Thursday, December 30, 2021

How Pfizer made a mountain out of a molehill using Relative Risk Reduction

Maxwell contributed these links. Thanks! Here's his brief but alarming explanation, if you can still be alarmed by the mendacity of Pfizer:




I want to underscore one point in the presentation. In the published results of the 2 months study (that’s right only 2 months) Pfizer used Relative Risk Reduction to assert that the vaccine provided 95% protection. Let me explain. In the vaccine group 8 out of 18,198 were reported to have gotten Covid or .04% In the placebo group 162 were reported to have gotten Covid out of 18, 325 or .88% both groups showing very insignificant numbers. However, what Pfizer did using the Relative Risk Reduction calculation allowed it to say the vaccine reduced the chance of Covid from .88% down to .04% or a 95% decrease, If they would have been honest and not concerned about profits over people’s lives they would have used Absolute Risk Reduction for their trial conclusion. In that case the benefit of getting vaccinated would have been less than 1%. Here’s the math: .88% for the Placebo group - .04% for the vaccinated group = .84%

That’s right there is less than a 1% benefit from getting the vaccine rather than deciding to tend to your own health. How many people would have chosen the vaccine if they knew the benefit was only 1%

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