Tuesday, August 16, 2022

"Dr. Naomi Wolf easily verified my truth bombs on Fox; why can't Fox?" by Steve Kirsch

 EH here. Naomi Wolf's article, the one Steve Kirsch references, follows Kirsch's below. 


Dr. Naomi Wolf easily verified my truth bombs on Fox; why can't Fox?

Dr. Naomi Wolf used INDEPENDENT methods to verify everything I said on Fox. Brian Kilmeade said Fox "can't verify" what I said. Did he meant "can't" or "won't"?

Executive summary

Dr. Naomi Wolf was easily able to verify what I said on Fox News in just a few days.

Fox was not interested in verifying it. They said they “can’t.” They aren’t kidding. It’s probably due to their advertising contracts with the drug companies. It’s a conflict of interest they’ve never disclosed to their viewers.

Media Matters wrote an article calling me a liar, cited no evidence, and they refuse to engage in a discussion so the public can decide who is right. They permanently banned me from commenting as well.


Wolf just posted an article verifying all the key “truth bombs” about the vaccine that I dropped on an unsuspecting Brian Kilmeade on August 10.

How is Wolf able to so easily verify my key statements, yet Fox is not? I even offered Fox all the evidence (which you can see here).

Wolf didn’t rely on any of the same sources that I did in her independent verification. She was easily able to verify what I said was true.

Media Matters vs. Dr. Naomi Wolf: A comparison of research used to justify a belief

Read Wolf’s extensive research. Now compare it with the “no evidence presented” methodology used by Media Matters to argue that what I said was false. They quoted me and said I lied. That’s it.

They provided no evidence that I lied.

Even worse, Media Matters did not respond to my requests to correct the article via their preferred email. When I tried to comment on the article defaming me, they banned me for life:

David Brock, the founder of Media Matters, reached out to me when he started the organization and I agreed to help fund it.

I regret the error.

Everyone makes mistakes. I thought that Media Matters was about upholding truth.

These people aren’t doing that. They are just promoting the mainstream narrative. David Brock ignored my email to try to contact him and all emails to corrections@mediamatters.org go unanswered.

Media Matters loves to hold others “accountable” but when it comes to allowing Media Matters to be held accountable, they run and hide.


Why do Fox and Media Matters hide from a discussion about what I said? It’s simple

Source: Steve Kirsch's newsletter


American Massacre. Steve Kirsch Claims "Hundreds of Thousands" of mRNA-Vaccine-related Deaths, "Millions" of Injuries. Is He Right?

I am inclined to say "Yes." Here is why.

On August 10, 2022, the Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur, and the now-Executive Director of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), appeared on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight. Kirsch made a number of claims that are well-documented among those of us who follow mRNA vaccine safety issues, but that may have been alarming surprises to a general audience.

Kirsch noted, for instance, that “the FDA and CDC falsely assured us that the approved COVID mRNA vaccines were safe and effective.” This statement is of course completely accurate. The reports by our War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers on DailyClout.io abundantly prove that this is correct, as have multiple other distinguished analysts such as Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Dr. Paul Alexander. Kirsch noted that “the COVID mRNA vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines created by man [for the general inoculation of the general US public].” He cites 250 deaths from a Sixty Minutes report on the smallpox vaccine, comparing that to the deaths from mRNA vaccine.  Certainly, in regard to the deaths of babies we know is correct, with more babies of mRNA vaccinated mothers having died than have babies of mothers vaccinated with all earlier vaccines, combined. [https://dailyclout.io/risks-to-babies-of-vaccinated-mothers-as-reported-in-vaers/]

Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Kirsch also invoked the wedding of Wayne Allyn Root, the conservative talk show host and commentator. Root had pointed out that of 200 guests at his wedding eight months earlier, 26 of those had been seriously ill or injured, and seven had died; all of these were vaccinated. Root also had said that among his friends and family who had been at his wedding who were unvaccinated, none to his knowledge had gotten sick or died.

Steve Kirsch's newsletter
Wayne Root's story is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to explain if the vaccines are safe
Executive summary Governments can report unreliable data. But individual anecdotes can be easily verified and can be hard to dispute, especially if there are thousands of reports that are all Black Swans. Even a single event with just 200 people, where everything is verifiable, is enough to sink the “safe and effective” narrative…
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Most controversially, perhaps, though, Kirsch stated that “hundreds of thousands” of people had died from the mRNA injections and that “millions” had suffered injuries related to these injections. Brian Kilmeade, the host, responded, “So you know, we can’t verify those numbers, these are numbers that you have.”

