Friday, April 8, 2022


Thanks to Maxwell for contributing this video, which is on Rumble and can be viewed at the source. Here's the introductory paragraph: 

The pandemic was used to bring in digital control, make no mistake this is decades in the making. For over 100 years the medical complex has been setting the stage for lockdowns. The financial system is collapsing and the reset that is coming is an attempt to save the global elite. The global financial crisis is bringing in the digital currency, which will bring in the control grid.

Maxwell asked me to add this:

Watch Leslie Manookian’s one hour presentation for Stand Up for Idaho explaining how the pandemic was used to install a digital control grid. Make no mistake this has been decades in the making. For over 100 years the medical complex has been setting the stage for lockdowns. The financial system is now collapsing and the reset that is coming is an attempt to save the global elite. The global financial crisis is bringing in the digital currency, which will bring in the control grid.

April 7, 2022

Source: Health Freedom Defense Fund 

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