Friday, February 18, 2022

"Scotland To Halt Publishing COVID Data Based On Vaccination Status" by Maxwell

Scotland To Halt Publishing COVID Data Based On Vaccination Status

The Glasgow Times reported today that Covid data will not be published over concerns it's misrepresented by anti-vaxxers.

The Times reports that Public Health Scotland will now shift its focus "on publishing more robust and complex vaccine effectiveness data with Wednesday's report being the last weekly publication to include the data on infection rates among the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Here's the full announcement from Public Health Scotland from their recent COVID-19 & Winter Statistical Report published on February 16, 2022.

On Page 29 in the report PHS states the following:


From 16 February 2022, Public Health Scotland (PHS) will no longer report COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status on a weekly basis. PHS will continue to provide updates from the latest scientific analyses and reports on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. An explanation behind this decision can be found below.

Since July 2021, Public Health Scotland (PHS) have reported COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status in the weekly COVID-19 statistical report. These data were first published to help monitor the impact of the vaccination programme on the pandemic, impact on the NHS, and to help understand where to prioritise vaccination delivery. While PHS has stated that the data in the report should not be used as a measure of vaccine effectiveness, PHS is aware of inappropriate use and misinterpretation of the data when taken in isolation without fully understanding the limitations described below.

Due to the increasing risk of misinterpretation from growing complexities as the COVID-19 pandemic enters its second year (as described below), PHS has taken the decision to no longer report COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status on a weekly basis. PHS is currently reviewing the content and frequency of reporting this information. PHS will continue to communicate up to date and high quality research on COVID-19 vaccines. Evidence suggests the COVID-19 vaccine is effective at reducing the risk of a severe outcome, such as hospitalisation when infected, however no vaccine is 100% effective and some COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths may still occur, particularly in vulnerable populations.

Scotland has had remarkably comprehensive and clear data. As can be seen in this graph, Table 15 found on page 47, the rates of death are notably lower in the unvaccinated. In the four weeks measured from January 4th-February 8th, 61 out of the 476 deaths were in the unvaccinated.

This means that of those deaths listed in this report around 87% were in the vaccinated group.

For the Scottish Government and the Public Health Sector this published information makes for inconvenient data. The cessation of future data specifications relating to vaccine status from the PHS speaks to an effort to censor such information in the future. This lack of transparency erodes public confidence in the health systems and only serves to raise more questions from those examining such data.



Addendum: A personal speculative note separate from the report which speaks to a possibility as to why there is the need for governments to conceal this data:

1) VAERS/EudraVigilance/UK MHRA Yellow Card data is piling up;

2) DoD Leak;

3) Insurance company and funeral home results coming in;

4) Pending release of Pfizer trial data proving fraud in trials;

5) Pfizer/Moderna shares in decline.


Source: Maxwell

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