Saturday, January 1, 2022

A post by iowablackbird

EH here. I was taken by the following comment by

Do you want your country back? Will you go along with obvious malevolence just to avoid standing out and risking your status, your livelihood, your special privileges? Do you actually believe in what’s known as your sacred honor? And what relation it has to reality? Do you understand that periodically in history the human race goes crazy and does terrible things that it later regrets? This is one of those times. -JHK

the brainwashed submissive-authoritarians are so smug that they will take their hubris w/ them to the grave. if their friends and loved ones die of myocarditis - or any number of side effects associated w/ the covid vaccines, they will look the other way. if they are ever sincerely challenged about their quasi-religious attachment to the false narrative, they will immediately revert to denial/name-calling. we’ve all witnessed this, but i thought other people would appreciate the following example, considering the irony of a propagandist literally taking one for the team.

the case of NYT’s editor carlos tejada - one of three people who won a pulitzer prize for reporting on the covid crisis - underscores the depth of how morally/intellectually bankrupt the liberal establishment has become. there is no morality or intellectual honesty at play. instead of questioning, while exposing criminality (origins of the scamdemic, vaccines are dangerous), the professional class clings to the herd, anticipating the rewards generated from shaping the public mind.

needless to say, the NYT’s obituary of carlos tejada did not mention that he had been vaccinated one day prior to his cardiac arrest.

the NJ paper shorenewsnetwork did make the connection in their headline.

New York Times editor who won Pulitzer for COVID-19 coverage dead of heart attack one day after booster shot, by robert walker, 12/26/2021


also, the following article by adan salazar includes comments (tweets) posted by tejada the day before his unexpected, early demise.

side note - the following link is from newswars (which is tangentially linked w/ infowars). read at your own discretion, although i don’t see any factually incorrect information in the article. the article does include a ’tweet’ from daniel berenson, former NYT’s editor, and outspoken critic of the plandemic covid policy.

NY Times Editor, 49, Dies One Day After Moderna Booster Jab

"Hey Omicron: Hit me with your wet snot," Carlos Tejada jokingly dared one day before untimely demise. - adan salazar, 12/27/2021

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and here are a series of responses, following max blumenthal’s tweet, discussing tejada’s death. notice that a significant proportion of the people responding to blumenthal’s tweet (in the link) are vaccinated people attempting to rationalize carlos tejada’s heart attack. these lemmings are in complete denial of reality.


“We need only in cold blood ACT as if the thing in question were real, and keep acting as if it were real, and it will infallibly end by growing into such a connection with our life that it will become real.”

- william james

“The military estate is the most honored. But what is war, what is needed for success in military affairs, what are the morals of military society? The aim of war is killing, the instruments of war are espionage, treason and the encouragement of it, the ruin of the inhabitants, robbing them or stealing to supply the army; deception and lying are called military stratagems; the morals of the military estate are absence of freedom, that is, discipline, idleness, ignorance, cruelty, depravity, and drunkenness. And in spite of that, it is the highest estate, respected by all . . . the one who has killed the most people gets the greatest reward . . . They come together . . . to kill each other, they slaughter and maim tens of thousands of men, and then they say prayers of thanksgiving for having slaughtered so many people . . . and proclaim victory, supposing that the more people slaughtered, the greater the merit. How does God look down and listen to them! . . . Ah, dear heart, lately it has become hard for me to live. I see that I've begun to understand too much. And it's not good for man to taste of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil . . . Well, it won't be for long!”

- leo tolstoy


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