Thursday, February 24, 2022

"Vaccine Side-Effects Up to 10 Times Higher Than Official Figures, Insurance Company Board Member Reveals" by Will Jones


Vaccine Side-Effects Up to 10 Times Higher Than Official Figures, Insurance Company Board Member Reveals

A board member of a large German insurance company has spoken out over the “alarming” data his company has found regarding Covid vaccine side-effects.

Up to the end of 2021, the German Government recorded around 245,000 vaccine side-effects. However, the analysis by health insurance company BBK ProVita suggests the true figure is up to ten times higher.

A search of the databases of all BBK health insurance companies found that, from January to August 2021, around 217,000 of about 11 million BBK policyholders had to be treated for vaccine side-effects. Andreas Schöfbeck, the board member who spoke out, told Die Welt: “Extrapolated to the total population, this figure would be three million.” That is around ten times higher than the official figure from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the Government agency responsible for vaccinations, despite covering a shorter period of time (running only to the end of August).

Mr. Schöfbeck suggests the shortcomings of the passive reporting system are the main explanation for the massive discrepancy, with doctors often having to report vaccine side-effects in their spare time – a time-consuming and unpaid activity. Doctors may also be reticent to see or report problems with the Covid vaccines, which have been the subject of massive public health campaigns and widely seen as the way out of the pandemic.

Mr. Schöfbeck says he sent his company’s analysis to a range of bodies, including the German Medical Association, the Standing Committee on Vaccination (StiKo) and the Paul Ehrlich Institute. He reports he told them the figures were a “strong alarm signal” that “absolutely must be taken into account in the further use of vaccines”. He suggested his figures could be validated by the usual data analyses of health insurance companies, adding it is “ethically wrong not to talk about it” as “danger to human life cannot be ruled out”. When none of the bodies appeared to show interest in the findings he went public with his concerns.

Evidence has been emerging in recent weeks that Government vaccine adverse event reporting systems are systematically under-reporting side-effects. An Israeli survey asking vaccine recipients about side-effects found rates hundreds or even thousands of times higher than official figures. The U.K. MHRA has previously estimated that only around 10% of serious vaccine side-effects are reported, a figure that fits with the German insurance company data. The claims of health authorities that these events are almost all coincidental are beginning to look very shaky indeed.

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