Amid an all-out campaign of contrived World War Three hysteria, our country aims to send about $14-billion in aid to Ukraine post-haste, including more javelin anti-tank missiles and weapons described as “kamikaze drones,” posing some thorny questions for curious observers.
How do we propose to get these things into Ukraine? Fly the stuff in on USAF C-17 Globemaster transport planes? To what airfield, exactly? And with what assurance that they can make delivery without encountering, shall we say, induced mechanical failure before landing? Drive the weapons across the border from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, or Moldova? Do you not suppose that Russia has satellite surveillance of the limited number of road crossings along that frontier, and will be watching for truck convoys?
More likely, that dollar number and the weaponry talk are fantasies intended to propitiate the roughly thirty percent of Americans whom, pollsters report, are avid for an apocalyptic nuclear showdown with Russia. Thirty percent, by the way, is the estimate by psychologists of any given population susceptible to mass formation psychosis — the transfiguration of anxiety-and-anomie-driven persons from something like harmless grasshoppers into ravaging human locusts.
That group derangement phenomenon has been managed artfully by America’s Deep State in recent years starting with the Russia Collusion hoax against the alleged monsterdom of Mr. Trump, then shifted to the frenzy around Covid-19 virus, with all its sickening rituals of obedience and submission, and now segued seamlessly to the melodrama of Vladimir Putin cast as King Kong manhandling Fay Wray as personified by Ukraine.
Readers assure me that Russia is “getting its ass kicked” in that sore-beset, yawning expanse of wheat and mud that has been, one way or another, a domain of Russia longer than the USA has been nation — except the past thirty-odd years when it has been a playground for homegrown oligarch-looters, US State Department and CIA gamesters, and grift-seeking rogues such as Mr. Hunter R. Biden and the relatives of John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi.
America’s gift of javelin missiles by former president Trump, has reportedly taken a heavy toll on Russian tanks and helicopters, confounding their advance. That is hardly the whole story. The Russians have surrounded the hardiest units of Ukraine’s army in the contested Donbass region. These include the alleged neo-Nazi Azov brigades dug-in around Luhansk and Donetsk for eight years, and busy all that time shelling the Russian-speaking population there with American-supplied munitions. Those Azov brigades now face the choice of surrender or annihilation. They have no contact with whatever remains of Ukrainian military command.
The regime behind “Joe Biden” appears to relish the prospect of dragging out this crisis as long as possible, despite the fact that we have about zero national interest in the fate of Ukraine, except perhaps for our fears about the dark secrets that reside there — especially the full story behind those recently discovered Pentagon-run bio-labs, stuffed with dangerous disease-based science projects. Looks at least suspicious, a little bit, to the casual observer. What did we have in mind with all that? Is it not bad enough that the human race shares the planet with many opportunistic micro-organisms that like to periodically kill off multitudes? Is it a good idea to enhance them, to play lab games with them? And why there, close to Russia’s border? And why so many labs?
Western Civ has suffered the consequences of that Frankenstein-style science for two-plus years. And is it a coincidence that “Joe Biden” provoked Russia to invade Ukraine just as the Covid-19 crisis was veering toward the discovery that the touted vaccines are found to disable and kill off large numbers of people in the prime of their lives. The terrible news of all that can’t be squelched despite the mainstream media’s calculated indifference to it. Between an engineered die-off and a wrecked economy, the “Joe Biden” government and its Deep State enablers don’t have a whole lot to brag about.
Only Wednesday at his podium, the “president” laid down a string of bizarre hypotheticals saying, “everybody knows somebody” subject to blackmail. That may have been an overstatement about Americans’ general state of moral relations. But then, whaddaya know? Twenty-four hours later, The New York Times — of all parties — very conspicuously walks back its two-year-old claim that the existence of Hunter Biden’s laptop, stuffed with incriminating memos and emails about the Biden family’s global bribery and racketeering operations — was a Russian ploy to make then-candidate “Joe Biden” look bad.
Do they mean to say no such Russian ploy happened? And that the fifty former-and-current US intel officers who signed a letter to that effect were lying? Is damaging info busting to come to the public’s attention now? Were both “Joe Biden” and The Times trying to get ahead of a story? And if, say, Hunter Biden happens to face some federal charges, will they somehow implicate his dad? Or perhaps some other party, Russia or maybe China, has possession of a Hunter Biden laptop — there were more than a few of them loose in the world — and may be on the verge of releasing its contents. Maybe wagging the tail of that Ukrainian dog wasn’t such a bright idea after all.
Source: Clusterfuck Nation