Steve Kirsch's newsletter
Kirsch drops truth bombs on Fox about the vaccines being deadly; Fox host very unhappy
Executive Summary Someone had to go on Fox News and tell the truth about the injury and death rates about the COVID vaccines. It’s never been done before. They’ve all attempts or simply no…
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Kirsch was immediately attacked on other platforms, for the last two data points that he asserted regarding injuries and deaths. Media Matters — an organization of which he was an original donor — accused Kirsch of making false statements. But, in fact, the Media Matters content about this is truly weird: there is a headline stating that Kirsch “Lied” — strong language, bound to be picked up by SEO to blacken search results about Kirsch — but there is zero analysis presented, showing that to be the case: https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-news-guest-lies-about-covid-vaccine-killing-hundreds-thousands-and-says-its-most. Kirsch contacted both founder David Brock by email, as well as the corrections email address, and to date, he reports, he has had no response. He tried to comment on the article itself to say that it was incorrect, but he said that the organization notified him that he was permanently banned from commenting. 

(Media Matters, which is supposed to be a watchdog for accuracy, in on the prowl to target critics of mRNA vaccines, it seems, and I would love to see that possible contract. In spite of the fact that David Brock is a formerly friendly acquaintance of mine, Media Matters also, without having contacted me first for comment, made derisive and ultimately misogynist fun of me on Twitter in summer of 2021 for my having accurately described on that platform — indeed, broken the important story of — women’s menstrual problems post-mRNA vaccination. CDC colluded with Twitter in targeting me for this reporting, the America First Legal FOIA now reveals, and I was deplatformed from Twitter soon thereafter. Millions of women suffered subsequently for this public health story having been suppressed — after it was assailed by Media Matters).

Other outlets were shy of either verifying or debunking Kirsch’s claims.

Steve Kirsch's newsletter

Kirsch drops truth bombs on Fox about the vaccines being deadly; Fox host very unhappy

Executive Summary Someone had to go on Fox News and tell the truth about the injury and death rates about the COVID vaccines. It’s never been done before. They’ve all attempts or simply no…

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Here is his article defending his use of these numbers:

Steve Kirsch's newsletter

Data justifying the claims I made on Fox News on Aug 10

Executive summary I appeared on Fox News on Aug 10. The transcript is here: Steve Kirsch on Tucker Carlson Tonight with Brian Kilmeade. …

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3 days ago · 92 likes · 115 comments · Steve Kirsch

I empathize with Kirsch’s ire. He and I both come from, and are now distanced from, the worlds of the privileged, intellectually self-regarding bicoastal Left. It’s surreal to spend decades in those circles as a respected voice, thinking that we all agree on basic post-Enlightenment ideals such as open debate and the critical examination of fact-based evidence, only to find that once you cross that tripwire of asking basic questions about a just-rushed-into-production mRNA vaccine, you go in an instant from having been a thought leader to a nutcase — for doing just exactly what you have done for decades: examining the data.

I appreciate Kirsch’s honey-badger persistence around demanding that his interlocutors either debate — and debunk — his evidence, or else, if they can’t do so, that they must retract their accusations that he is wrong. Those are the rules of gentlemanly and gentlewomanly conduct around the search for truth, that we were all taught in our expensive universities. What has happened to it?

So, let us now ask; is Kirsch indeed correct about the claims he makes regarding the scale of deaths and the scale of injuries and illnesses from the mRNA vaccines?

I believe that Kirsch is indeed correct in his conclusions. But you do not have to rely on his arguments or his sources to reach this conclusion.  I reached that conclusion not so much from the evidence that Kirsch provides, but rather, I believe that his conclusions are right from drawing on my independent research and from identifying other sources.

