Monday, May 16, 2022

"We're so far down the rabbit hole" by georgie&donny

 Thanks to Maxwell for contributing this article.


We're so far down the rabbit hole

will we ever get out?

In the late 1800’s when the medical industry was just getting started, it was noticed that people often developed symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, mucus, running nose or eyes, pustules at the same time and in the same place.

They didn't suspect this to be due to city dwelling or working conditions; children were exposed to arsenic, lead, mercury, phosphorus, unclean water and were malnourished. They thought it must be due to invisible, infectious, pathogenic particles and started using the word virus, meaning poison.

These putative, tiny dots were thought to be the cause of many things that no one at the time understood, including conditions, which were later revealed to be vitamin deficiencies, such as scurvy, beriberi and pellagra.

Obviously no one could see viruses. Nor could they show transmission of them from sick to healthy people.

The word, however had resonance and persisted. Doctors and scientists began to develop in authority and more people started to trust what they said. The ‘diseases’ (collections of symptoms of detoxification) didn’t need a single cause, though neither was there evidence that the particles, termed viruses, themselves existed anywhere but in supposition.

Doctors were so convincing that they were able to birth the lucrative vaccine industry. Vaccines have never been showed to improve health, and evidence of harm is censored and doctors discredited. Be cautious when looking this up on the pharma-marketing website wikipedia; the references take you to the CDC homepage and not to peer reviewed articles. The figures given are projections of how many people would have died if child labour, for example, had not been abolished and not the impact of vaccines.

Onward into the 20th century. Viruses were still not shown to exist or cause disease yet the unnecessary vaccine industry was continuing to flourish. The effects of toxins were still low down on the list of priorities to be investigated. Consequently millions were killed or harmed by being sprayed with DDT and other insecticides, which did not prevent but caused polio like illness.

HIV was thought to be the cause ‘AIDS’.However AIDS was definitively shown not to be sexually transmitted; it is only correlated with frequency of receptive anal sex. Kaposi Sarcoma was shown to be caused by poppers. Other symptoms were caused by heavy drug use and malnutrition. Yes still the virus dream persisted.

Onward into the 21st century. Workers everywhere still exposed to toxic chemicalsPollution in places like Wuhan and Northern Italy so bad that in China pneumonia is the leading cause of childhood death.

Still the word and concept of virus persists. The vaccine industry now worth $trillions.

Viruses and their syndromes they’re meant to cause are used interchangeably; such as talking about ‘catching’ the record breaking money making, small business busting, career making or breaking, life ruining, devastation known as ‘COVID’. With still no evidence that any of it is caused by a virusIn a world full of toxins, pollution, obesity and malnourishment.

Some people are saying that viruses exist but are not harmful- therefore not by definition viruses. They don’t seem to want to let go of this word.

The word virus, not by accident, has come to mean a very bad thing if it gets into your computer.

The word viral, not by accident, has come to mean exponential growth and transmission when applied to social media.

Many people are saying ‘but if viruses don't exist, why do people and families get sick in the same house, under the same stresses, at the same time of year, such as in winter when particulate matter is high’ Which takes us right back to the 1800’s when they were first imagined into being. Now we are asked to show evidence that viruses don’t exist! When they were only postulated (and never proved) as possible explanations for groups of symptoms in the first place!

blue and white road sign
Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

Now scientists go looking for RNA sequences in samples containing billions of random fragments. They think that a virus might look a bit like a bacteriophage, which does exist, as part of the life-cycle of bacteria, so they choose the sequences that would fit in with this look. They join them all up, and add bits that are ‘missing’ to make a ‘genome’. No one anywhere in this world, not even the PCR test or vaccine manufacturers, have a sample of SARS in a dish. The virus only exists in silico; that is, in computer Wonderland.

Scientists imagine that the proteins they find by adding crude lung samples from sick people to abnormal monkey kidney cells, and then oxidising and starving them, come from these viruses. They invent impressive sounding cleavage sites with uncontrolled and invalid experiments.

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What does our future look like? We know that the vaccine pushers and billionaires, with the help of their unelected henchmen at the WHO, are planning a massive virus surveillance operation. Using our money they will be on the alert for future unnecessary vaccine/money making opportunities. All the while the actual causes of illness; pollution, poverty, obesity, malnourishment, dirty water, working conditions, loneliness go unaddressed. So it seems to me we are going to be staying at this mad, mad tea party for a long, long time to come.

Source: georgie&donny's Newsletter

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