Saturday, March 26, 2022

"'what is a woman?' and other quandaries" by el gato malo


"what is a woman?" and other quandaries

musings and memes on restoring sense to civilization

much has been made of the question and answer from ketanji brown jackson’s senate confirmation hearing for the supreme court nomination.

“Can you provide a definition for the word ’woman’?

After a short back-and-forth, Jackson ultimately said: “No, I can’t.”

“You can’t?” Blackburn asked.

“Not in this context. I’m not a biologist,” Jackson said.

obviously, this is not a terribly satisfying answer from an aspirant to america’s highest court, especially as this issue is one of great current moment.

but, on the other hand, it’s a real stinker of a question and one that, given the current gender minefield in which we all seem to reside, i doubt any of us could answer satisfactorily upon a stage this large before an audience this varied in everything save their rapt hostility without setting off some sort of explosion somewhere.

i would like to put forth the notion that it is THAT fact, and not her answer that should be drawing concern.

we have literally created a societal climate where intelligent, educated people cannot answer a question that has been obvious to 2 year olds since before humans climbed down out of trees and started experimenting with walking upright.

seriously, how is anyone OK with this?

we have allowed society to devolve into not only an endless pratfall of ideological poo flinging and recrimination but to one debating outright hallucinatory precepts within dogmatically defined domains.

we have deconstructed and pixelated everything to the point where words and concepts have become bereft of semantic meaning and rendered our societal discourse into gibberish that every side is taking deadly seriously and warring over in some sort of cultural self-immolation.

no one has any idea what they are supposed to do or how to navigate this. it’s an endless, recursive game of gotchaball with rules that change all the time without notice or reason. honestly, i’m a little shocked that KBJ is not in trouble with gender activists for admitting that the issue is biological.

no one can live like this.

it’s simply not possible.

we’ve eroded every vestige of sense and bastion of decency from discourse and interaction.

it’s rendering everything stupid, unintelligible, and unnavigable.

seen through this fun house mirror lens, the very notion of culture has become absurdity.

this issue is just one of dozens, probably hundreds. (it just happens to have a lot of good memes right now and to be au courant)

this ontological babel virus has infested gender, race, sexuality, politics, property, rights, and every other aspect of culture.

and we need to address this. we have let increasingly radicalized and crazy people peddle hallucinations until they have woven them into the firmaments and foundations of civilization.

this abnegates the entire idea of being civilized.

if you really need someone to spell these issues out for you, dictate them from on high, and rarify them into even more outlandish baroque stylizations of purported power relationships, you are not a civilized person. it’s honestly questionable if you can be called sane. you’re certainly not self-governing or autonomous.

this is a big game of “let’s you and him fight” foisted by people of agenda and incomprehension. some are demagogues, some sincere denizens of the fabulist realms they have erected for themselves, but neither are folks you want at the vanguard of the zeitgeist.

that way madness lies.

if we are to have anything resembling a true public agora, then it’s time we abandoned any and all respect for this individual effacing pathos of prickly wokeist aggrievement.

it derives its power from the fear of standing up to it and the horror of the words the perpetually and pathologically offended will hurl at any who dispute them. this has become both a tactic and an identity agglomerated into one vibrating ball of cancel culture edge-lord war.

my answer is simple: “so what?”

seriously, who cares? go engage in your silly semantic squabbles somewhere else. your 15 minutes are up and the adults would like civilization back now.

cancel culture is not even a real monster. it’s a scary shadow cast upon a wall by pernicious puppeteers.

they own the agora because they have convinced the masses that they do so that they might secure and satiate their own needs and narcissisms.

but they have no real claim and will vanish like mist once you learn to laugh at them.

it’s time.

just stop accepting any of this. let discourse become ungoverned and ungovernable.

lose fear of giving offense and instead learn to live in a world where people disagree and make mistakes absent malice.

bring laughter back to misunderstandings and misapprehensions.

reasoned and reasonable people of goodwill can find humor in their similarities and (gasp) their differences and in their dialogues and their failures of comprehension.

we used to live in world like that.

and it’s time that world was restored.

the revolution is not just going to be fun, it’s going to be funny.


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