Kirsch has commissioned seven third-party polls that have sample sizes of 500 or more. In these polls, 7.6 per cent of households questioned reported what the respondent concluded was one or more deaths within the household attributed to the COVID-19 vaccine. 9.3 per cent of respondents reported that they themselves were injured by the COVID-19 vaccine; over half of these said that they had to seek medical treatment. This is suggestive, and useful as a starting point for independently-funded, peer-reviewed research. But there is a flaw with even good third-party polls: people who have been injured or lost a loved one may be more likely to speak to a pollster. Or the flaw can go in the other direction – people may be afraid to tell a stranger that they concluded that someone in their households was injured or killed by the mRNA vaccines. 

I also think that Kirsch’s use of the Wayne Root anecdote is instructive — we often get early signals of systemic problems from anecdotal surveillance of those around us. But the sample size is too small, in my view, from which to draw a certain conclusion.

Lastly, Kirsch relies on the VAERS database and projects from it. I think that projecting from the VAERS database is important to indicate a general signal that again requires more investigation, but that it is too hypothetical a figure to invoke as confirmed fact, as we don’t know if the VAERS database underreports by a factor of 10x, or a factor of 41x (Kirsch’s estimate), or by some other variable. All we know for certain is that VAERS significantly underestimates.

I do agree with Kirsch’s numbers, though, by looking, as noted, at other sources. And this is what we should all do; there is shockingly little actual peer-reviewed research comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated populations and seeing objectively, from a large sample size, who is getting sick and who is dying post-mRNA vaccination. Until that body of research exists, we all do need to review multiple sources and investigate their conclusions for ourselves.

All solid evidence, though, points to the serious scale of harms that Kirsch invoked.

The German government found that .3 per cent of those who received the mRNA vaccine, reported injuries. [https://dailysceptic.org/2022/07/21/german-government-acknowledges-covid-vaccines-cause-serious-injury-for-one-in-5000-doses-but-its-own-data-show-the-real-rate-is-one-in-300-doses/]. Toby Young found that the German government data show one in 300 injured after vaccination.

Another investigator in Germany found .8% of the mRNA-vaccinated struggled with serious side effects and that that percentage was “in line with” data from other countries:

“Worries about high rates of serious vaccine side effects have been raised before in Germany. In May, Professor Harald Matthes, a scientist leading a separate study into the safety of the vaccines, said that according to his data around 0.8% of vaccinated people in Germany were struggling with serious side-effects. This was in line with international evidence, he said, and much more needs to be done to help them.

“The number is not surprising. It corresponds to what is known from other countries such as Sweden, Israel or Canada. Incidentally, even the manufacturers of the vaccines had already determined similar values in their studies… Most side effects, including severe ones, subside after three to six months, 80% heal. But unfortunately there are also some that last much longer.

In view of around half a million cases with serious side effects after Covid vaccinations in Germany, we doctors have to take action. We have to come to therapy offers, discuss them openly at congresses and in public without being considered anti-vaccination.”’ [https://dailysceptic.org/2022/07/21/german-government-acknowledges-covid-vaccines-cause-serious-injury-for-one-in-5000-doses-but-its-own-data-show-the-real-rate-is-one-in-300-doses/]

A board member from an insurer in Germany, BKK, came forward with numbers that support Steve Kirsch’s estimate of “millions” of vaccine injuries in a given country of millions of vaccinated citizens. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1195560/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccinations-number-germany/] “A search of the databases of all BKK health insurance companies found that, from January to August 2021, around 217,000 of about 11 million BKK policyholders had to be treated for vaccine side effects. Andreas Schöfbeck, the board member who spoke out, told Die Welt: “According to our calculations, we consider 400,000 doctor visits by our insured persons due to vaccination complications to date to be realistic. Extrapolated to the total population, this figure would be three million.” That comes out as around ten times higher than the official figure from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the Government agency responsible for vaccinations.” [https://dailysceptic.org/2022/02/24/vaccine-side-effects-up-to-10-times-higher-than-official-figures-insurance-company-board-member-reveals/]. So, in Germany alone, a credible source tasked with compensating disability claims reports 217,000 of 11 million – or 1.97% - two-dose mRNA vaccine recipients required medical treatment. If there are 83.7 million Germans, of whom 63.1 million are two-dose vaccinated, that translates into about 1,243,070 medically injured or sickened Germans. If you extend that percentage of the injured or sick to the 261,981,618 Americans with at least one dose of mRNA vaccines, the figure provided by the CDC, or the “fully vaccinated” 223,457,170 with two doses –  that would be at least 4,402,106 vaccine-sickened or vaccine-injured Americans. 

