prime time for a power move to take them out and fill those commanding heights with your own people and this road will be much easier through moderna and NIH than trying to pin down pfizer, bioNtech, and gates folks and their as yet unknown (at least to me) source for their mRNA tech. it’s much murkier water.
if i were seeking to start this ball rolling, this is likely where i would start too.
this is a lot of speculation from limited data and guesses on the motives and mindsets of others (always a fraught process).
it’s entirely possible that i am just chasing my tail and pouncing at shadows here.
but, it’s also possible i’m not.
it sure looks to me like omicron and its rapid evolution into ever more vaccine enabled and immune-fixation optimized sub-variants is a fire rapidly growing out of control. the smoke is already visible for miles and the flames are coming.
the evolutionary gradient created by widespread use of leaky vaxxes does not lead to good places and the politics are going to have to adapt to how wrong they got the science.
i continue to suspect that the “friends of mRNA vaccines political society” is going to be having serious membership problems in the near future (and we’re seeing some interesting EU defections as austria gets ready to throw its own doctors to the wolves) and that given the likely outcomes of congressional elections in november, this may be something team donkey wants to get out ahead of so that at least they can claim they found it instead of having it rooted out by political foes.
that too would smack of clintonian crisis management. being the one to pick the folks who will be doing the investigating is a key win in determining how much blame emerges and upon whom it lands.
it’s all a very complex caper, but we’ve got our best people on the job…
throwing the vaxx companies under the bus: evidence emerges
are we seeing the warm up act?
a few weeks back, i wrote about some possible pfizer pfutures and how the low energy path for politicians would be to declare pfraud and provide all expense paid trips to the underside of the biggest buses they could find because this would allow these politicos who so avidly cheer led this project to flip sides, play the victim, claim “we wuz lied to!” and wriggle off the hook for this mess by claiming they could not have known that big pharma would tell porkie pies just to earn $30-40 billion in quick cash.
it’ll be rank mendacity with a double helping of hypocrisy, but what else is new?
these are the people who kiss your wallet and steal your baby.
you can see the full discussion here:
like many such bold prognostications, this was met with some understandable skepticism. it’s a pretty major call and involves a massive inversion. i was just following my gut and reading the topology.
or perhaps not.
i think maybe some of the pennies are starting to drop.
here we have robert reich, one of the more strident and aggressive of the coercive covidians and big government bulldogs.
this man is the literal spokespuppet cum attack dog FOR the oligarchy.
and yet look at this fun little pivot:

watch as he goes full goebbels and accuses moderna of being the team he plays for.
the frisson of watching an arch-clinton loyalist accuse others of corruption is electric.
to be sure, moderna has gotten all manner of goodies from the government over the years and bancel is a highly connected guy. the story of how they, after decades of producing nothing useful or commercial apart from gallons of red ink on the bottom line, suddenly got the payload for their covid vaxx from the NIH and had a top seller ready to go tout suite is one i’d VERY much like to hear and it has never added up, especially the timelines, but this is old news.
what’s new is to hear it from guys like reich that tend to be the sources of extreme anchoring statements to make his political patrons look less radical and of “trial balloons” to see how messaging goes over.
this is not subtle.
robbie is having a serious go at bancel and calling him out as a crony corporatist “oligarch” and that last bon mot is a seriously loaded term right now, especially for notoriously touchy chevalier bancel, recently knighted in france for being an all around swell guy.
this is not a light round of criticism. this feels like a gauntlet thrown by a deniable actor to see what happens.
it feels like a probing of public sentiment or a warm up salvo before the broadside.
maybe this is just me being over-sensitive and engaging in conformation bias, but this feels to me like someone whose last name rhymes with “cancel” is about to get kicked out of the cool kids table.
and the more i think about it, the more moderna looks like as easier first target. they are smaller, less sophisticated, less connected, and have more direct US ties than pfizer.
you don’t go straight for the don, you roll up his lieutenants rocco and vinnie first.
i’m clearly way out on a limb here speculating from a datapoint, but this does seems to fit pretty nicely.
whatever it is, it’s a MAJOR sea change for roberto:
huge government spending has been his métier all along.

and boy did he just turn on a dime.
it’s like watching scrooge mcduck turn socialist.
the one aspect that puzzles me is the “just walked away.” i am not seeing any news that verifies that. bancel did, indeed, get quite a handsome golden parachute from the board but this is not terribly surprising given how much money he’s made for shareholders. (though the chief medical officer did get happy feet last year right around commercialization after notably selling stock hand over fist as fast as he could)
my base assumption is that reich just got it wrong.
robbie has never had a more than passing acquaintance with the facts and even less interest in telling them to you straight, but he’s a deeply dug in political player with all the feral, amoral cunning that implies.
he’s also a sounding board for left wing populist talking points.
this would not be such an odd place to start feeling out a campaign like this.
such a tactic would pit some of the most powerful political machines against the entrenched “forever bureaucracy” of NIH, FDA, and CDC. this is not a natural fight to pick. sharks generally do not devour one another out of some sort of professional courtesy. BUT, and this is a big but, they are also fearsome opportunists when somebody looks injured or if food starts running low.
if the leadership cadres of these agencies look vulnerable, it’s a prime time for a power move to take them out and fill those commanding heights with your own people and this road will be much easier through moderna and NIH than trying to pin down pfizer, bioNtech, and gates folks and their as yet unknown (at least to me) source for their mRNA tech. it’s much murkier water.
if i were seeking to start this ball rolling, this is likely where i would start too.
this is a lot of speculation from limited data and guesses on the motives and mindsets of others (always a fraught process).
it’s entirely possible that i am just chasing my tail and pouncing at shadows here.
but, it’s also possible i’m not.
it sure looks to me like omicron and its rapid evolution into ever more vaccine enabled and immune-fixation optimized sub-variants is a fire rapidly growing out of control. the smoke is already visible for miles and the flames are coming.
the evolutionary gradient created by widespread use of leaky vaxxes does not lead to good places and the politics are going to have to adapt to how wrong they got the science.
i continue to suspect that the “friends of mRNA vaccines political society” is going to be having serious membership problems in the near future (and we’re seeing some interesting EU defections as austria gets ready to throw its own doctors to the wolves) and that given the likely outcomes of congressional elections in november, this may be something team donkey wants to get out ahead of so that at least they can claim they found it instead of having it rooted out by political foes.
that too would smack of clintonian crisis management. being the one to pick the folks who will be doing the investigating is a key win in determining how much blame emerges and upon whom it lands.
it’s all a very complex caper, but we’ve got our best people on the job…
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come for the cat. stay for the toxoplasmosis.
Source: bad cattitude
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