Monday, March 7, 2022

"See (if you can stand it) what those Nazi 'punisher battalions' have been doing to Ukrainians" by Mark Crispin Miller


See (if you can stand it) what those Nazi "punisher battalions" have been doing to Ukrainians

There are videos of staggering atrocities committed in the East: Russell "Texas" Bentley tells what's in them, but doesn't recommend we watch them

I’ve been watching interviews with Russell Bentley, the native Texan who’s now living in Donetsk with his Ukrainian wife. An ardent anti-Nazi, who’s seen close-up, for years, the violence inflicted by Kiev’s infamous “punisher battalions” on the Russian-speaking residents of East Ukraine, Bentley is a strong supporter of the Russian military there, rooting unapologetically for their destruction of those Nazi forces.

In his interviews with Max Blumenthal and Gerald Celente, Bentley has mentioned videos of atrocities committed by those forces. Since such videos have not been circulating here (as far as I know), and since they might provide some background to, or context for, the crisis in Ukraine, I emailed Bentley (Gerald was kind enough to give me his email address) to ask him for some links.

Here is his reply. I’ve taken his advice, and not watched any of those videos, because his email has convinced me not to try. But his reply itself strikes me as horribly enlightening, and therefore something that I feel obliged to share, as it sheds light where “our free press” has maintained total darkness for the last eight years, paying no attention to the genocidal violence that’s been raging in the East, against Ukrainians, since the 2014 coup that the US orchestrated in Kiev (and that “our free press” therefore failed to cover honestly).

Are those videos propaganda? Perhaps they would be, if anyone had thought to circulate them, to make a sort of case for Russia’s military action; but no one has, perhaps because, as Bentley says, they’re just too horrible to send around. However much they might appear to justify Putin’s invasion, they can’t be propaganda if nobody’s seen them—whereas the media’s non-stop assertion of atrocities committed by the Russian military (atrocities that have, so far, been largely faked by “our free press”) is propaganda of the crudest kind. Similarly, Bentley’s description of those videos would be propaganda, if he offered it in any of those podcasts; but he did not, and only offered it to me because I asked him for those links.

In order to make sober judgements on what’s happening over there, we need to know as much as we can learn about it; and so I’m posting Russell Bentley’s email. Feel free to watch those videos, if you have the stomach for it.


I am sorry I do not have specific links. I am going to do something horrible now and direct you to a site that I am pretty sure has them. I was sent them and had to watch them as part of my job to tell the truth. You don't really have to watch them, and if you do, you will not share them. There is one of AZOV nazis nailing a prisoner to a cross, dousing him with gasoline, standing the cross up and then setting him on fire. It does not show the entire ordeal of him burning to death, but more than enough to know for sure it is not fake. There is one of them bringing a semi-conscious prisoner to a grave , throwing him and burying him alive. Again, it is not fake, it is one continuous take, till the hole is completely filled, and they tamp it down and plant a sign that says "SEPAR", "separatist". There is another one of a man in a DPR uniform from 2014 or 15, standing next to a pregnant woman with ropes around their necks. The ropes go over a cross beam suspended between two trees, and tied to the back of a car. The car slowly drives forward, the bodies are lifted, and strangled to death. You really want to see that?

Understand, watching these will scar your soul, it will change your life and your view of the world, permanently. It did mine, but I had to watch. I always hated those motherfuckers who liked to watch those old "Faces of Death" videos. You are a fool if you want to see it, but if you want, go to or Search for Ukraine war crimes. I have never been on that site, but I have seen their water mark on some of these videos. If you don't have to, don't do it. You asked, so there you go. If you go, you will not thank me.


Gerald Celente’s interview with Bentley:

Max Blumenthal interviewing Bentley:

Source: News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller

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