So, Steve Kirsch is right about “millions” of injuries and illnesses, using this insurance-industry and government-database derived metric. [https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations_vacc-total-admin-rate-total]

As we saw above, solid data are coming in from government databases that even more conservatively show mRNA vaccine injuries to be .3-.8% of the total vaccinated. In the US, using this even more cautious metric, if .3-.8% of 223,457,170 suffer serious illnesses or injuries, it is still a figure ranging from about 670,200 to 1,787,200. If it is the higher range, Steve Kirsch is right about “millions” of mRNA-vaccinated injuries. If so, the figure is about the same as the number of Americans diagnosed with cancer every year – that is, mRNA vaccine injuries would now represent a catastrophic public health problem. [https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/dcpc/data/index.htm#:~:text=In%20the%20United%20States%20in,which%20incidence%20data%20are%20available.]

If we take lower percentage, or somewhere in between, this is still a grossly unacceptable injury and illness rate of hundreds of thousands of Americans, putting it in the top ten causes of illness in America. If the figure is in the lowest range of all, mRNA vaccine-related injuries and illnesses would still be equal to the number of Americans who sustain strokes every year. Again, that would represent a massive public health crisis — but one that could be eased at once without claiming new sufferers. [https://www.cdc.gov/stroke/facts.htm.]

I do also believe that there may be “hundreds of thousands” of deaths from the mRNA vaccine in America. Here is why. This superb analysis from The Exposé argues, using UK government data, that “Hundreds of thousands of people are dying every single week due to COVID-19 vaccination”. I urge you to read it in full and share it:

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of People are dying every single week due to Covid-19 Vaccination

by THE EXPOSÉ You were instructed to stay at home to protect the healthcare system. But while you did so, hospitals essentially had a holiday, and this is backed up by official data. You were told the answer to everyone’s prayers was to get the Covid-19 injection. But now that you have done so, the healthcare system is on the brink of collapse…

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In response to a FOIA request, the NHS confirmed that the ambulance calls in the UK starting in April 2021 revealed a rise in ambulance calls for those under 30; the data also show that there was an 82% rise in ambulance calls in 2021. The charts showing the escalation of calls for ambulances in this piece are truly shocking. The Exposé analysis also showed that VAERS revealed a 13,200% rise in myocarditis in the US in 2021 after mRNA vaccination. The Exposé also documents that there is a rise in excess deaths in 2021-22 not just in the UK, but in other countries in Europe. How do we know that these excess deaths are related to the mRNA vaccination? “In every single month since the beginning of 2022, partly vaccinated and double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds have been more likely to die than unvaccinated 18-39-year-olds.” [https://expose-news.com/2022/08/14/gov-reports-prove-hundreds-thousands-dying-covid-vaccine/] Mortality rates are lowest in every age category among — the unvaccinated. The analysis goes on, using UK government data, to show that “in all, 180,659 people died within 60 days of COVID vaccination between January 2021 and May 2022 in England.” The Exposé authors conclude that using UKHA numbers regarding the total vaccinated population in Britain, “one in every 246 people has died within 60 days of Covid-19 Vaccination in England.”

I also believe that deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine may be in the “hundreds of thousands” in the US from editing the Pfizer internal documents’ reports produced by the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers. Of the 42,000 plus adverse events recorded in the Pfizer documents, there were 1200 plus fatalities. [https://www.phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/reissue_5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf] Four people died on the day that they were injected. 1200 is 2.8 percent of 42,000. Pfizer — notably — redacted the “n” - the total number of injections administered — from within their internal documents (that we have seen so far), so we don’t know what percent of the total vaccinated these 1200 plus deaths represent. (That redaction alone is notable. Why redact the total figure if the ratio of injuries and deaths to that total is not a problem?)

But, if there are 4.8 million vaccine injuries or illnesses in the United States — see the math above based on Germany’s data per the BKK whistleblower — and if the Pfizer 2.8 per cent rate out of adverse events recorded can be extended to the adverse events in the US — then 134,400 people in America may have died, of the total of 4.8 million Americans injured by the COVID-19 vaccine. So not “hundreds of thousands” of deaths in one year, but in two years, yes; Steve Kirsch would be right.

