Saturday, September 25, 2021

“Why Do So Many Still Believe?” Dr. Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, Belgium, Gives An Exceptionally Incisive Explanation


Elizabeth here. Sabelmouse sent me the podcast contained in this article, an interview with psychoanalyst and statistician Mattias Desmet. Thank you sabelmouse! If anyone's interested in understanding why so many people believe the politicians' favorite "experts" regarding Covid despite the fact that their "science" is so obviously pseudoscience and deeply politicized, this is well worth a listen.  

The podcast of the interview does not copy here. You can find it from the source or follow this link


“Why Do So Many Still Believe?” Dr. Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, Belgium, Gives An Exceptionally Incisive Explanation

Dr. Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Ghent.

For the last eighteen months, since the lunacy over the Wuhan virus officially began, I’ve not heard a single person address (let alone address insightfully) the one thing above all others which for me, from right off, was the total giveaway to the entire deadly farce.

In fact, there were actually two things very early on that simply could not be reconciled — one of which was the immediate calculation by the powers-that-be of fatality rates before anything close to widespread testing had been done. This remains one of the truest giveaways:

You cannot calculate fatality rates before you know infection rates.


That’s mathematical law.

This was and is a checkmate.

The fact that within just a few days, world leaders and bureaucrats were telling us “3% to 5%” fatality rates — this was for me a clear-cut case of catastrophizing, and catastrophizing, as I have admonished so many times this past year-and-a-half, should always be looked upon suspiciously.


The second of the two things that simply could not be reconciled is something that I’ve not only not had anyone answer: I’ve never even heard anyone else discuss it — even among those who didn’t buy into the mainstream narrative: people as skeptical as me.

Until today.

When I heard this gentleman today, I felt the scales fall from my eyes, and I am not kidding, either.

This second thing I’m speaking of — the something that not one person among even the most dedicated and zealous catastrophists, not doctor, not scientist, not politician, not anyone, has ever addressed, even when I’ve directly and repeatedly asked — is this:

How can anyone justify the incalculable, irrefutable death and destruction these reckless and completely ineffective lockdown policies are having upon the innocent third-world poor, all across the world? How could any sane person justify creating astronomically more death and misery, and for an indefinite period of time, for a coronavirus which when treated with safe, abundant, inexpensive, effective, early-treatment protocols is much less lethal than the seasonal flu?

No one has ever answered that question.

I know I’ve written about this subject numerous times, and I don’t mean to be a broken record, but let me say again just for posterity: I have asked this question to more people than I could ever calculate, and not a single person — even the doctors and scientists — ever reply.

I do really mean that — I mean it quite literally: there’s not even an attempt at a reply or a kind of reply.

It is truly among the most bizarre experiences in my entire life.

At times, it’s felt like a dream — that ostensibly smart, compassionate human beings who in many, many cases are well-credentialed, simply say nothing. They just look at you. As if the words don’t compute. It is the closest thing I’ve ever experienced in real-life to feeling as if humans were under a Manchurian-Candidate-like spell, and it’s something I’ve thought into the ground.

I was therefore astounded today when I came across the following interview, brand-new (September 21, 2021), between two people neither of whom I’d ever heard of before a few hours ago.

The man being interviewed is one Dr. Mattias Desmet, a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, in Belgium, and this entire discussion, from beginning to end, is absolutely riveting — the scope of its explanatory power unlike anything I’ve heard from anyone, at any point, on this surreal subject. You must watch it. It will throw open shut windows and doors and it will cast gales of light upon the bizarre chasmed darkness of the last eighteen months.

At the five-minute mark, for instance, Professor Desmet, explaining when and why this global panic began to strike him as not-quite-right:

“Another example of an absurd characteristic was that from the beginning, institutions like the United Nations actually warned us that probably more people would die as a result of starvation, in developing countries, because of the lockdowns, than the number of victims the coronavirus could ever claim, even if there were no measures taken at all against the virus — which meant as much as: the ‘remedy’ was far worse than the actual disease. And still, nobody seemed to notice this. Everybody seemed to be so focused only on the coronavirus victims that people continued to be willing to buy into the story….”

And at the forty-eight-minute mark:

“In my opinion, the most important thing for people to do is to continue to speak out. Even if it’s just to say that you don’t agree with the mainstream narrative: because mass formation is provoked by the specific voice it’s gotten used to. Really, you have to take this literally. Totalitarian leaders know this very well: they start every new day with thirty minutes of propaganda, in which the voice of the leader constantly penetrates the consciousness of the population. So without mass media and without the ability to confront people, time and time again, with the voices of the leaders, no mass formation could continue as long as it continued in Germany and then in the Soviet Union. And the opposite of this is also true: if other voices are available in the public space, then the mass hypnosis will be disturbed.”

I do sincerely implore you to watch and listen to this good, levelheaded, clear-thinking Professor of Psychology — no psycho-babble at all here. He is brilliant and sane, and the world desperately needs more voices like his, and we can all learn from him and aspire to his powers of reason:

The following two brief video-clips are, unfortunately, not nearly as inspiring, but they are important. The world is on the brink of a colossal disaster, and we must unify and stand against it:


Mike Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer and an irrefutable voice of reason and sanity in this cesspool of “vaccine” propaganda, has issued what he believes may be a final warning, and I don’t necessarily think he’s wrong:


Source: The Journal Pulp

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