Monday, June 27, 2022

"The Wheels Are Rapidly Coming Off the Tottering Western Wagon" by Aearnur



Yet the wagon masters whip the horses to ever greater speed.

How many metaphors apply in this present circumstance where everything possible is going wrong that can go wrong across the western world?

There are quite a number apart from the one I used in the heading above.

There is of course the one about Nero fiddling while Rome burns.

More appropriately perhaps there’s the one about adjusting the chairs on the sinking Titanic.. to which we could add, perhaps more closely aligning with the present situation, a captain who sees the iceberg emerging from the gloom and shouts the command, “Full steam ahead!” 

This final metaphor I’d say of the three, most closely portrays the crisis now unfolding across western states. But the degree of catastrophe now unfolding before us appears certain to transcend the capacity of mere words to encompass its effects.

And the worst of it is that those who are causing this ongoing disaster are determined to keep doing what they’re doing, without let or hindrance, ever-escalating their actions, completely uncaring apparently of what ultimately transpires to harm their populations.

Indeed, the leadership of the West appear to be gluttons for punishment. Every counterproductive measure followed by more Russian gains in Ukraine alongside an ever-declining economic outlook in the West is followed in turn by even more counterproductive measures. This is a vicious cycle leading to one inevitable end result, a western world bereft of its previous power and in hopeless disarray regarding its aim to become universal dictator in a unipolar world.

This while most of the world looks on aghast unwilling to help the collective west as it grasps for ever-thinner straws while it drowns in an economic and political morass of its own making. 

The continual prodding of the Russian bear since at least 2007 and Vladimir Putin’s Munich speech is now having its inevitable result. This hapless quest, to foment a colour revolution in Moscow through endlessly ramping up pressure via Ukraine has resulted in an absolute humiliating debacle of enormous proportions for the entire western world. Previously its leaders were able to wield huge manipulative power over most nations. This ability has now quite obviously been lost as the global south as a whole refuses to any longer obey its strictures.

India is in open revolt against a western leadership that finally pushed its regime change program one stage too far. It and most others who were previously cowed by western power now recognise its oncoming demise, weakened by its own actions, hung on its own petard. They have no wish to slow that process and every incentive to speed it along.

Without the dictatorship of the West hanging constantly over their heads the nations of the world who have previously been treated as hapless minions in a western fiefdom can look forward to a multipolar world where they are treated as equals and with respect. The unipolar world that the western elites were intent on creating where they had total oversight and control held no benefits whatsoever for most nations who prided themselves on their independence as sovereign nations. Quite the opposite.

For the nations above the present downward course of the West can only be welcomed. This as the nations closest to their own hearts who are offering relationships of mutual respect and economic cooperation, Russia and China, offer a far brighter future prospect.

So there we have it.

The fast dying beast of the West hits out at “enemies” only perceived so due to its own mindless delusions… all the while only hurting itself and its now exceedingly tenuous prospects of survival.

And so we have yet one more apt metaphor regarding the present disastrous and wholly self-created disaster we see unfolding across the entire western world.

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