I also believe we will see “hundreds of thousands of deaths” from the COVID-19 vaccine, once we know how to look and record correctly, because of the way the mRNA vaccine works. My previous Substack, “Facing the Beast”, presented my evidence, based on the Pfizer documents analysis, as well as on evidence I found that the Pfizer vaccine is produced in the US and around the world in concert with a CCP-run company, Fosun Pharmaceuticals, and along with data from an August 2021 rat trial out of Hong Kong, that in my view the mRNA vaccine, at least those made by Pfizer, constitute a possible bioweapon.

Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf
Facing the Beast
I was relaxing in our screened porch in our little cottage in the forest, feeling rather pleased with myself. It had been an arduous week of the usual combat for liberty, but there had been victories. I was reading a decorating magazine (we all have our vices). The grass was dewy; birds were loud. The morning was glorious…
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I refer you to that essay for my complete presentation; but, for our purposes here, I note that the August 2021 Hong Kong rat experiment showed that one mRNA vaccine-ingredients injection in the bloodstream causes some damage to  rats, and that the second injection causes catastrophic harms, including visibly enlarging the heart, creating white patches on the heart visible to the naked eye, damaging the liver, and generating cytokine storms. In all the messaging about the one dose/two dose “fully vaxxed” rhetoric, I never saw reporters asking the obvious question: why do you need two doses spaced close together? This is uncharacteristic of vaccines in general. What does it do? Why the wait? Why the repetition? And then, of course, there are the boosters.

Well, when you understand the Hong Kong rat study, and the role of the CCP in this mass injection program worldwide, you understand one possible reason for the repetition. In the last essay, I concluded that the Hong Kong rat study may well have been designed to show the CCP, which of course oversees all scientific experiments in both China and Hong Kong, how to kill or badly damage a mammalian subject slowly and imperceptibly.

So again: why the second dose? Why the boosters, especially since the Pfizer documents reveal that Pfizer knew a month out of the gate that the vaccines failed in efficacy in treating COVID-19? The repeated doses add toxicity to the subject, so you will get injuries and deaths slowly, over time, that cannot be directly traced to the vaccination.

That is why the all-cause mortality number is so important.

This US excess deaths figure is now hard to find, but here it is: “Since Feb. 1, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate there have been 942,431 excess deaths in the U.S. One insurance company executive estimated that death rates are currently up 40 percent over what they were pre-pandemic. The insurance industry experienced the largest year-over-year increase in payouts since the 1918 influenza pandemic.” [https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/excess-deaths-climb-at-significant-rate-during-pandemic/]

As in the UK, you would expect to find elevated heart disease data in America post-mRNA vaccination. But — you can’t. The American Heart Association statistics document titled “2021 Update” about US heart disease, ends with data from 2018. [https://professional.heart.org/en/science-news/heart-disease-and-stroke-statistics-2021-update]. CDC, for its part, stopped counting heart disease deaths in 2020. [https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/facts.htm]

Where are the 2021-2022 data for US deaths from heart disease?

Where indeed?

What you do find, though, in the US, is the legacy media engaged in CYA type stories to cover the fact that otherwise healthy people are dropping dead or else getting seriously ill, post-mRNA vaccination. Here is The Atlantic, in “America was in An Early-Death Crisis Long Before COVID”, trying to make a tortured argument, using a non-peer-reviewed study, that there are and have even before the pandemic been a category of one point one million “missing Americans.” Read it for the appalling sense of moral discomfort you get watching smart people twist and turn to evade the evidence of what is emerging as a massive gravesite, a massive hospital ward. [https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/07/us-life-span-mortality-rates/670591/], The article reveals a demented use of statistics. A/ The study that forms the basis of it is not yet peer-reviewed: “[Jacob] Bor’s study has yet to be formally reviewed” - but his colleagues say it’s awesome. B/ The unpublished study — which describes “a crisis of early death” in America — creates a purported category of “missing Americans” who suffered early death — especially, notably last year, 2021 — but there can no such thing. [Source: Bor Et Al.,: “MISSING AMERICANS: EARLY DEATH IN THE UNITED STATES, 1933-2021 (2022)”]. But there can be no such thing as mystery deaths in the United States. All deaths in the US require a death certificate. C/ The Atlantic attributes extra deaths to other causes — gun violence, suicide, drug overdoses — without evidence.

