Friday, February 11, 2022

"Canada: the 'anarchists' who hate freedom uprisings" by Winter Oak



Canada: the “anarchists” who hate freedom uprisings

What can we make of a bunch of so-called “anarchists” whose response to a major popular uprising taking place on their doorstep is to angrily oppose it?

Anarchism has always been about people power, about the idea that we need to come together to overthrow tyranny and state-corporate power to create a world in which we are free to run our own lives.

We have now endured two years of the Great Fascist Reset spearheaded by Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum and we might imagine that the sight of rebels occupying a capital city and demanding an end to the nightmare would spark stirrings of solidarity and support in the hearts of genuine freedom-lovers.

But this is far from being the case with the Punch Up Collective of Ottawa.

In a bizarre and toxic February 6 article, ‘Organizing Against the Occupation of Ottawa‘, these self-described anarchists declare that “the convoy participants are our enemies”.

They echo the lies of WEF-groomed Justin Trudeau by describing the freedom protesters as “authoritarian occupiers” engaged in “right-wing adventures in ruining our lives”.

Without feeling the need to provide a shred of evidence, they claim that “the problem with the convoy is that the content of their disruption is racist, sexist, authoritarian, and hurts people” and that it is “part of a broader eugenicist, overtly white supremacist tendency”.

Authoritarian? Eugenicist? They seem to be getting mixed up regarding which side they are talking about, there!

As for “white supremacist”, this interviewed protester is one of many who has no difficulty in seeing through an obvious smear.

The same estrangement from truth was in evidence when Punch Up Collective member Chris Dixon (below), an American academic, insisted on Twitter that their aim was to “build actual freedom and collective liberation”.

Given their obvious instinct to side with power against ordinary people, maybe Punch Up ought to consider changing their name to Punch Down?

This reaction of a group of self-appointed rebels to a moment of real actual revolt is reminiscent of certain UK anarchists’ condemnation of the politically impure riots of 2011, and indeed of the law-and-order brigade who subsequently took to the streets with much-mediatised brooms to sweep away any traces of the popular insurrection which had so rudely interrupted their comfortable lives.

Raw history in the messy making does not motivate Punch Up. They are much more concerned with the kind of self-centred individual who wants “a loan of noise-cancelling headphones” or who hopes that their “pets have a quiet place to stay to escape the endless honking outside their house”.

Forget any idea, fellow radicals, of reclaiming the streets, storming the citadels of power or pulling down the infrastructures of control, because it might disturb the neighbours! Or their cat.

So what are the Punch Up Collective actually planning to do to dislodge the Ottawa occupation, apart from spewing poisonous propaganda?

Rather undermining the message of their belligerent name, they admit: “We were not prepared to mount a spirited anti-authoritarian collective response to the convoy arriving and putting down roots in our town…

“Direct confrontation with the far right is important and can be effective, but in the present moment in Ottawa it’s complicated to mobilize in that way”.

You don’t say!

However, they are apparently “looking forward to coming together with other like-minded groups to not only push back against the current occupation in a variety of ways, but to also prepare for future confrontations like this”.

To try to understand where this highly unpleasant little group is coming from, we took a short trip back in time via their (mercifully meagre!) archives from the last two years.

Before their reactionary outburst of February 6, the last the world had heard from Punch Up was in October 2021, when they published an earnest but painfully dull article detailing the public complaints process against the police.

Apart from a couple of statements of support for other campaigns, the previous Punch Up post dates back to September 2020. This meandering reflection on “solidarity with kids and their caregivers” ends with the statement that “our collective well-being depends on what we’re prepared to struggle for, together”.

Well, yeah.

We will skip rapidly past the June 2020 piece setting out the minutiae of “various layers of decision-making to set the Ottawa Police Services budget” to reach a post from April 2020.

Here, as lockdowns and authoritarian restrictions were being imposed all over the world, the ever-so militant Punch-Up Collective called on its supporters to “come together against the forces of capitalism and colonialism” on May Day by… downloading and sharing images of flowers and butterflies.

Our educational journey back in time finally brings us to March 2020, the very start of the Great Reset.

What a shame that the folks at Punch Up Collective had to postpone a planned fundraiser because of Covid.

Impressively, they managed to announce this using the robotic newnormal-speak which had only just come into vogue: “We want to do what we can to keep our community safe and healthy and slow the spread of the virus… In the meantime, let’s practice physical distancing and social solidarity!”

That same month, these eager beavers published a list of “Links and Resources Useful During COVID-19“.

Kicking off with links to state bodies Ottawa Public Health and Canada Public Health, this continues with the likes of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan (again from the state), education companies offering free subscriptions (from US online education business Kids Activities) and something called The Social Distancing Festival, which sounds like the diametric opposite of what has been happening in Ottawa of late!

Intriguingly, they also provide a link to Operation Ramzieh, a food distribution initiative set up by Cathy Chen and Kamiliya Akkouche, who, according to Canada’s National Observer, were “drawn to making a positive impact amid the global calamity”.

If the word “impact” set off your alarm bells there, you were justified, because the report goes on to tell us that the pair are both “members of a prestigious global club of young leaders backed by the World Economic Forum”, ie the notorious impact-capitalism supporting Global Shapers.

In fact, Chen even “presented at three sessions at the WEF’s Davos meeting of world leaders” in 2019. She is pictured here with Marco Lambertini, director general of the land-grabbing colonialist WWF.

We thus see that the Punch Up Collective in Ottawa has reinforced the official Covid line from the very start, promoting social distancing, state narratives and even Klaus Schwab’s local WEF hub.

Little surprise, perhaps, that these “anarchists” regard the Canadian people who are rising up against the Great Reset as their “enemies”!


Source: Winter Oak

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