Thursday, February 24, 2022

Caleb Maupin explains the Ukraine situation, exposes the huge lies spread by the imperialist mouthpieces in the Western media

Caleb Maupin explains the Ukraine situation, exposes the huge lies spread by the imperialist mouthpieces in the Western media

Analysis of the world-changing Putin speech and why it matters. Watch this video and cleanse your mind.

10 hours ago


Caleb Maupin

Streams of clarity, irony, humor and wisdom seen & overheard on the Net
Dispatch dateline: 22 Feb 2022

The "Tankies" —the true socialists—were right all along about the Ukraine. Now the time has come for the gnashing of the teeth, the rending of clothes, and the hypocristical screams among liberals, rightwingers and naturally the fake left, not to mention the multitude of warmongering whores in the corporate media, all of whom, under cover of some vague progressivism (restricted to identity issues), still have the audacity to claim they support peace, freedom and true democracy. 

One of the most important videos by Caleb Maupin n a topic that many Americans cotnue to misunderstand given the longstanding level of toxic misinformation. What is the Ukraine? Why did the Eastern regions peoples' republics—Lugansk and Donetsk— declared themselves independent from Kiev's rule after the US-supported coup in 2014? What is the probable future of Ukraine and these new republics? 

22 Feb 2022

23 Feb 2022

Breaking Down Putin's Ukraine Speech

Below: Candidates to be defendants in a probable war crimes tribunal organised by Russia.

Russia is likely to prepare a War Crimes tribunal to punish those who ordered atrocities in the LDNR region and in Ukraine at large, and many of these men are liable to be indicted.

Ukronazis destroying Lenin statue. They have also destroyed many monuments to the liberating Red Army.

Caleb Maupin has worked as a journalist and political analyst for the last five years. He has reported from across the United States, as well as from Iran, the Gulf of Aden and Venezuela. He has been a featured speaker at many Universities, and at international conferences held in Tehran, Quito, and Brasilia. His writings have been translated and published in many languages including Farsi, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese. He is originally from Ohio. As a reporter with, Maupin's focus has been the United States. He has had many intense interactions with US State Department spokespeople including John KirbyMark Toner, and Heather Nauert confronting them about diverse issues like Syria, Russia, and the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons. Maupin was the primary US correspondent for RT’s international broadcasts during the 2016 Presidential elections. He reported from both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, and also directly from the riots in Oakland, California, during the aftermath of the vote.  

Source: The Greanville Post

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