Sunday, October 2, 2022

"Ed Dowd: If Excess Mortality Continues Life Expectancy Could Drop to 53 By 2025" by Amy Sukwan

Thanks to manfred127 for contributing this article. 


Ed Dowd: If Excess Mortality Continues Life Expectancy Could Drop to 53 By 2025

Can We Stop the Shots Already?

This is the link

Apologies that I have not figured out how to embed video from Rumble. Ed Dowd has been pouring over insurance data in the USA. Everyone paying attention knows the rate of excess mortality has been and remains elevated since the Ides of March 2020. Life expectancy in the USA dropped by 2 years from 2020 to 2021. The biggest problem is that nobody knows when it will trend back to “normal.” It looks like the genocide is already here.

It’s not just America, of course. From Australia to England to Canada, excess mortality is up. I recently ran the numbers on Thailand myself.

Amy’s Newsletter
Thailand's Demographic Collapse
Igor Chudov used to routinely present month on month datasets about drops in birth rates from various countries around the world. As my very first article on substack was regarding a drop in births in Thailand where I am based, I always wanted to add my part to the list, but I never could find the granular up to date data. That changed based on a link found on theCovidBlog…
Read more

I don’t think anyone who is seriously looking at the data wants to be right about this anymore. Usually when there is a mass mortality event there is a rebound to below average deaths in subsequent quarters. This is because the disease pulled forward the deaths of the old and vulnerable, in much the same way that a forest fire takes out dry undergrowth, leaving room for shoots to spring up. In short the excess deaths data and its persistent continuation at elevated levels is actually worse than it looks.

Is it really that hard to play connect the dots here?

This does not mean that everyone who took the jabs is going to die soon. Steve Kirsch calculated a death from jab rate of about 1 per 1000 injections given. The problem is this rate is still rising, actually it can’t go down unless people start coming back from the dead. This aligns pretty nicely with my on the ground experience and the data that I have looked at. Let’s assume that this rate is consistent across ages, which is something that we don’t know yet. If the Expose article is correct about 1 in 73 people being dead within a year of being vaccinated, that would equal a 1.3% chance of dying in the next year. In looking at mortality charts that is not that bad in the oldest age cohorts there is a 2% or more chance of death in any given year. This is not saying that the Covid “vaccines” aren’t killing them too, it is just so much easier to make the death of a very old person as related to something else besides the jab.

But a 1.3% mortality risk within a year for an 18 year old, who say was required to takes these damned things to attend an “Institution of Higher Learning,” would represent a 40 fold increased risk of death over baseline. I’m hard pressed to think of anything that raises death risk that much for an 18 year old. Do they want to take up chain smoking, drunk driving, drag racing, skydiving, or just a heavy duty heroin laced with fentanyl habit? Do they want to get shipped off to the front lines of whatever war du jour America is engaged in? Cheap thrills brought to you by Pfizer.

Ed Dowd is correct that the rate of disability from the jabs is going to be higher than the died suddenly rate and this is actually a bigger problem. I’ve seen it here in Phuket too. I’m not sure anybody works at either the IRS or the US Embassy anymore, packages are really delayed if they show up at all, and certain things (notably computer and car parts) just aren’t available. There is a risk of systemic collapse which will of course accelerate the death rate even further. The biggest thing is to find ways to heal the jabbed.

Investment wise Ed Dowd mentions a deflationary spiral. This might seem counterintuitive with the high inflation, but it is not. When people die they no longer need food, water, houses, cars or anything else. They may have even left these things to surviving relatives, who then no longer need shelter either. Economic growth is thus tied to high birth rates and young demographics, once you take out the money printer goes brrr things they are doing now. People are worried about stocks but where things are really blowing up is in the FX and repo markets. In the long run I expect a decoupling of money to value.

My substack, or perhaps my gmail, has been acting screwy for the past few days. I am no longer getting notifications regarding likes or comments. Yesterday I google searched my name and discovered that they have been burying a lot of results for me. I have been backing up my mailing list and have alternatives in place that I might need to use. This is just a heads up. Are any of you other substackers experiencing similar problems?

And really can we stop the shots already?

Source: Amy's Newsletter

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