Sunday, November 7, 2021

"There is good news – the battle is not lost" by Kathy Gyngell


There is good news – the battle is not lost


IT’S ALL too easy to feel defeated by the relentless and rapid attrition of our rights as the governments of the West transition from democracies to tyrannies while their populaces obediently comply.

Where is the protest? Well, it is out there, much as the mainstream media is reluctant to report it. All is not lost. America still offers hope. The ethos of the land of the free still pertains. Just take the extent of the mass walkouts across the US in protest at President Biden’s vaccine mandates. That Reuters reported this story – ‘from Boeing to Mercedes, the workers rebellion is swelling’ – is telling. It’s indicative of a ‘movement’ that cannot be silenced nor contained. The economic consequences cannot be ignored. This is coming not just from the private sector – a tide of protest is running through the public sector unions too. 

A recent article in Tablet describes it as ‘the revolt of essential workers’. Alex Gutentag argues that after decades of declining union participation, the country this year has seen 25 major work stoppages involving 425,500 workers, which he says is the highest number since 2001. He explains that although Covid-19 lockdown did stop what was already a nascent American workers’ movement in its tracks (since protests and acts of political rebellion were essentially banned) the impact of artificially low wages and the pressure caused by vaccine mandates has changed that.  A poll of truckers, for example, found that 26 per cent of respondents would rather be fired than get the Covid-19 vaccine, and another 10 per cent said they would quit before getting it. 

‘Over a third of Chicago’s police force has defied the city’s vaccine mandate, with the mayor accusing the union of attempting to “induce an insurrection” and threatening to withhold benefits from officers who opt to retire instead of getting vaccinated. Seventy-three unvaccinated school bus drivers were already forced to quit ahead of the first day of school in Chicago, resulting in lack of transportation for over 2,100 students. The city also faced off with unvaccinated teachers before finally giving up after  per cent of school district employees refused to get vaccinated.

‘Similar chaos continues to brew in many parts of the country. Forty per cent of TSA [Transportation Security Administration] agents remain unvaccinated, as do hundreds of thousands of military personnel. About 12 per cent of Washington state’s health care workers did not meet their vaccination deadline, hundreds of Los Angeles firefighters are suing the city for $2million each, and the San Francisco MTA [Municipal Transportation Agency] warned of possible disruptions to transit. Southwest Airlines was recently forced to cancel over 2,000 flights in what was widely rumored to be a pilot “sick out” over the company’s vaccine mandate. Later, Southwest employees publicly protested the mandate, and the company has temporarily relented.’

 Each local mandate battle, Gutentag points out, ultimately contributes to ‘a national high-stakes game of chicken that pits working people against a wealthy, increasingly authoritarian overclass’, and he warns that while ‘the vaccine has provided the perfect pretext for ideological purges of major institutions and industries’, these purges may backfire as a considerable amount of labour is still needed to keep society running. 

‘Although much of the pandemic response has resembled a controlled demolition, the potential for a transition to full automation, a rent-only economy, self-driving vehicles, and centralized biometric IDs has not yet been fully realized . . . While Covid-19 policies once served to undermine mass mobilization and organizing, a tight labor market is now providing a unique chance to reverse this trend.’

You can read the full fascinating article here.

Doctors are speaking out too. A reader alerted me to this report which shows the snowball effect that one act of bravery can have – how one brave ICU physician reporting Covid-19 vaccine injuries led to a dozen more speaking out. Aaron Siri, posting on his Injecting Freedom substack site, explains:  “risked it all” to step forward, after being ignored by public health officials, to reveal the serious series of harms she witnessed from Covid-19 vaccines in her intensive care unit’. 

He tells how with that one act, his firm has now been contacted by more than a dozen other physicians. He attaches 11 declarations from doctors across the country attesting to serious harms from Covid-19 vaccines.

You can read them here.


Source: TCW


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