There are masses of other articles being produced along similar lines, seeking to normalize the sudden deaths and injuries of healthy children and young adults from heart attacks, collapse, blood clots and stroke.

I expect that there may be “hundreds of thousands'' of deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine in the near term in the US because of the way in which the mRNA vaccine directly invites other kinds of deaths — that can’t be directly linked to the vaccine when these deaths or debilities eventually occur. The internal Pfizer documents show side effects of thousands of instances of brain tumors, hemorrhages, strokes, encephalies, neurological issues such as MS, cancers that arise or else come roaring back (SM-102, purportedly in the Moderna vaccine, is an OSHA carcinogen); lung clots, blood clots, thrombocytopenia, epilepsy, liver damage, kidney failure and other horrific, disabling or ultimately murderous problems. Add to this the report that our Dr. Robert Chandler did proving that the toxic mRNA, spike protein and LNPs accumulate in vital organs, including in the brain and liver. [https://dailyclout.io/pfizer-used-dangerous-assumptions-rather-than-research-to-guess-at-outcomes/] You have a recipe for slow damage, slow and unidentifiable death over time, especially if one accedes to “boosters” — that will look organic or mysterious when the problems manifest.

But this mRNA vaccine was designed to be sneaky, and in my view, with the evidence I present in “Facing the Beast,” I believe based on the primary source evidence in the 30 plus reports on the Pfizer documents from our highly credentialed research volunteers, all of the reports linked at cited on DailyClout.io, that it was designed by our adversaries to damage vital organs, to accumulate in reproductive organs, and to kill us slowly. In the months and years to come, if someone dies of these thousands of identified vaccine side effects, no one will call it a death “from the mRNA vaccine,” of course.

Add to that the fact that doctors are being instructed by licensing boards that they will be delicensed for “medical misinformation” if they tell patients that harms may have derived from the mRNA vaccine. I met a community of brave physicians, including pediatricians, at a Children’s Health Defense Oregon event a few weeks ago, who described being fired for simply giving their patients what the doctors saw as “informed consent” regarding the mRNA vaccines.

Here is what I will add to the testimony of Wayne Root - changing professions slightly to protect identities, but not enough for you, the reader, to fail to grasp the systemic nature of the harms and deaths unfolding in near proximity to us all:

Anecdotally: in my little town — a surveyor’s wife dropped dead of a stroke. The surveyor himself had a heart attack. A colleague of mine who had lung cancer well in remission, saw her lung cancer come back at a voracious pace; she now is at Stage Four. A colleague’s healthy brother dropped dead. A young adult’s friend dropped dead. A relative has kidney failure. A relative has tachycardia post-booster. A human rights leader dropped dead on a hike. A local community organizer has a thyroid tumor. The beloved volunteer for the local fire department suddenly died. The volunteer for a fire department one town over suddenly died. A relative fainted and hit her head so hard she had to have brain surgery, and she is now incapacitated. A young, healthy counselor at the therapy practice one state over has lung clots. A former colleague has a debilitating condition that she believes is “long COVID”, which I don’t have the heart to tell her corresponds to the side effects in the Pfizer documents. Two formerly healthy friends have myalgia — debilitating muscle pain — which I don’t have the heart to tell them is one of the top two side effects in the Pfizer documents. A health young woman had a “ministroke” while pregnant. Another healthy young adult has crippling joint pain — which is the top side effect listed in the Pfizer documents.

None of these people were told by their doctors that these are all side effects in the Pfizer documents, or that these harms are possibly mRNA vaccine related. The doctors themselves may not know. No one of these people, thus, has any idea that they may be vaccine-injured, or that the deaths of their loved ones may be vaccine-related deaths.

These folks were all, to my knowledge, mRNA-vaccinated.

Of my friends and colleagues who chose not to be vaccinated? To my knowledge, all are fine. I have not heard of any new serious health conditions or of any fatalities.

So — on balance, Steve Kirsch is right.

And on balance, more importantly, this is a massacre; the stealthiest massacre in American history; a novel kind of massacre; in which hundreds of thousands can be injured, or can even be killed, on a battlefield of which they are unaware; with bullets which they cannot even see; in a war about which they are told — that no evidence exists. 

Source: Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf

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